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@MattBear Ung, dumbbell flyes are killing my elbow joint. I think I need to lay off for a week or two.
@Wesley Maybe you should take up bicycling...
@freiheit It will be good for when I start my cut.
I'm estimating that I'll be ready to cut Jan 1.
I have no idea what that word means in this context
What kind of knives are involved?
@Magellan Hm, I liked your point about it taking 5 votes to close a question.
@freiheit Bulking and cutting. You can't (reasonably) gain muscle with a consistent calorie deficit. So if you plan on making decent muscle gains, you have to have a calorie surplus, within reason, each day. I'm in a bulk phase, so I'm gaining both muscle mass and fat.
@freiheit Once I've gained an amount of strength that I want for this cycle, I'm going to cut and have a calorie deficit for a few months, while I try hard to keep the muscle gains. A "cut"
I'd like to be 170 at 6% bodyfat.
I'm about 184 at 15% right now
@Wesley your doing them wrong
@Wesley Ah. I see
if its hurting your elbows, your form is off...
@Wesley That might restrict you to shorter (under 30 or 40 miles?) bike rides. I know I can't operate on a Calorie deficit and ride over 50 or 60 miles in a day (or over 150 to 200 in a week).
Gotta eat while riding on long rides.
@freiheit Exactly, yeah, you have to be careful and not go into a major catabolic state.
@Wesley don't worry, if you don't eat enough, it's really easy to tell. "bonking" or "hitting the wall" they call it. Somewhere between having no energy and feeling like dying.
@Wesley yeah, that looks right
how long have you been lifting?
anyways... time to ride home and get me a beer
I didn't have audio, but you have to make sure to bend your elbows, and it helps to have a spotter because a lot of times it takes someone else to tell you your form is off, or you might be doing too much weight for your ligaments
muscle strengthens much faster then the ligaments do
@MattBear Hmm... depends on how you look at it. I've had three major lifting sprees in my life that lasted multiple years. I'm back at it for about a year now.
Seems like I last about two and a half years and then something big happens to get me off track for a couple years, then I get back.
lol I just spotted my "sandra's dick" comment and laughed again
@Wesley ligaments should be good, they don't weaken anywhere near as fast as muscle either
@MattBear I think it might be too much weight. Was doing 30 pound dumbbells, 6 reps.
four sets, then down to 25 pounds four sets of 6 or 8
Supersetted with overhead dumbbell bent arm pulldowns
@Wesley yeah, just lighten up for a bit
@MattBear I wish I had a cable machine. I need to get to LA fitness.
Cable flys are the shiznit
@Wesley that's what I do
a lot of cable and dumbell
no more barbell
@MattBear Really? Interesting.
@Magellan I'm so cute
@Cole I'm adorkable.
Really wanted pizza - but still trying to lose weight. Instead of ordering a small pizza from a pizza place, I went to the store and bought one of the tiny DiGiorno pizzas.
Still not good for me, but gets rid of the craving
Hi, I'm @Cole and I'm addicted to pizza.
@Wesley I want to actually
Well not ripped but down to a 29-30" waist
@Cole Tell me what you want.
What I really, really want?
Check out the Greek Saganaki. That's good stuff right there.
Well, shit
You know that pizza craving you thought you had gotten rid of?
Holy balls that sounds awesome.
@ScottPack Eating is awful.
@ScottPack is officially my archnemesis.
@Wesley you really are a gay man, huh? Must be a bottom with that attitude.
The steak and potato is kind of heavy, but wow yummy.
@Cole I hate eating. =(
@Wesley why?
Takes up so much time that I'd rather be doing other things.
Food is delicious!
@Wesley Like your mom.
I have to stop and eat six to eight times a day.
@Wesley I thought you loved eating and were bulking bro?
@Wesley wat
@jscott I'm bulking, yeah, but I hate every mouthful. =P I try to drunk calories to make it less painful.
Milk, powders, etc.
Not sugar drink garbage.
Can't you devise a method by which you just continually eat/drink the requisite Kcals and nutrients without having to pause to "eat".
I got some Timbits on my coffee stop this morning.
That was yummy.
$newjob has gym onsite. My current job does too, but it's tiny
explains what the food cravings are really telling you
its kinda cool
cough, cough Smells like hippy talk to me. You want some alcohol, drink some! I don't think granola is a decent alcohol substitute.
Apparently I need more calcium.
Nothing is a substitute for beer. NOTHING
Mmm...now I want beer.
I would almost accept mead but I would also agree that is it not beer.
I tried mead, it was ok
too sweet for me
My sister's kids make me want to have kids, then I remember I'd probably be a really awful dad.
Craving ice means that you need iron? Wut?
So, what that chart tells me, is that if I want a beer I'm wrong. What I really need to do is eat anything and everything I can find in my cabinet.
much healthier
btw this multivitamin made me so sick: gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3280549
Would not suggest it
Smells like barf too
hahaha awesome!!!! WDS is already becoming usefull
@MattBear word up
WDS is damn handy.
I can't give up my SCCM for zero-touch installs though.
im deploying server 2008 r2 to a laptop for a portable WDS server
from my main WDS server
was faster then burning a DVD
Why do you need a portable WDS server? hahaha
@MDMarra to multicast to large groups of machines, without locking up the network :p
Be careful with multiple OS images on the same WDS server. I once accidentally deployed Windows 7 to a server with 128GB RAM and 16 cores
@MattBear If you configure multicast right, it wont lock up the network. Thus, multicast and not unicast
@MDMarra this is quicker and easier, I hope
Adding the line *.atdmt.com has brought much relief to my life.
Win 8.1 GA Rollup A is about to hit
@RyanRies whats that
Tracking cookie domain
A huge ass update where they fix a bunch of shit?
