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@voretaq7 No.
@Wesley Aw yeah. Now that's the proper way to bathe a cat.
@MikeyB I wish I had two of them. One for me and one to rent out
this annoying travel agent implied I was trying to book travel under a fake name and asked for a copy of my passport >.>
@FalconMomot I recently found out credit cards can be issued to random strings, so I finally have credit cards with the name I use on them instead of the name I was born with
@FalconMomot Implied?
@RyJones Not only that, but the name field is unauthenticated by the CVV code on the stripe, so you can re-encode it to whatever you like and the card will still swipe. The slips it prints will have that name on them.
@RyJones So your credit cards say "Fruit Fucker 2000" on them?
@ScottPack yes, he asked several pointed questions about it
@FalconMomot oh excellent, I used to have access to a card writer.
@RyJones I have one on my desk.
@FalconMomot Based on some of the garbage my wife shows me from her client's yearbooks your name is somewhat normal.
@ScottPack I considered getting one issued in the name of Batman, but decided against it
login to a cisco device that I haven't been in for years. Enable password I have on file doesn't work. Try some others (we're not too creative with passwords to devices that can't be accessed from outside the management vLAN) - none work.... Spend 20 minutes looking for what the password could be... Accidentally hit enter twice, password is blank. FML.
@ScottPack Where the hell did she go to school?
@ChrisS ahahaha
@FalconMomot I've been meaning to acquire one. Distributor in .ca?
@ChrisS Yeah, I did the same when I was telnetting into my wife's hearing aids.
@FalconMomot useful
@ScottPack his neck looks weird
@FalconMomot Oh, no, she's a sales rep for a yearbook company. She even constructs the books for many of the schools. So she gets to see many thousands of names that current students have.
@MikeyB What the shit?
@FalconMomot Like this one kid name Sh'thead.
@voretaq7 THANKS
I just ordered a FIPS 201 card holder, I can't get my employer to give one up
@ScottPack Le-a story goes here
they use these cheesy vinyl ones
@ScottPack Real kid's name at the last facility she worked at. No apostrophe though, pronounced it "Shi-thead"
@RyJones Wow, what kinda lamers are they? =P
@MikeyB Oh, I just ebay them. It's not like they're prohibited or anything. I'm quite partial to my MSR605.
@Wesley very lame
@ScottPack Yikes. See, I like my weird name.
@ChrisS It's amazing. This kid was pronounced "Shu-Thee-Had"
I should buy a couple more and put my other IDs in them. I have my old Microsoft badge and my HSPD-12 from psc.gov
@ScottPack "Yeah, I'm just gonna call ya shithead."
@FalconMomot Yeah, your name is pretty close to classical for kids these days.
@RyJones "These Things Happen"
@voretaq7 My favorite movie, sir.
@RyJones albinoblacksheep.com/flash/weeee (warning: annoying sound, no volume/mute control, no pause button)
demented cartoon movie. go
@FalconMomot Cool. I have a PS/2 reader sitting around hereā€¦ but read-only is boring.
@ChrisS awwwww, Gonads & Strife
@RyJones I love those "shocking new rule" ads
that cartoon is underappreciated, having been dwarfed by The Llama Song and Badger Badger Badger
@voretaq7 Brings back memories, no?
@ChrisS especially since I know some of the people involved
@ChrisS very nice
@RyJones Cannot reproduce
@MichaelHampton "It's for the best"
@MichaelHampton works from my home proxy, doesn't from work
All I see is the usual conservative stuff.
@MichaelHampton HAAAAX!
@RyJones 'I forgot how to legs'
@Tanner such a small hallway, too
@MikeyB The PS/2 readers are annoying too because they consume a ton of power from the port, so they often don't work with USB PS/2 adaptors.
@FalconMomot Mine worksā€¦ if a keyboard is plugged into the reader.
As you may have seen, http://FoxNews.com is having issues. It's an internal production problem and will be fixed soon. #FoxNews
"Dude, just say you were hacked. It makes you look less incompetent."
@voretaq7 eh, we used to have issues at MSNBC, shit happens when you roll a home-grown CMS
@RyJones zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/… <-- When THAT happens, you claim hax.
otherwise you're like the news organization that got Korean Air pilots' names from the NTSB intern.
@voretaq7 sure, OK
(which for Faux News may be a step up - idunno)
dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2487485/… This would be great in the back yard
@RyJones Can I use it as a projector?
@voretaq7 don't see why not
@voretaq7 The aliens don't need to see your lizard porn.
@84104 I want to use it to project the Amanda Palmer Daily Mail song on the side of the Daily Mail's HQ
because yanno.... irony
I need a belly rub.
Farking support calls.
blog.seattlepi.com/thebigblog/2013/11/05/… this might do for belly rubs
@Wesley mew?
@DennisKaarsemaker mew
@DennisKaarsemaker catception
eh, I have some CAT boots, the quality is OK
@RyJones So it's not purrfect?
@NathanC indeed, they aren't
@RyJones cat boobs? wha?
So I have a customer with a performance problem in their application. We've managed to reduce the problem down to a fairly small case that replicates the issue.

It takes two days for the problem to crop up :/
@MikeyB resource leak?
@RyJones Don't buy CAT boots. They're made by Wolverine but had to cut back on the materials to pay CAT their royalties and still make a profit. Buy "normal" Wolverine boots if you want the same cut with superior materials.
