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@Cole So, I now have two guinea pigs...
Q: Slide show doesn't load images completely before starting the show

modernsI have created a slide show to load images, it should start the slide show after loading the images completely in the cache of the browser. The problem, the images are not loaded completely. When the slide show starts, I notice delay in viewing images. I would greatly appreciate your inputs to g...

to SO with ye!
Delivery attempted; recipient not home BRISTOL - UK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
that's why I wanted it delivered to my work address :(
@NathanC dude
Oh Windows 8....you are so cocky to think I'll still be running you then:
Successfully scheduled Software Protection service for re-start at 2113-09-21T13:06:17Z. Reason: RulesEngine.
Oh for the love of god I am so bored
Forgot my headphones, was going to watch some of the videos from the Microsoft Virtual Academy
@Cole The first one needed a buddy...:p
@ScottPack :)
@Chopper3 I both want lo mein and want to never think about it again.
My family stresses me out so much :/
Yet another question by me, with great formatting, example image, troubleshooting steps, etc. ...now to watch it simply fade off into the sunset like the rest of my questions....lol.
@MDMarra That's okay. More billable time for me.
Almost took on a project this week only to realize that my lack of webdev skills sucks horribly. Buddy of mine that got furloughed wanted to setup www.hireafederalemployee.com and post craigslist style ads for people/companies looking for part time workers/day laborers willing to hire furloughed workers, like landscaping jobs, etc. Problem was, I simply couldn't build it for him with the amount of skill I had to make it look halfway decent.
@ewwhite it may have to be an early night for me. I might have to be in Harrisburg for 8am. We'll still have plenty of time to plot world domination over martinis, though
@TheCleaner Basic Drupal/Wordpress site? Couple of quid theme?
I'm sorry... but is LinkedIn nothing but a big circle-jerk for professionals?
@ewwhite I got a free ebook on it today
From my feed: Say happy work anniversary to Jerkoff - 12 years this October
Although, Ethabelle just got her RHCSA... So I applaud that.
You corrupted a perfectly capable Windows admin
You should be ashamed
Someone else: Updated Profile: Skills - Bind
You know what I love doing when I interview people? Calling them out when their resume is just every technology they've ever seen
The homeless guy down the street just endorsed me for "cloud computing"
@ewwhite In NYC today in velocity conference
@ewwhite Unless they're writing RFC's like Alnitak, they should not be proud of knowing how to work BIND.
I dunno, if you work for a large public DNS hosting company or something I'm sure that there are some crazy configs and automation tools that are worth talking about
ewwhite, it was around this days you were supposed to be in east?
But I made an A record! definitely isn't
And at my former employer, people change titles like a mothafucka...
@ewwhite who is it?
@DanilaLadner He was a client services guy, then a VP of sales, now a solutions specialist... all in 6 months.
sounds like a downgrade
@DanilaLadner Oh, I'm flying to Philadelphia this afternoon. Bike ride soon.
VP to "specialist"
@MDMarra same here.
Our "specialists" are our managed services guys because "Support Specialist" sounds better than "Helpdesk"
@ewwhite Wow, that doesn't even sound reasonable.
So you are meeting with MDMarra.
two weeks ago, I got a call from boss saying, "We want to run this by you... should we be Senior Linux|Windows|Networking Engineers, or go to a more general name like Senior Systems Engineer?"
I'm like, "does it matter? Aren't you supposed to be firing me soon, anyway?"
Linux Networking Engineer is almost like "Ip Man".
@tombull89 Started out with a wordpress site. Couldn't figure out how to allow the "craigslist" style postings where people could post in respective "buckets" with info/pics/etc. After about 4 hours we gave up. No idea what couple of quid theme means.
We have a lot of "senior" people on staff because senior sounds better to customers
I think it's lame
@TheCleaner "started with wordpress" <-- found the problem!
@ChrisS FYI. The bind person is @MichaelHampton ;)
@ewwhite For really??
@ChrisS yep
Just sayin'
@MDMarra I know a place that gave everyone they hired the senior title primarily for that reason. Also so they could pay more.
@ChrisS :) well my limited web skills required something wysiwyg that I had at least semi experience with. But short of blogging I was lost. So the furloughed workers are on their own finding things to do I guess.
@ewwhite If you're using LinkedIn as a way to get business, that kind of stuff matters though.
If someone who's never touched Linux before wants to learn - what would you suggest for resources/distro(s)?
I love the Wiki definition of "circle jerk"...
