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@ChrisS my man
Did I just have an interview because of you.
@ewwhite Wouldn't it be easier to PXE boot them and script the actions?
@ewwhite sorry, phone keeps ringing, there is an iLO KVM API but it is just that, i.e. not too easy to deal with
@RyanRies So it's most likely not worth the money to buy any AD book?
omg it's @mossy!
@Cole I would say it's worth it if you A) really want fundamental, basic, administrator-level (not engineer-level) knowledge of AD... or 2) If you feel like it's a very technical book and not just admin-level stuff.
That's just my own opinion though
@Cole If your boss lets you read on the job as "training", then it's a good excuse not to do tickets all day!
@Cole hi.
@Cole If someone wrote an Active Directory Internals the way Russinovich wrote the Windows Internals books, I would buy that shit in a heartbeat.
@RyanRies The internals of AD: magic.
@RyanRies I read that O'Reilly AD book a few years ago, or at least read most of it. I found myself saying either "Know it... know it... pretty sure I know it..." and then suddenly "WTFBBQ HOW WOULD I KNOW OR USE THAT?!"
be back on later
@mfinni possibly, I suggested PXE... but these are new servers, so we can't do too much to them,
@Wesley Like item-level targeting?
@ewwhite I'm suggesting that whatever they're doing now with physical media to boot smartstart (and run , i dunno, something?) , they should be able to do with PXE and scripting. h18013.www1.hp.com/products/servers/management/toolkit/…
Easier than trying to do it all via KVM * 16
@mfinni yeah. Do my work for me!
@ewwhite Please leave. AARGBBRLLL
@RyanRies Looking for more than admin-level personally.
@ewwhite NSF eyes, has nothing to do with work.
Oooh, what does this button do?
Asked boss about the name standardization - he said whatever I wanted we'd go with. :)
@mfinni meh, you're simply not internet-hardened enough
@DennisKaarsemaker Now now. I've seen some stuff. But body-part removal makes me wince. ICK.
You can't be a sysadmin if bodypart removal makes you twitch.
@Cole That way you get all the blame when it goes wrong.
So I need to keep two folders (shared) in sync on two different servers (legacy issue) in Windows. I'm using a scheduled task to do it...is that really the best way?
@84104 haha probably.
He defends me more than anyone.
Not that he really ever has to.
@NathanC dfs replication?
@nathanc how often do the files change and how big?
@DennisKaarsemaker Can't. The "legacy" software happens to be DOS of all things. It doesn't like DFS namespaces :(
@NathanC Make yet another share on your actual storage and have the DOS boxes pick them up? Or does DOS not smb?
@Grant Small (<10kb). Only new files get created and they're deleted by a program when they get processed.
@84104 For some strange reason I can't change it. It supports SMB (via installing the "net" commands) but if I try changing the name, it just throws "can't find the server" errors. It's really weird.
Needs more WINS or something. I hate WINS.
@NathanC You can certainly use DFS(R) replication to keep the servers in sync, while the client accesses the fileshare via the \\server\share name
Hmm...I can have three servers with the DFS share, right?
@nathanc does the software run on an actual dos box, or dos under windows? would it work if you just mapped a network drive to the dfs share?
@NathanC NET USE the DFS share
@jscott It throws a "network path cannot be found" error when I do that
@nathanc you can have as many as you want within reason
@nathanc try net use \\<ip address>\share?
I might just try adding to the DFS replication...this is left over from when I migrated everything to our new DFS-backed fileservers and not having everything on a DC lol
@NathanC If your storage isn't on the same subnet and you don't have WINS you have to use the FQDN for more modern Windows. Not sure about DOS.
@84104 That could be why...it's on a different subnet (i.e, 192.168.2.x instead of 1.x)
@NathanC SMB name resolution is stupid.
heh heh, I used 60 GB of data on my verizon smartphone last month, I have unlimited data and a tethering app :D
What's really weird is that it throws the "cannot find network path" on IP addresses
Even on the server that maps properly. If I use the DNS name it maps, IP it can't find the path.
verizon just sent me a message saying they urgently need to speak to me... I wonder if its related
So frustrating lol
Might be something else then. I'd wireshark, but that's me. I like sniffing the wire.
@MattBear Oooh, you're in troubleee! :p
@MattBear "Do no run a webserver on/through your phone."
