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I just didn't think we were talking money!
there's little point to work otherwise.
But still, I don't think I could do any meaningful work at 4am - sometimes you just gotta leave and come back
it would be nice, someday, if I could enjoy the stuff.
@FalconMomot Well, that's the main thing
If you can't enjoy life, may aswell stop working
I'm in it for the hot chicks...
it can sit happily in the bank until I have time for it.
I taker my Work/Life balance seriously
I've started doing that this year
and it's noticeable how many things suddenly don't get done :)
It's also noticable how many things dont' NEED to get done
And how many things CAN wait until another day
and how many things I can delegate up
Seriously though - my personal time is way more important than work time to me.
Perhaps I'm just inherently lazy, but I don't think so. I just don't take most work very seriously - most of it isn't important
I take my work seriously, there's enough that I've done here that I'm rather proud of. And the company is a good one too.
But not as important as being generally happy.
@DennisKaarsemaker Nobody died thinking "I wish I'd spent more time in the office"
And I won't be the first :)
Dan: Well, except the people hit by a car on the way home.
@Hennes Nah, the answer to that is to leave earlier. That's what I do anwyay, just in case
This is misleading:
# /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 --version
ruby 1.9.3p448 (2013-06-27 revision 41675) [x86_64-linux]
@dawud As a n00b, what's the issue there?
@Dan I find misleading that the ruby1.9.1 binary is actually 1.9.3
# update-alternatives --config ruby
There are 3 choices for the alternative ruby (providing /usr/bin/ruby).

Selection Path Priority Status
* 0 /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 51 auto mode
1 /usr/bin/ruby1.8 50 manual mode
2 /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 51 manual mode
3 /usr/bin/ruby2.0 50 manual mode
@dawud Oh yeah, heh
given that there are several 1.9.x versions dl.ambiweb.de/mirrors/ftp.ruby-lang.org/1.9
might as well be a packaging bug in Debian
How would you guys go about deploying the Lync Basic client to users that have limited accounts?
I have a few ideas but I don't like them
What's your current deployment mechanism and what are your ideas?
I just started this position with a new company; they don't have a deployment mechanism in place at the moment. I was thinking of a batch script or something that will use runas /user:domain\admin "installer.exe blah" and run it using psexec on each machine
There's only 20 workstations, but in 2 office that are 1500km apart
I've never used the Office Deployment Tool for Click-to-Run before
I've not touched Lync Basic, but I think GPO deployment may be your friend here
There isn't an msi installer apparently
Err.. that isn't what I was reading before. 1min
Oh :*
I'm also reading in places if I want a proper msi I need to purchase Office 2013 :/
I might just macgyver a batch script
At the eye doctor. I hate waiting. -_-
@Dan I'm going to download Office 2013 via volume licensing centre and just pull the msi from there and see what happens
@Cole Just make him carve out your eyes and see if you can achieve a Daredevil effect. Win-win: No eyes to go to the doctor with, and Jennifer Garner will make out with you, on and off screen. Plus, you know, heightened senses
@MathiasR.Jessen Alternative answer: Event Horizon.
or see if you can trade a packet of smokes for some eye shine.
@jscott The movie or the restriction on our perception of spacetime?
:) Movie. Sorry I did not clarify.
So, you searched and found a solution within a minute. That's incredible! — Pothi 24 mins ago
Sarcasm detected
@jscott Then its definitely worth it :D Short-term gain: Daredevil effect - Long-term gain: Prepared to go into a black hole with Sam Neill
Q: User rights via Domainserver?

DevolusI have an old Windows XP machine which was connected to a domainserver. Can I set up my own domainserver so that this machine will accept it and set the user rights appropriately? Currently my user can not access some directores that I need, so don't know how to extract the documents there and I ...