A circle jerk is a sexual practice in which a group of men or boys form a circle and masturbate themselves or each other.[1] In the metaphorical sense, the term is used to refer to a "boring or time-wasting meeting or other event".[1] Also can refer to self-congratulatory behavior or discussion amongst a group of people.
@Cole Gentoo.
Titles usually end up being that way when HR gets involved and dictates pay scales based on certain titles/requirements. So you might be a netadmin and on year 10 get the title Sr. Network Engineer III, simply so HR feels satisfied when you get your raise you demanded.
@Cole Linux from Scratch
@ScottPack yeah I don't think he could do that
@Cole Definitely bedrock
@Cole User or SysAdmin standpoint? Ubuntu for the former, CentOS/RHEL for the latter
@ChrisS Windows SysAdmin
@ChrisS it's for one of the guys I work with
Might as well be a user.
@MDMarra never heard of that distro, interesting.
Also, stay away from other *nix OSes, once you learn one of them Linux will seem like a complete pile of garbage, and you'll be constantly amazed at how anything gets done, let alone with a mediocum of reliability.
I was joking though
I was on ShowHN a while ago
Everyone was like, um dude wtf are you trying to do?
@Cole I was being at least slightly joky.
@TheCleaner COMMENTS
@ScottPack I figured.
Where are there comments in GPO?!?!
I learned on....Debian.
Have I missed this my whole life?
@Cole It's hard to say, really. Ubuntu seems to be the most "Windows" friendly, but for professional work you're most likely to see RHEL in the field. Sometimes a debian.
@ScottPack agreed.
So CentOS/Debian would probably be the best bet.
Just trying to think of...like, resources to learn - other than just installing it and being like "well, ok"
@ScottPack Depends. Lots of devops shit is built on Ubuntu
Including Heroku
@MDMarra I was just about to bring up how some of you guys keep seeing Ubuntu in prod.
@MDMarra ? I guess so...
@MDMarra You mean the "comments" box??
@Cole: ubuntu is a happy medium as long as you don't touch the desktop
@ChrisS Ya. I didn't realize you can add comments to GPO settings
that said, centos + epel is probably a better choice
My brain must have just overlooked it
It's been there for years at least...
I dumb
(that said, I must be the only guy here who runs it, and dosen't hate it, but its all personal progects.
Just when you think you know a lot about something, someone shows you a comment box that you've missed at least 10,000 times in your life
you made me question it too.
@MDMarra Good news everybody! The shop said it was, in fact, the battery. It's a 585CCA job that was putting out 72.
I had to remote into a w2k8 dc just to make sure it wasn't something new in 12/8
@TheCleaner I think it was added in Vista/2008 Win7/2008R2
Looks like maybe it started with 2008 R2? technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd759085.aspx
It's in 2003 i think too
Let me check...
Must be only in group policy since it doesn't show in local policies
I don't have a 2k3 DC :p
if you trust a personal blog
No joy in 2003:
Well I can tell you it's not in NT4 or 2000..
@MDMarra Do you say "have you just heard of all these technologies?"
I sometimes hate "rules engines"....they like to break randomly when they worked like 10 minutes ago :(
@jscott It's definitely Win7/2008R2
@Cole Sometimes I've been very close to asking that.
Oct 9 at 8:48, by tombull89
New Job: Applied for. Application recieved by school.
well, guess they're considering me for interview - boss just got a reference request.
@ScottPack I'm thankful @MDMarra looked at my resume for me to make sure it wasn't like that. Because I have worked with a lot of different stuff.
@Cole It's usually pretty obvious. Look at the laundry list of skills, then the work history, realize that there's no way that person has actually even seen any of those techs let alone gotten good with them.
@ScottPack true.
That's so crazy to me.
I wonder if those people ever do get hired.
@tombull89 Good luck bud
By not dribbling you'll be better than most candidates.
@tombull89 good luck
Fuck it is really a nightmare to hire good people in our business.
Another useful guy we made an offer choose Boeing instead.
we also try to find someone at the moment. It's a senior position, impossible to find a good fit
It is just so frustrating.
@DanilaLadner agreed.
@DanilaLadner Competitive market right now
We just hired 3 engineers over the last 4 months
Also, the market is flooded with ITT Tech and UoP grads who wanted to make a quick buck.
It took 4 months to find three people with a lot of looking and multiple recruiters sending candidates
Lots of people turning down offers (and they weren't lowballs)
@MDMarra Hey this position we had open for 14 months now
my new position has been open since January
it is insane, i blame more HigherEd in general and location sucks.
They hired me the same day they interviewed me.
What's funny about these comments is that I see (here) good IT folk jumping ship. Makes you wonder why HR/company isn't more interested in RETAINING good people. I know when I left my previous employer they went nuts with counter offers, etc. and then realized after the fact they did a poor job of realizing I wasn't happy with how my career was becoming stagnant there.