Both of those things
Whatever your question was
When's it hit?
Paul Thurott's already got it :P
Lemme check Winders Update
oh man, I'll have to update my surface
I'm pending a reboot :@
That wasn't it though
It was just some MS Office shit
Kinda wish I wouldn't have even installed Office on my main PC and just installed it on my Devops VM
I have a VM that I install all the trash on so that my main PC stays as clean as possible
I'm pretty much RDP'ed to it at all times
It's even accessible on the internet
@RyanRies wat
I'm... sort of... anal about that.
I just hate the entropy that comes with constantly installing and uninstalling crap. So I try to keep my main PC as unadulterated as possible.
@RyanRies good plan
My main work machines get reimaged pretty much every time the desktop-mgmt-dude builds a new image. Since I'm a limited user it forced me, long ago, to package all the additional software I need.
Yeah... in my opinion, OS installs need to be disposable and transient. I want to be able to reimage at any time with no second thoughts as to what I might lose. Everything I have that's worth keeping is backed up with backups of backups.
@RyanRies Dude, I'm so anal about bit entropy that I just don't take my computers out of the box.
^ My latest
It's been running good for a while now.
28 years and going strong!
@RyanRies Yes! You agree! I feel so... validated.
@jscott now kiss!
@Wesley Why haven't you removed the shipping wrap yet?
@RyanRies I upgrade to every major OS release, so I say fuck it and install everything since it's all going to get blown away anyway
@Wesley Is this about the bike thing?
@jscott You can't make mistakes if you don't make a decision!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
And now I'm hungry. AGAIN.
sigh Let's just get this over with.
@MDMarra Yeah I understand that way of looking at it too... I think it might just be a bit OCD of me.
@Wesley That's quite similar to what I told my baby's momma when she was unsure about circumcision.
I think I used "To not make a decision is to make a decision".
Or something
@Wesley then you get hit by solar flares
Is it just me or is RADIUS really shitty?
I mean what else would you use?
But you can't do TACACS with NPS
True :(
The concept is fine, it's just old
I mean, MD5
I probably already told this story here, but a few weeks ago me and a coworker were having a phone conversation with some auditors, when some of our old RRAS servers came into question... they asked what methods of authentications they use, and when I mentioned MS-CHAP, my coworker instant-messaged me at the same time with "That'll MS-CHAP their asses."
yeah it's broken
Speaking of security things, I know this isn't Stack Overflow, but I loved this article. It's not too technical: crackstation.net/hashing-security.htm
@RyanRies: we're supposed to be on topic in the comms room? ;p
@JourneymanGeek Good thing I can't be downvoted on chat messages because then I'd have a negative score
@Wesley: someday, someone's gonna get fed up, and chain up a bike to your front door, and drop the key in your mailbox. YOU WILL RUE THE DAY. RUE RUEFULLY I TELL YOU!
Oh crap, I take the MCSA 2012 upgrade exam tomorrow
I should stop drinking
I take mine on Saturdays too
I forgot all about it
I got this in the mail today
All studied up then?
I am thinking taking up drinking.
@JourneymanGeek And then @ewwhite would steal it from me!!
Nice... good luck
I've taken one 2012 test, but still need 2 more to fully upgrade to a 2012 MCSE
@ewwhite Doesn't want me to have a bike. =(
@Wesley: @ewwhite has a bike. You do not ;p
@JourneymanGeek I'm almost certain you've been drinking all your life.
@ewwhite Is a bike hoarder. We're going to see him on TLC crushed under a mountain of spokes.
@jscott I got drunk once. I was normal.
@JourneymanGeek But yeah, a bike -- I'll get one some day soon.
@RyanRies We need MCSE: SI 2012 for a competency but I might not be the one to take it since I'm being used for gold datacenter management I can't be used as a resource for another gold competency
My boss is trying to figure out if we can keep gold management without me and use me toward gold on something else
So even though I'll only be two tests away from MCSE: SI 2012 someone else will probably take all 5 tests for it
How many employees do you have?
@jscott: probably, but a different sort of thinking.
@RyanRies 60ish, but 6 engineers on the microsoft team
plus a practice director and a few internal support people whose certs we can apply toward competencies
@MDMarra you could pay to do it on your own, no?
most employers I've had would pay for your test after you pass
@RyJones I could
I'm not sure I want to, it'd be my second 2012 MCSE at that point
Would the following covert letter get me considered?
I am interested in the Linux Administrator position you have an opening for within your company. High performance computing is something I've always wanted the opportunity to learn. While I don't have previous experience with HPC, I am an expert in Linux, servers, and related technology, and I'm sure I'd be able to ramp-up my knowledge of HPC and become a valuable asset to your company in a timely manner.
By the way, it's already been sent...
So here's something interesting... how do you find out what AD domain a Windows machine is a member of programmatically? Sounds simple, right?
@RyJones Work will cover what we need to maintain/grow competencies, which is typically quite a bit. So I don't push it if someone else needs to get one instead of me, since the whole competency system is whack
@KevinSoviero That sounds good.
@RyanRies Look in the directory, not the client :)
@MDMarra But what if no network access. Cached logon?
@RyanRies Are we running this on the client or on another machine that can talk to the clien?
@RyanRies \* probably will tell you
uh, that's supposed to be \\*
On the client. Assume a member server that has been disconnected from the network.
@RyanRies HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Domain
@NathanC Ok, thanks.
Blank if no domain, or has domain. :P
@RyanRies it's in the... there you go.
I am interested in the Linux Administrator position you are advertising.
While I don't have any experience with HPC, I am extremely interested in learning it; I think my expertise in Linux servers and related technologies will help me ramp up quickly.

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