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@KevinSoviero im considering becoming an iron worker lol
@MattBear Iron? Isn't there a supercomputer, or something by that name? Big Iron, I think.
$56 an hour for union iron workers right now...
@KevinSoviero I dunno lol
@MattBear Wow, that's quite a bit of money...
:For other uses of the term, see Big iron (disambiguation). Big iron, as the hacker's dictionary the Jargon File defines it, "refers to large, expensive, ultra-fast computers. It is used generally for number crunching supercomputers such as Crays, but can include more conventional big commercial IBM mainframes". The term is often used in reference to IBM mainframes, often when discussing their comeback/survival after the assault of lower cost Unix systems. More recently the term is also applied to powerful computer servers and computer ranches, whose steel racks naturally invoke the same ...
Hey guys, do I want to include a FREE McAfee virus scan with my Java install??
@JoelESalas Totally
It's free, right? What could go wrong
@MarkHenderson How can I afford not to!
Plus it's needed to provide you with a false sense of security around Java's 0-days
@JoelESalas At the rate Java's going, you'll need McAfee. It's the only thing that'll slow your machine down enough that even the "hackers" won't want to mess with it.
So I found out yesterday that my cable provider hands out IP addresses on a /20. They shipped their device with NAT enabled; I disabled NAT and sucesfully got public IP addresses on every computer. That's not common these days, is it?
@Iain @WesleyDavid the loser with no bike.. .app.strava.com/activities/67637024
I love how Iain has problems on a ride and still rides 50% farther in a day than me...
@MarkHenderson Can we trade
I hate Ubuntu "server"
@Jacob Well I'm not entirely sure that it's normal. It could be because it's not a Point to Point link that it's a technical limitation that they can't actually control who is on the connection
@Jacob Good
@MarkHenderson I mean my ONT has it's own IP that statically assigned, but I only get 1 DHCP IP
But yes, that seems plausible
@Jacob Which is very normal.
(At least, so I thought until I was just mucking around yesterday)
I feel stupid. what's wrong with sudo apt-get install openssh-server ?
@Jacob sudo?
you tell us ;p
Gunna need more details than that
I forgot sudo apt-get update
@Jacob Shouldn't be needed for openssh-server
Yum does it automatically
@MarkHenderson What I thought too, but it did
I don't know much, but I know just enough to be dangerous
I can stomp around in Ubuntu fairly well these days if you don't need anything too complex
@MarkHenderson I use RHEL for all my stuff, desktop, and servers
Though sadly I bet I need to use MOAR Ubuntu
@Jacob I'm starting to deploy CentOS to force me to learn it, but I find SELinux getting in my way a lot. I don't fully understand it, and thus I am scared of it
@MarkHenderson Use Puppet, it handles scary SELinux for you
@JoelESalas I haven't learned puppet either
Or chef
@JoelESalas I have massive resistance to config MGMT
@MarkHenderson Aren't you a Windows guy in general?
@Jacob Why
@JoelESalas Yes I am. I have a small handful of Linux servers where appropriate. Things like varnish, haproxy, zabbix, etc
@JoelESalas Mister Devoops thinks we aren't ready for it
@MarkHenderson Even then, Puppet can help you keep those bullshits under control. I will admit that GP is 100x more useful than Puppet in your case
Plus CEO has me working on tons of other projects that kinda take precedence.
@Jacob That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. There isn't a single project, company or team that cannot benefit from config management
@MichaelHampton Notice the quotation marks
Unfortunately Red Hat IS NOT FUCKING UP TO DATE
@JoelESalas I know, puppet would make deployment such a breeze
@JoelESalas Eww.
@ShaneMadden We're cutting-edge enough to have to do it
@JoelESalas For specific bits, or for all of the hundreds/thousands of software packages needed to make a working OS?
@JoelESalas I maintain MY shit. I don't want to have to maintain EVERYONE ELSE'S shit.
Ubuntu does have some good things going for it, server-wise. It's just hard to get past some of the bad decisions/mistakes that the community has made.