@Cole Did you find a job?
@DanilaLadner I did - this is my last week here
Oh, nice.
West, right?
@DanilaLadner South to RI
oh yeah, i forgot.
you do not like CT, so i've heard -))
@TheCleaner If I leave here, there is going to be no chance attempting to retain me. But I'm in education so that's not surprising.
I dislike it
I lived in Gales Ferry for ~8-9 months.
worked in Putnam/Dayville for 1+ year
My guinea pigs :3
@Cole Is Gales Ferry near Mohigan
I work with the guy who worked for Mohigan as linux admin 7 years.
They are hiring too.
@DanilaLadner Gaming clearance sucks
@DanilaLadner my ex who I moved there for worked there.
At least in PA
@MDMarra suck here too - I looked at working there when I lived there
We do some work for casinos and they do crazy background checks on anyone working on the gaming floor
Oh is it? I did not know, i knew you need to get a gaming license though.
We did a lot of Cisco/UCS work for one and when we wanted to send an engineer out, if it wasnt one that was cleared it took weeks to get cleared
Each employee has to be cleared in PA, not the business
yeah, he was saying that.
@MDMarra I had the same when doing banking and trading application pentests for certain banks
a few of us even needed to get NATO clearance, takes months and they interview your family
Funny...changed my IP address and I'm able to access FB again.
@NathanC daw
Silly turtle pretending to be a tur- owait
I love turtles. I wish my apartment was bigger, I'd get one.
@Cole no blastoise? :(
mornin' all
@MDMarra calling people out on interviews is fun, but I also enjoy asking questions about made up/obscure tech and seeing how they react. Asking someone "do you have any experience with using Marionette?" and hearing them reply with "I've had a little exposure to it, but not much." is classic and hard not to laugh and call them on it to their face.
btw...Marionette =
Marionette is the proprietary software developed and used in-house by Pixar Animation Studios in the animation of their movies and shorts. Marionette is not available for sale and is only used by Pixar. As a result, little is known outside of Pixar about the detailed workings of this software. Pixar claims that Marionette is designed to be intuitive and familiar to animators who have traditional cel animation experience. Pixar chooses to use a proprietary system in lieu of the commercial products available and used by other companies because it can edit the software code to meet their ...
@tombull89 LULZ
I dont try and intentionally trip anyone up, but if you list a tech on your resume, you bet im going to ask about it
@MDMarra I only do it on the ones like you mentioned, where they list 80 different acronyms. But 99% of the time I'm used to just using normal TopGrading methods.
I usually just say "Oh, I see you've worked with $technology. Can you tell me any interesting projects you've worked on where you've leveraged it?"
And just let them talk themselves into a corner
Or, occasionally, they shock you and tell you an awesome story and then you hire them
@MDMarra Problem is, it doesn't help that HR types search for these keywords
Though I'm trying to avoid companies like that, having a list of keywords is sort of unavoidable
Right but if you're playing to HR by telling me you've worked with every technology ever, it's not good
I agree - but I'm kind of forced to list technologies that I've used, even if I'm by no means an expert
I'm against a "keywords" section, but I don't penalize people that have them. I'm talking about people that go nuts with that section and list everything that they've heard of
Yeah, fair do
@TheCleaner Better remove that from my Skills section
@MDMarra exactly, thats my point, people voluntarily put on their resume they only heard once somewhere.
it is deceiving.
Adobe CS, Windows Server, Linux, OS X, SCCM, Landesk, DNS, Puppet, Chef, radmind, yum, apt, powershell, IIS, Apache, NGINX, active directory, open directory, RHEV, Hyper-V, VMware, Xen, XenApp, Citrix, NetScaler, BigIP, RRAS, NLB, fuck you hire me, chicken wrangling, system center, wds, bind, nps, ncs prime, nac, cisco, switches, routers, wireless
There are literally resumes that come to my inbox that look like that
You said you liked it.
Starting to wonder if mine is pushing it now :s
As long as you can answer real technical questions about them
Or have an intelligent conversation
But it raises my bullshit detector
Actually, I went back and it's mostly okay - if out of date with where I want to be now
I probably can say, I'm very good at wranging small terriers, and its no different from theoratical management.
Sometimes I'm wrong and the person really does know all of that stuff well and it's a pleasant surprise, but the vast majority of resumes like that are from people that have heard of it, or have used the product once
I love looking at network applicants. "I see here is says you're an expert in SONET and Token Ring but you graduated high school in 2008. Tell me about that."
Some guy listed SCCM OSD as a skill and we were like, sweet. We're looking for a guy with operating system deployment skills.
