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@Cole :o
hey Cole
@cole aww yisss
hey @JennyD!
user image
sums it up
@Cole is this a day to do nothing? lol
No, I'm still doing work
my exit interview is at 1PM
@cole "So, Cole, why would you say you're leaving us?"
got Wordpress running on IIS 8 with PHP, WinCache, URL rewrite (pretty links) and MySQL on a windows server
looks to be working quite great and fast :)
@pauska this looks like a sentence full of everything wrong with the world
@pauska Achievement Unlocked
@pauska 5 kittens just died because you uttered that sentence.
@cole confirm nothing deny everything level counteraccusations
seriously, skip the exit interview
exit interviews are pointless
We've been running PHP apps on IIS for over a year without hiccups, so I'm really not that surprised.. it's just good to see that people manage to write clean PHP code
@RyJones have to do it, since that's when they take my badge and credit card
@cole hand them both of those, say thanks, leave
there is nothing good that comes from talking to them on the way out the door
@RyJones well I have to go down to HR. Do I just say I decline doing an exit interview?
@cole I would.
All you can possibly do is say something silly and burn a bridge.
Yeah I've already talked to HR in the past about the issues.
Not sure how I'm going to get out of it though
Don't want to be a dick either
I'm not saying be a dick or antagonistic.
just walk in, set fire to them, walk out
any questions about why, or what would be better, or who, just don't answer them.
"I don't really feel comfortable discussing that"
Good plan.
it isn't like the right answer means they pull back the curtain to reveal you've won a prize.
LOL imagine.
Confetti drops from the ceiling
@cole and the curtain slides back to show...a nealy decommissioned Windows NT server ready for you to take home!
just take the high road, don't slag anyone, etc
brb gotta reboot
ok that's better
Everyone keeps telling me I'm going to miss it here.
that's true
unless you work with 100% assholes, you will miss people
I work with 100% assholes
These people are the most lazy, complacent and whiny people I've ever met
It's like high school here.
assholes lips and lungs - the best part of hot dogs
@Cole My exit interview on my last job was them firing me...so yeah lol
@cole hate to break it to you, but it's like high school everywhere
A lot of places only do "yes, so and so worked here" for references anyway.
@RyJones a lot of places I've been haven't been like this. Everyone in my department has worked here for 10+ years, average in my department is 15+ years
@cole what do they do? is this government work?
@Cole Yeah, that's common in those settings. The oldest person here has been here since 1987
Most people have been here 8+ years
@RyJones mmm... cow...
@Basil but do you ork them?
@JennyD I have colleagues for that :)
@DennisKaarsemaker nod that is what the cow-orkers are for!
@JennyD I'm sure I'm someone's cow-orker
That's odd...one of my DFS shares stopped working randomly. "file not found" O.o
@RyJones I have been informed that the orking of cows is illegal in the state of Utah.
@NathanC DFS means Deletable File Shares, right? :)
@NathanC check the target server(s)
@JennyD I don't get it.
I get it now.
@Basil :-)
@JennyD I need about two litres more coffee and I'll be getting jokes again
@JennyD they only made it illegal in Washington state last year
@pauska Both of them are available and I can access the shares when going directly to one of the servers...
not through the dfs path though (\\domain\namespace\folder)
and it's only this one folder...others work fine which is odd.
So the UNC path directly to all the servers work, even as a regular user?
Probably will just rebuild that folder...
this could be dfs conflicts
have you looked at the event logs on namespace servers and on dfs-r members?
Oh, and are they using offline files?
try accessing the dfs path on a PC with offline files disabled
@pauska No offline files. I'll investigate the event logs after my meeting I have to go to...yay meetings...
@NathanC are you 100% positive? Windows will cache the DFS links unless you disable offline files completely
if those links get corrupted.. you get the picture
@pauska have you grabbed the 8.1 GA update yet?
I'm running it on my surface pro
here is a pointless 40 minute video: youtube.com/watch?v=PXsDIlqJ95Q
I want a pro :(
buy one, that's how I got one
I'm curious what specific fixes are in the 230MB GA update
the KB article doesn't say
once the surface 2 is easy to get, I'll probably pass my surface down to my oldest daughter
@MDMarra the GA update is for the RTM version now on VLSC?
You get the GA update through windows update if 8.1 RTM is installed
A fix is scheduled to be included with the upcoming update rollup in November 2013.
You experience an error when resuming a computer from hibernation, and a blank screen is shown. This issue may occur with some computers that have TPM chips enabled.
that one happened to me today
It's 230MB and has "finishing touches" according to the KB
so I guess we'll wait for that one until we roll out 8.1
My laptop doesn't power down now
So that's fun
Still trying to figure out why
so, a GA and a RU after RTM
@pauska I tried to access it directly from my machine and it was failing
@pauska ya
There are three updates available today. GA, UR, and something else
Plus my surface rt had a firmware update
well, I give, I should pack.
weee got free breakfast because its my last day
@Iain I think Cole may be considered to have paid for it in blood, sweat and tears...
@pauska Happens to my home computer all the time. I can still login with fingerprint though, and it brings the desktop right up.
Apparently we are useless...
Apparently they don't know proper grammar
oh that was a lovely ragequit post
He left quite the doosie on mSF and mSO
oh yes
He's also argued in the past that no site should ever close any question - basically that we should allow anything on any site - I don't know if anyone pointed him to Y!A, but he's got some very basic comprehension issues.
There's a few people who define on topic as "whatever random shit I want to talk about"
wait, he did this on MSO too?
Of course there are a few people who define Off Topic as "anything I don't care about" and they're equally dickish, but still.
heh, been having random annoyances with 8.1
I don't see how any annoyance with Windows 8 can be random.
it turned on 3d for some reason. Took me a while to work out why the game I was playing gave me double vision
I didn't even know nvidia cards did anaglyphic 3d
@JourneymanGeek Yeah
so, yeah, I consider that random
also, the start menu has random coloured blocks which I can't change. WHAT IS IT WITH MS AND FISHER PRICE?
@MikeyB: I know, right?
Just got an email from the guy I don't like working with in my group, since he's off today
and what did it say?
Hey Cole,

