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@MDMarra For example, here's how it looks with JS off:
How to kill your internet connection and mangle your wireless performance, number 32: Set up 8 Windows 8 tablets to download updates and then Windows 8.1 all at the same time.
Do you know what most of the web looks like with JS off?
If I saw that and didn't realize JS wasn't running I'd just think. "Well isn't that fucking useless. No shit I can do that."
@MDMarra the 90's?
@MDMarra <noscript>, noobsauce
@MikeyB Yeah, looks completely normal with Pastebin blocked, just like your no-JS picture
If you expect something to be on a website and you don't see it, shouldn't your thinking go: local computer issue, local environment issue, then maybe it's the guy's blog?
@MikeyB tinfoil
you wear it
Sorry mate, I think I'm on this guys side
tinfoil santa hat
@MDMarra And no - because blogs are FULL of useless posts on the Internet where content is missing or has been removed
@MDMarra Hell, I don't browse with JS off, but at least I'm aware people / policies do. Try browsing meta.discourse.org with JS off. STILL WORKS.
@Dan Yeah @mdmarra is fucked if pastebin goes down or the paste disappears.
If you intentionally disable JS and then complain about formatting without re-enabling JS, you're silly
It was just a theory - we don't know what his issue is, other than your content doesn't display and presumably doesn't throw a clear error
@MDMarra Eh? It's not a formatting error - NOTHING shows up. And it's not apparent there's supposed to be something there.
You expect content
There's no content
Turn JS on
BUt that's point - it doesn't say "Here's the script"
I have no sympathy for people that browse the web with JS off and miss content
And like I say, the Internet is full of useless click-bait blog posts. I wouldn't e-mail you, personally, I'd just think "that's useless"
Might have nothing to do with JS though. Might be a DNS issue, or PasteBin down, or Corporate Filters.....
@MDMarra But we don't know what issue is casuing it - it was theoretical
Yeah more likely it's his company blocking pastebin
Sorry, dude - I think you're being really harsh AND his e-mail was actually polite
e-mail him back saying check your filters and provide a link to the pastebin?
I did already
E-Mail him back a screenshot of the website pasted into a Word document ;]
@ChrisS Nope - it should be a screenshot of MS paint with the screenshot and then pasted into excel
@MDMarra Add <noscript>See http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=zqGzX12E for content</noscript> or something. If you don't, you're a bad person.
@Dan then faxed. Did he provide his fax number?
It could also be derpy client web "protection" software that breaks JS sites. Had that happen a few times with Discourse.
@MikeyB It's blogger. I don't fuck with html/js/css myself
I ain't no webdev and I don't like the way you talkin, boy.
@MDMarra <noscript>8============D~~~</noscript>
--===||| Attention US Citizens |||===--
The House is voting on the Innovation Act this week
Contact your Rep and tell them to vote for it!
Among other things, it will help to end patent trolling.
@ChrisS s/Citizens/Subjects/
@MikeyB only @pauska isn't festive
and neither is his sock.
oh and @jscott needs a hat too
don't care about row two :)
@DennisKaarsemaker I'll get to it in a bit, I promise.
@MDMarra Pants?
@ScottPack sweats
@MDMarra I'm going to take that as a no.
@jscott just tell @wesley to hat you up
well I mean
I could go out in public and not be arrested
So, there's that
@MDMarra peopleofwalmart.com
@ChrisS I wrote a bash script to extract pictures out of Word files last week. Katie was working on a yearbook and had a few dozen student pictures to import. >_<
@DennisKaarsemaker peopleofserverfault.com/r/gonewild
@MikeyB that needs to be a thing, if it's not already.
@MikeyB peopleofserverfault.com/b/
I found a picture of @wesley on a bike
@DennisKaarsemaker STAAAAHHHP
@DennisKaarsemaker Updated.
@Andrew "Message Recall" is the email equivalent of "I bought this billboard and posted something libelous. Now I'm being sued so I'm taking the billboard down. It's all better now right?" -- I'm the electronic equivalent of the guy who took a picture of it and shows up to court.