His experience was pressing F12 to PXE boot
@MDMarra wow.
It happens more than you think
@MDMarra I trash those right away
Half the stuff on mine I did know
I've got "awareness" of Meru and Cisco switching, but I'm far from an expert.
no sane person i would work with will put that shit out like that on the resume.
@DanilaLadner Typically by the time they get to me, someone above me has said "please phone screen this person"
I see (for me) last nights dummy spitting on meta is any additional info ?
So I have to give them 10 minutes of my time
Right. yeah, that is nothing you can do about.
@tombull89 That's why I avoid a skills section. If you work it in to a "project list" or "responsibilities" section, you can spell out exactly what you did with it
Whereas if it's all in a generic "skills" matrix, I can't tell what you're great at and what you're just OK with
Head of the list is better
@Iain I guess. If I'm making a list, I prefer to alphabetize though.
CV's are just a nightmare full stop really
I wish I could just write a (US) CV and be done with it!
Then you don't have to cut any content to keep it short
A US resume and EU CV are basically the same though, so I feel your pain
@MDMarra If I were making a list i'm make it match the job description so HR could find things easy
I have a general CV that applies to every IT job I would apply for, and then a addendum with detailed explanation of my skill level compared to what they're looking for in that specific job
makes it ten times easier for the recruiter to see if you're fit or not
The question is....does it work!
I'm reviewing a list of Microsoft partners so I can look at volume licensing...anyone have any suggestions about who to go through?
mornin' gents
There's a list on the MS website but not sure which one to pick lol
@NathanC Who do you buy servers from?
@MDMarra Dell.
You people are all terrible!
@ewwhite Are you going back to self employed now?
@Dan I'm not sure. A few good opportunities out there.
@NathanC Call Dell and CDW and have them quote against each other
@MDMarra Good plan. I'm looking at doing the minimal 5 licenses of Windows since we have all OEM licensing (just want to have a consistent key for imaging) and actual Office licensing. Shouldn't be too difficult I'd imagine.
You dont need more than 1 windows license
@ewwhite A (very) good friend of mine is going alone, but as a proper business rather than a self-employed consultant. I'm so tempted to jump into bed with hiim (as it were), but god damn woudl that be scary
I believe that 5 is the minimum purchase but it can be 5 of anything
So get 1 Windows Server, 1 Windows Client, 1 Office 2013 Pro, etc
Office will take care of that one
since we'd need close to 100 of those lol
@Dan At my scale, my accountant says that going "proper business" is a wash...
I'll have to talk to them about our existing licensing and so forth...we still have users on XP (who are set to get new machines with the new budget) :x
@ewwhite In what sense?
slight tax benefit, offset by much higher accounting costs.
This may be a US/UK differnece, because even most consultants set up an umbrella company to work under
@NathanC You've about 174 days left to get that budget and POs pushed through. :)
A lot of people do it in the US too for liability reasons
Ed ain't scared of no liability
He's just signed a contract for 12 months of one day a week on site support for a reasonable sum PCM,
@jscott Oh yeah, we already have our budget for next year pushed through.
Nothing's final yet though, which is why I want to get quotes and such for volume licensing. Would make my life 100x easier when it comes to deploying machines and such.
@NathanC Good for you, now government needs to do the same.
(Happy Server Fault Birthday to me) * 2
Must be something devopy.
@MDMarra liability: The ability of a skilled consultant to convince the client all the problems with the environment are someone else's fault.
@jscott No, you're just aging at twice the rate as the rest of us.
Happy 170th birthday.
Can't wait to get rid of this Blackberry
@voretaq7 Got around to posting my answer to the serial upvoting question in Meta.
@MDMarra You should fix this.
I told you
Move all the other crap off of that DC
Then I'll just demote it, reinstall it, promote it
I smell barbecue
But I can't as long as that timeclock software and other third party programs are on a domain controller!
This is also a good reason why you shouldnt run DHCP on a DC :)
@MDMarra DHCP + DC = no bueno?
@ewwhite You broke it.
@Tanner It's not best practice, but it's a minor thing. I avoid it where I can though
ugh so hungry
DHCP on a DC is fine.
@ewwhite Says the guy with a broken DHCP service on a broken DC
@Magellan Cereal Upvoting? +1 for Lucky Charms!
Plenty of people do it.
i'd +2 Captain Crunch if I could.
@voretaq7 yeah, I'm not caffeinated yet.
@ewwhite If plenty of people do it was a valid excuse, none of us would be in the jobs we are now.
I think I fixed it, but again, no coffee yet.
Except maybe you would still have a cloud job and would by humming happily away building SuperMicros by hand
