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Oh. A reference to the september that never ends I presume? :D
It's got a Usenet etymology, I believe
yup that.
if it only took 3 close votes instead of 5 maybe we would stand a better chance, but as it is, it takes too long to close a junk question.
they need to not get answers.
@FalconMomot: or bring back the old tradition of the pillory close vote room
@Wesley and I tried that. nobody came.
We used to post stuff in here all the time, but it became a bit too easy to bandwagon jump on anything that may be slightly borderline
I only come on for chat now, if I'm honest. I'll occasionally read the first half of the front page, but I don't search for Q's anymore
@Iain I just voted to close that ;p
@JourneymanGeek you should try to expend all your close votes today!
@FalconMomot: annoyingly, I'm not always sure whats on topic
@JourneymanGeek exactly. if you, of all people, think it's off topic, it's something that could probably be dragged in here with little harm :P
(also, been busying myself with network upgrades. gig-e is good and virtuous!)
you, of the running in SU mod elections
I can dig through the review queue
@FalconMomot there is apparently a review queue which supersedes the v-t-c room - it has audits and everything it must be better ;)
I wonder how many people are active in /review - I see 3 so far today
@Iain: on SU, I get a reminder that there's stuff in the review queue
I never use /review anymore
those audits..
I think everyone hates em ;p
and I'm same as @Dan.. I rarely visit the site to find interesting stuff
the ones I answer are usually the ones who people link here.. they tend to be good
@pauska: chat tends to be better for that ;p
@JourneymanGeek I don't on SF and I've even used a bit of userstyling to hide the links
One of @ewwhite's questions turned up in the queue...
@pauska or very bad
obvious review audit ;p
I read The Workplace more than I do here, but that's mostly to remind myself why it's so damned easy to appear competent and why social skills are important
@Dan: I'm on SU more cause it reflects what I'm doing now on a day to day basis.
other than attempting organise the movement of domestic felines.
I do see the occasional interesting question here but yeah.
@FalconMomot: out of close votes now. Happy? ;p
And I've started looking at the workplace too @dan -- quite interesting stuff but yeah some people are social hand grenades
@RobM Oh - I have an end date of the end of Feb
nice. Looking forward to the big day I hope :)
Had a great long meeting with the MD (Where we agreed it) and things are good. He still intends to use me where appropriate/possible at the agreed day rate, and occasional support etc. Plus, he's happy to keep my account active so I can use their resources :)
Sounds like a decent guy actually
Hard work at times, but yes, extremely - he also told me the door was always open if things go to shit, so that's a nice safety net
So I'm quite happy with the concept really - if I can keep in touch with things here, it'll help me massively and they get another resource when things get tight
Sounds like a good position to be in. I can see you doing well mate, but its nice to have the safety net too isn't it
@RobM Yep - it's all about risk mitigation I suppose
Got my last (and highest) Citrix exam this Saturday, too. It's the biggy, so I'm not hugely optimistic but I'm desperate to get it done now
nice, hope it goes well :)
You still thinking of looking?
yeah, need to update my CV a bit, but yes
> Honestly, it took me 30 seconds to find this - you should really learn to use a search engine, they are the way forward.
@RobM Good stuff
There's "bunking off school" and then there's "BUNKING OFF SCHOOL" this is the latter - metro.co.uk/2014/01/16/…
There's a bit of me that wants to laugh and say "Fair Play", but to be honest, I see £30k per annum boarding school and just think "Rich cunts doing what rich cunts do"
I thought it was a lesbian couple to start with :s
to be honest, if you could have done that at 16 and thought you'd have got away with it, you would.
Or is that just me?
I know this is DM, but this is pretty neat too dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2540046/…
@RobM hell yes
that was on radio 5 last night, they interviewed the kid who sounded properly happy to get a ride on a marines landing craft. As well he might at that age, too
@RobM Oh, 100% - I just question a 16 year old in FTE who has available funds to book a 2x flights and a 5 star in hotel to the Dominion, but can't even be arsed to tell someone
an inconsiderate, rich knob for sure
Or led around by the nose. If his other half suggested it then at that age I'm not sure I could have said no either! Still a knob though
I wonder how long it would take for someone to noticed if a student did that at my previous school.
I used to teach self defence and judo at a girls private boarding school when I was 18 and some of them probably could have had the money and willpower to do it!
Would you do an update on an apparently critical system based on an answer here
I give up with markdown
I thought I took that out
what a twat deleting this serverfault.com/questions/567640/…
My Technical Director thought it'd be hilarious to sit down, open up his e-mails and then tell me I'd done an accidental Reply-To-All when slating a 3rd Party
It's going to take all day for my heart rate to recover
@Dan and how will you be punishing him?