Nothing like the smell of SO in the morning
@jscott - not even giving the SU folks a chance at rep on that one huh? :)
@TheCleaner If it survives long enough to be migrated, anyone on SU is free to borrow my comment as their answer.
:) I was too surly to give the answer directly. I figured the OP would see it, leave, and never return.
On another SO note...both of this user's questions really should DIAF, but perhaps SO will be friendlier to him (doubtful): serverfault.com/users/193592/user193592
Any German, Finish or Norwegian here?
@TheCleaner He's pretty derpy, but the problem/challenge he faces is totally legit and on-topic if you ask me
@ntrrgc No, but I live in the middle of a Bermuda triangle drawn between their capitals
@MathiasR.Jessen unfortunately derpy begets more derpy
@MathiasR.Jessen it can really go either way it would seem. He could be an admin wanting to do this via script. Or he could be a dev wanting to do it (hopefully not). Just seemed when I checked the tags there was a lot more on SO for batch files so I figured they would help him quicker. But yeah...you are right that it could be valid here too.
Well, for the two former I wanted to know if this guy is right and + is entered using Ctrl. bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31603
@TheCleaner I mean, 50-60% of the time I use as a Sysadmin (although @Wesley called me a DevOps once) is helping people automate stuff, be it with batch scripts, vbs, powershell, scheduled tasks and other undesirable plasters... But legitimate questions or not, I resent the derpyness as much as the next guy
@MathiasR.Jessen I...wow ok
@Cole Just a suggestion, there might be alternatives you could look into
Well thank you all for making me RTFM of forfiles... I'd been trying hard to never have to learn of it. Now back to the warm embrace of my sweet, sweet, Powershell.
How is the knowledge transfer portion going? Last I heard you had some staff members that... well, let's say "weren't quite up to speed" with some stuff.
Is PowerShell really that cool?
@Cole Countdown to insanity!
@ntrrgc Yes ... and all the cool kids use it extensively
@NathanC can't wait to be done
Next week will be slow and boring
@ntrrgc Compared to a Unix CLI, no. Compared to VB Scripting or anything like that, F-ing Yes.
@MathiasR.Jessen any advantages over... let's say, bash?
@ntrrgc Direct access to .NET object instantiation
Bash doesn't exactly work on Windows... so...
PowerShell is the bee's knees.
hmm... that's good if it's used by third party utils enough, I guess.
Since almost everything in Windows and Microsoft middleware is now built on or wrapped in .NET - you have access to everything directly at the command line. The shell itself behaves much more like a proper shell (ksh-like) while being object-oriented rather than text-based
coworker is whining behind me about being "so busy"
the good thing about powershell that one can build cmdlets with C#
I need to learn C#
@Cole It's definitely an advantage
@ChrisS I have a coworker who keeps insisting that VB script is Teh Bestest Programming Language Ever. Though I'm fairly certain that he's not serious as he doesn't seem insane in other regards.
@ntrrgc And it's object-oriented in general - you're passing objects along the pipe, not text strings. Good in general, but slows you down if you're used to thinking in grep and sed
I'll be going full Windows admin at $newjob
@Cole You better start .NET'ing then
@mfinni But definitely an advantage in some situations. I have ended many time parsing strings from output.
Been able to retrieve an object would ease tasks like that.
@Cole It's a hash!
@ntrrgc Sure - it's just a different way of thinking, which, when learning, slowed me down. Still slows me down, actually. i don't use it enough to be good at it
@MathiasR.Jessen bah, there's perl for Windows. Why would anyone need anything else?
omg wtf
Thank you
Thanks for removing that
@Cole It's not C hash it's C sharp
what did I miiiiiiiiiiiiss?
@MathiasR.Jessen Oh, that was me. =P
@JennyD Do you like Perl?
I accidentally a Goatse
I felt like it was a messy language.
@Cole I just setup a craigslist alert for a boat... hoping someone will want to sell one off cheap when it comes out of the water this fall.
@ChrisS really...?
I like boats.
and hos.
@NathanC Yeah I know, I tried to explain @Cole why you said "hash"
@ntrrgc It's my first choice for most sysadmin scripts that require any data structure more complex than a list
@MathiasR.Jessen @NathanC I realized it after
I was like lol wat
I guess I wasn't very...sharp...with that joke.
I've only had a few sips of my coffee
@NathanC It fell a bit flat.
@NathanC you may want to...sharpen your skills