If you see shameless self-promotion without any disclosure, please flag it.
Shit I was about to shamelessly self-promote the second I read that.
@RyanRies Oh don't worry, nobody's going to buy your butt anyway.
I was on the fence about that late answer. Usually I find the self-promoters include the vendor's site in their profile. Something did seem off about that answer though...
@MilesErickson Don't charge enough? I'd charge enough - if people would pay me to do things!
im supposed to start doing a daily blog... :(
ERgghhhhh this vertigo is killing me...
@MattBear Why?
@ShaneMadden boss asked me too
@jscott Oh, that smell you smelled.. that was bullshit marketing speak, which has no place in a Server Fault answer. If you aren't sure, flag it anyway; we have tools to take a close look at users if necessary and figure out if it's an astroturfing campaign or something.
@MattBear Like.. telling him what you did? Or like a public blog?
@ShaneMadden intranet
My IT director was supposed to start doing an internal blog, which I thought would have been awesome, but so far nothing. :(
@MichaelHampton So you're saying you have ways of making their profile talk?
@MattBear Seems a little silly if it's supposed to be like "here's what I did!".. there are better ways of giving status updates.
@ShaneMadden Yes... yes ve do.
@MichaelHampton fwiw it actually looks like good software
If it does what it claims to do
how do I put "watched 3 movies, drank 7 monsters, played 27 games of Call of Duty, screwed around on serverfault, and avoided everybody" into a blog without looking bad?
@MichaelHampton Ha! Dude is still editing the post. :)
If he puts the disclosure in, I'll undelete it.
@MattBear Forget your blog, try putting that into a timesheet
@MattBear Well, if you were supposed to be working, then it'd be hard to avoid looking bad :)
@MarkHenderson lol
$2500 for 100 licenses is reasonably priced too. Basically starts at $25/user
@ShaneMadden Its kinda supposed a way to keep the... lesser IT minions apraised of whats going on at the server level
@MattBear Ahh. That could make sense in some environments I guess.
I left time sheets behind. No more overtime for me. Sometimes it's a blessing, sometimes a curse.
@MichaelHampton No, he's clarifying everything else about the product except for the disclosure part.
@jscott Yep, I see that.
Good luck finding this fabled community/free mode though, I could only find it by googling for it
@MarkHenderson That's fine, anybody can edit his answer!
actually the blog thing could help me... remember what the fuk i've done lol
I write docs and stick them in Redmine. On Heroku.
@MichaelHampton I need to start doing somthing like that... get more organized
cool, problem solved, now I can go home! :p
@FalconMomot Where have you been the last half hour? :)
@FalconMomot They edited the wrong post
@MarkHenderson evidently.
that's still a strange error to make though. I didn't see they had an answer to that question even.
@FalconMomot You have to have 10K rep to see deleted posts.
@MichaelHampton why do you ask? 0.o
@MichaelHampton Oh, I see (or rather, don't see). It seemed like that's what was up, but because it was hiding, I couldn't make sense of it.
I added his disclosure and undeleted his post and removed the marketing fluff
that's still as good as spam imho, but...
@FalconMomot Full disclosure, not posted on every possible GPO answer, I checked it out and it actually looks like decent software, so we let it slide
@MarkHenderson Fair enough.
@jscott - fucking markdown, right?
Not even going to try to block quote it :) Go here: serverfault.com/help/behavior scroll to the bottom.
@MarkHenderson sigh -- [defeated, again] yes.
What do you guys use for your AD subdomain?
@Jacob mdmarra
I'm going to be setting up AD soon and boss can't decide on what to use
@MichaelHampton That's tough to justify
@Jacob He'll be unhappy to hear that.
@MichaelHampton who?
@Jacob @MDMarra, of course.
@MichaelHampton oh, too bad?
@Jacob If your internal network has a name in the business, use that as a subdomain of some publicly assigned domain you own. otherwise, for large companies the name of your division is good. failing that, you could do something like intranet.
