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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@Wesley cats loving peoples facing.... r34?
@Wesley my apache skills are broken too :( how to mod_rewrite #?
what?! apache?!
You are a devops 2.0, you should be using nginx+haproxy+several layers of varnish+nodejs+sinatra+insert new stack and framewrok here
@PatoSáinz this devops 2.0 fad is much more annoying than i anticipated
@PatoSáinz nginx? So devops 0.1a. Real #devops serve Ruby over Puma.
Ok, what the fuck is ruby
I can't pretend like I know anymore
Is it a web programming language?
Is it like python where it can be used for web or general purpose?
What's rails? Where does rails come in?
@Wesley I think you forgot to use the Revel framework for Go
@MDMarra Ruby is a object oriented language. Multi-purpose, multi-platform.
@MDMarra Ruby is syntactic-sugared perl
Rails ia a web framework for Ruby.
@PatoSáinz You are an evil man.
So ruby has built in shit that works in browsers? or...how's that work
Ruby on Rails refers to the Ruby general purpose language using the Rails framework to build a web app.
Like, browsers have to support html, javascript, etc. How does a browser know what to do with ruby?
@MDMarra Ruby ships with some classes you can use to make an HTTP server and do stuff with the DOM, yeah.
Is there some layer in between?
Rails is syntactic-sugared perl dancer.
@MDMarra Browsers don't.
So what's ruby "turn into" so that a browser knows what to do with it
@MDMarra That's what the server-side Ruby-knowing server handles. Interpreting the ruby code into something that a browser can render.
How's it do that? It turns it into some mishmash of html and js?
@Wesley you forgot to sprinkle buzzwords in your definitions
MVC should be the first buzzword you use
@MDMarra It's no different than PHP. So in the case of Apache, mod_php takes the .php files, interprets them server side and horks up a HTML page that the browser sees.
got it
ready to start my life as a web dev now. See you never, losers.
So there are HTTP servers for Ruby, like Mongrel, Thin, Puma.
All have their pro's and cons.
Why wouldn't you just serve it with Apache or nginx?
@MDMarra Did you seriously not know how web programming languages work?
Yeah I really have no idea
@MDMarra mod_ruby is available, yeah. WSGI too. It's differnt forms of interpreting the code, and there are some performance problems that custom web servers for the Ruby language are better for.
I mean, I kinda do.
But web isn't my forte
@MDMarra Sometimes it's ease of deployment, sometimes it's speed, sometimes it's devops.
@MDMarra what's your forte?
@ScottPack almost always, devops
Infrastructure. Microsoft infrastructure to be exact.
@ScottPack Sometimes it's Maybelline.
Active Directory, System Center, etc.
Apache is nice because it's used by freaking everybody so everyone understands it, and it supports pretty much everything. But compared to something like twistd or nginx it's also really heavy.
@PatoSáinz Agreed.
@MDMarra I'm sorry for you
@PatoSáinz I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt.
@PatoSáinz I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it.
@PatoSáinz No, pity those poor people whoa have to do enterprise support of OSX. They've got the real slippery end of the shit stick.
No one held a gun to my head and said "You must become very knowledgeable in Microsoft products and then make a boatload of money doing it!"
I came to that on my own :)
@ScottPack Sinatra and Thin, dawg!
@ScottPack is it that awful? I mean, it's still UNIX-ish
@MDMarra alright
Then I'm glad
@ScottPack Funny you say that. Ask me how I know Deploy Studio and Open Directory
@PatoSáinz That's a fingerquote ish.
@PatoSáinz Mac OS X as UNIX-ish, is like saying "Hey, I'll drink some H2O2, because it's like 3/4s water, right?"
Wouldn't want to manage a fleet of OS X servers, that's for sure. =P
OS X is to Unix what Rebecca Black is to music - kinda.
Some weird Apply things happen under there.
well, i would never use those overpriced servers for starters
I understand it's better now, but from what I can gather puppet is the best desktop configuration management tool or OSX.
@PatoSáinz Oh they haven't made servers in years.
@PatoSáinz You mean a goddamn MacMini?
@ScottPack Chef, freak.
If you want an OS X server now, they sell you a Mac Mini with two HDDs in it and software RAID
yea i meant those
@Wesley Keep that knife in your pants, son.
It's a fucking MacMini without a dvd drive. That's it.