Sorry I am not there to say good bye in person....just wanted to wish you luck with the new job and let you know it was really great working with you, had some laughs and some fun, you will be missed buddy.

Please keep in touch.
@cole nice!
Everyone in my group and other groups has said "Cole...you will certainly be missed." or something like that. It's nice to hear
I know I'm certainly a character, people find me entertaining lol
Well, sure... if you're the one picking up everyone's slack, I'm sure they'll really miss you once they're back to getting dumped on when stuff isn't accomplished.
Oh yeah
They're fucked.
Everyone says that LOL
and sadly, they say it too
not your problem good sir
@cole counting down the hours? :)
Dear Thomas; Thank you for your application for the position of IT Technician and I am pleased to be able to invite you to attend for interview.
aww yiss.
woo hoo
@DennisKaarsemaker you know it
@tombull89 good luck mate!
@tombull89 grats & good luck!
yes, it's spam, but funny :)
scroll up
@tombull89 good luck sir
has anyone ever stayed at a haunted hotel (intentionally)
do they charge more or less? ;p
In the meantime, I'm going to write a countdown timer to 1PM in Python
Quick question...in IIS, can I have the same "virtual directory" name in multiple sites? They all point to different physical places, but i want the virtual one to be the same name
@NathanC Why mightn't you be able to?
@NathanC yes
@MikeyB Dunno, thinking it had to be unique or something. Thanks @pauska
you're basically asking if folder names are unique across a file system
@cole mmmmm timedeltas
@pauska I didn't know if IIS liked having the same "virtual directory" name even if they were different sites
@NathanC ... like cgi-bin?
@NathanC different sites is OK, same site is not OK
just think of it as folders and you'll get the picture
@MikeyB I'm installing multiple instances of an .NET app on the same server. Different site, same IIS instance
@DennisKaarsemaker that's fuckin' awesome haha
@pauska Good point, thanks
and since you mentioned .NET app
plan your pools carefully
Yeah, it auto-names the pools appropriately (since i'm doing a dev/staging/prod setup)
some people just dump everything into the default app pool, which is not a good idea with more than one site, and not a good idea at all if one of the apps misbehave even on a single site
@MikeyB trying to teach myself Python so I figure why not
2 or 3?
I keep typing Pythong
and then laughing at myself.
@cole I'm taking an online class for python..that edX thing
it's free :D
@NathanC I'm taking the Coursera one
#!/usr/bin/env pythong
I'm like wtf Cole
@cole that's wrong
stop using /usr/bin/env like a magic bullet. The command is in /usr/bin/python
@DennisKaarsemaker good to know. This is all new to me
one of these things is not like the other....
Even better on their homepage: deansproperty.com.au
Gandalf standing in the back...
@DennisKaarsemaker As I understand it, The Reason for using /usr/bin/env is that python might sometimes be in /usr/local/bin, not /usr/bin.
@Tanner Prior to Deans Property, he worked in sales; selling Australia on Disc...
yes, and all those scripts will then suddenly stop working as both pythons will be completely different
@DennisKaarsemaker en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix)#Portability (bah, ignore onebox)
Hey, does anyone (maybe @pauska?) know whether the VNX control station audit logs contain entries for actions done through the gui and the NAS command line?
@tombull89 australiaondisc.com maybe that?
@MikeyB exactly. If I write my script having whatever is in /usr/bin/python in mind, I should use that as shbang
because you never know which version will be in /usr/local/bin, and if it will have the libraries one needs
@DennisKaarsemaker If you need a specific version, you'd use #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 fer instance.
the /usr/bin/env trick is no more than an overused gimmick
$ python<TAB><TAB>
python      python2.7   python3.3   python3m
python2     python3     python3.3m
it's not just about versions. It can be compilation options, installed libraries and whatnot
[root@cole-linux ~]# python
