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@84104 you should be having federal elections. Your vote doesn't count for shit but it's important you show up
@84104 I'd double check that
You've got US reps to elect, plus probably state/local too
@MDMarra it's guaranteed that you're voting for at least one senate seat...
@MDMarra State/local was March? No one's up for Federal in the odd years until someone resigns or dies.
Wikipedia says that elections in CA are only in even years
Does that mean I can destroy the "VOTE FOR MEEEEE" signs on my front lawn?
You Californians are weird
Who votes in March?
@MDMarra that's....odd. I didn't know any state didn't rotate senate seats in odd/even years
@MDMarra Definitely.
@MDMarra New York does
One was taken down a few weeks ago and it appeared again a few hours later ...politicians are sneaky
The only good thing about March voting is telling them which party I want to do primary voting for.
We vote in random months on issues of extreme local importance to guarantee nobody shows up to the polls.
I am embarrassed though. I was ill prepared to vote on PA supreme court seats, which is important given the recent Montgomery County Clerk of Orphahs marrying gay couples
@MDMarra I think it was Mayoral primary and some ballot measures (which are weird).
@ScottPack Ugh. I refuse to register as a member of any of these shit political parties.
@voretaq7 "Oh, we have this super important ammendum to pass. Let's do it ...in December during a major snowstorm!"
@voretaq7 What party registration?
@ScottPack NY doesn't have open primaries
I never choose a party
@voretaq7 New York: Why have something open when it can be legislated.
@voretaq7 I almost registered as an "American Idependent" then I realized those were the crazy rasist people and put down Non-Partisan
They're both crap as evidenced by the most-certainly-avoidable shutdown last month
# puppet apply -e 'if "$selinux_enforced" != true { crit("SELinux status=$selinux_enforced, should be true") }'
Critical: Scope(Class[main]): SELinux status=true, should be true. WTF?
you can only vote in a primary for the party you're registered with. I'm registered as "You all fucking suck, don't sully my name by associating it with your graft, corruption, and incompetence"
@ScottPack It's so that republicans cant flood the polls and vote for weak dems in the primary, or vice versa
@MDMarra I know what it's for, but Ohio does open primaries anyway.
@MDMarra except people just cross-register so both parties wind up with shit candidates.
@dawud Try "true" ?
@voretaq7 Here in CA we have open primaries.
I don't understand the purpose of primaries.
@voretaq7 That's the reason?
It's just a spending contest before the spending contest.
You want free energy, tap the graves of our founding fathers. they gotta be spinning pretty damn fast by now
Jimmy Carter called out campaign spending this morning on GMA
@NathanC Amazing, both true and 'true' fail, while "true" works as expected.
Remember the good ole days when parties were just a formality and anybody who wanted ran anyway? That lasted, what, 2 elections?
@dawud yay for data types!
@dawud That's because "true" is a string where as true and 'true' are binary operators.
i'm thinking $selinux_enforced returns a string... ' ' wouldn't work because that's typically for single chars
or that
I did some refactoring of parametrized classes to move a bunch of stuff from "true" to true. It made the code much more consistent as well as correct.
Oh, so NOW @voretaq shows up...
@ScottPack ah, that'd explain it. Has this changed recently? (e.g. puppet 3.1 -> 3.3)
@dawud Not that I know of.
@ScottPack @NathanC thanks both, BTW
Q: Boot disk with VMFS read/write driver

Gregg LeventhalI want to rule out the ESXi kernel being the cause for my terrible 15MB/s write speed on the local VMFS datastore. I am using a Dell PERC H710 RAID controller, and would like to boot from a boot disk and perform some writes to bench mark the raid array. Is there any boot disk that is going to s...

