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@RyJones @ewwhite is being gang-raped by Nexenta! <-- ?
@ewwhite GPFS for 6 cores (3 servers gives you quorum, 1 dual-core proc each) is around… $3.5K. Lifetime license, all the storage you can shove onto it. Think about it.
@voretaq7 Worse than Chelsea Manning?
@MikeyB I don't need big capacity... just some management
@ewwhite right… and then you'd never need to worry about it again. And certainly not pay yearly.
@MikeyB Is it fair to have raw disk capacity licensing terms when the size of the disks is substantially larger than it used to be?
My first nexenta array was 25 x 146GB disks...
@ewwhite It's usury.
but nowadays, I can't find a nearline disk under 2TB easily
@ewwhite not as bad as Oracle...
@Cole wow... that girl is enthusiastic.
@MikeyB i'm taking this to the Twitter!!
@Cole on twitter.
@ewwhite I'm entirely serious, BTW. It's viable.
@voretaq7 time's up, you can talk about @ewwhite's dicks now
@MikeyB for VMware?
I don't see how GPFS relates to what I'm doing...
@ewwhite exported over iSCSI or NFS, yeah.
but then I lose my ZIL and compression
@ewwhite Aren't you moving on from Nexenta?
@JoelESalas except for my real systems, where I pay $ to keep them running
I just needed a couple of drives, and it pushed me into an uncomfortable place (licensing-wise).
@MikeyB all 6 of them?
what they lack in size they make up for in capacity and quantity!
@ewwhite . . . you're carrying this gang-rape metaphor all the way then. Did Nexenta roofie you too?
@JoelESalas He's too MacGuyver for that
Just sad... Maybe I can twitter-shame them.
serious, I bought 6 x 2TB disks for RAID 1+0. How much should that cost me in licensing?
The disks were $1300.
Even if I whored @MDMarra out for two weeks straight, it wouldn't make up the cost outlay.
@ewwhite So.... you need a larger pool of rentadmins?
@freiheit Don't let him cock tease you. He'll tickle your balls then get spooked and ask you to take him home.
Q: Active Directory Domain Controller Configuration with one internet connection & one lan card

Praveen Reddy_AdminI have a confusion since long time. "I have configured AD on my win server 2008 R2 system and i have one internet connection with only single lan card. thing is that while i am assigning Static IP address, internet is not coming. i.e., i am not able to access the internet. i need solution for...

@MichaelHampton Do not close this
Not yet
My boss keeps saying he wants a DC in the DMZ.
@Cole For what?!
If you've got dial up problems I feel bad for you son, I got 19200 8n1.
fuck if I know - he can't tell me why
this made me giggle far too much
@Cole If you do it, do IPSEC isolation with Windows Firewall
@JoelESalas I think I've lost track of the analogy in there somewhere... You just like talking dirty?
A: Active Directory Domain Controller Configuration with one internet connection & one lan card

MDMarra Plug the network network cable into the network card on the DC. It's the one that looks like an oversized phone cable. In the network adapter properties in Windows, assign a valid IP address for your network. Assign a valid subnet mask in the same window. Assign a valid gateway in that window. A...