python python2 python2.7 python3 python3.3 python3.3m
@cole I have that with the word 'anything'. It always comes out as anythong...
@DennisKaarsemaker Sure, and nearly all of the time you don't need to be that specific. Oh hey, this script just needs python3 so I use #!/usr/bin/env python3 so it works both on my updated boxes as well as that stupid RHEL box over there ---> with no python3 package and an unmanaged install.
hahaha @DennisKaarsemaker
@MikeyB #!/usr/bin/python3
@DennisKaarsemaker Yeah, except it's installed in /usr/local/bin on that box.
if the install is unmanaged, the system is broken
backport the package
Not sure how valuable knowing Python and being a Windows Sys Admin will be though
@DennisKaarsemaker It's not a perfect solution, just a solution. And guess what? It works for the 4 or 5 months more this system will be around, that's good enough for me.
@MikeyB ah, the fallacy of the 'temporary solution'
@cole It's good learnin'. It's a very nice language.
@MikeyB indeed.
So many of them tend to last for years, it's not even funny :)
I like to learn anyways, that's why I'm doing it.
@DennisKaarsemaker Yep, agreed. Though in this particular case the replacement is marked on my calendar :D
Found a pair of shoes for @wesley : punk.com/1694202.html
@mfinni only on weekends
@tombull89 or Stabby Tuesday
@cole: a lot of IBM's tools for their laptops, back in the day were python
Wow, has this job ever given me a lot of "you're never going to believe this shit" stories due to be shared over beers.
@JourneymanGeek Interesting
@DennisKaarsemaker just looking at those make my feet hurt
@ChrisS - I thought I had gotten a timeout. Tried to submit my answer on that VPN question and the thing was grayed out...then I F5'd.
omg the whistler
Questions about general computing hardware and software are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve tools used primarily for programming. You may be able to get help on Super User — Siddharth Rout 13 mins ago
not gonna miss him
I asked about Visual Freakin' Studio.
@tombull89 snortle
The new RDP client for Mac/iOS/Android is out (the iTap code), free on all stores
I'm just going to leave that there to fuck with your minds.
fuck that
mind = blown
paint that reacts to lightning..
@cole dude. mind == blown
(the shadow from the trash bin)
so I need to lose another 20lbs to get to my goal weight
Home time. Have a nice weekend!
@JennyD Cheers!
@JennyD you too!
@pauska nope. take screenshot and compare color values. The trick is that the squares in the shadow are painted differently
@DennisKaarsemaker It's funny - if you blow the image up 4x or so, it looks TOTALLY different.
@MikeyB mind =~ /blown/
his profile comment forced me to make a meme...
"All the code that I post is TRIED & TESTED. But sometimes I am unable to do so for some reason, and usually say so if this is the case."
that doesn't add up.. if they were painted differently it should get brighter, not darker
since it's in the shade
What the heck does that even mean? Talk in absolutes and then go completely ambiguous.
Means this : This place is not a place of honor.
No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here.
Nothing valued is here.
This place is a message and part of a system of messages.
Pay attention to it!
Sending this message was important to us.
We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
The checker shadow illusion is an optical illusion published by Edward H. Adelson, Professor of Vision Science at MIT in 1995. The image depicts a checkerboard with light and dark squares. The optical illusion is that the area of the image labeled A appears to be a darker color than the area of the image labeled B. However, they are actually exactly the same color. This can be proven using the following methods: *Opening the illusion in an image editing program and using the eyedropper tool to verify that the colors are the same *Isolating the squares. Without the surrounding context, the...
What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.

The danger is in a particular location... it increases toward a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.

The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.

