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that amihotswappableornot.com is available. That's pretty funny actually.
How do we feel about hardwareparty.com?
@DennisKaarsemaker .Dont' hate.
Son didn't get an offer for Oxford - Boo; but he did get offers from all the other Uni's he applied for and two US colleges - Yay
hardwareparty is decent...but I'd presume software reviews/q&a would be in there quite a bit too.
If we are focused on non-home/non-client side...maybe something like "Fromthejackback.com"?
I disagree - a forum would be good because as we know, there isn't one right answer. And it should be invite-only :D
I must have missed something.
@Chopper3 Excellent!
@Magellan kinda
asking for trouble.
@TomO'Connor gottarackemall.com
@TomO'Connor rackr
@Chopper3 Considering the steaming pile that is the US education system, I'm sure he'll do well even if he were average student in the UK.
@Magellan harvard and dartmouth btw
@MikeyB I wasn't stating it would follow the same format as here. Personally, I think it should be akin to something like Amazon Reviews mixed with a forum that allows both discussion and "Should I buy this?" questions. Anything goes! Anarchy for all!
@MikeyB I like that.
@Chopper3 That is excellent. Useful connections going to school there.
I just wish i knew what this site was for.
@TomO'Connor No match for "RACKR.NET".
Iwas thinking rackr.io
although that becons people asking about iops.
.pro is a thing for €15/year
Rackr is a new free cloud service that helps you manage your data center assets - sure it is!
it's not going to be .xxx
@TomO'Connor then we use the new TLDs? surely there must be a ".sexy" or ".cat" (nvm .cat is already there)
I've got a .cat
i have brew.cat
which was originally to make a packaging saas thing
but it cost me so much to run i killed it after a month
I want this to be for hardware/software shopping questions, anything else we vote as not constructive.
still blank on names.
and suddenly 90% of the potential audience can't reach it.
@TheCleaner That's not half bad.
the full techshoppingandinfo.com is also there if you wanted to redirect fools that didn't type it right.
not really :P
well if you did you could ask mod_rewrite questions here first. :)
@TheCleaner I don't need to ask mod_rewrite questions.
I use Nginx
Is it wrong to publicly state that I didn't know how to pronounce that until last summer?
@TheCleaner Your kindergarten teacher would be disappointed...
@ChrisS So would yours
@TomO'Connor They don't teach grammar in kindergarten. Which is why I failed.
I'm off home. I'll snag that domain when I get back.
hooked on phonics worked for me!
$2,800 to fix my ABS
Has anybody here tried daisy chaining monitors with DisplayPort? I'm having a bitch of a time with it.
@mossy ouch
@mossy Dude. what happened with the job thing?
@Magellan They didn't fire me. I was scared at first.
@Magellan Basically client was sending me winky faces on our CMS. People started talking. So they ordered an award for me.
@mossy I can imagine.
@Tanner Don't know of any monitors that support it yet. You must have one though?
@Tanner daisy chaining?
The graphics card has to support it too. DP v1.2+
I know last year only AMD cards supported it.
@mossy Wait, what? That's the extent?
@mossy Nice :) I've been waiting to hear the story behind that.
@ChrisS HOT DisplayPort ACTION!
@Magellan Mostly. I have no idea why it was on the star wall for a week.
@mossy Because of the suspense and that post was awesome?
@ChrisS hmm, yeah, the card is supposed to support it.
@mossy because it got pinned, and we all assumed you got caught plowing a client over your desk -- or something like that :P
What do you mean by daisy chaining them though? Monitor->monitor->DP?
@TheCleaner yes - or there are external "splitters" that do to the same
@TheCleaner yes
@Tanner Lol no. I dont sleep with unsightly clients.
interesting...I didn't realize monitors had "inputs" beyond a speaker or usb input.
@mossy I'm a little disappointed with 'diamond level'. Winky faces are 'honorable mention' at best.
@Tanner no kidding. I've actually been part of the team that processed terminated staff for diamond level offenses.
@TheCleaner We picked up some new fancy monitor from Dell that's going to replace the one we use now. All DisplayPort, no DVI. Too bad the daisy chain doesn't work or it would be great. Think I might be returning them.
I've had a couple users get drunk and call me from home trying to convince me to fly out and 'see them'. I must sound way better than I look...
"The new DisplayPort v1.2 daisy chainable displays have both a DisplayPort input and a DisplayPort output" - now it makes sense.
@TheCleaner It's done. :D
For those of you who deal with hardware, how prominent are Intel E5-2600v2 series processors at this point? If you're buying today, are you getting the older E5-2600 series or the v2 processors?
@ewwhite Depends on your vendor probably <checks mine>
Both :-)
their low-end series is still 2600, their high-end series is 2600v2 or 4603 :)
@TomO'Connor done? Which domain did you go with?
(which means probably in 3-6 months they'll have sold their stock of the old shit)
@voretaq7 Right. I have a demanding client who rejected my quote for E5-2643 and E5-2670 CPUs, saying he wants the v2 models.
@ewwhite Ask him what his technical justification is for this requirement
(because 99% of the time there isn't one and he should go play a vigorous game of "hide and go fuck yourself")
@voretaq7 There totally isn't one.
@ewwhite Then he should play "Hide and go fuck yourself" - with a heavy-duty 3-phase industrial vibrator (SFW)
Anyone else here heard of places like teespring? I saw a bunch of sponsored FB posts from various OU, FSU, Mizzou, etc. fake "official pages" that offered up t-shirts for their bowl game wins for $20+ each. Apparently you design a shirt and if it sells enough of the reserve for teespring to make money they get made and sold. You do nothing but design the shirt. The thing that got me was that some of those shirts said 3,302/50 sold. At even $1 back to you that's $3k for doing almost nothing.
@voretaq7 hey now, this is how I pay my bills... remember, I make a lot on this hardware
@ewwhite open up the machines and put a little red "V2" sticker on each CPU
(like they'll know the difference?!)
He could have done better.
Rebooting VMware VMs because VM memory hot-add does not work
Well since StackBot is a twat and didn't post my revised blog post a day later, I'll have to do it on my own:
@Wesley SHOW ME!!!
@ewwhite STAR ME!!!
@Wesley Pinned.
Ohhhh, snap. My blog got a lot of referring traffic from this link: chat.meta.stackoverflow.com/rooms/319/joels-room
I'm dead.
I'm so dead.
@voretaq7 NOOOOOO!!!
@Wesley Did you see the new update?
Joel is going to murder me in the face with a Cessna.
@Wesley what article was it linking to?
@ScottPack I saw it, yeah. Thought it was iffy.
@Magellan The starred one over yonder --->
@Magellan Not sure if =( or =)
Or ---X_X--->
@Wesley snark!!
A: Why does the careers 2.0 site cater to programmers only?