@FalconMomot I'm thinking AD, we don't have that large of a company
We just dearly need centralized auth
@Jacob Yeah, for AD. the only important thing really is that it's a subdomain of a domain you own that isn't used for some other purpose already.
though a large national bank here uses their domain ${bank}.com as an AD domain
@FalconMomot No I meant AD.company.com :)
you can do that
but then ntlm-style username qualification becomes AD\username, which is weird.
but full UPN notation becomes [email protected] which is ok
@FalconMomot Can't you change that?
the UPN? yes, but it's tedious. you can also set an alternate netbios name for your domain, which is awkward.
@Jacob If you do actually do something like that, you will be on the front lines of people who are FINALLY doing it right. Microsoft didn't exactly help; they did actually used to recommend fake gTLDs like .local. They've since recanted that advice, but the damage has already been done. .local is the most common AD domain name I have ever seen.
actually come to think of it as long as you are OK with split-horizon DNS you can easily use you company's domain name.
Split DNS is a royal pain in the ass. Avoid it if you can.
@FalconMomot NONONO not in this case
@RyanRies It would be really cool if ICANN would assign a TLD for private use.
@RyanRies What's your stance on changing the UPN
@FalconMomot It's within their rights, technically
@Jacob You can add all the UPN suffixes you want. For convenience, for aesthetics.
@RyanRies They could do it if they so desired. it isn't clear why they haven't. it would I suppose be possible to get one assigned by RFC, maybe, though I am not sure if ICANN will service such requests or if only IANA does that
I mean .local especially is already reserved. It's no different in my mind from the "can I use as my IP address space?"
@RyanRies I hate to be stupid here, but how would that look as far as ntlm style
The answer is NO. It's already reserved.
local. is now officially reserved for link-local use only; RFC 6762 :)
right, for APIPA
and mDNS
there needs to be one for RFC1918-style use.
@MichaelHampton So, now Apple can officially support screwing over mDNS on poorly named AD's
Make a domain with a domain controller whose FQDN is localhost.local. Then watch @MDMarra's head explode.
invalid.test.example.localhost.local ?
@MichaelHampton Sounds good.
@MarkHenderson what it specifically means is that devices are likely to send their DNS queries for local. to the multicast DNS address for mDNS and not be able to resolve them and be susceptible to poisoning :)
The presumption is that you're going to go buy a damn domain name. For a test/lab network you can always use test. (RFC 6761)
@Jacob NTLM style? NTLM just wants an account name, and a password (hash). So domain name suffixes don't really matter to NTLM. The NetBIOS domain name or machine name, on the other hand, does.
@MichaelHampton You forgot .yolo.
@WesleyDavid That's no more valid than .local.
Where is MD when you need him
@RyanRies So I want somethingelse\ rather than AD, so that's what a UPN suffix is?
@Jacob That's the NetBIOS domain name.
@Jacob The UPN suffix is that which comes after the @
also the domain's netbios name is that which comes before the \
now I'm going to have to spend some time wondering why it is that I have a macro key assigned to a GUID
Right... you could logon with DOMAIN\Jacob, or SERVER01\Jacob, both of which can be valid logons as far as NTLM is concerned.
but those are special.
I believe that ${workstation-name}\username will always be interpreted as "local user on the authenticating machine"
for any workstation name
(Only DOMAIN\Jacob can be dual-purposed and serve Kerberos as well)
@FalconMomot Yeah, but either could go for NTLM. Kerberos though needs to be able to be linked back to a service principal name in Active Directory.
as a BCP, to keep things uncomplicated, when setting up a forest ab initio, use exactly one common-language name for your prod environment as a netbios name for your domain, and use <that>.your.real.domain. as the domain FQDN.
@RyanRies this is true, but I don't believe WS02\username entered on WS01 will be interpreted as "username on WS02" in practice, but rather as one of "look for a domain named WS02 and fail" or "local user username" depending on context.