@DennisKaarsemaker Yet to be determined
@Dan may I suggest an annoy-a-tron
@DennisKaarsemaker He sits in front of me, so that'd be an own goal really
except that you know what it is, so it won't drive you that crazy :)
or you can hide it in his car
Boom, I have arrived.
my day is complete ;)
@ITHedgeHog hello
Commonly competent sysadmins are used — Iain 39 mins ago
@tombull89 I believe they are trolling us
@Iain what, Sandra isn't real!?
then who is @ewwhite trying to sleep with?
oh it's a .gif
christ, dell has so many different tools for system administration and updating of firmware
does anyone know what to use on a new, standalone server?
Downlaod them all manually and just do it ;)
HP isn't much better either.
HP provides a single ISO you can download and just autorun
Dell has fourteen different methods of updating the firmware
seems like I found the easy way - ftp against ftp.dell.com inside the lifecycle controller
I'm hating on Windows RRAS todday
@ITHedgeHog You should be hating on it every day
I would had I used it other days
It's just being an arse
@Iain That got flagged as rude. I dismissed it.
I haven't seen Jenny in chat for a bit
In any normal program, shift-tab is go up a field. Not in our helpdesk, both tab and shift-tab is go down one. Gah.
Someone's just found one of these:
And wants us to put Windows 8.1 on it.
oh my god
what's in it? P4? Celeron?
"sure, go ahead, you're gonna be using it"
if it's just been "found" it should "find" it's way to the kerb for disposing of
@tombull89 I've no idea, I'll check.
I'm gonna go on 2x 256mb RAM?
It's en-route to the skip.
Even I don't want it.
Stabbity stab stab stab /me with RAS
@TomO'Connor :(
@Iain Sandra is a bit speshul.
One of those users in the category "I wish I could destroy them but they've got too much rep"
anyone managed to get openvpn working ipv6 tunnelled over ipv6? I can get ipv6 tunnelled over ipv4 but not 6 over 6
@tombull89 pahaha
@tombull89 lovely
huh.. this new dell T320 tower server only has a single fan (except the small ones in each PSU)
Has anyone else seen "Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents" ?
no but a quick scan of the wankypedia page makes it sound awfully seedy and creepy
@RobM Basically a group of teenagers (18+) go off to some holiday destination "under the pretext that the Beeb want to make a documentary about them"
their parents follow, watch them, spy on them and so on
then reveal that they were there all along and they saw everything
the theory is that the folks get to see what their kids are really like
and it improves their relationship
yep. That's what wikipedia says. Sounds creepy and depressing to me.
i actually suspect it's the exact opposite.
Surely if the kids wanted their parents to know something, they'd tell them
Late teens kids like to fuck and get wild and don't want their parents to know the details of every little bump and/or grind. Film at 11.
Not having kids i couldn't really say, but i suspect if my parents followed me on holiday they'd say "wow, isn't he boring?"
And you'd probably say "what the heck are you doing?"
These kinds of "reality" shows are one of the reasons I don't like TV very much.
There's absolutely smeg-all on tv this season after about 9pm
I find myself strangely drawn to those "cop wars / traffic cops / road wars" kinda shows but even they're all the same after a while. Chav acts up, gets nicked, gets essentially let off by the judges.
I like that really dodgy one from US tv
"To catch a predator"
it's like "did you really think you weren't going to be set up"
yeah. also depressing.
that people could be that sick and that stupid.
@RobM It's car-crash TV.
You know you shouldn't watch, but can't not.
uh huh
other people's life disasters are strangely compelling
that's why I try and avoid watching them to start with...
@RobM I was watching something like british traffic cops t'other day
and all i wondered is why their police choppers aren't fitted with sidewinder missiles.
It would solve a lot of problems
"he's doing 90 approaching a small village" Oh that's ok, we'll just take him out with the cannon
In fairness, after they did the first 10 or so the idiots would learn
@RobM You're using Dell servers right?
@pauska yeah, we're almost completely Dell
@RobM help out a noob here
if I can!
do you install any kind of dell software/agents on Windows, or is it enough with the lifecycle thingy?
We use openmanage essentials, I think its called, but that's because we have a Dell TAM who wants to be able to get direct notice of things like SAN h/w issues, etc.
We've also simply not bothered and phoned the faults in ourselves...
I would say that's a good thing
so openmanage is the only way for me to get emails about hardware status?
I did set up email alerting in iDRAC, but there is no alerts to configure..
We do like the idrac/lifecycle controller too, we've just not always bothered with it
I think you need openmanage for the alerts. I know you certainly used to.
We tend to use SNMP to do alerting instead, to be honest.