At least before they used to sell XServes with hardware RAID and LOM
And redundant PSUs
@ScottPack knife ec2 server create -N ScottPacksFace
Even the XServe was missing critical infrastructure like LOM and multiple power supplies.
@ScottPack my mac mini isn't a server and didn't come with a dvd.
they haven't had them for years
I will say, I learned more about Kerberos trying to integrate OD with AD than at any other point.
@MDMarra Well, that's what I get for typing while watching the kid. At least we're on the same page.
my cat is snoring. so cute
Also. I keep receiving mail from Japan that's for who I presume to be a former resident. I'm starting to feel bad.
@ScottPack call them up and sing elvis
@pauska going to TechEd this year?
I'm beginning to wonder if this person lives nearby and the address was miscommunicated somehow.
@RyJones Previously we received a parcel that, according to the customs slip, contained rice crackers.
@ScottPack and it actually contained... ?
A baby
@RyJones Totally not cocaine.
@ScottPack good good
@MDMarra Not enough airholes.
would snorting coffee be effective?
Would probably need to be (eww) instant
Oh god. I don't know why, but I looked at the website for the PC repair shop that I got my "start" at in the early 2000s.
It's gotten worse since then.
i hate it when a shitty site adds "dynamic" "carrousel photo gallery" and it automagically assumes that the site is compelling
My favorite is "Carrer"
Get your carrer started there!
We are hiring the following, please email your resumes at [email protected].

1. Technician

2. Business System Analyst
what kind of technician?
Ha. a $9/h hardware repair fool
Who will probably be trained how to solder DC power jacks onto laptops for $150 charge to the customer
huge rate of return for the business owners
I know a plumber, maybe he could get hired there
He'd make more plumbing
When I left there in 2004, the going rate for a tech was $9/h. 1 week vacation after a year, and benefits were a 50/50 split
@MDMarra or hooking
The deductable was $1000
that's... bad
I left when I said "So if I break my arm, I have to pay $1000 out of pocket and then not get paid while I'm in the hospital recovering because we only get 5 days of PTO with no disability?"
I was the manager when I left there at $13/h. Total shitshow.
@MDMarra Two exciting locations!
That was the job where I was like "Ok, I'm leaving western Massachusetts for a big city and making some real money"
@MDMarra Hey man. In Kentucky I was making bank as a Windows Sysadmin at $9/hr.
damn son
@MDMarra You got benefits?!? Damn some.
It was like $300/month
which was like, 1/4 takehome for the month haha
I was pretty happy to move north.
I liked Louisville when I visited
I despise hotel system engineers
If they wanted to make their crappy wi-fi good, they'd do it
they are able to do it
Louisville isn't bad. It's the only place I would consider living down there.
I was down around 5th street I think
maybe 3-4 blocks from the river
We stayed at the Seelbach Hilton
And yet you didn't go to the Frazier.
We went to the Lousiville Slugger museum, but we were only there for 2 days
and it was for a music fest
Yeah, I remember.
I've been into the Slugger museum, but only for a few minutes. We let the girls play on the big glove, or whatever it was, inside.
They had a game bat used by Mickey Mantle. Even though I'm a hardcore Red Sox fan, it was cool to swing
They let you touch it?
Yeah, they make you wear batting gloves
They have a Mantle bat and two other bats from current players. One was David Ortiz and I forget who the third bat was from when I was there.
But you get to hold it and swing it if you want - obviously not at a ball or anything
Or at anyone I hope.
And they were making a batch of bats for Alex Rodriguez in the factory when we took a tour, so I put a hex on them. Not trying to take credit or anything, but his career really fell apart after that.
anyone watch Dr. Who today?
@MDMarra Is he a big league punter or something?
Sorry, I don't follow dodgeball.
I think you mean "cheating steroid freak who also happens to have like 175 million still owed to him by the Yankees even though his career is basically over and he's no better than a bench player at this point in his career"
So basically
steroids aren't cheating... your just overclocking yourself a bit
Steroids are like the Turbo button.
They are according to the MLB's collective bargaining agreement
Fucking unions.
It's really weird how baseball operates
well.. if everyone does it, you have to in order to compete
Each of the 30 teams is like its own business. The commissioner of baseball makes the rules for the league and represents the interest of the owners. The players have the MLBPA as their union which is always head to head with the commisioner's office and they have to re-do the collective bargaining agreement every few years or there's a strike.
but they don't improve your reflexes, or hand eye coordination
It's amazing that they ever play the game
Remember the good old days when players were nothing more than slave labor for the owners and games got played without people dribbling blood out of their bottoms when they ran the bases?
