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@cole Standardizing on cabling? Lies!
Q: What would be the disadvantages of using a 4 stranded ethernet cable?

Journeyman GeekI got this cable with a homeplug AV 200 device - its labelled cat 5e But looking at the plug end has me rather dubious about it. (There's only 4 strands there, not the standard 8) I'm currently using it for some legacy equipment that runs on fast ethernet and the plug it came with and it se...

@JourneymanGeek I try to do blue = servers, red = iLO, green = computers although that falls down with the blue 10m one I have going to my bedroom's WDTV Live.
(I need to set that one on fire once I am done with science)
@ScottPack I have to say - our data center is very neat and well cabled/labeled.
@tombull89: You have seen my network, right? ;p
I'd love to standardise all the things, and have actual ethernet cables where needed ;p
I'm making do suprisingly well with all this jerry rigging
(until I leave, and no one knows what anything does)
Cat5e cables must have 8 copper wires..
It looks like someone just cut off 4 of the coppers at each end and then terminated
why.. oh why..
@pauska ever fuck with FIM?
That's an accurate description of it.
@pauska: there are only 4 wires.
and its really wierd. I'm not getting even fast ethernet speeds, and IPV6 won't work when I'm using that cable (Which makes no sense. This cable must die)
@JourneymanGeek Sounds to me like you need a cable tester
@JourneymanGeek People used to abuse that by using splitters each end of a cable run
The funny thing is the gear it came with is capable of close to fast ethernet speeds
@JourneymanGeek Was it ever used for voice?
@MDMarra: no
yeah then thats weird
It came with a homeplug AV unit
i've seen ghetto-ass analog voice runs with cat5e where the ends have been split and spliced to 4 phones
A+ quality - would call again
I think our phone wiring is over 30 years old ;p
@MDMarra Like I say, I've seen that with PC's, just split into two rather than 4!
@Dan: this looks almost like someone decided to do a run of cabling and stole half the wires.
Awesome...car insurance renewed higher :(
$734 for 6 months
@JourneymanGeek It could just be fuck up
I'm probably slicing open the wire to check
@Dan: I can confirm if I found the other cable I got from the same kit
@NathanC Ouch
@NathanC Jesus - I thought you guys had cheap insurance. I paid $1500 for 2 cars for 12 months and mine is sky high because of insane mileage requirements
@NathanC what car is that for?!
@tombull89 an 03 cavsmear
lol smear.
But...doesn't help that I have 2 accidents and a speeding ticket...
Damn son
The worst part is, this is the best rate I can get. Most other companies charge >$300/month
@cole Right, last time I had anything was in july >.>
@NathanC My wife and I are $190/month total
Mine's $128/month
I was $170/mo by myself before her and I got married
@MDMarra Yeah...I'm at $125/month ...and I lost my snapshot discount because fuck winter
I genuinely thought insurance was dirt cheap over there
I totaled a brand new Dodge Avenger
so there's that
My insurance went up $20/month when I updated from F to M
spinning tires sets off the "you're braking too fast" warning
which is stupid
@Dan It can be if you have shit coverage
@NathanC What's a snapshot discount?
It'll be the TCS light, by the way
@cole: thats sexist.
@NathanC Progressive? I have Progressive too.
@JourneymanGeek ya, most women drivers I know are way worse than dudes.
@Dan It's something Progressive offers. You insert a OBCD adapter into your car and drive it and they discount based on your driving patterns
@NathanC That sounds dreadful
Especially if they're basing it on the car sensors rather than GPS and accelerometer etc
@cole I'm at my max deductible ($500) since I'm still paying off the car :(
so i'm stuck
@Dan Yes, sensor-based
@NathanC And you've not hacked your car yet to disable soem sensors?
@NathanC my deductible is $500 since my car is financed
You can't really do that...
@NathanC Wuss
If I used the Snapshot discount they'd be like "This guy does not drive anywhere but to work. Loser."
Seriously, though - the idea of using the cars internal metrics is just terrifying
@JourneymanGeek I'd throw away the cable
They won't be standardised at all
The only exception to the 4-pair standard in Cat5e is if you use STP-A cable
@pauska: I intend to. I'm just testing it out of curiocity
which is highly uncommon.. we're talking about airspace/nasa stuff
@Dan It's an option over here too, mainly meant for younger drivers.
@Dan They use the "is the engine on/off?" and speed, that's it
The international space station just upgraded to 100Mb HP switches
@NathanC So why does the TCS light coming on make a difference?