I think it's for using Sametime which usually AD authentication without being on the internal network. But I'd think you'd just need to put a SPNEGO server in the DMZ if anything (what Lotus uses for SSO)
@MichaelHampton nailed it
@Cole Just let the sametime server in the DMZ talk to a DC on the inside
Great answer to a terrible question. Now, wait for it...
Just open ports from the DMZ to an internal DC for that one box if there are no DMZ proxy options that will handle it more safely (like TMG for Exchange does)
@MDMarra well SPNEGO handles the authentication not the Sametime server
I have a little experience with SPNEGO for custom apps
No experience with sametime
I am going to kick and scream about putting a DC in the DMZ
I'm not letting tha tlive @MDMarra :)
Oh come on, bro
"How do I connect a computer to the internet" is totally below the threshold of professional sysadmin
I said "It's the one that looks like an oversized phone cord"
You can't let it live for that?!
I'm already repcapped, I don't need the +20!
@MDMarra . . . when he tries to plug an RJ11 telephone cable in there you're gonna regret saying that aren't you?! :P
Well, I was fired today... :(
"I have a doubt about your answer. Every time I turn the computer on now our receptionist screams"
@Cole Putting a DC in the DMZ is perfectly fine.
@KevinSoviero they read the comms room log?
As long as it's for a separate perimeter forest
@KevinSoviero over the "didn't check stuff into version control fast enough" thing?
lol yeah that's not happening
@Cole LOLSecurity
@voretaq7 No, because I "talk too much..." Which isn't true mind you.
@KevinSoviero That seems strange.
We do have a security "team" It's one guy and the systems architect
@KevinSoviero They fired you for being chatty? Wut? really?
@KevinSoviero That's a new one
The security guy doesnt know AD
and neither does the Sys Architect
At least that's what he told me, maybe they have their own reasons internally...
@Cole just dig up technet docs about DCs in a perimeter network
They exist, I just dont have any bookmarked
@KevinSoviero when I fire people, I don't tell them shit. "Here's your stuff, last paycheck comes in the mail, while I was saying this your accounts were disabled so no funny stuff"
@MDMarra underserving of your rep points!
@MDMarra I'm going to out of my own interest. I'm just sick of doing shit so half-assed because the applications group pretty much drives our projects. Which keep getting piled on.
@KevinSoviero what did you actually do?
@RyJones You sound like a very sensitive person...
@ewwhite If it were your answer, you'd wait until 00:01 UTC and make a trivial edit so it bumps to the front page. We're on to you, Edmund!
@ewwhite Anyways yeah, what I've been looking at recently is a roll-you-own NAS approach using GPFS on Linux. Gives you replication, tiering, availability, nice stuff. Unfortunately, no native compression/dedupe like ZFS.
@ewwhite In what sense?
@KevinSoviero they always do.
@KevinSoviero Don't want to give people anything to sue me over.
@KevinSoviero When i've been fired, it's been for a reason... Bathroom sex, running a human-trafficking ring during business hours, hanging up on the boss, being a bully...
Generally when someone is going to be fired, they've had at least one talking to about why beforehand. Rarely do firings come out of left field.
@ewwhite Aside from the bathroom sex that pretty much sounds like "being a sysadmin"
@RyJones in my case, I went home, logged into RHN and removed my account from the corporate RHN account they'd totally forgotten about. ("What's that boss? Power off all servers? OK!") And emailed them to remind them about it :P
@MDMarra Depends on the company. Some don't have a progressive discipline policy (or tacitly ignore it)
@ewwhite Yet, somehow you pee on your CEO and bam HP contracts.
@ewwhite I didn't do anything, he said that I was "bothering my coworkers," and that I wasn't "gelling" with the rest of the team <- his words not mine.
@KevinSoviero gelling is important... I don't gel much either.
@KevinSoviero not "gelling" with the team is a catch-all for "We just don't like you" within the first 3-6 months
@voretaq7 well, maybe. Real sysadmins do it on the data floor. Knowing @ewwhite's clients, that may very well be the bathroom...
@voretaq7 But usually even if there's no official policy, if you've rubbed people wrong enough to get the axe they've said something about it, either formally or not.
Of course, not always
