Finally saw Iron Man 3 last night....found an awesome foreign site with no ads/spyware that has a ton of first run and recent movies in HD...definitely bookmarked. But the movie itself was meh...I liked 1 and 2 better. This one had a little too much slapstick humor for me.
I don't suppose anyone has a sha1/md5 of a known good SW_DVD5_SA_Win_Ent_8.1_64BIT_English_MLF_X18-96759.ISO file? I have downloaded it three times now, and have gotten something with a different checksum each time.
SONOFA! Here's a tip. When you run an installer while you have the software's install guide PDF open...don't keep the PDF open to a page that has a pic of the "Overall Progress: 11%" screenshot. I've been sitting here for almost an hour wondering why the stupid thing was still at 11% only to realize I was looking at the install guide PDF.
@voretaq7 nah...(although just stared Firefly too...and I like!). I just thought 1 and 2 were more "blockbuster" where 3 seemed more like an episode of Agents of Shield
@Zoredache it wouldn't surprise me if MS generates those on the fly - My Win7 disk from has a different checksum every time I grab it (and includes more service packs & hotfixes each time)
@voretaq7 Well, the first copy also came up and told me that the disk was corrupt when I tried to use it to build a new VM. So I am pretty sure the first copy is bad...
It's diddnt even occur to me that someone would have the balls to try to do that, because it gets real obvious real fast if the person doesnt know anything
@voretaq7 I prefer to think of it as a better, free version of Netflix. How do I know they didn't pay the studio for the content? There's nothing on the site when I hit the Play button on the movie. :)
remember the shows from 50+ years ago, when it was just sponsored by a company, and then the actors plugged the product during a short break, and right back to the show?
people actually diddnt mind watching those commercials...
well...I remember the scene last night in Iron Man 3 when he gets in the back of the TV News van and there's a Sun/Oracle Exadata x2-8 rack in the van and Tony asks to crank up the power on the ISDN lines. Product placement strangeness.
@ChrisS my top 10 list is... How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Walking Dead, Di Vinci's Demons, Game Of Thrones, Duck Dynasty, Dr. Who, Hell On Wheels, Breaking Bad, and Family Guy
in no particular order
and im between 1 and 15 seasons behind on most of them
There have been 3 shows ever to make me long for each new episode. Heroes Season 1, 24 Season 1, and The Walking Dead. I've never seen Breaking Bad though...
Yep - I do hate the "protagonist downfall" part... as he isn't that stupid throughout the rest of the movie.. But I suppose they needed some kind of reversal before the climax.
I want to like Mad Men... But I'm uncomfortable with the bigotry most of the time. I know it's a TV show and all... even talking about it doesn't sit well with me for some reason.
i have been searching on net to know if it's possible (or allowable, as in no conflict ) to use two cms's on one server. Like currycms ( ) and cherrypy ( ). or ( any two servers. ).
situation is my company web page (made by another company) is runnin...
I dont mind them if they stay out in the pasture and do their own thing... but when they are on the porch, and just look at you, and turn and point their ass at you when you come out the door...
@MattBear 8 hours in some red wine, oil, garlic, onions, worcestershire. 13 minutes under the broiler, while you cook and reduce the marinade into a sauce
@RyJones what do you mean? It doesn't require a power adapter at all. Mine didn't come with the power adapter in the top right I mean...just that usb cable. The usb cable itself provides power just fine with only the "first" part of the cable plugged in.
@TheCleaner Some USB ports can power up to 2A, the standard mandates at least 0.05A, and a bus needs to provide at least 0.5A.... Those drives usually pull 1A, so some work on a single port, others with two ports, and others need a wallwart.
got it. I've never bothered with it before. Always left the long "extended part" unplugged and wondered why it was even there. Funny thing is I just bought this one too and it comes with a single end on the cable...
@TheCleaner they're supposed to negotiate with a resistor that signals how much power to supply. some USB ports don't care and provide full power regardless
The USB Port should disable power to the port in that case. I imagine there's cheap no-name USB chargers that just connect Mains -> Transformer -> Rectifier -> Cap (optional) -> USB Port
USB-PD 1.0 extends USB 3.0 allowing up to 15 units of power (7.5W).
USB-PD 2.0 is expected to allow different voltages and with beefier cables up to 100W. I have no inside knowledge, but I'll bet it's 56VDC at 2A (the USB 3.0 spec calls for cables allowing 1.5A already, so 2.0A isn't much different)