@DennisKaarsemaker People of Walmart photos should always be taken in the store
@Magellan fuck mornings!
@voretaq7 mornings are good for that, yes.
@Magellan mornings would suck less if I got laid every day
@voretaq7 something to be said for that as well
@voretaq7 I thought you had evolved beyond such corporeal needs.
@ScottPack no, I'm just sick of trying to find people worth having sex with.
@voretaq7 You're a sysadmin, aren't you? You'll just have to settle for getting screwed every day.
So this is a thing
The Legend of the Octopus is a sports tradition during Detroit Red Wings home playoff games where octopuses are thrown onto the ice surface. The origins of the activity go back to the 1952 playoffs, when a National Hockey League team played two best-of-seven series to capture the Stanley Cup. The octopus, having eight arms, symbolized the number of playoff wins necessary for the Red Wings to win the Stanley Cup. The practice started April 15, 1952 when Pete and Jerry Cusimano, brothers and storeowners in Detroit's Eastern Market, hurled an octopus into the rink of The Old Red Barn. The team...
@JennyD I screw the users, but it's unsatisfying.
Mostly the paragraph that I linked to specifically
Shark for Root...you better let me hack this android app...otherwise I have to do real work today.
@MDMarra well that's over. Detroit can't afford octopodes.
"By the beginning of the third round of the 2008 Playoffs, the NHL loosened the ban to allow for the octopus twirling to take place at the Zamboni entrance."
That sentence alone is golden.
@voretaq7 I heard yesterday that almost 40% of the city's traffic lights don't work.
There are people in the league offices that actually think about these things
@MDMarra "You work for the NHL? What's your job?" "Octopus regulation enforcer."
(they should REALLY buy the shorter fucking domain name)
@voretaq7 Just be sure to use protection.
@voretaq7 isn't that slogan the same as Muppet Labs'?
@JennyD Advanced Teledildonics. I don't even want to be in the same room as the users.
@voretaq7 nods approvingly
@DennisKaarsemaker No, they're "Where the future is being made today."
Now, Robocop will be along shortly to pacify Detroit
shit this one into space please lads - serverfault.com/q/559191/1435
The people of Detroit are so stupid the Unions are "protesting" the cuts to their city pension plans. I do not understand what part of "There is no money. It's gone." they don't understand.
done and done
nice - one minute :)
Oh my god, people. Seriously.
@chriss on the one hand yes, absolutely, on the other its hard to to feel aggrieved when its its happening to you.
Oct 12 at 3:35, by Wesley
Taking teledildonics into BUTTSCALE!!
@DennisKaarsemaker I was misquoted.
@Chopper3 wow. just Wow.
@ChrisS The part where municipal pensions are supposed to be a guaranteed benefit paid out of a trust fund
just because Detroit did pensions wrong...
@voretaq7 Yeah... No trust fund... Anyone who sees "Unfunded Pension" should just assume they mean "Pyramid scheme, claim early or you're not getting any"
@ChrisS On the other hand, I'd be taking the attitude that it's not MY fault someone else fucked up, so why shouldn't I protest?
@pauska Y U NO SANTA HAT?!
@Iain Nice application of the santa hat... I had some real trouble with it. =P
@RobM Yeah, but I don't go shouting into the wind with hundreds of other people when the stock market takes a dive.
@Dan Who are you protesting to??
@Dan I'm trying to remember which author said something like "It's not human nature to accept that the money isn't there. It seems so much more reasonable that the money is there and only needs shouting for."
@ChrisS Whoever fucked it up
@Dan Also, people who f---ed up are the people you elected to run the place.