The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
@mfinni I think that's a pretty neat project.
@mfinni wth?
Someone just broke my flag flicker. Now I just get a parseerror.
Alternatively : This is not a dream... not a dream. We are using your brain's electrical system as a receiver. We are unable to transmit through conscious neural interference. You are receiving this broadcast as a dream. We are transmitting from the year one, nine, nine, nine.
You are receiving this broadcast in order to alter the events you are seeing. Our technology has not developed a transmitter strong enough to reach your conscious state of awareness, but this is not a dream. You are seeing what is actually occurring for the purpose of causality violation.
@Cole how many hours left?
@TheCleaner If you have Firebug or Chrome you can just edit the button, re-enable it, and post an Answer to a closed question for up to an hour after it's been closed.
@Magellan 2 hours. I think he's frantically trying not to do anything at all :)
At that point, I'd just start counting down the remaining time aloud. Of course, don't tell anyone what you're doing. Just shout out the minutes-left every 60 seconds: "One hundred twenty"
@JourneymanGeek holy cow - gamers do take their discussions/internet wars seriously
I keep getting the "Hold on, someone is wrong on the internet" image in my head
@pauska: its the bridge. They're probably singlehandedly the best reason for meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/201985/…
I mean, look at that discussion going on
@jscott he should be whistling the final countdown :)
@Magellan < 2 now
Why the hell would anyone spend their time on that?
@DennisKaarsemaker This is the best suggestion yet!
they need a hobby?
@pauska What where??
The Bridge ;p
You'd think they have enough gaming to fill up their free time
@cole start whistling the final countdown
Or another one bytes the dust
honestly, It looks like drama is their hobby ;p
@Basil I have no idea, but you could create a SR at EMC and get a proper answer for it
@JourneymanGeek I always mark flags from the bridge as valid
they're too annoying to actually investigate
I usually ignore them
Just got a box to put all my stuff in :)
@cole time to start singing "I want to break free"
given your specific circumstances, dressing up the way Freddy does in that video would be hilariously confusing :)
I have to say, I feel a huge sense of relief and a weight off my shoulders knowing today's my last day.
Q: What combination of soft to select?

FlyerI'm thinking of upgrading my server soft along with OS. As of now, my VPS is running on Debian 6 with nginx (1.2.4) -> apache (2.2.16). My VPS specs are 1Gb RAM, 2 cores of Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520 @ 2.27GHz. Now, here is the question. Which combo should I run? - nginx -> apache (2.4.x) -> PH...

user image
@pauska I'll go that route if I can't find something on their site
For anyone looking at houses/flats/condos/etc pictures LIE
@ChrisS This pisses me off so much. What are they going to do when you walk in? Glue a fisheye lense to your face?
We're looking at places in Seattle right now and grrrrrrrrr...
Just got an email from a customer saying they have a DOA switch and need a replacement:
@MikeyB Very.... um.... abstract
Post-Modern Deco Switch?
@MikeyB it's not dead, it's resting!
Mayhaps their receiving dock shouldn't have stacked that skid on top of the skid with electronics in it.
@DennisKaarsemaker It's NOT pining, it's been pinned!
I'm not sure you could even nail it to a perch with that....unique shape
Screw you BootCamp!
Hm, another computer that lost contact with all DFS folders. Reboot fixed it...
@MikeyB Did they try turning it off and back on?
@ChrisS I doubt they even bothered checking to see if it was plugged in.
I'll bet it still works. I bought a 24-port 10Gb IB Switch on eBay like that for $40. Took it apart, bent everything back into shape. Works flawlessly, except one port's latching mechanism is broke.
I had a big-ass old school 12U telco 48V power supply that looked like a forklift ran into the front. Massive dent in the front, the circuit board inside was bent in about a 30° arc.
That motherfucker still worked and we put it into a lab, powering equipment.
Holy shit... so ^ that customer with the busted switch actually has a budget to cover damage to equipment by their receiving/stores department (it's a University).

@MikeyB it's tax dollars, they don't care
@RyJones THIS
@MikeyB Have you tried bending it back and forth again?
@NathanC Yes, but it hurts when I do that. I need to wait for it to go down.
Total Price w/Discounts: $37,537.96 ...100 licenses of office 2013 from Dell >_>
@ChrisS @RyJones you seem to think that private universities behave any differently with their tuition dollars
@NathanC Home and business? T5D-01575?
@voretaq7 those tuition dollars are also tax dollars, since they're student loans
@MikeyB "Standard"
@RyJones You mean the 8% interest student loans you can obtain through authorized private lenders?
@NathanC so no Visio?
The government got out of the loan business a while ago - they were good at it, so they had to stop.
@RyJones Yeah, but we don't need it.
we're trying to streamline government to just one thing: Threatening shutdowns, and shutting down.
(ok 2 things)
@NathanC what? only Office program worth having outside of Excel, Outlook, and OneNote
@voretaq7 The Business end of Schools are just f-cked up in general as they treat teachers like something other than replaceable employees.
@RyJones We don't have a use for visio :P
One hour, and 10 minutes.
Surprisingly still doing work
@ChrisS If your professors don't suck they are more than replaceable employees.
@NathanC Don't know which part offhand, they have so many, but I can do T5D-01575 (MICROSOFT OFFICE HOME AND BUSINESS 2013 MEDIALESS) for $222 each. That price sounds super high.
@DennisKaarsemaker that song never gets old
heh, sometimes the edit function is annoying
I was about to go all snarky :P
@DennisKaarsemaker when I hovered over it originally, it didn't show that being in reply to anything.

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