@dawud I aim to pleasure.
So for some reason my second domain controller (which is now the PDCe) doesn't have SYSVOL shares. That doesn't seem right.
@voretaq I needed to get from LaGuardia to Jersey City, and the options looked grim
@ScottPack heh
@ewwhite you're going to Jersey. The options are always grim, my son.
@voretaq7 Hi, did you get my message.
@ewwhite splashes you with water from the Hudson Go to pieces.
@84104 That would be broken.
@Dan mmmaybe, is it in my inbox? I haven't checked my inbox yet :)
@84104 play marco/polo with it. Only instead of saying "marco!", hit it with a hammer.
I'm in a damn cab. To jersey.
Trying to creep through soho
<scrolls through inbox> so apparently @Wesley wants to ride me... you know I've broken boyfriends before right, cat?
dat traffic
and what did you bastards do to @SpacemanSpiff's espresso machine?
Messing with a sysadmin's coffee is NOT COOL guys.
@Dan Yeah. No clue how though. -_-
(Also in related news I'm not allowed to have coffee all week because dehydration. I'm going to bite someone's throat out by tomorrow.)
@voretaq7 Send pictures?
@84104 it's not violence. I need caffeine. If they've been drinking coffee i can get it that way, right?
@voretaq7 Caffeine vampire?
You lock on to their quickened pulse?
@84104 I smell espresso on them
starbucks workers are infused with vital essence.
So @voretaq... Y U no hang with me in NYC?
@voretaq7 Do you know long fluoridation has been going on, @voretaq7?
Also the updated close reason is in the queue to be approved
@ewwhite You shouldda come to the ER - we had saline bags, and funny nurses, and how come I never get a cute gay male nurse when I'm sick?!?
really I'm starting to resent modern medicine.
@84104 I thought they stopped it because it was causing fluorosis
Wackypedia says 1950s
@voretaq7 It appears to be too long. I can't seem to approve it.
but isn't substantially more accurate than that
Sitting on hold with Microsoft Licensing trying to activate RDS CALs over the phone sucks ass. :(
@MichaelHampton hm, it's exactly the character limit, lets see what happens if I trim a period :)
@RyanRies I think I found more of my DC problem. My second DC/PDCe doesn't have SYSVOL shares.
@84104 That is a problem. :#
I have no idea why or how to appropriately fix that.
@MichaelHampton you also have to zorch the old one because we already have 3 custom close reasons :)
give it a try now
(THREE shall be the number of the close reasons, and the number of the close reasons shall be THREE -- unless we bug the community team to open another slot but I'm all out of bribe money. I've been renting politicians.)
@voretaq7 Hm, now it seems to be OK. I still think that should be reworded a bit. Maybe "End user and enthusiast questions are off-topic"
@RyanRies I think forcibly removing the other DC would be a bad idea in this case.
Passing Logicworks in a cab... Oh the memories...
@MichaelHampton it should let you edit it right?
Of course...
If you can trim characters that would be a good thing :)
@84104 Agreed, you should find and fix the underlying cause
Hey, now I have 5 characters left!
Which means I can fix that link at the end.
@RyanRies Any idea where to start? I'm way out of my depth in Windows land here.
@MichaelHampton the link was b0rken?
it worked when I pasted it
@voretaq7 It was just a bare URL
@84104 I'd start with a dcdiag /c /v > results.txt on both domain controllers.
ah yeah. now you can markdown it :)
Done and done
grumble grumble*character limit*grumble grumble
"Politely explain to the person asking a shit question why their question doesn't belong here. Make sure the explanation fits in a tweet."
@RyanRies Running that without the flags (and some digging) is how I found this. Didn't even know about it before your comment.
@NathanC that's apparently not polite. Now go back and practice playing "The Grumpy Snail"
$8.25 toll for a tunnel!?!
@ewwhite Welcome to New York bro.
How do people survive?
$13 for the bayonne bridge now.
WHO THE FUCK would pay $13 to go to STATEN FUCKING ISLAND?!
I'd pay to get out of NYC if I were there.
Though for that price I could just about get a Chinatown bus to Boston
@MichaelHampton I'd pay to get into NYC, but I couldn't afford to stay...
And I thought our $3 toll in York was pricey
@NathanC there aren't many places in NYS with tolls that low
most of them are way-the-fuck up the river
Or that $2.25 one I pay if I take I95 home
rawr, stupid backup drive is out of space again -_-
Shit, our turnpike has two tollbooths and you end up paying a grand total of $2 cash price, or less with an E-Z Pass.
yeah, this one has like...4
Oh, and we finally got the E-Z Pass lanes where you don't have to even slow down
actually 3 if you don't use 295 ($1.00 entrance toll) and a lot of the major on-ramps have a $1 toll
yeah, those are nice
although some people still slow down below 60 going through them