I feel like I know too much about baseball.
why would you have blood coming out of the ass...
@ScottPack Sorry bro
warrior doctor = cool
use more lube
@MattBear Needle tracts.
I dunno. I just remember blood stained pants being an issue in a court case sometime over the last couple of years.
Curt Schilling had a ligament sewn into his ankle in the 2004 playoffs so that he could pitch
@MDMarra let him have it
He popped a stich and bled into his sock
Then he made a shitty game studio and owed people a ton of money so they made him sell his sock
weird right
@MDMarra No, this was steroids.
oh, not sure about that then
I think it was McGwire
he's a piece of shit cheater too
@Wesley - Pretty much. The view from old apartment.
@MDMarra he cheated using steroids, not shit
@MDMarra Look at the mustache. Of course he is.
@kce I have thought seriously about running away to Juneau.
What's rent like?
@Wesley Like most musicals it's lame.
@ScottPack Can't be worse than Cats.
Well. If you are serious I can give you some local knowledge. This town needs more young smart people.
@kce Yeah, I'd be working remote though, so really I'd not be a good asset to local businesses.
@Wesley Rent doesn't have Mr. Mistoffelees.
@kce Do you get the Alaska Fund checks?
Rent? Pretty bad. $900 - $1200 or so for a one bedroom depending on location and quality.
@kce Yeesh.
I want a downtown loft! Be all hip and kewl!
Roomie up or live on a boat.
or in a cabin.
@kce Boat... that sounds interesting.
$300 a month, close to town can be both super awesome and terrible at the same time. Lots of folks get their start in the housing market by buying and living on a boat for a few years.
"Come to Juneau and live in the lap of luxury. Mendenhall tower, located in the dying heart of a forgotten downtown, has such amazing amenities as occasionally warm running water, windows that have a history of closing, and as many racsoons as you can catch!"
Sorry that was mean. I'm in a surly mood. Rawr.
I've never been to Arizona but I did live in northern Nevada and eastern OR. The desert is a little to austere for me.
You're not wrong unfortunately.
@kce Yeah, it's a place you have to want to be in. BTW, I'm from Oregon myself. Lived a little in the central desert.
I've always had some romantic notion of driving as far north as I could, make a summer out of it.
That looks beautiful until it comes time to go someplace.
@kce Pretty.
Can't beat that though. 20 minute drive from work, and a 1 hour skin. Home for dinner after fresh turns by 7:30.
@ScottPack - Yeah. Getting out is hard. VISA mileage card is about the only way to go but yeah, you can't just "drive" somewhere for the weekend.
@kce I was even thinking of going to the grocery. Or to get beer.
I'd tell some people to throw their computer away and go back to pen and paper, but they'd probably stab themselves in the eye with the ballpoint.
@kce So if you wanted to leave, you'd have to ferry down to Seattle, or something?
Can you drive out at all or is it only ferry / plane in/out
Marine and Air access only.
I never much cared for skiing.
@kce so what are the big industries there? What makes people move there other than a notion to move there?
Fishing? Tourism?
Any services or industry?
Drinking. That's our industry.
Reminds me of a breakdown of Canada by sport:
Not really. Most of the older folks came in to Juneau during the oil boom when the AK government was expanding like crazy. Most of the younger people like me, either grew up here and came back or moved up for a summer to fish, or intern, or work in tourism and fell in love with the place and stayed.
Maybe @voretaq7 can fly me to Jueanunununu.
The real industry and population base is all up in Southcentral AK (Anchorage, Mat-Su).
@kce Maybe I'll go up thar.
Because self hatred and loathing.
So the primary business attraction of Alaska is heavy drinking to forget the fact that you live in Alaska?
@kce But yeah, is the Alaska fund a real thing?
Also, looking at the source for a Flickr page:
@Wesley - Of course. It's like a giant annual tax credit that goes out to residents from the State export taxes.
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@kce so are you happy with your job and all that?
But since Yahoo-lady axed remote work, Flickr will just have to live on without me.
flickr sucks anyway
I wish there was a replacement
@Wesley Why does the flickr sourcecode have two giant testicles under the name?
@RyJones 500px?
@ScottPack it's truncated in chat
@Wesley - That's kind of a complicated question... I have mixed feelings but that may be more about my unrealistic expectations and/or IT just may not be for me. There are some days when I really miss working with my hands.