@84104 steam and bittorrent :p
@MattBear Oh I'll steam your bits...
ahh, I owed them $30
man... I want a new phone, but I have to pay full retail to keep my current plan
@MattBear AT&T urgently wanted to speak with me too ...because they suspended my off-network data for going over 400MB
And it was my friend's phone who's on my plan...who lives in the middle of nowhere where 2G is the only available option. Oops.
(Note: this is one of those "should've read the agreement sucker" clauses)
400 mb on 2G?
how teh fuck did he do that
2g is dial up
That's my question. In 2 weeks. More data than me and I'm on LTE.
and never on wifi because it doesn't reach my room at home. So yeah...
The kicker is that AT&T never sent a notice at 100MB. Then I got the "400MB warning" and the suspension at the same exact time. Then the 100MB warning came through ...I lol'd
you could do it in around 16 hours.... at max connection speed
I did the speed test while on edge once ... 0.02mbps
@freiheit I saw this today...
annnd now in my office
@freiheit These guys were on a casual ride from Montreal to New York City.
I need to buy a bike.
@ewwhite Image not found? oh wait, my firewall decided to start blocking facebook on me again
-_- seriously...
I was just logged into it 5 minutes ago ...now it's not working again.
@NathanC oh good! stay off facebook, its for assclowns
who use cPanel
@voretaq7 Have you ever had a Cronutâ„¢?
@Cole You and @WesleyDavid should start a support group.
@MattBear What port do you use for ping?
@ewwhite Nope, and I have no desire to pay $40 for one.
Further proof our on call isn't working
They called the second dude on call for file share slowness. I'm keeping my mouth shut - both 1st and second on call are talking to each other both saying "well I don't know what to do."
@NathanC 5986
@voretaq7 It's outside of my office, so I've been watching the lines every morn.
Now they're bitching that management won't let them reboot the file server that's used for the whole company
@Cole just flick the powerstrip back and forth a few times, oughta help
But reboots fix everything
It says so in the manual
@Holocryptic if its windows... thats generally true
@ewwhite it's ridiculous. I hear people are scalping them on Craigslist for upwards of $100
@cole I have one user that regularly insists we "reboot his network drive" whenever he loses his network connection. Of course, rebooting the companies biggest file server is a great idea, I'll get right on that.
even BACON isn't worth that much effort!
@Grant Reboot the user. Clearly the last time you kicked the idiot in the balls it didn't work.
@voretaq7 :)
@Grant Apparently that's how we do here.
Instead of figuring out the problem - we just reboot shit.
@cole I SAID HI
@voretaq7 Luckily around here there's only a handful of users I'd like to respond to with my clue by four.
@ewwhite that guy should change his truck name to "Anthony's Wieners"
In speaking of reboots, patch tuesday passed ...which means ...server reboots
to avoid potential lawsuits, he should also hire a guy named Anthony.
Maybe one day they'll make windows not need a reboot for 99% of patches...
@mossy HELLO SIR
@voretaq7 you would eat there every day!
At least I've finally gotten rid of the one server with legacy software so crappy we had to use task scheduler to do nightly reboots.
oh hey, toner low alarms for 4 printers
@ewwhite I like that the image of Anthony Weiner is drawn from his Wikipedia photo.
@MilesErickson classy
@ewwhite How's your turbine? Dang, you have a lot of those in the Midwest.
@MattBear nah, I don't really like boiled hot dogs.
@NathanC . . . this is like the toilet paper theory
@MilesErickson The IP address still doesn't work.
@ewwhite Dang. You seriously don't have any CCNA sport climbers on staff?
I think someone went up... but I wasn't told about it until after the fact.
@voretaq7 well damn... you had to go and ruin it. Had a whole bit ready to go about eating Anthony's wiener and blah blah blah... and you just HAD to kill it
@ewwhite Seriously. Who's paying for all the electricity that you're buying on account of it not working? I vaguely recall you mentioning that it generated enough kW for that to be significant.
@MattBear Fun Facts: I've never dated a guy named Anthony.
@MilesErickson it's working... but we can't monitor it.
@ewwhite Got it. That's an improvement.
@ewwhite I see, so someone went up and "fixed" it but didn't fix it.
@ewwhite you can certainly monitor it
@voretaq7 Visually?
If the electricity meter is spinning fast it's not working. If it's spinning slow or backwards, it works.
Now get an intern to sit there and send SNMP traps based on the speed of the meter wheel :P
@MilesErickson I think the controller is damaged from the multiple lightning strikes
@ewwhite One would think that being struck by lightning ought to be all in a day's work for a wind turbine.