The gruesome reality is though is that we all inherit .locals. I kinda' feel like inheriting a .local or a .corp or a .int, etc., needs to be a prerequisite of being considered an IT pro. :)
@RyanRies haha, .int. That is the vilest, unless you happen to be working for the UN or some other treaty organization :P
Now I just hope that we can get this web app to connect to AD
hacks up _msdcs records for nato.int
@FalconMomot No not at all, WS01\User, when used on WS02, will fail miserably, as it should.
.\User will work on either though, as long as local logons are allowed. ;)
<-- Proud sponsor of myotherpcisacloud.com - DNS hosted by GoDaddy, web server hosted on MS Azure, and my lab stuff at home uses a properly-delegated subdomain of myotherpcisacloud.com. :P
(Disclaimer: Please don't hack my shit, I beg you.)
@RyanRies lab. ?
@RyanRies It will fail, after a long and protracted attempt to find a domain called WS01.
some cheating is done in the network resource credential dialogue for local users
@Jacob I have various ones, that change over time... usually cloud-themed... like stratus.myotherpcisacloud.com, nubo.myotherpcisacloud.com, cirrus.myotherpcisacloud.com, etc. :P
Q: Is there any big changes if I use different VPS with better RAM?

MKKCurrently, my Rails app is working on a server with 1GB RAM. I feel it's so slow so that I'm planning to shift to better Server. There are 3 choices such as 2GB, 4GB, and 6GB. or 2GB with SSD. Is there any big changes if I just move all the files of Rails app to there, and prepare exactly the sa...

<picture of dragon dressed as TF2 pyro, wielding a totally redundant flamethrower>
I wonder why a twitter-like service needs to know its users' blood type.
@MichaelHampton IT'S BIG DATA MAN!
@Jacob I've got something big here, but it ain't data.
I got 99 problems, but knowin' your blood type ain't one.
@MichaelHampton @voretaq7 @MichaelHampton Has something to show you!
Q: email with nginx and/or node.js

Pedro EsperançaIs there a way of sending and recieving emails using this servers? I have been having some dificulty in finding a simple answer. All I want is to: -add emails with the domain name -send and recieve -forward -store(optional)

why do people do this?
it's like the thought process is "I want to do <x>. The current software everyone is talking about is <y, z>. Though these things are totally unrelated to my problem, I want to use them in the solution."
@FalconMomot I'm not sure this is true. I've never experienced this. Windows is smart enough at least to know "OK, you're either localhost, or you're the domain I'm joined to, or a domain I trust, otherwise fuck you" and time out within 1 second or so.
@RyanRies Check it sometime. I'm pretty sure this is how I have seen it operate.
@FalconMomot I will... no disrespect, of course, please understand, I just always enjoy getting to the root of these things. :)
@RyanRies nono, of course, I might look at it in more detail too if I ever get a chance.
See, why can't the flaggers come along when they see Serverfault chatters engaging in respectful discourse... they always seem to come around when people are talking about dicks and shit. -_-
@RyanRies I could flag stuff if that's what you want...
@Jacob That's the absolute last thing I want
wtf why is the close queue empty
@FalconMomot Because I'm busy doing real work.
I'd seriously not mind having a profanity filter, for the kids that wander through here, that could easily be switched off by us adults.
Someone take that Meta Everything
Kyle, DO IT.
I can help you with the euphamisms... "Fuck" = "Hump", "Shit" = "Poo", "Fag" = "Bundle of Sticks", "Cunt" = "That thing we always strive for yet never achieve," and so forth and so on.
Grrraaahhhhhhhhh: veeam.com/kb1681
Every. Fucking. Night. the SQL server is offline for just long enough for persistant connections to drop
Now I know why
I think, all said and done, copy-on-write is not a bad decision for snapshots.
and there are better ways to back up your databases.
@FalconMomot Yeah that's what we're looking at. For our RTO a full VM snapshot is the easiest method, but there are many other options
We currently do nightly full backups with 15-minute transaction logs anyway so our RPO is pretty small for SQL
@RyanRies What?