They had 10Mb hubs before
@pauska: everything I'm seeing says this is more trouble than its worth
@tombull89 Ours don't plug into the OBDII reader - it's a black box concept with GPS and so on. My brother has it
@Dan Because it detects a speed decrease that's >5 MPH/second when TCS kicks in and stops the tires
@ewwhite let me know when you're around..
@NathanC But the speed won't decrease any more than releasing the accelerator
TCS doesn't stop the wheels, it disconnects the drive to them
@Dan Not always...I've seen my speed go >20 MPH spinning on ice then drop almost immediately
Sorry, that's a lie - it does brake the wheel.
but it's enough to trigger the alert...plus because I drive during rush hour it's "higher risk"
penalized for using my car to commute ftw!
@NathanC Why on earth would your speedo hit 20Mph while on ice?
Anyway, it sounds truly crap
because in the winter, Maine is entirely one single block of ice.
You traitors should still be part of Massachusetts
And with all the melting snow because of the rain, the temps drop below freezing at night and everything becomes a sheet of ice
I went to a map exhibit at a local museum recently and they had a map where Maine was still called "Eastern Massachusetts"
@MDMarra hahaha
@MDMarra Yeah, but if you haven't gained traction at 1 - 10Mph (displayed) you really don't want to suddenly get traction at 20mph!
And Vermont was called "Unassigned Territories"
And "Plymouth Plantations" and "Rhode Island" were two separate things
It was actually a cool map
Although I've just remembered - automatic, right, @NathanC?
@Dan Yes
@NathanC :(
I can shift to 1st or 2nd to disable TCS...I've done it a few times especially on hills
engine braking ftw
I take it you don't just have a button todisable it?
Can only disable by shifting down or removing the fuse :P
I just got a three 8's in a row in this Serial key...what do I win?
@NathanC I'd do that
@MDMarra So what do you feel about Cleveland being part of Connecticut then?
@ScottPack They both begin with C, so it's a good idea
Merge everything
Who cares about connecticut
That's my though
@tombull89 dogecoin
@MikeyB No Coinye West?
(don't sue me Kanye.)
@Dan Though I suppose that would also include Toledo and probably Youngstown.
Yea! Live Support! -- question...I keep hearing about USB bus overloading if there are too many devices consuming the bus bandwidth. If I install additional PCIe USB 3.0 cards, does each PCIe slot have its own USB bus/bandwidth? Or is there just one USB bus on the mobo period?
@TheCleaner: each of those is a seperate USB host, and can handle its own devices
@TheCleaner Each PCIe controller will be a new USB root and thus separate bandwidth.
in fact, as is, your system likely has more than one controller
OK, so adding 3 cards and separating the 3 USB devices among those cards is much better than plugging all 3 USB devices into the available back ports on the mobo itself then?
assuming usb bandwidth is an issue of course
@pauska hello
@TheCleaner Probably...
That also assumes your PCIe bandwidth is sufficient, and whatever is upstream of PCIe (ie QPI or HT)
3 devices would be... nothing
@TheCleaner if it's a desktop: try plugging one on the front. tends to be a different usb bus
@JourneymanGeek Unless they're USB video adapters
@MDMarra: which would suck anyway ;p
And he's creating the matrix
@JourneymanGeek 3 USB Logitech BCC950 webcams in full 1080p at the same time.
power is more likely to be an issue than bandwidth
@JourneymanGeek Without knowing what kind of devices I wouldn't say "nothing". USB 3.0 allows up to 10Gbps...
@TheCleaner 3D photos.
Three 1080p feeds will consume 10Gbps?
How many frames per second are they capturing?
@MDMarra I wouldn't expect it... But it is Logitech.
I suppose if it's going 120FPS or something it will
too lazy to do the math
Not 10 Gbps...
You'd exceed your storage at that rate wouldn't you?
@MikeyB you like doing the math on this stuff - figure out how many FPS for raw 1080p you'd need to saturate a 10Gbps link
@tombull89 yes, multiple angles. For...videoing...stuff...
pretty quickly
@TheCleaner you took over from @ewwhite at brazzers?
@NathanC Sure... But someone said 3 USB devices would be "nothing" for the computer... You can't just make that assumption when USB 3.0 can do 10Gbps bi-directionally.
@MDMarra 1080p 30fps
@NathanC That's only 1.25GBps - do-able with the proper caching and 12Gbps SATA/SAS interfaces
@DennisKaarsemaker no amateur stuff here.
@TheCleaner The "p" in there would indicate the camera is doing some kind of frame compression. So simple math doesn't apply.
@MDMarra Dat storage
@ChrisS I think the "p" stands for "progressive scan"
@NathanC That is correct.
whereas 1080i is interlaced
Also correct
I thought it stood for potato. Because that's what my Logitech camera video quality looks like the footage was recorded with.