ewwhiteWhat's the problem? Stack Overflow is a big draw for developers. That's what companies want the most right now. Even the systems administrator jobs are in developer-driven or dev-focused firms. There's no lack of systems administration jobs on Careers.SE, though. I can attest to the appeal of...

@ewwhite Kind of not the point, but I'll let it slide this once. Just this once!
Just sayin'
@ewwhite Careers 2.0 caters to developers, not because of draw or what companies want, it's because Careers 2.0 says that's what it does.
@Wesley Well written article.
Sooo... if they kinda maybe said they were also for sysadmins, and maybe made that a little more prominent in the verbiage, and maybe kinda added some technical friendliness to the profile pages for sysadmins... then maybe they'd make more money on those job postings.
@Magellan Wow you read fast.
I tried to read A Tale of Two Cities once. Four hours later I still wasn't sure if it was a book about good times or bad times.
@Magellan Oh, and "software studs / studettes." Really?
@Wesley fairly quickly. Oddly though, I see quite a few sysadmin positions in my Careers 2.0 blurb. Almost never see dev positions.
@Magellan exactly
this seemed silly to me:
A: Why does the careers 2.0 site cater to programmers only?

Will ColeThis is really a minor copy issue that we'll find an elegant way to fix. Careers is for programmers, and it is for sys admins. While the majority of positions on the site and employers using the search product are looking for programmers, we do have specific filters on both products to target...

minor copy issue? naw, it's all over...
@Tanner I know, that kinda rankled me. It's not minor copy - and also the GitHubs, and the SourceForges are baked right in, along with sections of your profile that are for placing coding projects, open source stuff, etc. That's fine! Don't take that away, just maybe allow it to be hidden, and instead something more sysadminly included.
Then again, there's nothing that says sysadmins won't have GitHub accounts and good code up there. Not at all. I probably should, myself. But still... it's the principle.
I'm still annoyed that Ben Voigt got his ass beat, but he was right.
@Wesley It's a reflection of market conditions, too.
@ewwhite Yeah, there's ten to one developers to sysadmins, so if you're getting $300 for a month of posting, and there's 1500 jobs on Careers 2.0 right now, that's a cool half million brotato.
@Wesley I'm fairly convinced that the .SE environment is an afterthought. SO is probably consumes >95% pf .SE's resources.
@MikeyB Yeah but you're smarter than most everyone else.
SO gets more questions per minute than quite a few sites get per day.
@Magellan I think so too yeah. Heck, StackOverflow's chat room has to have it's own dedicated hardware.
@Wesley It's a surprisingly accurate statement given the weird conditions from which it arose (day job, plus working on Discourse in the evenings).
@Magellan I was going to say something really nasty about SO's relative quality, but then realized 1) Joel might see it and kill me, and 2) ServerFault has entered the state of the Eternal Weekend.
@Wesley Yes. Way too much Google pagerank and so we get a lot of shit from people who know nothing about the other sites and couldn't care less anyway as long as their particular problem gets fixed.
@Wesley Quite a few places I've interviewed for sysadmin positions have asked if I could send them a link to my Github account. Not asking if I had, assuming I did.
When I reply here, is message # accurately reflective of the true post #? Meaning is the comms room really at 13+ MM posts since inception? Somebody got a cool data.SE or similar to show me the top 50 posts (based on stars) of all time here in Comms Room?
@Magellan Instructions unclear compiled kernel with toaster. Plz advice.
@TheCleaner No, it's SE-wide.
@TheCleaner No. That's all chat rooms.
Perhaps excepting SO, not sure about that part.
@Magellan So doesn't want its post count sullied by the ramblings of us filthy heathens!
@Wesley Heh, that assumes they're even aware of anyone else. Which I doubt.
@Magellan Someone has to fix their printers.
@Wesley And those people are not programmers. And therefore a lower life form. You clearly don't work with programmers much.
Kitty will be violin strings soon
@Wesley I get the point, but what would the sysadmin equivalent of a code repo be?
@MathiasR.Jessen Probably nothing quite 1:1.
@Wesley Nah. That article probably was a Cessna to the face for them.
Q: Creating RAID5 on PowerEdge 2900. Have 4 Physical Disks, but only recognizes 3. Why?

WayneI have a PowerEdge 2900, I also have 4 physical Disks (2-160GB & 2-750GB) in loaded in the top bay. When executing RAID5, the execution only recognizes 3 physical disk (not all four). Can you help me. Thank you for you time.