@ewwhite Wow. Cool.
@voretaq7 Basically. Luckily the toner is sent to us automatically.
@MilesErickson depends on how good the grounding is.
@freiheit 14-speed Rohloff internally-geared hub. I spotted it a block away..
@NathanC You could improve efficiency by only letting people use one printer until it runs out of toner, then switching to the next.
@ewwhite With a bar-end twist shifter, it looked like...
Yay! SE finally resolved our concerns about the FAQ. gizoogle.net/…
@MilesErickson dont click on anything starting with giz!
@freiheit Yeah, the Rohloff requires a special 2-cable shifter... rohloff.de/en/products/speedhub
@MilesErickson heh nothing worse then some nerds trying to talk thug
biggest mistake... you can understand it lol
why VM so slow?
@voretaq7 The hamsters need to be poked.
@MilesErickson I so strongly want to start quoting that in comments I add.
@MattBear it's a nifty device, too bad their kickstarter is failing indiegogo.com/projects/ubuntu-edge ubuntu-edge.info
@NathanC ... that's what you guys call "disk saturation"? :)
God dammit Solarwinds Alert Central - you suck
No wonder why you're free
The idea is great - the execution...not so much.
@DennisKaarsemaker yeah... 32 million is a bit much
@MattBear it's just 46k devices
so not completely ridiculous
@DennisKaarsemaker expecting to get 32 million through crowd sourcing is what I meant
They should've shot low then tried for venture capital
he wants to keep cancomical private
@DennisKaarsemaker what you want and whats feasible aren't always the same thing...
Then I wish him luck raising $32 million
15 mill goal, and then have an investor set up to match or finish it out would work
@MattBear indeed
hell, with 15 mill, you then have the assets and the interest to possibly justify a loan for the rest
@DennisKaarsemaker Yeah, I'm surprised it's done so poorly. I as really interested in it and considered nabbing one, but the funds couldn't be found.
on another note, i want a chromecast :(
but there's like a 3 month backlog
Unless you want to pay triple for it because people are just reselling them (which annoys me greatly)
I cannot focus at work today - too many people making noise
Chromecast = Google's Apple TV?
@Wesley you are not even allowed to buy one. You need to buy a bike first.
@Wesley I emailed you back meow face
Yeah basically.
I think "ooh shiny" and want it - shit, am I becoming one of those consumers?!
@Wesley also:
@DennisKaarsemaker hehehe
@Cole Got it! Will respond this afternoon
@DennisKaarsemaker lolsbians
@DennisKaarsemaker There's some damn fine one's I'd allow myself to be eaten by.
@Wesley thx sir.
I've done some pretty hot lolsbians
@DennisKaarsemaker if he would just pull it for the hooker/stripper/bondage budget, he could get a bike right now!
@DennisKaarsemaker But can bikes play Angry Birds? I think not!
@DennisKaarsemaker Nnnnnot gonna click anything on that page. =P
dat bike doe
So...what's the best way to estimate how much space I'd need to switch over to using folder redirection for user files?
In the last 48 hours, I've spent 24 of them in the office.
You'd need to see how much data is in those folders per user @NathanC
PowerShell dat shit
wow... I think my new policy for sharepoint help requests is to just ignore them...
so far today, 3 emails "haaallppp SharePoint no worky!!"
and an hour later, "Tnx it worky now!"
without me touching anything
damn users
Q: Why does this domain resolve like such?

user1477388I recently came across a link like this: www/screenshots.com Obviously, it is not a correct link; but when you navigate it, it goes to: http://www.allied.com/ Why does it go here of all places!? Note: I found the link here, if it matters, http://careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/36049/ux-front...

@TheCleaner deleted by owner; makes my life easier
"This question deals with "name-resolution" and should therefore be considered relevant. In what way is it not relevant?" ಠ_ಠ
@TomO'Connor yeah...the comments were ...wow
@mossy If it was in KZoo, yes. They were really vague about what they were looking for, so I apologize if it was completely off base.
@Cole I don't know powershell...
like at all >.<
@NathanC so... learn it
It's very friendly actually
@TheCleaner perhaps he has his 'search domain' set to allied.com?
@Tanner But, i don't wanna! stamps foot
@NathanC nah, it's fun :P
@Zoredache even still it shouldn't resolve an invalid syntax, I wouldn't think. My guess is some browser toolbar or 3rd party crap app that takes invalid typos/fatfingering and goes to some page.