@pauska if you're not using self-service automation and you're already heavily invested in another ticketing system, theres no real benefit to SCSM
It's actually not as polished as some other systems, but the self-service automation is the real killer
@RyanRies .local isn't reserved
@FalconMomot I regularly made internal.example.com or ad.example.com domains with a NetBIOS name of EXAMPLE and create a UPN suffix for @example.com which is assigned to all users. It's not tedious and is generally considered best practice
@MDMarra "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards-track RFC 6762, which has been approved and was officially published on February 20, 2013, essentially reserves the use of .local as a pseudo-TLD for link-local hostnames that can be resolved via the Multicast DNS name resolution protocol.[1] Page 5 of that publication states: ..."
@MDMarra it's reserved according to RFC6762, which is recent
Networking device hostnames ending with .local are often employed in private networks, where they are resolved either via the multicast domain name service (mDNS) and/or local Domain Name System (DNS) servers. The implementation of both approaches on the same network can be problematic, however, so resolving such names via “unicast” DNS servers has fallen into disfavor as computers, printers and other devices supporting zero-configuration networking (zeroconf) have become increasingly common. Multicast DNS standard Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards-track RFC 6762, which has...
@MDMarra I like that idea
@RyanRies Oh feb 2013
Didn't see that
Went down a rabbit hole today and now I'm reinstalling my entire SCSM environment
Don't you hate that
Truth is, I just like telling my bosses that all their shit is "pseudo"
@MDMarra No because I'm not shit
@MDMarra That sounds problematic
@RyanRies or perhaps symptomatic...
At least I'm not this guy
Q: Trouble compiling modern GCC with antique glibc

vy32I am trying to get a modern GCC to compile on Centos 6.4. The problem is that Centos does not have a modern glibc and GCC 4.8.x and 4.7.x keep giving me the following compile error: ... -DL_gcov -c ../../.././libgcc/libgcov.c In file included from /usr/include/features.h:385:0, ...

clearly, that is not the Tao.
@MDMarra I wish I knew enough about stuff to upvote answers on questions like that
then you would be a developer.
@MarkHenderson I do know enough about stuff to evaluate that question and its answers, and I'm still of the opinion that he's doing it wrong.
With research HPC stuff, there are a lot of politics if it's at a university
I'm not surprised that he's stuck on that OS version
It would kind of be like dropping the kernel.exe and such from Windows 8 onto a Windows Vista system and expecting everything to work.
@MDMarra This. I was about to say something similar - I know enough about universities to know that the guy might not have a choice
There's some clueless department chair that has final say, and there are probably multiple people sharing the cluster and someone with the chair's attention said that it would take a whole semester to validate their code against a newer OS
So, that was that most likely
@MDMarra the reason we have things like ANSI C standards and POSIX and the SUS are so that you don't need to worry about things like that >.<
@FalconMomot Not the point, academia moves slower than Molasses in a Siberian winter.
@Jacob No, I know. I don't often see people who are in industry bother doing things like validating compilers, either, for instance.
@MDMarra Seriously though, you talk so much about SCSM that you are the foremost authority on it that I know of. I would be ecstatic to sit through a run-through with you. I have been in charge of many enterprise-level projects, but no one seems to want to use System Center, as much as I want to use System Center.
I can jack around with it all day in lab environments, but my handlers have yet to let me really use it to its potential in a production environment.
My old mentor always tells me that I go through phases, where first, I hate the tech, second, I start to accept it (as I start to learn it a bit more,) third I start to master it, and then suddenly it's the most awesome thing since sliced bread!
@RyanRies I first love tech, then I hate it, then I'm okay with it, then I want to leave and be a bike messenger.
See, that's why I'm hedging on a bike.
If I get a bike, I'm going to eventually run away and be a bike messenger and never work with tech again.