Just because plenty of people do something, doesn't make it right.
DHCP on a domain controller is fine.
Like plenty of people do heroine, or wear Crocs. There's nothing right about either of those.
@MDMarra So, you'd have a dedicated box for DHCP?
@MDMarra I oughta go read through how Windows handle the DNS updates from the DHCP servers to the DCs. Or do you guys segregate DNS away from the DCs too?
Us Linux people know that our systems are resilient enough to handle more than one service...
@Magellan Generally, domain-joined clients update DNS themselves, DHCP doesn't factor in unless you explicitly configure it to
@ewwhite I'm inclined to agree - I've never seen a DHCP seperated from DC on a Windows network
@Dan I have, but it was 10,000+ employees.
Right... if we were talking a University campus....
@NathanC Normally I'd have my routers handle DHCP. Plenty of Windows people tend to have the DCs do it though
This was a corporation
@voretaq7 Who, no, bad @voretaq7
We use Infoblox for DNS/DHCP
@MDMarra Ah. Interesting. I've always used Dynamic DNS updates from DHCP in Linux-land since a key pair is required to do that securely. But I imagine the AD trust relationships handle that in Windows land?
If I have a fileserver available, I'd rather place DHCP there than a DC
@Dan Why? IP assignment is generally the province of the network team.
@Magellan Having DHCP update DNS can get messy. -- At least I know it's a fucking mess in my environment...
I use Linux DHCP failover for BIG installs... routers/switches for voice/warehousing RF... and Windows AD for mixed Windows/Linux environments.
@Magellan Ya, you can configure the zone to allow "Secure Dynamic Update" where the client is authenticated before it can update its own record
On all the remote sites, I have DHCP running on the local File & Print servers
No sense in usurping their authority just to have them come and yell at you when your janky-ass busted Windows DHCP environment tries to assign a core switch's IP to the Director of Finance.
@Tanner No messier than having a bunch of boxes with non-IT local admins that can modify their DNS records by changing the workstation hostname.
Plus, on windows in an AD environment, DHCP servers have to be authorized to run by the directory. If you have a fucked up DC like @ewwhite has and DHCP is installed on it, it won't ever try to get authorized by another DC it will only ever try the one that it's on. So if that DC is flakey because you installed some crappy timeclock software on it, DHCP won't start either
(just kidding, the timeclock software isn't the problem, I don't think)
@voretaq7 Oh, in my environments they'll normally define IP ranges but IP allocation is server people stuff
@MDMarra you're running software (other than the beast-with-a-billion-backs that is Windows) on a DC - YOU MAKE BILL GATES CRY!
@Dan Most places I've worked where the network team is also keeper-of-the-addresses had things like MAC address filtering in place too, so you'd still have had to talk to them anyway
@voretaq7 I probably just don't work in pro enough environments - yay education!
I guess if you don't have any of that in place it doesn't matter who runs the DHCP server since you don't have to authorize each NIC to connect
hmmm what to have for lunch
@Dan I'm not sure how Hofstra handles their DHCP leases -- I know the campus wireless is BlueSocket and I'm pretty sure that's doing its own DHCP in a defined range
@voretaq7 Most large companies I've worked for had individual ports tied to specific MAC addresses anyway.
Blood sausage.
Made with the blood of your enemies.
@Magellan Right, so if you wanted to change your workstation (or add a new one) you had to contact the network folks to authorize the MAC (at which point they can assign your static lease). For the user it makes no difference how it happens though as long as you get an IP. Preferably one nobody else is using.
(people tend to get bitchy about that)
@voretaq7 Pretty much. IPs there were all on the 9/8, of course.
@Magellan I'm selling 127/8 addresses. $1 each
you can't have though. That one is mine.
@voretaq7 Ooh! What a deal!
Looks like I missed this:
Q: vSphere 5.5 guests are consuming ALL host memory

Billy RoweI've never had this issue before, but when I was enabling fault tolerance, it seemed to break something and now my guests are consuming ALL of it's memory on the host. I know with fault tolerance, you need to have the guest reserve all host memory but I have disabled fault tolerance (in the netw...

"This is my loopback interface. There are many like it, but this one is mine."
thoughts on this?

Linux Systems Administrator / Dev Ops Engineer


Canary is the world's first smart home security device for everyone. We are a New York City-based “software…

Posted on Careers 2.0 on October 3, 2013

There's a video... it's a device...
and it watches you... like ceiling cat...
@ewwhite Nope. At least not for me. Way too high risk.
And if they're talking Master's in CS or EE, they're looking for someone who can do a lot more than just manage the infrastructure.
this issue makes no sense

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