@ChrisS Most pensions are "unfunded" these days
Kwame Malik Kilpatrick (born June 8, 1970) is a former Michigan state representative and Democratic mayor of Detroit. Kilpatrick's mayorship was plagued by numerous scandals and rampant accusations of corruption, with the mayor eventually resigning after being convicted on felony counts, including perjury and obstruction of justice. Kilpatrick was sentenced to four months in jail after pleading guilty, but with good time awarded to county jail inmates in Michigan, he was released on probation after serving 99 days. On May 25, 2010, he was sentenced to 18 months to 5 years in prison for vi...
@JennyD My counter argument is that governments are extremely good at making the common person suffer and even better at making us angry at each other, rather than them
@Wesley if you had a bicycle ... ;)
@ChrisS So? You elect with the presumption that they'll do things properly - just because they got elected, doesn't mean they can do whatever and wash their hands of it
@Iain Hey, the further along I get with interviews, the closer I get to a bike!
@chriss yeah.
@Dan the united states doesn't really have a culture of "recall election" or "vote of no confidence"
we're just barely better than Toronto in that we can impeach you if you smoke crack.
@voretaq7 It's been illegal to form an unfunded pension for quite a few years now. Consequently most have converted into more common forms of retirement plans. I suppose your statement is mildly correct in that the ancient unfunded plans are what remains.
@Iain Now I just have to figure out how to fit a hat over @ShaneMadden's melon.
@Wesley It's true that @ShaneMadden has a big melon. Hard for hats.
@Wesley I think I have one still in gravatar from last year.
@Dan Not just governments. You see it just as much from any large company; what else are they paying their PR firms for...
@ChrisS with the exception of federal and state employee pension plans, and the railroads (which are really federal pensions I guess) I don't know any company/organization that has a pension program anymore. It's all 401(k) or SEP-IRA
@Dan They elected people who had reputations for corruption. Then, more corruption. Now in prison... And now you want to protest? I don't think that's how it should work.
and really unfunded or not a federal pension can't go splat because we'll just have the BEP print more money. HOORAY INFLATION!
@ChrisS Your country is even more fucked than ours.
@Wesley I just hadn't switch to it yet because I figured the SE hat promo thing where they're overlaid on top of the avatar would be starting up soon
@ChrisS but the corrupt bastards promised to fuck over the other people this time!
@Wesley Can someone put up a transparent version of i.sstatic.net/9tK9x.jpg?
@ShaneMadden Ohh, I forgot about that hat thing. That was kinda dumb.
@Wesley Yup. Well, no time like the present..
(My village is doing this. We voted out our mayor (who cleaned up the mess the last 3 administrations created) to vote in a trustee of $mayor[-2] whose administration nearly bankrupted the village
@MikeyB That would mean I'd have to flip to another window and share... I'm a cat. I can't unlazy myself.
Both my parents have something coming. Dad from the Teamsters Union, mom from Mercy Health.
Wife is in on the State program for the time she worked for a school district; GMa is too, she worked for the state forever.
I have no pension - yay
I have no pension either - I get what I save, and I don't mind that.
Me three. =(
@ChrisS is the Teamsters union plan still a "traditional pension"?
Nor do I have anything else - double yay
@Dan Time to start. Like, yesterday.
Is pension different in the US than EU?
@JennyD I have a plan - it doesn't involve the false economy that is pensions, though
In the US a pension is generally something that an employer gives you for x years of service. A retirement plan is something that you contribute to yourself
@voretaq7 It's underfunded if that's what you mean. He gets a letter every few years that the benefit has been reduced (usually a miniscule amount, though it's still a reduction, and inflation makes it worth less too)
@Dan Fair point.
@MDMarra my apple shares are my pension - I do have a 'regular' one but it's nothing like those shares
Anyone around here implemented AD CS and didn't commit suicide whose brains I can pick? :-)
I just did an AD CS deployment
@MathiasR.Jessen Yup
@MDMarra Around here there is the pension which is legally mandated and it gets paid into every year you work, plus you can have additional pension from your employer, plus you can add on your own retirement plan which is tax-deductible up to a certain amount.