Top o' the morning to you one and all.
@RobM do I have to reboot to enter the lifecycle controller?
I can't seem to find any remote interface for it
I don't know if you have to, I know that we always have.
Guys, my Windows Server 8 is acting up
Q: How do I set up a Jabber server on Windows Server 8?

BradyKellyI would like to set up a Jabber server on one of our development servers, so all our developers always have IM, without being bothered by external calls etc. on Skype or Google Talk. How do I go about this?

Upgrade it to Windows Server 8.1, geez.
Pfft Server 8.1? I'm on Server 9.
I did actually answer his question
@tombull89 Sharez da warez plz!
In case he was too dense to figure out the steps to it
Question self-deletion in 3...2...1...
I hate it when users modflag for self-deletion
@MDMarra Those that can read will see I say "Windows Server 8", not "Windows 8". I hope you didn't waste a downvote on that stupid mistake. — BradyKelly 12 mins ago
That's fucking beautiful
If you're going to be a cocksucker about something, you'd better be sure you're right.
@MDMarra For your own sake, yes - but for ours it's nowhere near as entertaining
this is true
@TomO'Connor I heard you couldn't shoot straight
pew pew
@Dan I am that man from nantucket.
@TomO'Connor Flagged
@Dan My mum bought dad a t-shirt with that on.
@TomO'Connor :D I love your mum
@Dan So do i.
That makes sense if you parse it just right
I have a conundrum and need a little advice
Keep using the creme?
@tombull89 egg
@MDMarra Spit.
My team currently uses Lenovo T430 - they look like they're from 2005 even though they're brand new. Recently we were told we'd standardize on a high end laptop and they were working out specs. I was asked if my team preferred a T440 or T440s (the s is for "slim" - ultrabook form factor)
So, I ask me team - normal formfactor or ultrabook
unanimous vote for ultrabook
then, yesterday, I'm told that ultrabook isn't an option
So my two choices are to drop it and disappoint the team, or push the issue and ruffle the feathers of the internal support guy that offered it to us without getting it cleared first
Push gently, first
Then you'll just have to tell the team - they'll know you're not in charge of procurement and they'll get over it. It's new, free shit whichever way you look at it
I mean, the engineering group literally makes 100% of the money for the company. We're an infrastructure consulting company.
And most of us work remote 100% of the time
I don't get why you wouldn't spend the extra couple hundred bucks on the hardware that everyone's shown preference to
Ah, so you need the best of the best. I recommend iBooks. They're the bee's.
I had an iBook G4
12" model, 1GHz (I think)
Even that was more stylish than a T430 :)
@MDMarra It's just one of those things - you may do the work, but remember, there'd be no work if there was so sales, marketing, account management etc :)
You could find something cheaper than a lenovo though
Vendor isn't my choice
posted on January 16, 2014 by SysAdmin1138

Worried about the IPv4 to IPv6 migration? NetWare users had a similar migration when Novell finally got off of IPX and moved to native TCP/IP with the release of NetWare 5.0 on or around 1999. We've done it before. Like...

Shit, the model isn't even my choice apparently
@ScottPack Tough Shit, more like
Would you like me to take your suitcase sir? Oh no, this is my laptop.
lenovos tend to be on steep discounts for corp orders
something like under half price
@Dan Our network field guys all use toughbooks. Those things are bricks.
@ScottPack Clever bricks.
mine cost me ~900, slightly stripped down model, but the cheapest model on the market was over 2K
Friend of mine put his through the dishwasher once.
@Dan Then, one day, I was sitting in one of their office's and he started peeling off this strip of velcro that was on the back. It completely ripped off the metal cover that's over the network card.
Well, I take it back, the security hex bolt kept it in place, it was just a worthless crumpled piece of metal after that.
I got a call yesterday from a recruiter for a storage gig - 120k/y in Philly if anyone knows anyone
@MDMarra Cole?
120k sounds very very senior
Is 120KUSD/yr good or not in the grand scheme of things?
what kind of tax level do you pay on that?
I believe it's in the 30% bracket
but not all of the money is taxed at that rate
wow. our upper rate is 40%
us.thetaxcalculator.net suggests it's a little over 7k/month after tax
which sounds awesome.
I thought you commies just paid 100% income to the queen in exchange for health care
no, that's Norway
@TomO'Connor But then you pay insurance, and contribute to a retirement plan, etc etc and it's more like 5500-6k
which is still awesome
@MDMarra Surely your retirement plan is optional, though..
that's £3.6/k month.
It is, but if you're not contributing to it while making 120k/y you're silly
I mean, I pay something like 100/month into mine, but I did consider for a while just working till I die.