@ScottPack Waiting for the CSI results to come back, but judging by the pixels, I think it's a 'shop. I can tell because I've seen quite a few 'shops in my time.
@RyJones I pulled it down. That's how I saw the testes.
@kce Gotcha - I can feel those feels.
@ScottPack it's the flickr logo
@RyJones I don't care if it's Hefner's personal sigil.
The amount of flatulence I'm working with right now is probably violating the Kyoto Protocol.
Give me a hug, @ScottPack.
turns fan on
@Wesley - Anyway... Juneau's not a bad place. If you ever do get serious about spending time up here, let me know. I got the local knowledge...
@kce Okay, cool! I just have always wondered what it was like to be in the wild northern lands. I've wanted to drive to Yellowknife and the Yukon, Barrow, etc.
Lay on your back, pull your knees up to your chest, and rock back and forth.
I figured Juneau was probably temperate enough to where I could handle the experience and not go crazy like if I was in Fairbanks or something.
I used to pump my daughter's legs like a water spigot. She was quite a bit younger than you at the time.
@Wesley Yeah. Super mild weather here. It's like a rainier and colder version of Seattle.
@kce more alcoholic too
I buddy of mine lived in Fairbanks for years. It's like living on the moon.
@ScottPack Father / daughter bonding time over the development of best practices for flatus combustion?
@RyJones - I might be pregaming for this baby shower thing... maybe...
@Wesley Gotta get it out somehow
@kce Careful with that liver.
@Wesley Did I tell you that she was quite literally begging to watch Lord of the Rings?
@Wesley - Yeah. I know know. I figure I got a few more years left.
@ScottPack Your daughter is way cooler than me.
OK. Last AK picture. The ice caves. Pretty sweet.
@kce Present time picture of your liver?
@Wesley I think someone was talking about it at school.
Nah liver's healthy. I just convert beer to horizontal motion (long distance running).
but yeah, I'll have to slow down eventually.
I have a buddy that lived in Anchorage for a few years, moved back to Philly, and went back to Anchorage maybe 4 years ago
damn you windows firewall
This is saturday dead chats live
@PatoSáinz eh
2 hours later…
French fried taters
@RyanRies 'n gravy.
Or Poutine as the 'nadians call it.
@RyanRies its freedom fries damn it
cause the French suck
@Wesley its spelt poontang
I've never had poutine... it looks disgusting, it's just not a pretty food, however I would eat the fuck out of it.
In other words I'm guessing it tastes much better than it looks
Which is basically like pigeons took a shit all over your fries
try thin-cut cow brain some time. it's pretty good
I would.... sounds very fatty. Sounds like it would be best spread onto bread.
@Wesley NO. U WRONG.
Has to be proper cheese curds, gravy and fries.
@RyanRies it's best fried up like spam.
it pretty much takes the flavor of what you cook it in
Ermmmm, I have mixed feelings about spam. I've eaten it, including when it was fried, and I just don't think it's good.
@MattBear you okay?
@RyanRies I can remember ONE occasion upon which I have purchased SPAM™: I was at a gas station convenience store looking for a can of dog food, and they didn't have dog food, but they had SPAM™. Fortunately, the dog didn't know the difference.
That could be their advertising tagline: SPAM™. Dog food, for humans.
@Wesley Not at all. The atomic mass of O is approximately 2^4 times the atomic mass of H. So, a peroxide molecule is almost twice as heavy as water.
@MikeyB Just use a chest spreader and gouge my heart out with a spoon whydontcha.
@Skyhawk Yes but will it blend?
@Skyhawk I like spam.
@Wesley Really? People eat that?
@ShaneMadden S'good.
@Wesley Of course it will blend. Why wouldn't it?
@RyJones Um, wouldn't it be fair to say that direct consumption of cow brain could result in an enhanced risk of CJD?
@Skyhawk munch
@Skyhawk got to die somehow
A fried-brain sandwich is generally a sandwich with sliced calves' brains on sliced bread. Thinly sliced fried slabs on white toast became ubiquitous on menus in St. Louis, Missouri, after the rise of the city's stockyards in the late 1880s, although demand there has so dwindled that only a handful of restaurants still offer them. But they remain popular in the Ohio River valley, where they are served heavily battered on hamburger buns. In Evansville, Indiana, they are still offered at a couple of "mom and pop" eateries, specifically the Hilltop Inn, and remain a favorite dish, featured ...