@Zoredache That'd do it.
Powershell is awesome as it pipes serialized objects instead of text.
my rep graph...it's not impressive.
@TheCleaner That wouldn't be an invalid syntax. www/screenshots.com The hostname of www isn't valid on many networks.
Mine's not really either :p
...aaaand that's a broken link. thanks to markdown
@Zoredache huh? the slash makes it invalid.
@TheCleaner a url is [protocol://]hostname[:port]/path
www is the host, now. it isn't invalid.
his url was www/screenshots. the protocol defaults to http:// the hostname is www. The path is screenshots.com
I regret not snagging an @va email address when I worked for the Catholic church, just to break everyone's regexes for valid email. At the time, the VA TLD published an MX record.
the hostname www could resolve to a valid domain on a network if you have a search path setup. So on my internal network www/screenshots.com redirects to the 404 page on my web server, since the domain is appended to the www and instead the url is www.example.org/screenshots.com
I know...but you can't have a slash before the path in the hostname. the path isn't screenshots.com. It reads as [protocol://]www/screenshots.com[:80]/

Try it yourself...or any nslookup or tool.
@TheCleaner but that isn't the URL being invalid.
@TheCleaner I can put a file on my web server named screenshots.com, and www/screenshots.com would be perfectly legal.
just because the URL is completely broken, doesn't mean it is invalid.
ok, I get what you are saying now...but www/screenshots.com would be valid if the browser was forcing a DNS suffix name for any short/netbios name. I get you now. Still, it doesn't happen on Chrome/IE/FF for me...it doesn't automatically add my DNS search suffix.
Hmm, I could just toss a terabyte LUN at the problem and it'd be solved ...but i don't have that much space to play with on both hosts unless i use our NAS >.>
@TheCleaner Anyway, the point was that I think the OP has something weird set in their DNS client. Either they have allied.com set as the suffix, or they have www.[suffix] resolving to some thing that does a redirect to allied.com
@Zoredache makes sense, I get your point now. I was stuck with DNS not resolving "www/screenshots" as a domain name. When you browse to that link you get a 404 from your www host? Mine doesn't do that in all 3 browsers.
if you browse to http://www/does that hit your web server?
I dunno, I don't have an explanation for why it doesn't work for you. I can tell you I am on Linux, and that might be giving me different results.
dafuq... when I browse www I get this:
@Tanner What is in your domain/search path?
interesting. Because if I force www in my hosts file to the IP of my web server at that point www/screenshot.com it DOES bring a 404 error from my web server. But if I just let DNS resolve it, even with my search suffix present, it just fails to resolve.
@84104 Weird. is returning the same address for the site (domain suffix is my company's, and we're not an inn).
@Tanner So what happens if you got your www.your.fqdn ?
@84104 It goes to our website.
tested another internal host as http://server/screenshot.com' and it comes back as 404 on server` without a hosts entry. Now I'm lost as to why www is acting weird in my browsers but other hosts get the 404 when resolving shortnames fine like your point mentions @Zoredache. Maybe it is a Windows thing...or maybe I'm simply crazy
Probably something to do with our hosting/isp...
Did I miss anything good
@JoelESalas Does me getting my first paycheck count?
@KevinSoviero Nope!
What's going to happen to SF
@voretaq7 How did your conversation go
@JoelESalas I won't be here as often now that I have a job?
Any new ways to find a device other than physical trackdown if a device is on the network but nmap shows very little about it? I have tracked down in the switches the port it is on, but it is at a remote location without IT support onsite so telling them to "trace the cable" will get me nowhere.
@TheCleaner What's the manufacturer?
@TheCleaner This is why we label our switch ports and walljacks with the patch panels they go to.
Or in server rooms the host attached to the switch, either by name or rack location.
@JoelESalas the call yesterday?
or something else?
@voretaq7 yes!
@84104 they are labeled...but I don't have a "map"...so I would have to tell them "walk around until you find jack labeled x"
@JoelESalas Productive I think
@TheCleaner Do you at least have a room number?
I found it. I forgot that I was messing with nmap earlier today and had left the command without the right switches, but the pic is kind of funny...had me ready to punch someone at first. One sec while I upload it
@voretaq7 What was the general disposition?
Please kill me guys ... I'm in a meeting about applying Agile software development techniques to operations processes. :(
@RyanRies What's wrong with that
@JoelESalas DEVOPS!
@JoelESalas Square peg, round hole.
