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Why would you complain about such a useless and pedantic point though
If you want to type your variables then do, if you don't then don't
as long as type declaration is off the table, I don't see the difference
There isn't one. They could have dropped Dim from VBScript entirely and the results would be the same.
@RyanRies You are not getting it. My point has nothing to do with type. I'm talking about mandatory declration of variables.
@Fitzroy Again, what's the point?
Yeah, you're right, I still don't get what you are talking about
PS C:\Users\Ryan> Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
PS C:\Users\Ryan> Write-Host "$Var days since the last lost time accident"
The variable '$Var' cannot be retrieved because it has not been set.
OK, I'm not concerned about type. I'm simply saying in vbscript you had option explicit which makes variable declration mandatory. There isnt an equivalent in powershell. Its justa handy feature to stop you mistyping variables and thus implicitly creating new ones
consider this:
$MyVar = "Foo"
$MyVaz = "Bar"
write-host $MyVar
I wanted to assign a new value to $MyVar but because i mistyped, i ended up implicitly creating a new variable.
Personally, I'd say powershell doesn't need to be java. But that's just me.
anyway - i should just say that i do like powershell and use it every single day.
Ahhh, I get it now... You want to be sure not to overwrite existing variables?
this is just one feature i miss
@Fitzroy And how often does this happen, and NOT get caught by PowerShell strict mode?
Or by just running the program and seeing wrong output?
@Fitzroy Stop being a shit typer then. Problem solved.
@Michael - strict mode wouldnt catch it. Its not what strict mode does. Does it?
strict mode just makes sure that the variable has been initialized, not declared.
@MarkHenderson That could work.
Oh, I think I see. But how often do you do that in a script?
@michael Now and then. It happens.
So you want Powershell to detect when you've mistyped? Like Clippy pops up in the corner of your screen and says "That variable name looks very similar to one that you've already used! Did you mean FooBar instead of FooBaz?"
I think Powershell ISE already does that.
@RyanRies No. Not like that at all.
that would be childish
an error at runtime would suffice
But you haven't done anything wrong, what would be the error condition?
@Fitzroy function __varexist([string]$varName){Test-Path variable:global:$varName}
@michael Variable undefined.
@MathiasR.Jessen is this something you use in your scripts?
Hahaha, no that would be ridiculous
I thought that was a pattern you actually use!
You could use it for debugging purposes
Any netapp gurus here? @Chopper3
man... I gotta make a gif of my kid beating the cat up
@MathiasR.Jessen Do you do much ps scripting?
I almost feel bad for it... expect for the fact that it just lays there, and makes indignant faces, it could easily walk away
Yes, that and AD
@MathiasR.Jessen AD?
@MathiasR.Jessen sorry - thought you were refering to another scripting language.
@MathiasR.Jessen Anyway...cant sit here talking about powershell anymore. Gotta get up tomorrow to write some powershell.
have fun, imma go dream up some cmdlets as well
"Option-Explicit' ?
you can just see the cats thought process...
"WTF... Did he just??? Oh HELL no! Your ass is grass!"
Get-RSPCA; Get-SocialServices
kid learned a valueble lesson today
@Fitzroy why? Kid got mad, hit cat, cat got mad, pounced back... Nothing anyone could really do to stop it
kid learnt you do not taunt the happy fun ball feline overlord
at that age, kids will do shit like that, for no real reason
@MattBear Don't panic, they're not real cmdlets.
and it didn't scratch the kid. It merely retaliated in kind
I didnt run them.
And it's just a tiny snippet. Doesn't show what happened before that. Cat's already looking a bit apprehensive in that first frame.
It also looks like the cat dodged
my kid does shit like that to the poor cat sometimes... but the cat keeps coming back for more
heh she pets the cat with authority, I keep having to show her how to pet nice
2 handfuls of fur dragging the cat around... (who out weighs her)... its really funny to watch
Comedy is subjective.
good night all.
@JourneymanGeek no, I think that connected.
it's good though. the kid might start to learn not to be an idiot and hit things at random.