@NathanC @MichaelHampton . . . like.... 2 toll boths for all the cars?
@voretaq7 Most have 4 + an ezpass lane
@voretaq7 There's a tollbooth between Nashua and Manchester, and another between Manchester and Concord
the major i95<->295 connector has 8 lanes with 2 ezpass
We have giant toll plazas with (typically) between 6 and 16 booths
And our ezpass is 5mph. Because suck.
There used to be 12-16 booths, but they cut out a bunch of them when they put in the new E-ZPass lanes
our ezpass lanes are sensors in the catwalk above the booths.
we make you slow down to 5mph because the ezpass lanes used to have guard arms to raise
So you have to drive through at a walking pace?
@MichaelHampton I walk faster than that.
the thruway has proper ezpass sensors and toll booths are on a separate roadway
@voretaq7 That arm is the "pike" that you had to "turn".
so you go through and the camera photographs your license plate
and if your ezpass doesn't register you get a $100 (I think, might be $150) ticket.
@MichaelHampton we don't call them "turnpikes" in NY. We call them "Give the nice civil servant their money or you're going to get shot"
(back in the olden times we called them "Give the nice man with no teeth and a shotgun his money or you're going to get shot.")
I used to have an ez pass when I commuted from RI to Framingham, MA.
I need to get one
but I generally don't take toll roads
@voretaq7 neither do I
What's the limit for number of downvotes before they get reversed ?
@Iain serial downvotes? Not sure
is someone going on a spree?
@MikeyB I haven't - but I did considerable reading on it.
someone downvoted me 8 times on SO in the space of a minute last Monday 28/10
3 or 4, I think. If it didn't get reversed, I'd call in a mod.
I accidentally went through a "closed" ezpass lane once ...it had a green light but the yellow/green light showing if it registered or not was off
@Iain damn.
@Iain I would think that should have set off the alarm
ugh, takes quite a while to delete several hundred thousand files >.>
@NathanC how much was that ticket? :)
@voretaq7 $0...never heard anything about it
it was one of those $1 on-ramps
@NathanC ...you mean your state won't spend $0.30 (stamp) + $0.05 (envelope) + $0.15 (paper and ink) + some fraction of someone's salary to recover that dollar? *WASTE WASTE WASTE!
@voretaq7 oops - so it was moar coffee required
@voretaq7 Heh. Sorta like when my college sent me via mail a $0.36 bill
the stamp itself cost $0.42
New york routinely sends me a 3-part carbon form and preprinted envelope for my landing fees.
Some months I owe them $50. Some months I owe them $2.50. I can't imagine they turn a profit on the $2.50
@voretaq7 Most likely there wasn't anything to capture my plates or anything ...it was a 2-lane booth with one being ezpass lol
@NathanC we have cameras everywhere. We like to watch.
I wonder who I pissed off that day
like the NSA?
@NathanC They like to listen.
oh, overdue for lunch time...
elections.ny.gov/NYSBOE/Elections/2013/Proposals/… <-- This enrages me. It is my election day outrage of choice.
I'm still actually using credit on my ezpass account from august
in maine if you have enough trips you get a discount over the total cost of all your tolls for the month
so, July 2013 65 50% $50.20
@voretaq7 Taken entirely out of context!
I got a $50.20 credit...which I blew through the next month and then some, but i got more credit the next month
I wonder which client domain suddenly had a spike of 600 legit emails in one hour. O_o
@Wesley Mailing list?
@NathanC Probably, and it's not interesting enough for me to search it out, and also they pay based on email volume so they can get on as many email lists as they want. =P
In The Comms Room, context takes you out.
@voretaq7 Plus you don't have wheels. Or shifters. I can't be a city messenger on your back.
@cole ...for wine and a nice dinner? I could use some romancin'.
@cole In Soviet Comms Room, context misquotes you!
Actually I think proper context makes most of what I say worse. =(
@voretaq7 you and me both
@ewwhite I hate that Barracuda email appliances have artificial limits placed on the number of domains you can have in them. I wish they're just neuter the hardware like a normal company.
That's why I didn't go with them.
And why do I barf when I have green tea on a mostly empty stomach.
And why are my glasses so dirty.
Well...eat more and stop barfing
Probably all those hairballs
@cole harbls
I can drink cold water, hot coffee, juices, and liquids of all kinds on an empty stomach.
Hot green tea? Technicolor yodel.
and the new close reason claims its first victim.
New close reason?
@voretaq7 "Closed because thou art crunchy and go good with ketchup."
@ScottPack the updated version of "you need to go hire a professional"
I'm not noticing anything different.
Q: How to send emails and avoid them being classified as spam