Oh, and the cameras themselves aren't USB 3.0. Just the PCIe cards. The cameras operate on USB 2.0
So I just saw someone I know in real life in a Brazzers video... I think I'm turned-on... :-x
Get the latest in webcam technology with this Logitech 1080potato unit
In the film Iron Man, when Tony Stark is first booting-up the rustic suit made in a terrorists’ cave hideout, there is source code displayed on an antiquated computer screen. Rather than custom software written for a futuristic flying suit, it turns out to be some C code from a firmware downloader for the RCX Lego toy.
Perhaps I shouldn't make assumptions about proper design of Logitech hardware.... =/
@MDMarra :) I've got my a/v project going all kinds of directions right now. They want a "super cheap" version of the setup...and that would mean webcams and USB cards. The cheapest setup I have is around $3500. Most expensive at this point with HD-SDI cameras is around $15k. I have 4 different options for them to pick from...so now it's just a waiting game.
@ewwhite It's 10am man. At least finish breakfast first
@TheCleaner We wired 25 rooms with 2 HD cameras and audio recorded to 4 servers with a "master server" that interfaced with custom control software to kick off and index all recordings at once. It was about $3 mil
That was at my last job
also, it was shit and they scrapped it right as i left
grr it lost the stars: 200.9 fps
@ChrisS I (along with about 100 others in a Subaru forum) won the Logitech Giveaway back in 2003-2004. Their site allowed you to keep F5ing until you won. I F5'd for about 90 minutes until I finally won.
@pauska You on?
@MDMarra :) well half the fun is the project...who cares if it actually works after the fact.
@MikeyB That's 200.9 bits/frame-second. With 24-bit color, it's 8 camera's per bus.
@MDMarra I had to reboot auerbach domain controller dc1 overnight
In my previous place there were two computers in one of the boarding houses with £150 Logitech webcams for the students to use with Skype. Picture was absolutely fantastic, but would have I spend £150 on a webcam? No.
@MDMarra this is the one you worked on...
It's the one I've told you 10 times to move the LOb software running on it to somewhere else so I can demote it and install a new one
Meh...statefarm wants $156/month for the same coverage...
@MDMarra fix it
OK, spin me up two new servers
one for the LOB apps and one for the DC
Q: Scheduler spikes single core on SMP Ubuntu vm under ESXi

pehrsThe setup is as follows. Ubuntu-11.10 VM running on an ESXi host. The VM has 3 vCPU assigned. When running dump (to backup the harddisk) it seems all the processes are assigned to the first vCPU. As we are using compression this loads the vCPU at 100%, slowing down the dump to a crawl. I have ...

@ewwhite because 3 is better than 2.
I love when I leave myself well written documentation with great screenshots.
(danger: Ed is editing Group Policy....)
@ewwhite oooh ooooh...change the Default Domain Controller Policy first!
Make sure to block ping in WFP.
I'm just pointin' and clicking. @MDMarra will clean up the mess.
Disable password aging √
Get rid of password complexity √
Because: produce...
very wow
You try getting a forklift driver to change his password at logon from a Windows CE device in the middle of his shift.
You try getting a department chair or a CEO to change their password ever.
Plus, I don't think password aging is effective.
two-factor and better passwords are...
There's lots about how we handle passwords that I dislike.
If people picked good passwords I'd have no problem disabling aging. But they pick really bad passwords.
Hence requiring complexity, which has it's own problems.
We upped our requirements to 8 characters and 3/4 categories. People whining left and right that they can't come up with a password. Seriously people!? "$Season$Year" satisfies those requirement!
What I would love to see is a complexity system complex enough to say, "Minimum Entropy of 150 OR MinLength+Chars+Whatevs"
PasswordStock! Free all the complex passwords! (hugs JohntheRipper)
@ewwhite I'm of the opinion that multifactor+passphrases are where it's at.
@ScottPack Agreed - but multifactor is a multiPITA still
@ChrisS I think the "best" system, from a user perspective, I've come across is PhoneFactor.
All the systems are a major PITA in one way or another, though.
fuck the users
@PatoSáinz Talk to @ewwhite
Ok. Before I pop a vein does anyone know of a way to tell Firefox that backspace should never mean Back?
biometrics. We require you to swipe your index finger at the same time you get a retinal scan and a colonoscopy.
> You can set the Integer pref browser.backspace_action to 2 on the about:config page to disable the backspace action. BTW Shift + Backspace does the reverse: going Forward if possible, so that is taken as well.
@TheCleaner you're late
@PatoSáinz You are my hero.