@MathiasR.Jessen Exactly...
Windows-peoples: Silly question time - if you run an .exe from a SMB/CIFS share it runs on your client and not the server right?
@Wesley I don't even really agree with it, but it's a pretty powerful statement.
@kce Yes.
@kce image copied to local machine and loaded into memory, yes
@Magellan I think the biggest problem is less about how Careers is technically formatted and used to describe candidates and positions, and more about the copy and tone of the Careers 2.0 site.
@Wesley certainly. perception is reality.
@MathiasR.Jessen: That what's I thought. Our Devs thought it went the other way.
@kce That's... a little silly.
@kce That would be a neat trick. The same would be true executing a binary from any other file system: e.g. Running bin from NFS-mounted share on Linux.
@kce Nope, file is copied to a virtual/temp location, along with a stream containing zoning information based on the original location and then executed
@kce the world would be full of broken servers full of viruses and other exploits if a client launching an .exe off a share caused it to run on the server hosting it.
@TheCleaner Exactly ... the devs assumption demonstrates a pretty poor understanding of his natural habitat
@jscott Now I'm curious. Gonna have to run a stacktrace on a binary from an NFS volume.
@TheCleaner Well, more full of...
Or simply ask them "If I'm sharing this out via a Netapp NAS or a Linux Samba share, how does the EXE run then dev? That's what I want to know and NOW!"
Frickin bracket conspiracy!
@TheCleaner Actually, why wouldn't a mapped network drive simply issue IO call to load pages into the local machine's memory?
@Tanner - I mean I can kind of see how they'd make that assumption. I mean you are running the .exe "on" the server (e.g., UNC path).
local as in the server hosting or local as in the client?
@TheCleaner local as in the machine running the process.
@jscott, @MathiasR.Jessen, @TheCleaner - Now. Off to find the docs for proof...
It does (well it brings it down to a temp location for processing). kce was stating that their devs thought that opening an .exe on a file share was akin to running a remote (citrix/rdp/etc) app. Which isn't the case.
If the machine running the process is running a binary located on a network drive, why would it be a requirement for a copy of the binary to the local drive and then issue IOs to the local copy?
doh! gotta run. have to be at the DC in 20 minutes. later gents.
@kce The fact that this exists should be proof enough: citrix.com/products/xenapp/overview.html
@kce Or run taskmgr on both the client and server, then launch the app.
@kce Break out ProcMon, ProcessExplorer, taskmgr or tasklist and show him the error of his ways
I don't believe it copies the binary down @Magellan - just does the processing locally (creating the temp files, etc. necessary on the local machine rather than on a temp space on the server)
@MathiasR.Jessen - I suspect it will come to that. At least we talked about now prior to the implementation and not after.
@jscott Or open a shared Excel spreadsheet on a share hosted on a server that doesn't have Office but the client does.
Or place .exe on a CIFS share on a *NIX box and launch it on a windows client
@MathiasR.Jessen Do I have to install wine on the *nix box first? :)
@jscott Apparently that's the only way :D
Thanks all. I'm tired and I have a cold and the devs were pretty insistent (bless their hearts) and I was beginning to wonder if I had mixed up.
@TheCleaner techshoppingand.info (and the .com variant, as it was reasonably cheap..)
@TheCleaner You're right, it reads and loads it directly from the remote location - it even tries to load the original zone identifier stream from the UNC path
trying to delegate control in AD so that a specific user can join computers to the domain (and reset the account of it already exists)
for some unknown reason it keeps creating new computer objects in the default container instead of using the ones already there, resulting in conflicts