@JoelESalas said the devop
@RyanRies Why do you feel that way
@JoelESalas Agile is one of those "Fail early. Fail often." sorts of things.
swore that said "apple" and not agile
@TheCleaner I did at first too. Glad I'm not the only one.
@84104 That doesn't mean you want all things to fail all the time
and here was the "rogue" device on the network
user image
@JoelESalas I'm uncomfortable with my production environment being my development environment.
@84104 The idea of fail early doesn't mean you test things on production, in what dimension does that make sense
@JoelESalas we're generally on the same page in terms of direction and things that need to be fixed -- check out the last segment of yesterday's chat transcript for a couple of highlights
Oh joy! I get to use Dish Network's live chat feature to attempt to explain to "Dante" that their upstream Squid server is hosing an audio stream at a radio station's offices!
@Wesley How do you know
also now imagining Dante from Clerks
@JoelESalas Watching HTTP responses with telnet
@JoelESalas It doesn't. It is however what people have advocated to me as "Agile". Maybe they're misappropriating a term to give themselves cover.
@Wesley Neat!
@84104 Fail early is more like "Break things as early as possible, so they don't break once they're in production"
"May I know what browser do you use?" Bring on the pain train!
or "Don't wait until it's in production to pretend you're in production"
I need a gallon of everclear, stat!
@Wesley Links
@84104 Lynx
@JoelESalas So, testing. Yeah, testing is good.
Is there an SE site for technical questions regarding console gaming
:'( I explain to the person "I'm using an application to stream audio up to a server, but I'm getting negative responses from an intermediary caching server." His response: "What web browser are you using?" "Uhmm... IE and Chrome..." "Try FireFox!"
@Tanner Sweet, thanks
@Wesley Stop all the Uploading.
@84104 Well I guess that would solve the squid responses...
Q: How to interpret disk space requirements on PS3

Mathias R. JessenWhen I buy/download a new game from PSN, a disk space requirement is shown, ie. "7340 MB". Is it the size of the download? Or is it the size of the final installation? If it is the latter, how can i calculate the total space needed to download, unpack and install the game?

@MathiasR.Jessen Steam does the same thing, they tell you the final install size, but not the download size
Which is important for those of us with monthly quotas
@Wesley Technical support people are dumb as fuck; we raised a ticket about a SOAP request and were asked to send a screenshot of how we were doing it
@MarkHenderson Nice! This chat person suddenly said, after I explained the situation to him a second time, that "your account doesn't have live chat support for internet connection problems. Here's a phone number:"
So I called them up, and it turns out there's a option in Dish Network satellite CPE boxxen that can turn caching off, but it's kinda hidden. Apparently there's like some miniature squid server running on the CPE itself!
@MarkHenderson Oh and ilck
I want some green tea. =(
@Wesley presents
@MarkHenderson For me? You shouldn't have! tears wrapping paper
Sorry I'm distrated by the link that @Miles posted making SF ghetto
@MarkHenderson Yes yes ya'll
Fresh ta def
right, disappearing off for five days, have fun.
@Chopper3 Bye. =(
Oh WTF. I'm emailing with a new client for SMTP services and all of a sudden my emails to him are bouncing with 550 5.1.1 user unknown errors. Yeah, I guess you really did need some help. Just a little too late apparently.
@Wesley clients not responding to email?
problem solved!
close the ticket
What have I missed?
holy hell there are a lot of first posts lately
and some of them are not even that bad!
and people were saying the site is dying. Bah. it's the summer effect.
@FalconMomot The entire internet is worse during the summer... or at least, in the upper hemisphere it is.
Fucking kids everywhere
I find this also
interns everywhere, and all the people who know what they are doing being on vacation.
and why I am saying "get off my lawn" at my age...
@FalconMomot Because them youngin's need to get off your lawn?
@84104 if you go by the kind of profiling all that implies, I should be on the recipient end of the getting yelled at, for skateboarding.
thankfully, youth != total lack of common sense :P
@FalconMomot I always found skateboarding on grass difficult.
@84104 Me too, but...
(let me find something)
I also didn't mean that as a drug reference, but it totally could be.
also that kind of grass actually makes it easier.
@FalconMomot Now I want to see a skateboard with tank treads.
you can get longboards with a motor on them too
I didn't think there would actually be one
also... that thing might actually be rideable.
@FalconMomot Never underestimate the power of the internet.
I'm back! Did you miss me?

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