@DennisKaarsemaker Yeah, after that one time where he grabbed a fiber trunk in the throes of passion I don't do that anymore....
@KevinSoviero Were you probationary (hired recently)?
@freiheit 3 weeks
@freiheit I believe Texas is an at-will state
@DennisKaarsemaker Nuh uh...
No probationary period necessary
@KevinSoviero Lot of places basically consider the first month or quarter or year or something an extension of the interview process, essentially.
@MDMarra at will or not most companies have a probationary period
I was fired on day 89 of a job...
I mean, uh, downsized...
traditionally it's the same as the period before you would go on insurance if you're W2
I've only once fired a guy after 3 weeks
OK, I'mma go home and finish my work from there because idunno if my building has a parking lot tonight :-)
and that's because he didn't come in on time once
@voretaq7 Right - I was just saying that probationary periods dont mean anything in at-will states. It's just a line on a paper somewhere that has no real meaning
@DennisKaarsemaker Are you a time stickler
If they wanted to fire you on the 91st day in an at will state because they just dont like you, they can as long as the reason for not liking you isn't because you're a woman, old, or gay.
@JoelESalas no, but coming in at 11 every day in your probation period kinda makes me lose all trust
@DennisKaarsemaker I totally did that
I'm a late guy... that's why I can't work in an office anymore.
@JoelESalas You're a dev by trade. We expect less from you as a rule.
being on that schedule is soul-crushing.
Sorry @KevinSoviero
@MDMarra I get the most ops shit done here
because I don't care about breaking things for ten minutes
@JoelESalas The one eyed man is the king of the blind!
@MDMarra What's this about your one-eyed monster?
@JoelESalas You're never going to get past 4 9s if you do that every month...
@freiheit They already break
So do we have any advice for @KevinSoviero?
@JoelESalas Maybe your things break...
@ewwhite Didn't we all tell him to not leave Rackspace?
@ewwhite Thanks
@freiheit Correct, the technical debt here is so intense that we need to make breaking changes to get to a state of normalcy
@MDMarra I'm glad I left Rackspace... No regrets there... I do regret leaving Mozido however
I have a question. Do I include CSID on future resumes?
@ewwhite @KevinSoviero Sorry about losing your job. That sucks. And the given reason particularly sucks. Dust off the resume, let all your friends know you're looking again, and start hunting... Also, make sure they pay you for your accumulated 5 hours (or whatever) of vacation time.
@KevinSoviero It depends. Does it add any positive info about you?
@freiheit They're giving me a fair amount of severance pay...
also, what the hell is CSID?
@KevinSoviero 3 weeks? I assume no major accomplishments? Probably makes sense to leave it off.
@DennisKaarsemaker The company I worked for
leave it off
@KevinSoviero Ask more questions about the place during your next interview. Stop using your mild autism as an excuse; it's true but it doesn't help you at all. It seems like you think you're doomed to failure because of it.
if it's less than 6 months
@Tanner that. "Mild autism" isn't an excuse to be an ass.
@DennisKaarsemaker I'm not an ass... ??? Huh?
I'm extremely nice... Self-destructively so.
then you're an ass to yourself :)
@DennisKaarsemaker That I can accept
you shouldn't
don't accept that you think your autism makes you somehow a lesser person
@KevinSoviero So what did you do? Can you honestly say that you didn't piss anyone off
@JoelESalas There were two people who intensely disliked me, but I don't think it was my fault...
@KevinSoviero did you ask them why they disliked you?
No one ever disliked me at Rackspace, Mozido, etc.
@DennisKaarsemaker No...
maybe you should have. It's a great chance to clear up misconceptions.
@KevinSoviero If very very senior people didn't like you they could probably pull strings and get you booted
maybe you say dumb shit, maybe you smell bad, sometimes you just never know
We had one guy at MGO who would eat sunflower seeds and throw the shells on the ground
when one of the managers came and asked him to clean it up, he stomped the shells into the carpet
@JoelESalas The Sr. Linux Administrator for the whole IT dept. hated me... Does that count?
@KevinSoviero I'd say yes
@DennisKaarsemaker I agree. Hindsight's 20/20 and all that jazz
@JoelESalas oh man, we had a smeller at $university
now you know for next time :)