@TomO'Connor nice. Always can be changed later if required. Now to find the right format/look/feel. Then I can setup my autocomment here to always plug it. :)
maybe it needs delegation of the default container aswell? anyone know if it's always in the default container when it's joined, and then moved? @mdmarra @ryanries
@pauska afaik in order for an account to join computers to a domain it needs both "add computer objects" and "delete computer objects" granted
@pauska How exactly does he do the join operation?
@MathiasR.Jessen he? it's a Windows PE deployment (MDT)
I don't want it to have domain admin, as it stores the account used in plaintext
yeah ok I was not making clear that this was scripting, sorry about that :)
@TheCleaner ah. Must've misunderstood what you were saying.
Also, 1st person I saw at the DC this morning was wearing a stack overflow shirt.
@Magellan a developer inside a data center? Did you do as you were supposed to (shoot him)?
@pauska How are you creating the computer object?
@MDMarra It's been pre-populated by a PS script, all the computer accounts are unregistered
@NathanC You don't need delete unless you're re-joining a computer to the domain
and how MDT joins it is beyond me
@MDMarra or reset it :)
So you have a pre-created account like Computer1 in OU1. Then when MDT tries to join the computer to the domain it's deleting Computer1 from OU1 and re-creating it in CN=computers,dc=viking,dc=local?
Is that right?
@pauska. I think he was one of us, but in disguise. was arm deep in a busted system with a crash cart hooked up.
@MDMarra no, it's creating a new computer object in the default computer container, instead of just using the already premade object inside a deep OU tree
with the identical name (I didn't even know you could do that)
you can do that?
yeah something's not right there. Do they have the same SamAccountName? I bet they don't, but they have the same RDN probably
obviously.. I had "testpc1" in the computers OU and the same one in a different OU
yes, they do
except the one MDT makes is all caps
So you have two objects in the same domain with the same SamAccountName?
I have to pull up the recycle bin, wait
I may be of limited help here - never used MDT
Only WDS and now I don't do much desktop work
@MDMarra No way, the Join operation should fail immediately with 2224
That's what I thought as well
The two objects probably have the same name but different DNs and different SamAccountNames (somehow) which is why it's allowed
are samaccountname case sensitive??
Not as far as I know
Some of you may think I'm frivolous... But this may solidify the opinion...
@pauska the values are not, no. The only way a conflict could arise is if you create two principals with the same name in different OUs at the same time on different DC's
I need a third monitor - fffffffffffff
@ewwhite Dude, tell me you don't own that
@MDMarra thinking of buying it
Only poor people touch their trash can, amirite?
@ewwhite if i knew you irl i would be literally thinking of punching you in the face if you bought that
@MDMarra My wife wants it
@pauska o_O - that shatters my entire universe
@pauska well fuck me. There's no an extra space at the end of one?
That thing is really stinking slow
@MDMarra no
It's so small, and slow
and you loose the ability to toss a paper to it like any human being
It's about the same size as my trashcan, which is under the sink on a dolly.
Oh, I'd get bigger one
I promise you that I can open the cabinet, pull out the can, throw away my trash, push in the can, and close the cabinet before that thing opens.
@ScottPack Damn I wish I had that - I have to walk across my kitchen which is long (galley kitchen)
CN=WIN7TEST-50,OU=Testmaskiner,OU=Windows 7,OU=Maskinpark,OU=Podium,OU=Computers,OU=Resources,OU=Konsern,DC=mdmarra,DC=local
@pauska repadmin /showobjmeta . <GUID=[objectGuidOfAccountHere]> on both objects please, that's the weirdest shit I've seen for a long time
copy/pasted from ldap
"Hi trash can company, this is Ed White"