@RyanRies Sure, we can webex one night if you really want to see it
(After I've rebuilt it)
But I still kinda like tech, so I'm not sure I want to get a bike.
I think my main annoyance now is the lack of a budget ;p
@WesleyDavid Looks like you don't have to worry about that ever happening.
@MDMarra Yeah, that's why I'm avoiding a bike. =P
It would probably pay better to be a bike messenger.
@WesleyDavid So do that
Ok, I just spent the last 6 hours fucking around in my demo environment. Time for bed
<3 all
When I get sick of all this shit, I want to be a truck driver.
@MDMarra Psssssh WebEx? Live Meeting for the win! (Just kidding, WebEx is fine. :))
@MichaelHampton That sounds nice.
@dawud Any band recommendations?
This is a problem, right?
@MichaelHampton What happened on the morning of the 15th?
Or rather, the early afternoon.
@WesleyDavid: I probably would want to end up as a hermit on the ass end of nowhere
@JourneymanGeek Yeah - I dunno what I want to do when I grow up.
@MichaelHampton And what's that box do? Let me guess, NFS store for VMDKs? =P
@WesleyDavid The SAN decided it didn't want to be a SAN anymore.
@MichaelHampton sad panda
Listens to Third Eye Blind to get thrown back to the mid nineties
@WesleyDavid Well they just emailed me back and said "You're right, our storage is having issues" and they're going to storage vMotion us to a new SAN.
@MichaelHampton Ah, so you're not totally responsible for their mess. Good good. "Having issues" could be anything from disks failing to someone blaring dubstep with the speakers aimed at the rack.
> You're correct in assuming that our storage infrastructure is still at fault. We've been in contact with our hardware vendor over the last week and they've concluded that our infrastructure is essentially dying. We've initiated an emergency maintenance window over the next coming weeks to migrate all our customers to a new infrastructure that we had provisioned over the weekend.
@MichaelHampton Nice and to the point - props for taking it on the chin and not frothing, client!
> Superb! I’ll start migrating your VMs within the next hour.
The line I really loved, though, was:
> If you're familiar with virtualization, what we're performing are Storage vMotions.
when i set a crontab task for every 30 minutes. when does it actually start counting down the 30minutes? the moment i save the crontab? or?
@lamp_scaler It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
@JourneymanGeek i see so if i set for every 30 minutes. and i save the crontab at 11:59pm, it will actually run the task at 12:00am? and then again at 12:30am...and so on?
@lamp_scaler: its in the manpage
@JourneymanGeek the manpage doesn't describe when the new task will take effect after save.
@MichaelHampton I always hate talking to other technical people though, because I never know what their familiarity is. I hate to assume a lack of knowledge, but I also hate to shoot off a bunch of terms and words and sound like I'm talking over someone. I've said many sentences like that myself - I'm sure I've petted a few people's fur the wrong way for one reason or the other.
@lamp_scaler: You're failing to understand it properly
@JourneymanGeek Someone pissed in your cornflakes this morning didn't they. =P
@lamp_scaler cron doesn't work in an "every thirty minutes" paradigm, it's "what minute on the clock face." so "every 30 minutes" really means "on the 30th minute"
We have a nice Q&A for this already.
@WesleyDavid: Precisely!
And this is self evident on the man page
@WesleyDavid Good point. I guess I shouldn't expect to be famous yet...
@lamp_scaler Windows scheduled tasks works on both paradigms, so you can set it to fire off every 30 minutes starting at the time you save the task, or you can have it fire off on the 30th minute of every hour.
are you talking about crontab man? or something else? because the man crontab gives very little ifno
@lamp_scaler: man cron
@JourneymanGeek Cron's man page isn't exactly self evident, unless you dropped acid and took Ritalin 30 minute before. =P
@JourneymanGeek oh. i was looking at man crontab
@WesleyDavid: I haven't dropped actifed yet.
Q: Why is my crontab not working, and how can I troubleshoot it?