@Cole Yes. I'll be kicking myself for eternity... This spring I found a 26' sailboat that needed work (nothing I can't handle) for $600 - but didn't buy it, telling myself I've got too much junk in my life. The trailer alone is worth that much, let alone something that floats.
@ChrisS only $600!
@Cole I think he was a bit out of tune with that joke
@Cole At C#, even!
I'm never going through this recruiting firm, ever again.
"Yeah...coworker keeps seeing your resume coming up....could you go ahead and take that down? thanks"
I feel like deploying the cisco vpn client should be easy..
but it's staring at me like it's frozen. bah
Really makes me not want this job
Just to be super anal about it
@MathiasR.Jessen Thanks for that. It's going to bug me from now on.
@Tanner Mission accomplished
Speaking of super anal @MathiasR.Jessen
Not in that sense @Cole
@Cole Did you post a Goatse?
@Tanner accidentally
@Cole I think he's got his head in the clouds...
lulz this place
That reminds me, I still have the cloud2butt extension installed
I'm so glad I was late to work now.
makes me giggle when I see it because I always forget until I see it again
Every time I wear this tshirt I brace for a snarky remark.
what does it say?
@Cole snark
NOT as bad as I expected
I wait for the "yeah where? MCDONALDS?"
Haven't decided if I should even response or just say "No, but if I did - I'd totally rub my balls on your food."
So, 10 minutes later the deploy fails...
"The network name is no longer available."
Jenna told me she was going to "kick me in the nuts" yesterday. I said "well, you cannot do that." She paused...then was like "OH DAMMIT"
@Cole "Not here bitches!"
@Cole lol!
@JennyD so funny. I forget sometimes too
@JennyD Naah my head is totally on-premise
Erg, so I forgot I have game night at my friends (near my house) and then Mutant Future day/night on Sunday with my friends up in Boston. Jenna wants me to sleep over Saturday night. fml.
Anyone manage Google Chrome with GPO settings?
@tombull89 yes
mornng nerds
@Tanner we want to show the "Home" button next to the address bar, any idea if that's possible?
@MDMarra Sup King Nerd
recovering from my hangover
Out late last night?
not really
just lots of free booze at my company's open house
I was home at like 9p, but the thing started at 3
Sup hangover buddy
Ich habe ein Kater
sup sup
Today feels like a ham and cheese omelet day
i had cold crab rangoon for breakfast
@MDMarra For champions
I'm not really a fan of the crab rangoon. They're alright though.
Really...sonicwall blocked my ultravnc download =[
@tombull89 I don't see an obvious option for it. It's kind of hacky, but you could add this extension: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/home-button-at-top-right/…
Extensions seem to push pretty well through GPO.
@Tanner noted, thanks. We're gonna have to block the webstore too as there's a ton of games on there.
what does "game mode" do on a TV and why should I turn it on when playing playstation?
@tombull89 ...brb blocking webstore.
can't believe I didn't think about that >_>
Chrome has Battlefield Play4Free? Jesus.
Hm that Dell tech was actually pretty nice
why am I having a brain fart
WIndows Server 2003, C:\ D:\ partitions are on one disk, we have a disk free. They want to extend partition D:\ to the new disk.
@MDMarra usually improves output latency by falling back to simpler forms of image processing
@Cole uh
I think dynamic disks can do that but not sure
@MDMarra I think so too
both of them are basic, though
If you have a specific folder thats huge on D: you can mount the other disk in it as a folder
Pretty sure Dynamic can though
and not as a drive letter
Oh yeah?
@Cole You can span a volume over more than one partition
its one of the options when you format a raw volume is to mount it somewhere not as a drive
@MathiasR.Jessen I thought so
Damn I don't want it to be another folder though
Do the person coming after you a favor, move the data on D: to the new disk. :)
@jscott well they need all the disk
It's for Symantec DLO
Ouch. Well, Godspeed then
Desktop Laptop Option -- backups
@MDMarra Symantec backups for desktops and laptops
I think both disks would need...to be dynamic?
@Cole correct
@MathiasR.Jessen Ok I thought so
You cannot span volumes accross basic disk partitions
Total brain fart though
Wtf are they going to do when I leave?
Be aware that if the operating system was upgraded from NT 4.0, the space reserved for the MBR will not be sufficient to support a dynamic disk, in which case: format c
the funny part is that that's probably a real concern
@MathiasR.Jessen @MDMarra it could be...
@MDMarra Yeah, I was like "that's not ever relevant anymore" until I realized who was asking :P
Here is one for the old folks, nice way to waste a Friday in the office: fullscreenmario.com
God I can't wait to not deal with NT4
Retry for a live version