"Mr White. We've been waiting for you..."
@ewwhite … she wants the D? Nice.
You guys are creeps.
My wife wants to recycle
wait a fucking second
@cole The chassis screws into the bottom.
why is there a $ on the second samaccountname
@pauska there should be
it gets hidden from the ui
@pauska All computer accounts end in a $
seriously that company has a hidden fetish for sensors
@ScottPack wonder if my landlord would be pissed
not the premades one my coworker laid out
I keep my 60 gallon recycle bin in the garage beside the door with the lid open. Which works out well because it's just off the kitchen.
do they miss the $ when they're not used?
Not sure
I'm on a mac now with no Windows VMs on it
@ewwhite your wife could use this too
tested, nope, the $ is there
@ScottPack I don't have a lot of trash so it'd be nice for me.
how the hell did he manage to create these
Did he decide to try out his brand new C# provisioning program or something?
PowerShell and/or ADUC will do it correctly
@cole It seems small, but I only take it out about 3 times a week, which is annoying.
Who wants a job?
@pauska What is the value of the userAccountControl and samaccounttype attributes?
Dear Edmund,

I came across your resume and wanted to reach out to you about a Systems Engineer opportunity I have in downtown Chicago. If I am off base in my search, I apologize for the inconvenience.

This position would be a long term contract or contract to hire opportunity. My client is looking for someone to come and and help them with this role going forward.