Apparently I'm not changing my gravatar? My password doesn't work and the reset password thing didn't send an email.
@ChrisS As far as I'm concerned "underfunded" = "unfunded"
And I picked everyone's brain in here, so ask @ShaneMadden first :D
it's just going to take longer to collapse
@JennyD You're from one of those sivilized you-row-pee-un countries
@JennyD Ah. Here a pension is rare now. Things like police departments have it after you hit 10 or more years of service generally. The more common trend here is for employers to match up to x% of your contributions to investment retirement funds
@ShaneMadden I want to give a regular domain user access to enroll certificates based on a custom template on the CA Web Enrollment website - I can't really find any documentation on what is required :S
@voretaq7 The law sees them the same as well. Also, there's special requirements for "Defined Benefit" pension plans, much more restrictive than "Defined Contribution"
@JennyD our "mandated pension" is Social Security and we're trying to destroy that.
@voretaq7 Don't worry, our current government is doing their best to "fix" us to be more like the US.
@ChrisS "defined benefit" plans should be structured as an annuity (IDK if that's legally required, but it's the Right Way To Do It)
@JennyD Same - weird isn't it?
@MathiasR.Jessen Should just be a matter of setting that up in the ACL for the template in the template management MMC, and making sure that the CA is set to issue that template?
and "defined contribution" plans are a fucking crock - it's just an IRA at that point
@MathiasR.Jessen Give them enroll on the template?
Or do you want them to manage enrollments for others?
@MDMarra No, just for themselves
Pensions have a way of screwing companies over - like the postal service
I should speak to my insurance guy about setting up an annuity now, while I'm still way to young to think about such things. I wonder what $20/mo until I'm 60 would get me?
@Dan I'm considering voting for the ex-communists next year. Because what the current lot is doing is just not right, even if I personally profit from it. I don't want to live in the society they're building.
The templates option list is still empty in the web interface
yeah just give them enroll permissions on the template and make sure it's published
@JennyD wow, it really is just like America then?
@MDMarra This may sound stupid but... where do I control what templates are published for issuance?
@voretaq7 No interest would be $7,200 for 30 years @ $20/month
just the basic math :P
@MathiasR.Jessen In the mmc
@voretaq7 Not yet, but it's heading there. We're at the point where people who have low-paying jobs and get sick can't afford groceries on their sick leave pay...
@MDMarra the CA or the Templates MMC ?
@JennyD Our lot seem to be intent on simply selling the countries assets off to the highest bidder, while simultaneously going through "inquiry" after "inquiry" about how the private companies who own stuff from the last sell offs are more intent on making a large profit than providing the service
Template MMC
Err no the CA MMC
Cool, I'll give it a shot, thanks guys
It's the same place where you can view issued and revoked certs
@NathanC yeah it's probably worth like $80-100/mo in a fixed (say 20-30 year) annuity)
Templates to Issue section (or something similar) in the CA MMC
yeah that's what it's called
@Dan Oh yes, they do that too.
@JennyD " even if I personally profit from it. I don't want to live in the society they're building." - You'd NEVER make it here!
Insurance companies should offer me GREAT RATES on an annuity what with my family history of all sorts of cancer, and the fact that I fly small planes and climb large rocks for fun
(which is probably a good ting)
@MDMarra Which is why I don't want to live there :-)
(conversely it's basically impossible for me to get life insurance)
@voretaq7 They're structured similarly to that.. Problem is, they're invested in stocks and other non-fixed-income investments. So when the market craps the "predictions" go all wonky. Then you're left with the decision to 1. Pay the same anyway and hope the market rebounds enough to "refund" the plan (big problem is that you "sold low" in the stock market now, so this ain't gonna happen) 2. Redefine the benefit, which people get pissed off and lotsa paperwork
@JennyD You're just jealous of our corruption and avarice!
@MDMarra I'm in the same boat but I don't think I'm in the majority, sadly. We still have a huge poor=lazy=fuckem attitude

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