(though, the last time someone pulled my dog's tail. The kid was growled at, stepped back and fell, and was smacked by his grandma. Its smarter to let someone else do the dirty work)
Q: Server shut downs

Thisaramy company server was shut down today morning.server running centos 6.4. There is a cron job running for restart the server at 6.00 am every day. Today morning at 6.00 a.m server had restart by cron job and after that hasn't turn on.I came and turn on the server at 7.49 am. Following logs taken f...

@Andrew theres gotta be a reason for the scheduled restart... flushing java virtual memory maybe?
generally that would be met by a daemon restart
@MattBear but you'd restart the relevant processes surely
Some people are pretty bad at their jobs.
I do not understand for the life of me why this one person, whenever he wants to send me a screenshot, pastes the picture in a Word document and sends me that instead.
@Wesley Because how else will you print it?
My guess? He doesn't know how to paste into mspaint
Or into the body of the email
@Wesley never understood that either.
Aaaand I'm a little drunk
At least he didn't print it out, put it on a wooden table, photograph it, past it into a word document and then email it.
Q: when integrity is implemented using encryption arises any problem?

user32448when confidentiality is implemented using encryption arises a problem: "how the receiver knows the message is really sent by the sent as it is claims?". when authentication is implemented using encryption arises a problem: "is that anyone else, except the receiver can release the message conten...

wtf homework.
that guy's school must be truly abysmal.
@Andrew you would... if you know what the fuck you were doing... scheduling reboot -h is a little easier then stopping and starting service, sorta
@MattBear but it was "the last guy"... honest!
@FalconMomot comprehension problem, he already stated the answer in teh question
@MDMarra You did it, didn't you?
I updated them to a CTP release of SQL Server
Oh noes.
Well, I came online to send @Wesley this job.
Actually, I don't know what type of job he wants.
@ewwhite @Wesley wants a high volume street corner
but he cant have mine!
I love reading ridiculous job ads.
we want you to know:

Active Directory
Cisco Telepresence
Hosted Exchange
ESET Server
OCS Inventory
MadCap Flare
MS Office
Nagios Monitoring
Server 2008 and forward
SQL Server
Visual Studio
Webex Meeting Center
Windows 7 and forward
Wordpress CMS
@ewwhite: the former sounds a lot more like a BIS job than a classic sysadmin
They're the same job
Then this company across the street from the ad I just posted called me...
- A relentless drive to maintain long-term optimism in the face of short-term setbacks
- BS, MS, or PhD in Computer Science + a minimum of 3+ years industry experience
that dosen't sound too bad.
- Industry experience in creating a multi-geography, distributed cloud service platform
Sure, I just built a cloud last week...
@ewwhite Don't tell me - they're offering $15,000
Oh wait... I did.
these places will both pay... but the requirements are funny.
people good enough to meet the requirements won't want to work there
The CEO of one of those wrote me 3 weeks ago...
@ewwhite Where what who?
You applied a month ago to a position.  Are you still looking?

Blah Blah, Ph.D. | Chief Executive Officer
@ewwhite Control-F, "remote", "no results found"
I responded to him... and nada... I know not having HR sucks, but if you start hitting people up a month after they apply, what do you expect?
I need a suffix/title... I can't be a Ph.D., but maybe a BBC or KKK or maybe ATM?
@ewwhite Yeah, people that reach out for something and then don't response after that totally perplex me. "You better have a death in the family to excuse you."
@ewwhite I once got a job offer 2 months after my interview. That's a clear indicator of "We hired someone. HE didn't work out. So we hired the next guy. He didn't work out either. So let's call this 3rd guy"
@JoelESalas What do you think?
Also, people who put Ph.D after their names are dicks
They are probably people you don't want to hang out with at a party
@MarkHenderson My first day at Logicworks, I got four job calls from companies that didn't have it together earlier. For two weeks, I conducted interviews in the evenings just to follow through on everything.
I once knew a guy whose official title had 26 lettters after it
And he was a massive dick
@MarkHenderson s/was/had
you'd have to :)
I ran into him in Adelaide a few months back, out of the blue. He wanted to be all chummy and friends. I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself
@MarkHenderson I ask people... "SO what happened?"
@ewwhite Knowing him he probably joined another society just beacause it gives him an extra letter
"Why didn't the candidate work out?"
@ewwhite After 2 fresh hires not working out, it's probably not them, it's you
@ewwhite Did you score hosting and consulting from those interviews?