Uwe This is a canonical question about how to handle email sent from your server being misclassified as spam. For additional information you may find these similar questions helpful: Best Practices for preventing you from looking like a spammer Sometimes I want to send newsletters to...

Is that getting stale?^
@ScottPack mainly striking "novice questions are off topic" in favor of "end user and enthusiast questions are off-topic"
@voretaq7 Pedanticize all the pedants!
shouldn't change how the question is used, but should make it clear that the exceptional n00bs in the green part of the graph are actually allowed to be here.
@ScottPack we're sysadmins, we're SUPPOSED to be pedantic!
and we (well not any of us in here but someone on the site) were getting a little too pedantic in the unwelcoming kind of way - hence the rewrite
@voretaq7 Ohhh, pedantic? Dang, I guess I should stop touching these people's feet then.
@voretaq7 so slim as to be unnoticeable
I can pedant too - my backup career is "Bureaucrat" :-)
@Iain every so often we find one - I don't want to run them off to the Print Journalism industry or all that will be left of our profession are the ones too damn stupid to read a manual or use Google :-/
@voretaq7 like I said
What's a 'google'? Is it edible?
@DennisKaarsemaker 'tis a very large number
1*10^1000 I believe?
That's a googol. Gawd.
@DennisKaarsemaker what is the markdown for that?
none. Unicode
Also, a googol is 1x10^100. Not 1000
This is what it look like on my desktop PC without joined domain.
IT'S OVAR 627,000!
> This is NOT a place for 'Live Support'
I can't get scanning features included on Windows Server 2012
48 secs ago, by Iain
> This is NOT a place for 'Live Support'
@ScottPack googollum?
@voretaq7 Smeagoogol?
That sounds icky.
tricksy search results. Tricksy and false - filled with spam and kitty porn.
(and this is why we don't use @Wesley's workstation for live demos anymore)
I am dismayed to see Unicode 7.0 ignored my submissions WEEPING FACEPALM, WEEPING DOUBLE FACEPALM and BLACK VOID AT THE HEART OF ALL THINGS.
Uhh...which tab is that moaning coming from?
@ScottPack Is it an IP address or weather?
That's a hard one.
teehee, hard
P = NP

Proposed Q&A site for everyone who thinks that found a proof for P=NP and want a professional answer to why it's not

Currently in definition.