"Several times over the last couple weeks, I type up a very well thought out response on Facebook in political conversations with friends. An hour or two into my work..."

sir pls.
Any ideas on why the temperature would bounce like that? Just spitballing....
@PatoSáinz always...but hey...that's "official" :)
@ChrisS bitcoin mining
@PatoSáinz I wish the behavior of '1' was default.
@PatoSáinz no, but another coin - You're wasting money if you're using GPUs to mine Bitcoin these days.
@mossy wat
Pato, your link is the spanish site and yet I understand it like it's in English or something. I must have a super power I wasn't aware of.
@ScottPack do you trigger it accidentally a lot?
@TheCleaner maybe
@PatoSáinz In this chat system, yes.
Q: How to make female chest look bigger

user2664856When photographing women they often want the chest to appear as big as possible. I tried with light coming from different positions but was not satisfied with the results. Are there any tricks to achieve this ?

@cole I was reading that firefox question that @PatoSáinz posted.
@mossy If only people put half that kind of effort in to questions.
@TheCleaner That was my first thought as well.
that user should use lazarus cache recovery
it's pretty useful
@ScottPack :) I have a buddy that always seems to send me crap that somehow I end up remembering years later.
Jenna Marbles <3
2/3 sites I've tried to get quotes from failed so far...sigh
@NathanC what kind of insurance are you looking for?
@ewwhite Yo. Buddy of mine with his SuperMicro server.. the raid card (or driver) kept crashing, so we upgraded to the latest esxi 5.5 patch and installed the latest aacraid driver.. now the datastores aren't recognized anymore
If I go to add disk the datastores are there, and it asks me if I want to keep the identifier or make a new one. If I keep the identifier the datastores immediatly pop up and all vm's can start
then on the next reboot the datastores are gone again
is this common? never experienced it.. then again, UUID's never change with SAN's
and what should I do? select the option to make a new identifier and manually edit all the VM's config files? :<
I think the Forward functionality of browsers is more or less undefined, as it rarely actually means "un-back"
@pauska Supermicro. Yeahhhhhh.
Holy crap this software is awesomely simple and free (clone USB flash drives): osforensics.com/tools/write-usb-images.html
4 core hardware, configured with 3 vCPU for this VM. It's an old configuration, I don't know the details of why it was setup like this. — pehrs 13 mins ago
@pauska do you know which motherboard this is?
@ewwhite SuperMicro something
but does that relate to the raid controller? it's a separate PCIe card, not delivered by SuperMicro
(he used the same card before upgrading to the supermicro system)
Oh, okay... because at LW, we had onboard Adaptec RAID that would freeze often.
this is ESXi, so make sure the settingsare saved in the bootbank...
how long are you running before reboot?
I have an Oracle Lunch & Learn in 30 minutes.
@cole Do they bring their own lube or is that your responsibility?
@cole lunch & learn?
@cole Oracle Lunch & Learn? I doubt it will start on time, and likely will end early.
@ScottPack I believe we need to provide it - but they'll charge us for the license to use it.
@ewwhite the ESXi setup is on a separate standalone SSD on the onboard non-raid S-ATA ports.. it seems to save other configuration stuffz
@PatoSáinz yeah - Oracle comes in - talks to us about some product and provides lunch.
@cole That sounds about right.
@pauska you may want to force it to save settings... just in case
@TheCleaner that's usually what happens.
@ewwhite I'm not sure what to answer to that.. it's his box and I don't know when he loves to reboot it or not.. the hope is that it doesn't need to be rebooted, but when it does the datastores come back
@cole nice lunch, fuck oracle
i think the license for using a barrel of 55 gallons of lube might be expensive
@ewwhite how? And should I select the option to generate a new signature for the datastore?
We're an SAP/Oracle shop so as much I dislike Oracle, I have to use it.
@cole it was my attempt to poke at Oracle itself. But I love l&l's...as long as they don't call/email me 50 times after.
Luckily we have Oracle DBA's.
@TheCleaner we do quite a bit of them, which is nice.
@pauska the datastore signature is something I've never seen before... so I'm not sure there
Being the all around guy, I get to go to all the lunch and learns :D
@PatoSáinz Their licensing model recently changed. Now lube is licensed by the pump, but if you're expected to have a sufficiently small number of pumps you can instead license by Named User.
@cole all of mine are offsite at local fancy restaurants. I like getting a $30 lunch for free when I can.
The downside is that they then know your name.
@TheCleaner we've gone to some for Dell that are like that. My boss always takes me lol.