"Oh um... we trained the guy, and he realized he was worth more and left..."
Or their interviewing process really really sucked
@Wesley No, each of those companies is in flux.
One got bought my PayPal....
@ewwhite No, you want to be on this side of the ATM. Just go get your RHCE. Shouldn't take you more than a weekend.
another has been through 4 engineers in the past year...
another never hired..
I see the same ads pop up all the time
@MichaelHampton I let it lapse... 2004 RHCE
Hell, they have a bunch of new post-RHCE specialization certs now too
Right, I should be a CCNA, RHCE, MCSE, VCP...
would they help? Meh.
Been just over a week since I applied to most of the places I was interested in. Only a few have responded.
Wouldn'tcha know it the one that I thought was least likely got back with me first thing Monday after the weekend I applied to everything and I've already had two interviews and am waiting for the HR offer.
All the cool companies either rejected me without an interview or haven't responded back.
@Wesley it's normal... even though this past round was ridiculous and full of opportunity, my hit rate was 80%
I'm not cool enough for the kewl companies. =(
in the past, I'd be lucky for 15-20%
You don't want to work for most "cool" companies.
@ewwhite I'm going to apply to an Opscode position this week I think.
I'm chef-ifying all my stuff and will get with them once I have some of that done.
@MichaelHampton Would you touch this? aginity.com/careers/it-systems-engineer-architect
@Wesley why Chef?
@ewwhite Yes, I didn't see any obvious problems there. Which means it's either a dream job or they'll show up later...
Speaking strictly on the record (we don't know how to write like normal human beings)
@ewwhite I like it's implementation of Ruby as a DSL more than Puppet's bastardization.
Both are fine though.
I'm miffed that with chef I can't use Foreman
@MDMarra a little stilted, awkward?
OK, I did find a problem. They misspelled XenServer. Call them on it.
So puppet / foreman is pretty unbeatable. But if youre a CentOS / RHEL person mostly, Chef and Satellite will be just fine.
If you're an Ubuntu person, Puppet / Foreman.
Or Landscape.
@MichaelHampton I'm trying to figure out who the profile of the right person for that job is.
@ewwhite Somebody like @MDMarra?
@MichaelHampton And you'd never work for anyone again?
@Wesley unbeatable for what?
@ewwhite Not as an employee. And not as a "contractor" masquerading as an employee.
@ewwhite Automation of the entire lifecycle of a server. So total hands off the build process - want a server that's completely fungible? You can spin one up and have it totally patched, applications installed, configured how you like, and then be ready for data or migrate data from another node and bewm you're done -- in minutes.
Chef / Puppet only get you where you want to go after the server has been provisioned and an OS with a client is ready... unless you're using cloud instances which is a little different ball of wax.
I'm thinking if fitting vagrant in my workflow
@Wesley At a certain scale, you don't even bother with spinning a server up and configuring it. You just destroy the instances and replace the full image/AMI/VM behind the load balancer.
@ewwhite Yeah, exactly.
Oh, and I said satellite above. Of course I meant spacewalk 'cuz I ain't payin' no RHEL license fees. =P
@MichaelHampton Hey now
Give me a break, I've been writing a kickstart for the last several hours. And dealing with goofy anaconda bugs.
@MichaelHampton what will this kickstart do?
@ewwhite Let's see. Things I've had issues with. First, two network interfaces. It only wants to let me configure one of them in the kickstart. I have to add a package repo and some SELinux tweaks. No big deal there. Mainly it's the network handling that's been driving me batty.
Can't you just do it in a post script?
Oh, and to add insult to injury, it won't reboot.
Yeah, I'm tweaking the network config in %post, but that's still annoying.
Fortunately the install is very fast....
Ahhh, sed needs a -i...
there you go
Still fucking stupid.
Getting closer...
@ewwhite They require mastery of Oracle Unbreakable Linux
So what's that - RHEL 4.x?
it's RHEL with a newer kernel
I thought they dropped the "Unbreakable" moniker?
They still use "Unbreakable" to refer to their kernel.
evenin' gents
1 hour later…
my wife officially hates me... its 9:45 PM sunday evening, I've been at work 12 hours... my last day off was veterans day
@MattBear Well as long as you're making hourly money. =P
@Wesley true... she still hates me
@MattBear 12 hour days with no weekends? That sounds like an extreme case of poor work/life balance to me... Need some downtime now and then!