@TomO'Connor It depends, for me it's not an option.
@tombull89 Not that much more than a good sr devops salary in London, then.
At this point in the US, you realistically need probably $1 million at least to retire at 65
@MDMarra Depends what you want to do when you do retire.
I suspect buying a ranch in colorado is probably a lot less than that.
could be
@MDMarra Are you basing that off 25 or 30 years of continued existence?
either one, really
We might live to be 200
Then we're really screwed
Thanks, modern medicine
@TomO'Connor I have no plan at the moment
The idea of retiring at 65 and then living until my 90s scares me. I don't want to be retired for the same length of time that I worked.
Why not, man
I read about a guy that retired at 35
He and his wife put every dime toward paying off their house and student loans, then they bought a condo
So they have rental income from the condo
and everything else is paid off
I get fed up with having nothing to do after 2 weeks of vacation.
Occasionally they each free-lance because they're bored, but they just like hike and shit
@ScottPack Nor me
@MDMarra I really couldn't do that - if I was literal, lottery win style rich then perhaps I could spend my time travelling, but I'd still have to have some goals whether they be charity, writing or whatever
But the idea of just existing as I do now, btu without having to work would bore the crap out of me
I'd love it
I really do like my job a lot
But I could stop working tomorrow if someone was like poof you're rich.
Same here. Maybe doing research like stuff. Oo, you know what would be fun as a retirement gig? Community Manager like work for a vendor.
Yeah I think if i was in that position I'd want something to do as a hobby, but what it would be, I don't know. I do like IT/Tech so I'd want to do something involving it but I wouldn't be working in the job I'm in now
@Dan Every other job I've ever had, the company didn't contribute. It's now that I work for a "real" company that they'll match up to 5% it's worth doing.
Find the right one. Go to conferences. Chat with people, have all the time in the world to do cool stuff and go present.
@ScottPack I suspect I'll get a retirement gig fixing the computers that are modern now.
Like those guys who fix AS/400s now
@MDMarra I'd stop my job here and do stuff I was interested in
@TomO'Connor So you'd be the Tandem Non-Stop Technician of today.
@ScottPack Precisely.
@TomO'Connor Yeah, that'd be ace - rocking up to a 2012 box in 2040 or whatever
@TomO'Connor Like the fortran programmers at y2k
@TomO'Connor "damned kids and their quantum computers"
@Dan And having had the last 40 years to learn everything about it.
@TomO'Connor "in my day our machines had 16GB RAM and quad-core CPUS"
@TomO'Connor Nah, I'll just blag it like I do now
@TomO'Connor It seems like being an AS/400 or a Tandem tech now would be way more interesting than being a 2012 admin in 30 years.
there is nothing interesting about fixing as/400s. Nothing.
@ScottPack I know someone who's basically a Lotus Domino ace, and he's been offered contracts paying upwards of 5K/day
I want a job that'll pay me £2k/month with the description of "do cool shit"
@TomO'Connor That's kind of like being an expert in having sex with animals, though
@tombull89 Feel like relocating?
@tombull89 Seriously. There's a job advert about to be posted here, which is basically doing cool shit. It's sorta sysadmin/networks/devopsy stuff
@TomO'Connor Ouch!
@tombull89 Lots of those around here
@TomO'Connor Don't know how well I could hack London. I'd be more than interested to have a look at it though.
Different currency, of course, but I plugged it into google so I know what I'm talking about :)
course £2k/month would do me OK in Bristol but in London...
@tombull89 Once you grow accustomed to having continuously black mucus you'll be fine.
@tombull89 I'm not in London.
I'm in Malvern, Worcestershire.
Interesting. OSX made me authenticate to disable Java in my browser, but not to change the Security Level from High to Medium.
@TomO'Connor Yo! That's so close to me! google.com/maps/…
@ScottPack Does the plugin config sit in a privileged location?
Does anyone here make use of Google Omaha protocol?
Knickerbocker Golf Range.
@MDMarra I don't really know.
Victory Brewing is right next to Malvern.
it is
@MDMarra But one seems like it should definitely require elevation and one seems questionable. I'm not sure I agree with the assignment.
Is the security zone per-user?
I'd imagine the plugin is machine wide
/Library instead of ~/Library
or whatever the actual path is
I just pretend I know OS X
The popup told me the plugin was user only.
I'm not honestly sure where it stores the various and sundry configs, and what ends up being global versus user. Except for a brief masochistic stint administering an OSX server I've only ever fucked with them as single user devices.
I think I'll have to make a note of this and dig into it when I get some time. This seeming discrepancy bugs me.
Call Jony Ive! UX Discrepencies!

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