@RyJones I'd much rather die in a fiery crash than of anything resembling Alzheimer's.
@Skyhawk presumptive to imagine you have much choice in the matter
we could discover any common foodstuff will give you the crazies at any time.
@RyJones If I were diagnosed with some form of progressive dementia, there is only one way I'd allow it to run its course, and that's if I had a life partner who insisted on it.
@RyJones I've seen what happens to people, and there is no way I want to be a one-year-old in an n-year-old body.
@RyJones Nor would I want society to pay for me to stay alive in that condition.
@Skyhawk Too much happiness. I'd asplode.
G'night my desert roses.
Zzzz... -.-
@Wesley Good night, my breakfast azalea.
3 hours later…
shits working right finally
1 hour later…
@MattBear congratulations.. did you have to use laxative?
@pauska metamucil > *
4 hours later…
Q: Poor network performance with esxi 5.5 on ProLiant DL380 G7

Al BundyI get 5 MB/s on datastore operations (sftp, ftp, gui upload). Transfers start with 60MB/s in guests and then stabilize to the same wonderfull 5 MB/s. Makes me think it's an TCP issue. In the bare metal world everything is fine. Anyone has the same problems or knows what is the cause? I'm so ma...

Is any of you guys using Alienvault OSSIM?
A web form with free goodies for pregnant people.
Only the pregnant person herself is allow to fill in the form.

Mandetory field: Gender (m/f)

Someone did not pay attention in biology class?
1 hour later…
@Hennes Or they've been visiting malepregnancy.com?
Do I dare to look at that site?
It is work-safe.
HDMI versus Component Video.... GO!
Need Context.
I mean, 99% of the time the answer is HDMI.
You'd have to be integrating with some sort of legacy system to use Component Video.
Going from new cable box to receiver to TV..
Definitely HDMI.
And the other 1% it's because your HDMI port is broken
and the TV here is prewired through the wall with HDMI and component
how about from cable box to receiver? HDMI as well?
@RyanRies I was thinking of a situation where there were coaxial cables already in the walls, or where the video source didn't have an HDMI port, or...
@ewwhite You really ought to do an A/B test just so you understand the magnitude of the difference.
Yeah I always choose digital over analog when it comes to video signals and I definitely would not want to mix and match so that the signal has to get transformed back and forth
@ewwhite Why stack them when you can heap them?
Just assembling the A/V at the new house
wife wants her Apple TV working
Understandably so. TV is only barely tolerable at times, and only when it is devoid of ads.
I'm digging the cold rainy weather. We don't get enough of that here.
I'm liking our cold dry weather, allowed me to get 72 miles in this morning on safe, dry roads
@Iain yay!
@freiheit yep, wouldn't have attempted some of the roads if the weather had been cold and wet/icy
I'm thinking I need to get a tad more cold weather cycling stuff... Unfortunately, not a ton of options in the bike shops around here...
@freiheit I've been using Endura waterproof overshoes but my toes got cold. I bought some Altura neoprene overshoes and so far they're much warmer
@Iain My toes generally aren't a problem, but (believe it or not) I ride flat pedals, so I just switch to thicker socks and less breathable shoes when it's below freezing. Ears and fingers I manage to do fine on.
Leg-warmers aren't quite enough when it's freezing, and there's bits they don't cover... Arm-warmers plus vest totally leaves a freezing shoulder gap, and neither of those is sufficient for freezing...
I have some roubaix bib longs for when it's really cold, some bib knickers and leg/arm warmers for intermediate stuff as well as a selection of long sleeved tops and jackets
Today I wore my altura night vsion jacket and was too warm at times.
I'd love to get more merino wool stuff... Much more effective than the synthetics when there's drizzly bits.
I have a merino top and a merino base layer - they're ok
I'm going on vacation to Portland, OR for a week (thanksgiving, family, etc). Thinking I need to rent a bike for a day or three to get out for some rides, and go shopping for some cold weather cycling stuff while I'm there...
oh, is it thanksgiving this week ? That means an extra long weekend of crappyness on SF
:( looks like bikeroutetoaster.com has died too
@Iain I already have a long-sleeve wool jersey on order... Still trying to figure out bottoms options. I'll probably do a little shopping in Portland for that.
hmmm... one of the portland bike shops has an Ibex store in their store... And they're a convenient 0.3 mile from one brewery I need to visit and 0.7 from another... This is definitely happening...
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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