@MattBear I fear that not much will change that... ?
@freiheit Sounds like me since about 2006. =P
@Wesley You need some sort of non-work hobby... Downtime with a good mix of laziness and excitement. Perhaps bicycling?
@freiheit Bike book collecting.
@Wesley Are you reading the bike books? Reading's not a bad downtime hobby, either...
Personally, I prefer reading sci-fi books over bike books, but whatever...
@freiheit well... 3 days of that was drill weekend (army shit)
and this weekend, hopefully, puts an end to the overtime
but yeah... if it wasnt for losing paternity leave, I would be job hunting right now
I'm tired of being the ONLY systems guy
for shitty pay
and crappy benefits
@MattBear Long hours, shitty pay and crappy benefits? Yikes!
the only saving grace, is it's hourly, and I'm learning a lot
but im getting to a point where I'm spread so thin fighting fires, that I'm not really improving that much anymore
@MattBear That's why I left job[-3] around this time last year.
2 hours later…
I take back everything I said about new Dr Who being "meh". The anniversary episode was the best one in a very long time.
@JennyD Yes and Tom Baker :)
@Iain I really liked his cameo. Also, I guess that bringing Gallifrey back is a set-up to be able to have another round of regenerations for the Doctor - it's been stated before that there's something there that can be used to have more regens
I certainly enjoyed it
It was nicely done as a celebration, with the opening shots, the ending, and things like David Tennant harking back to his "I don't want to go" line a few days after it was echoed by the guy playing William Hartnell in Adventures in space and time.
and I'm going to find that clear button.. damn people talking about dr who episodes...
hmm I need a idiot proof "how to run nslookup and send me the output" tutorial I can send to a customer
@RobM I liked tennant's "I don't want to go"...again.
Just wish he could have "seen" rose.
@faker no, you need a "how to run dig and send me the output" tutorial
Yeah! Make a tutorial on how to install cygwin and then dig, just to do a DNS lookup the proper way! Your customers will understand, surely.
(nslookup is not deprecated on windows)
@pauska I shall immediately make a note on my list of who here runs what OS to make sure I never inadvertently step in someone's MS again.
@JennyD hah, no way. Customer == end user who uses our website
and I probably need that tutorial in German
@faker Might be worth checking at the .de and .at registry sites
@tombull89 yep I know what you mean. Was good how both 10 & 11 both looked shocked when hurt mentioned "bad wolf"
I was taking the War Doctor to be the 0th doctor, essentially, I thought he came before the rest.
There was a mini episode on the website that shows paul mcgann's doctor, regenerating into the war doctor
but yeah before that, I wondered if that was going to be how it worked. Would have made sense too.
Also saw The Hunger Games: Catching Fire last night. Good, but not as good as the first one.
i've never watched them but I hear they're good, the hunger games films I mean.
yeah - as they're book > film conversions they tend to miss out bits
Yep. It's hard to properly capture the flavour of a book in a film.
Went to the bike show yesterday and purchased some heated gloves, so I thought I'd ride up to Oldham today and beat the traffic.

Conclusion: Heated gloves are amazing, but gloves or no gloves, it's far too fucking cold for these antics
it is turning cold for sure. I went out for a walk on saturday, wrapped up reasonably well, and still froze me clackers off
I was out on my bike yesterday and was mostly ok with the cold but I was well wrapped up
@Iain Problem is, my bike isn't faired - so at 80Mph I'm just sat right in the wind
@Dan oh I know, when I go out this evening it will be much colder ...
On an unrelated note - I just spoke to my brother in Afghanistan - at which point did technology progress to a point where he can phone my mobile and talk with absolutely no delay, no echo and spot on call quality.
I think I might need new gloves for cycling, today was the first day with visible ice and my gloves seem to be the weak spot in my gear
@Dan: maybe 10 years ago ;p
@JourneymanGeek I can assure you it didn't.