@NathanC Nicely played.
@NathanC . . . god that's going to be a popcorn site.
@voretaq7 At first I was going to say "I can't imagine that site retaining any experts", but then it occurred to me that you really just need one or two pedantic math geeks that love repeatedly telling people in great detail why they're wrong...
@freiheit like serverfault and amateur sysadmins :)
@voretaq7 Moan my HTTP response.
@Wesley Five HuuUUUUUUUUUNDRED - Internal server errorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
@voretaq7 I said moan, not mimic a stabbing victim.
@Wesley I'll stabbing victim you
@voretaq7 I told you, that whole bicycle metaphor was mis quoted!
@Wesley You do realize that bicycles are real things, not just metaphors, right?
@freiheit I owned a bike as a kid. I've touched bikes at the store as early as this summer!
@Wesley metaphorical touching, eh?
@freiheit It's only gay if the chain guards touch
@Wesley So bikes without chain guards can touch all sorts of kinky ways and it's automatically "no homo"?
@Wesley you spend your days at the bike store fondling brake handles, don't you?
speaking of which - lycra time
winter longs and big coat tonight
@freiheit There's an extended reference to the male interpretation of lesbianism somewhere in there.
@voretaq7 I would totally fondle some SRAM 22 hydraulic brake levers... Oh baby!
@Iain Have fun!
@freiheit it could be interesting what with it being bonfire night and all
@Iain kinkayyyyyyyyyyyy
Moderators...Why did the VTC options get re-ordered? Just for fun or based on usage?
@TheCleaner One of them got replaced. As punishment all your cached muscle memory now needs to be invalidated :-)
Q: Clarifying "Novice questions are off-topic"

voretaq7One of our close reasons reads as follows: Questions must be relevant to professional system administration. Server Fault is a site dedicated to professionals; novice questions are off-topic. Please see the Help Center for more information on topicality. The best advice we can give you is to ...

(it would be nice if we could sort them actually)
@voretaq7 Your second sentence...you know me and my inside gripes too well
@TheCleaner we should color-code them or something :P
Was I too mean to this guy?
Q: can't post to serverfault.com again

Dean HillerI am getting the nice cryptic message "This title does not meet our quality standards. Please make sure that it clearly summarizes your problem and uses proper grammar. You can put details in the body of your question." I decided to go elsewhere and post on another forum as my title was short an...

That's a bit on the mean side, I'd say, especially since it didn't explain how he could improve his meta question... mentioning the content of the rejected title comes to mind.
@voretaq7 - I think it will get confusing if there's overlap between "enthusiast" in that novice VTC choice and the "send to superuser" one. But time will tell.
Also, I'm generally of the opinion that complaints about excessively ambiguous error messages rarely should be rejected out of hand.
@TheCleaner The difference is, as always that the close reason should be used iff the question is unsuitable for migration.
@FalconMomot yeah, but I like sending crap to SU...they need things to close.
@TheCleaner Have you ever considered a career as a war criminal?
@FalconMomot He might make a great CEO.
@voretaq7 I think it can be reworded as "Meta is here to be helpful, but a rant without content and information for us to side with you on isn't going to help anyone. If you decide you want actual constructive feedback please edit your post into an actual constructive question that includes what you were trying to do and what the errors/prompts were that you were given."
@Skyhawk CIO. I plan on telling people "I don't have enough information on that at the moment, but will get back with you after this round of golf"
@TheCleaner Fair.
@Skyhawk bite
@FalconMomot funny that you say that because I read that OPs last name different at first glance.
@FalconMomot he doesn't have enough SO rep.
@Wesley Today, I am grateful to have been vaccinated against rabies.
@voretaq7 ha...I don't know...almost all of the questions I've asked over on meta.SO get responses/votes that should qualify me for a Purple Heart.
@Skyhawk Can I lick your scalp?
It looks shiny.
Cat bathing is dangerous.
@TheCleaner "...and delivering queued messages." I seriously need to start reading sentences to the end
Axed anything lately?
@Wesley wesley! Trying to kill windows RT and Mac OS X 10.8
and iOS 6, but that's a losing battle
@Wesley trying, product management keeps pushing back. Just found out one of the causes of our rackspace shortage is an unused file server. it's been plugged in for a year and it's completely unused.
while we're running out of disk space
@RyJones O_o
@Wesley Everyone thought someone else owned it. I'm glad I don't sign for assets.
@RyJones You've found another good use for your Breaking Bad axe.
Is there any end to the problems that can be solved with a felling axe?
@Wesley indeed. I would like to use it on something other than my wall.
@Wesley very few
BRB, hamburger time.
@MathiasR.Jessen que?

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