His manager had to tell him a few times a month to go home, shower, and change
@MDMarra Dude among tech people? that's really fucking stinky
Good kid, but no one ever told him how to clean himself, I guess
we had one whose breath stank like dog poo
I do not want to know why
@JoelESalas He was a student worker so he got a break. Then his dad died or something and he was going to drop out, so we hired him so he could get free tuition instead of dropping out
But there was, literally, a condition of employment that said he'd be fired if anyone had to tell him about his personal hygiene again
@freiheit Wow, that says it quite nicely... Seriously, @KevinSoviero go read that.
@Tanner I did, I'm the one who stared it
@Tanner the tl;dr is #yolo #dieyoung
@JoelESalas I live healthy and exercise, because YOLO.
@DennisKaarsemaker Do some sort of stupid shit now and then, though. ;)
The Ron Paul AMA on reddit has some great questions that he didn't answer
> Dr. Paul, as a physician and a libertarian, do you believe doctors should have to be licensed in order to practice medicine?
@freiheit I got married. Does that count?
@DennisKaarsemaker That is kinda like jumping into the swimming pool feet first without checking for water, so sure...
@DennisKaarsemaker Here's video of me doing something kinda stupid a week ago: facebook.com/photo.php?v=493995100683164
@KevinSoviero Also, if you're not on LinkedIn, you probably should be. I swear I get a hit for some kind of unix job every week or two from that...
@freiheit I am, I love LinkedIn
I think I just got emailed for this one: gymboree.tms.hrdepartment.com/jobs/6446/…
I just got a hit on LinkedIn today as well...for a UCS/NetApp architect
I've never worked with either product
I hate recruiters
@MDMarra I like them
I find it depends a lot... There's some scummy ones, but plenty of halfway decent ones. That gymboree job doesn't sound interesting to me, but at least I've touched most of the technologies on their list and the job appears to be within a distance I'd be conceivably willing to commute.
Not sure what I want for dinner
I've got tons of UCS and I think it's great... albeit pricey.
And NetApp too, though I don't know as much about it technically.
@RyanRies UCS fucking pisses me off
I have UCS and NetApp experience
My favorite though is how recruiters are always looking for something like "C# developer... with NetApp experience" or "SCCM Administrator... strong Linux skills required!" -___-
@RyanRies That sounds more like a hiring manager problem
Probably... I usually don't pay much attention to all the emails and LinkedIn spam
@RyanRies Need strong SCCM 2012 SP1 UR3 experience with excellent Windows Server 2003 skills.
@MDMarra NT 4 a big plus!
One thing I hate about living in Texas is that good, fresh seafood does not exist here. :(
@RyanRies I grew up in New England and never got into seafood
That's probably the only reason I want it, is just because I can't have it
Mmm seafood
now i want sushi
@MDMarra reading the TechNet article on perimeter forests
word up.
all of our servers, machines, etc is on a child domain of <company>.com forest
I don't want to have to setup another g.d. AD environment lol. I already have like 20 trusts.
Did you hear about that, @RyanRies. @Cole's company wants to put a DC from their production domain into the perimeter network!
Q: How to add Postgres support to PHP installed by Homebrew?

Pavel S.I have already installed and configured new version of PHP with Homebrew, including MySQL support and XDebug. That works fine. However, I need to install the support for PostgreSQL as well. How can I do it? I have figured out it is easy when installing PHP for the first time, just by adding the...

@Cole would it make you feel better to know that Microsoft doesn't use edge devices with NAT to RFC1918 addresses and everything that they own is on the public internet?!
They do, however, use IPSEC for domain isolation
I need a new job. Fuck.
Yep, they IPsec EVERYWHERE
so all of their AD stuff is on the public Internet but reject non-IPSEC connections
That's having faith in your own shit
word - but they have more than 5 sysadmins to support it.
Although I read something recently (I think @MichaelHampton pointed it out) that they are moving to RFC1918 addresses, not for security, but to have more v4 addresses for Azure.
But out of those 5 sysadmins - only one can support it. ME.
Ordered some SUSHI

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