@Dan: We've been calling india for ages ;p
Its admittedly more civilised than afganistan
@JourneymanGeek Maybe i should have added "...can phone my mobile from a war zone..."
oh, that bit, yeah
"spot on call quality" the calls I've done to India aren't.
the connectivity to Afghanistan is very good
@tombull89 And that too - I struggle a lot when I'm dealing with overseas call centres. And phoning America can be properly hard work too, sometimes
There was an excellent video I watched on "running an isp in a war zone" and it was all about the logistics of getting internet out in the middle east
@Iain I suppose comms are vital to the military effort so I expect they've got some serious backhaul to the UK. I believe all Internet traffic is VPN'd through London, at the very least. As all calls are monitored, I expect they're the same
@Dan: GCHQ seems to monitor everything anyway
and apparently so does my government
@JourneymanGeek Good point!
(Hi GCHQ people!)
@Dan They're also vital to morale too. I've had several friends there ( civilians working in support roles) and they get better speeds than at home.
(Or whoever it is in singapore who is in my tubes, reading my emails)
@Iain Haha, that's ace - my brother didn't mention Internet speed but he seems to get to Facebook happily every couple of days
Parcels on the other hand seem to be sent on a UDP style best effort basis..
@Dan skype works well too I believe
@tombull89 Today I'm visiting my new office at the old olympic park for the first time, then off to glamourous ipswich :(
@Iain Yeah, we'll have to give that a whirl at some point
hm, that went well
@Chopper3 ooh what you got up there?
@tombull89 bt sport's based out of the old tv building at the olympic part and our labs are at ipswich, that's where my regular office is
I got wireless in my living room , finally. Threw in a pair of power line networking adaptors (LOVE those things, am probably going to add them to my list of things to recommend) and my old router set up there the usual way.
nothing broke. I do not trust things that work properly the first time.
@Chopper3 ah right - I remember there was some serious cabling work being done up there beforehand
apparently a lot of the acer (!) servers that were bought were offered to education afterwards.
acer makes servers?
and.. people use them?
well, if you needed a ton of servers for a short amount of time for as cheap as possible...
@tombull89 we gutted the place before moving in - there's little actual IT there, it just runs to the the tower where it fans out from
What else is the olympic site being used for now?
@tombull89 dunno, I know west ham are due to move from upton park to the stadium for all their home games
Spent 20 minutes thinking the slow replication here was causing me GPO trouble. Turns out I fat fingered the Group Membership :(
site's gone read-only?
yeah, they're having some MAJOR database issues
Um. I WANT TO POST A QUESTION! NOW! mount -o remount,rw /web/stackexchange/serverfault
Oh, it's a Windows shop, I forgot.
@JourneymanGeek what kind of?
someone restart the IIS pool.
why is chat working, I wonder? It is not database-backed?
Different DB i think
Well, chat is kind of like life support on a spaceship
chat is on another datacenter
We can work without engines, but we need oxygen (chat, in this case), dammit.
if my memory serves, chat is on the oregon datacenter
everything else is in NY
Ah, it's back.
Apparently, they did a failover
Do COA stickers need to be attatched to the device? The tablets we've got have them as stickers in the bag.
They used to, for OEM licenses, but I don't know if that remains true.
man, I can go across Canada, or for about $200-$300 more, I can go to Japan. Domestic air travel in Canada sucks balls.
@tombull89: I'm under the impression windows 8 systems don't need COA stickers any more
Stackoverflow database issues? So did TomTom reboot his phone or what?
We're projecting availability issues today. See our new blog post: stackstatus.net/post/68056965958/…
[insert joke about asking on serverfault.com how to bring serverfault.com back up]
[insert joke about question getting closed as offtopic]
we have to live up to our reputation after all
It's actually pretty interesting that the bug wasn't found in house. I know that SO is one of the busier, most active deployments out there but I thought MS would have it beat. Certainly in the lab.
I think we're bigger than any lab :)
@TomOnTime They have a pretty big lab for testing huge deployments of SQL server specifically. I visited it when I was a MVP. IIRC they had a huge cluster of pimped out HP servers with all the salad running windows datacentre and pretty much pushed to the limit...
What makes it more interesting to me is that they also missed a few nasty kickers with Exchange 2013, which is much more my area of expertise than SQL. Just wondering what happened to their testing these days, they used to catch stuff like this more often, is all.#
@TomOnTime Oh, Hello. Another Tom!

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