@ChrisS Wait... Wolverine makes boots? You'd think Hugh make enough money on the movies...
@voretaq7 It's a problem related to inotify and dnotify. Seems to be a resource leak in the kernel. The problem persists if you kill the application and restart it. The problem goes away if you unmount the filesystem.
Oh boy.
So this has been running forā€¦ 5 hours now. Normal?
@MikeyB hrm
@MikeyB Not really
Longest sync I ever had was 3 hours, which was the first sync over a shitty connection with a lot of products selected
@MarkHenderson I haven't even selected any products yet.
Oooohhhhh this is that sync
No not normal
user image
@Tanner subtle :D
@Tanner I LOLed
@Tanner Bonus.
@MikeyB Gotta love how Microsoft has eliminated actual progress bars as well as any indication of what's actually happening behind the scenes.
@MikeyB It stands in stark contrast with the "other" server operating system.
@Skyhawk I thought that was pretty normal.
@MichaelHampton It gets worse and worse with every release.
@MichaelHampton More whitespace, less content, fewer details. The least they could do is replace the whitespace with a full-screen image of Ballmer's giant butto... wait, no, that wouldn't be professional.
@pauska Wow. They really captured his spirit, didn't they?
@Skyhawk ...."spirit" meaning "excessive perspiration"?
gah I can't type :(
deodorant deodorant deodorant deodorant deodorant
@pauska If I were Paul Allen, I would have sold my stock and bought airplanes, too.
@ChrisS I won't rebuy them. I bought some MMA shoes and I like them.
@Skyhawk What would you prefer: no progress bar, or a progress bar where the time estimate increases as the task runs?
@freiheit I'd prefer the latter. And something that I can click on to view verbose log information, e.g. if it freezes and I want to know where it froze.
@Skyhawk What color would you like the pony that comes with that to be?
@freiheit Dunno, but it'd better smell like Microsoft spirit.
@Skyhawk That can be arranged. I assume that Microsoft spirit and horse shit are basically the same scent...
@freiheit no, Microsoft Spirit is more of a flop sweat
@RyJones I thought this was Microsoft spirit:
or perhaps closer to this:
Blue screens are really projectile vomiting
@MarkHenderson you've never seen The Exorcist?
or this is your first time seeing Ballmer sweat through a stage
@voretaq7 Long time ago
But they're pretty feral thumbnails
I hate seeing vomit
That was a loooong interview...
@ewwhite did you make them cry?
@ewwhite did you dance for them?
No, I was just my charming self.
@ewwhite ...so they cried then.
or they held it in and are crying now
I'm not that bad!
@ewwhite BE. MEANER.
@ewwhite Did you win a client?
new client asks me to update an API key in their web app, existing key expires in 3 days. No problem. Previous developer abruptly quit yesterday. Hm. OK, no problem. API key is compiled into dll, and angry developer has the only copy of the source. OK, I found a problem.
@tylerl wow, time for hex edit!
@tylerl Is developer angry over non payment?
@Wesley that's a difficult bit of information to obtain.
@tylerl I guess you'll find out when they stop paying you. =P
@Wesley This is one-shot job.
@tylerl Paid in advance?
@Wesley just in case
small bills, please
@tylerl How'd they find you?
@RyJones estimated cost for completion just went from 1h to 5h.
@Wesley Same as everyone else; recommened by another company's tech support.
@tylerl build the cost of a bill wrapper into the bid
and probably more hours than that when you explain them that absolutely all code should be safely stored in a source control system..
@tylerl Yeahhh... everyone else. Maybe no one recommends me for a reason. I should probably stop eating their office plants and puking it back up on the furniture.
@Wesley but you're sooo cute!
I am!
I always think outside the box
The cat always occupies it
my cat avoids boxes
I think he's broken
So, apparently some time ago, 'postfix' died on one of my dev moodle boxes. I kicked postfix. It appears to now be clearing its backlog of 20,000 emails.
@freiheit get to test out your monitoring software, eh?
@RyJones It's a dev box, for which sending emails is very much a secondary thing...
Translation: shit, I should really puppetize "make sure postfix is fucking running", because that shit being broken on a prod moodle box would actually be bad.
ensure => running
@DennisKaarsemaker Yeah, except our older servers are running exim instead of postfix.
service{"mta": name => ? { old => exim, new => postfix }, ensure => running}
or just puppetize a migration to all postfix :)
@DennisKaarsemaker I always enjoyed the fact that the postfix daemon calls itself "master".
@DennisKaarsemaker Can't. Our mailman server is on exim with some crazy exim shit going on.
@freiheit exim shit gets crazy real fast
I like it :)
@DennisKaarsemaker Exim: "Maybe we can out-sendmail sendmail"
I think exim was the last MTA I was running before I went to exchange
I also might want to fix that cronjob problem that's sending a couple messages every 5 minutes.
@tylerl nothing outsendmails sendmail
I kept using it for a spam filtering front end to exchange for a long time, though
@DennisKaarsemaker LDAP lookups! :)
I need to buy me a new copy of the exim book
@freiheit as configured in a bad approximation of lisp!
somebody stole mine
Adobe. I hate Adobe.
Why they make it so damn hard to push Reader across a fleet of computer... I don't know. I really don't know.
@kce And Oracle. And SAP. And Parallels. Oh, and did I mention Microsoft. Boy, there's not a lot out there to like.
This morning: INBOX:0. Now: INBOX:12239.

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