"Keep Existing Signature - The VMFS Metadata will not change. The volume will be detected as a snapshot after the reboot. All other hosts accessing this device/LUN will continue to see this as a snapshot volume. (To mount it persistently, see the Command Line section)"
a snapshot?
what the hell
Is VisioCafe still the best place to find stencils? Because, let me tell you, the Dell stencils suck musty balls.
@ScottPack Last I knew, yeah
@ChrisS Terrible.
Wtf recruiters. Stop calling my work phone!
@ChrisS For Dell they're nothing more than low res pictures of the bezel. No connection points, hell they're not even the right size.
@pauska oh god
Holy shit, how have I been working in PowerShell all this time without knowing get-member?
@MDMarra maybe
I wish get-member would work for me.
@MDMarra Meh. I learn something like that about every other day... I figure if I go more than a week without a mind boggling discovery then I'm falling behind.
@cole "Oh, i'm terribly sorry, you've just missed him. There's a memorial service next thursday"
@ChrisS ever use Orchestrator? You can right click in a text field and hit "Expand" to get a whole window of whitespace to work in. I showed that to a guy that had done at least 200 hours of development in Orchestrator and he almost cried he was so happy
lol - that's awesome
He had been typing things up in notepad and pasting them into Orchestrator
Come to Philly. We need a collaboration engineer
Latest Lync, Exchange, SharePoint (to a degree)
I appreciate the offer, but I'm pretty well glued to West Michigan
Can't be remote Mark?
eh...what am I saying...I'm happy here...
95% of what I do now I could do from home... People wouldn't like it though.
@TheCleaner Car insurance :p
It's not usually an issue of "can/can't"
50 pages of pricing information to input. welp...
This is true Chris.
Plus a lot of companies still have a stigma about it...they figure if you are onsite you are actually working.
@NathanC ah...I think we pay through State Farm about $150/month for 2 cars with $500 deduct. But we are old :)
@TheCleaner I tend to find that if I'm capable of working from home, I'm far more productive.
@ChrisS and you could end up like @MDMarra.. he hasn't had pants on for three months
I pay $400/6mo for $2k ded full coverage on one vehicle, and PLPD on another.
@TheCleaner Did you see this? I figured out how to put in Amazon links with affiliate tracking: techshoppingand.info/questions/7/dsl-router
@pauska Did actually have a conversation with my boss over the weekend while wearing very little.
What happens when you call me in the middle of the night.
@TheCleaner Statefarm wanted like $160 for one car...
@TomO'Connor I personally agree, and think that it also lends towards working over 40 hours since I tend to get lost in the hours if I'm at home, especially late at night.
@NathanC wow...are you young or drive a lot? Mine is for 35+ years old, married, with <40 miles daily, $500 deduct 50/100 full.
@TheCleaner Yeah, I'm under 25...plus with 2 accidents and a ticket in the past 2 years, so that's not helping.
I'll probably end up sticking with progressive, but who knows.
user image
@ChrisS wtf is that meeting?
@TomO'Connor That's cool, and I understand why you chose the Amazon UK site, but will the core audience be in the U.S.? Or is it simply a matter of whatever the person answering the question chooses to link to? Will the US links have the referral code?
@PatoSáinz Taken by a student in a classroom, I found it on Reddit
Man, interviewing and evaluating someone is not easy.
@ChrisS unfortunately...probably this: youtube.com/watch?v=JAd0sx3E2eI
@cole That provided a genuine LOL. Thanks.
@TheCleaner I had to choose the Amazon UK site, as that's where I live.. If you add a link, it won't get auto-tagged (Still need to weasel that one out)
@MikeyB How many times have you been on this side of hiring?
I did those manually with the Affiliate tool stuff.
Gotcha. Maybe I'm super used to SF, but I think the "Add comment" button looks better on the left...took me a sec to even notice it.
I found a mobile / responsive theme I'm gonna try later on
Do need to find a way to funnel traffic to it.
@TomO'Connor HISS
@voretaq7 Have you tried TSaI on a mobile! It's ghastly.
@TomO'Connor When I hear "responsive UI" I think this:
"Don't even BREATHE on the site or it's going to 'respond' in ways you'll never anticipate and probably hate!"
I love the idea of the site and hope it grows. Have you considered making a way for people to go to a "products" section and then add products and reviews to it and allow people to rate the product (like Amazon has...and Spiceworks community sort of has). That would make it nice to link directly to in an answer as well.
@TheCleaner I haven't really thought of much! I think a products section might be possible with a tag/tagwiki/questions set
I should actually sort out some backup for it..
@TomO'Connor eh..cloudflare it... :)
@TheCleaner No, I mean literally, database backup.
and assets.
yeah I know...I was being semi-funny
<froths at the mouth and pisses on the server>
Am I devopsing it right?!

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