I have attached the requirements of the job description. If this would be of interest to you, please get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from you.
On the one without the $
That's pretty bold of a recruiter
@cole Trash pick up is weekly and the bin is almost never more than 30% full. Recycling is every other week so I frequently make trips to the local drop off to get rid of boxes.
@ewwhite lololol
@ewwhite you people dont have mandatory recycling there?
@ewwhite When they say "long term" what's that mean? More than 1 year?
What is the deal with search engines returning results that do NOT have +Searchterm in them even when I use a plus sign, it's annoying me
@MathiasR.Jessen 4128 and 805306369
@RyanRies yo
read up
@ewwhite I think he's looking for Ned Pyle
@ScottPack ah, both are weekly here. (Tuesday's for me)
@pauska broke computer account provisioning
@RyanRies + gets ignored now because fucking idjits.
@Magellan My old city didn't have a recycling program. They closed the recycling center and said, "screw it, we're broke"
my new city has recycling, but I'm just not in the habit of separating things out
@MathiasR.Jessen those two are correct.. something must have gone horribly wrong when he created these
My face hurts.
@MDMarra @pauska Oh yeah, you are creating CNFs when you join computers?
@cole They alternate yard waste and recycling. They also rotate the days based on non-collection holidays. It's...frustrating. Thankfully the city has a web app to keep track of when pickup is.
@RyanRies ?
@MathiasR.Jessen should I just respond "Nope"?
@ScottPack wow that's a PITA
Paper recycling is usually a sham anyway. Rainforests aren't getting chopped down because of paper, it's for furniture and houses. Paper nurseries are relatively self-sustaining
Fuck that noise.
@pauska The name will get changed to CNF:{guid}
does New-ADComputer -SAMAccountName bleh take into account the $ ?
It should, yes
@RyanRies I really have no idea what you're talking about.. I'm no AD guru
Our pickup is once a week and we have separate bins for trash and recycling. We missed last week so now the trash bin is full...we put the other bags into the recycling bin
"Note: If the SAMAccountName string provided, does not end with a '$', one will be appended if needed."
then how the living hell did he manage to create objects without a $?
Since they won't pick up bags not in the bin (which is stupid). I also can't dispose of anything electronic without paying for it (or tossing it in a black trashbag and hope they don't notice)
@pauska if you make two objects with the same name at the same time on two different DCs, when they replicate, one will get conflicted and have CNF:<bullshitnumbers> appended to it
That's not what you're seeing though
@RyanRies No, that's just for naming conflicts, samaccountname conflicts result in the samaccountname being changed to $DUPLICATE-[random string]
right, nope nothing like that here
@MathiasR.Jessen Right you are
That would happen if (as in @pauska 's case) the RDN is the same but the DN is different
I have to clean up both kinds of conflicts all the time because my VMware team doesn't know how to do proper domain joins of ESXi hosts
@RyanRies You joint your hosts to the domain?
This is great. I jsut finish up my MCSE: Server Infrastructure, stop and get food, sit down to eat, open my laptop, and bam a question I can't answer. How valuable can this cert even be!?!?!
I wrote a script that just looks for both CNF:{guid} and $DUPLICATE- and deletes them with extreme prejudice
@MDMarra ah you're official!?
@ewwhite Yes
@cole Well, I passed the last test. It's not official until Microsoft approves the results
Usually takes a day
@RyanRies but why? Isn't it only necessary to join vCenter?
@MDMarra congrats bro
@ewwhite Central user directory for authentication > local accounts
Right, why do you need local ESXi host accounts?
I'm just curious, as that's new to me.
Emergencies when lockdown mode is on and you're lazy?
not everyone wants to share the root password with everyone
Auditors destroy us any time they sniff any usage of a shared account on anything
At LW, we went through an intensive audit, and I had to justify the vSphere security practices.
so I'm curious how other people do this.
but at the same time, I rarely (never) have local host accounts. Usually AD backing vSphere SSO now.
but granted, last employer had the same root password for every Linux and ESXi server.
I think we're going to try to put a two-factor PAM on the ESXi hosts too
@ewwhite we even have ,andatory composting here. there's technically structire for fining people for failure to separate them out
@ewwhite Our VMware engineers don't recommend AD SSO with 5.5
@MDMarra That's nice.
(According to them) there have been too many bugs with it
SSO has been rewritten twice, maybe? It went from WTF, to WUT? to Meh.
but it allows me to set host and datacenter-level perms, so I'm happy with it
It used to run on AD LDS. You'd think it would be a little more integrated with AD DS
@MDMarra well, now I don't recommend using a Windows vCenter.
not for 5.5
vSphere appliance
Right, it's destined for death
and that's what sucks... the old approach worked... until it didn't
I was just saying, if they built the first iteration on AD LDS, they should have had the expertise to make the appliance version better than it is now
my december VMware implosion was the result of vCenter database issues.
@MDMarra it's not bad now...
You still can't do linked-mode with the appliance, right?
And VUM still relies on a Windows Server?
but it's actually Linux (SuSE) with an embedded DB (Postgres) integrating with Active Directory using Likewise.

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