Website is offline

The server may be down for maintenance, there may be a network problem, or the site may be experiencing excessive load.
Only sad thing is they allow you to select any level you want.
He just asked me how to convert a disk to dynamic
1 more week....1 more week
Home time for me!
" Is my VPS hacked by someone that my VPS is configured as a core of dns traffic?"

@RyanRies: how he mine for fish?
Tide goes in, tide goes out, never a miscommunication. You can't explain that.
Q: Flack Overstow - Generate spam from Stack Exchange posts

Mark Rushakoff Online demo courtesy of Nathan Osman: http://quickmediasolutions.com/flack Note: this tool now works with all Stack Exchange sites. Just paste the URL of your profile and the app will take care of the rest. Screenshot / Code Snippet $ python flack.py 126042 Before 'if' s...

That's awesome
@RyanRies You must have the wrong link on the webserver, since the system boards in both systems, to set a static IP address. The?
Yes, the.
The next thing will be compatible. The Dell might accept your needs, but you might well want.
@mfinni So that's where some of our questions are coming from!
@MichaelHampton The username needs to be preceded by the /user: switch with a great idea if they're the same/overlapping, but in this situation, this is often known as a DHCP reservation
> I know that in virtual box I always mount disk to Ubuntu via NAT.
That did not come from a Python script, as far as I know.
@mfinni This will rejoice, and there will be world peace... or at least people wont turn violent when your application doesn't provide clipboard integration. You would have?
That almost makes sense.
@ChrisS I think that was one of the milestones from a project I was on at Iron Mountain.
@MichaelHampton some?
@ChrisS sounds like something I'd say to the Gnome people
It's definitely weird to see gibberish written in the same cadence I actually write in. Also, I recognize some parts of the sentences. Not sure where the "You would have?" came from though.
This is sexy
Q: two networks and one LAN card

MarekI have got dedicated server from one company and the ip address which they have assigned to this server is I have also the my ip address pool which is 80.48.94.x/24. Is it possible to use this 80.48.94.x on that server? Could I e.g. create eth0:0 with address and do so...

I think this fine gentleman is using that bot to ask questions
@Cole You're learning german?
@MathiasR.Jessen not mine
But I want it
Think I'm gonna pull the trigger and buy the board and key caps
Me too... I grew up 30 miles from the german border, I can't even order a hotdog in Berlin without resorting to english
It's a present to myself...for getting a new job...yes..that..
bridesthrowingcats.com it is what it says on the tin
:( poor cats
this is hysterical
Nothing to do...this sucks
I'd rather be home doing nothing.
go home then
I can't
my boss wants me here >.>
Then use the Powershell Active Directory powershell module and it is "Fix your application". However, you may configure aliases and forwarding rules. Is there a memory limit on the source CSV file. I'm adding the found token string(s). That may not cmd.
My boss wants a "batch file" for something that uses wsadmin
Fuck a batch file.
as a scheduled task
Well, on the bright side, you won't be maintaining it for more than 5-6 days.
start cmd > cd to D:\<path of wsadmin shit>\bin > start wsadmin
then run some python files within wsadmin
wat is redirection?
Oh those are steps.
yeah lol
maybe I should pretend I forgot about it
Thinking this may need to be done within Websphere
Not sure how I'd do that with a batch file. My brain hurts today, I've already checked out
@RyJones @Wesley tried to get married again?
@DennisKaarsemaker looks like it, however, I don't think it took
Is it just me, or is the HAProxy documentation sort of . . . not great?
I mean everything is there, which is awesome, but it's a bit short on good examples & the hyperlinking is less-than-100%
it's not just you
I may just say....just talk to IBM about the scheduled task
it requires digging
@DennisKaarsemaker OK, as long as i'm not missing some glorious version of the config docs that are like "HERE IS EXACTLY THE CONFIGURATION YOU WANT, COPYPASTA AND USE SED TO FIX THE IP ADDRESSES"
this is only my second time working with haproxy and my first doing a configuration of any substance
Q: Installing WordPress on two different HDD

WP99I have dedicated server, with 2 HDDs. I want to install two different WordPress blogs, each on a separate HDD. Thanks in advance appreciate your help.

Trunk needs to be on switch? There is not any other way to do this just using server on debian? — Marek 11 mins ago
how do these people have jobs
Jesus fuck
My fave comment so far today:
Pull two disks? :) — Chopper3 33 mins ago
Seriously, what the hell? Why don't you start with giving us a lot more information about your setup. OS, disk layout and webserver at least... — Dennis Kaarsemaker 1 min ago
there we go
Do you get anything at 3000 rep?
the big one ;p
and edits without review
Vote to close. And oh look, you have 2973 rep...
(I think)
@MDMarra That comes at 2K
Yes @MichaelHampton I'm close
the other things are kinda lame after that XD
delete is cool
Yeah, we don't have enough people with the delete privileges to make it really effective though.
delete needs additional people
this is bizarre, we have a room remodeled to put in a few racks for testing. A/C is not strong enough anymore.
Our highly paid consultant suggested: Keep the window and the door open
and even on SU I hardly use it
Then again we have a nice automated process to delete stuff.
I just want VTC, really.
as I said, the big one
@faker This is a valid response right now (it's winter)
But you need to add more cooling for summertime.
protecting post... is utterly useless UNLESS you have something specific that attracts spam
@JourneymanGeek As a mater of practice I protect all canonical posts unless there's a REALLY good reason not to
@voretaq7: you're a mod tho
(mostly because we're pointing clueless newbs at them)
@voretaq7 it was snowing yesterday here, the direction of the wind blows snow inwards. I'm sure it will be cool, but...

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