Eric Leschinski This is a Canonical Question about using crontab. The answer for 'Why is my crontab not working, and how can I troubleshoot it?' can be seen below. This addresses the cron system with the crontab highlighted.

@WesleyDavid: You are looking at unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?crontab+5 right?
and the part starting with cron(8) examines cron entries once every minute.
which entirely answers @lamp_scaler 's question
Tho, I guess, that man cron actually explains crontab is less than self evident
@JourneymanGeek No: linux.die.net/man/1/crontab
Oh, thats pointless
and kinda explains why I used to hate manpages.
@lamp_scaler: the cron manpage has everything you need.
@JourneymanGeek Also enraging: "Oh shit, info has better documentation!"
@WesleyDavid: as for cornflakes...
I'm STILL bleeding out an infected pimple, my beard itches, I have a bad sinus infection, I'm waiting on a package and I HATE waiting.... ;p
I bought a nice pen, and a fancyish bottle of ink
@JourneymanGeek It'll be in customs for the next three weeks.
@MichaelHampton: naw, comgateway is PRETTY reliable
I just hate waiting.
Which is ironic since I buy stuff from dx all the time
@MichaelHampton: local customs is awesome
I've never had any issues with em
Aww yisss. finished a writing project in spite of the room spinning. Screw you, vertigo!
licks @MilesErickson's head
Your head isn't as sweet as @voretaq7's hair.
@WesleyDavid I trust that you realize how much creepier it is for you to lick my head while in human form.
@WesleyDavid Um.
@WesleyDavid double YAWN
good morning fine gentlemen
and @WesleyDavid
@WesleyDavid check Ancestors (Invisible White)
@WesleyDavid or if in a wild mood, Nile, Nasum, Burnt by the Sun, Burst
Yet another critical patch from Oracle. Affecting all our production databases. Cool.
Fuck, it only took 3 hours but I finally have a few DFS backlog queue counts being monitored
Fucking dfsdiag requires elevated permissions
@MarkHenderson can you kill that annoying GIF please ?
the headlicky one?
@Ward I see you remembered to start Strava :) I was as far away from home as that took me when I noticed the broken spoke too :(
@JourneymanGeek yes
Oh, I'm just saying stuff to get that off my bigger screen too ;p
Q: Clear Chat - Clears all of the messages in the chat window.

Nathan Osman Screenshot About Ever wish you could simply clear all of the messages from the chat window (similar to a terminal)? Well now you can with this UserScript! Simply install it using the link below and click the clear button - and that's it! License MIT License Download Get it here: http:...

Guess we weren't the only ones
its kinda amusing how many SE extentions merely add stuff we take for granted in IRC
@JourneymanGeek I asked him to write it ages ago :)
I forgot about it because I disabled it when trying to figure out a problem with stacked scripts
Wow. I paste an error message into Google, and ... no results.
@MichaelHampton not common but it happens occasionally
Well, I finally figured out why the front page is always a river of shit at this time of day. It's just after lunchtime in India.
@MichaelHampton I hadn't noticed any particular time of day when the river was better/worse
@Iain Oh, I have. Mostly at two distinct times of day. This is one of them. About six hours ago is the other.
@MichaelHampton the start of the subcontinental working day and just after it's lunch time then
@Iain That seems to be it. Though I've seen crap start as early as 0:00 UTC. It's early morning in Australia and Japan around that time.
Er, no, that's even earlier.
@MichaelHampton like I said I never really noticed much difference
anyone ever had any success sending abuse reports to service providers ?
@Iain I've read at least the titles of every post made for weeks on end. My feeling is that there's definitely a time-of-day correlation. I'm thinking now that I'll do some magic with the data explorer and see if there's a spike in close rates at certain times of day.
@MichaelHampton does the analytics go less than daily ?
@Iain Nope, it's just daily.
@MichaelHampton what the hell are you doing being awake? :)
@DennisKaarsemaker Watching some storage vMotions finish up...
The Recipe For Disaster
Q: How to run Linux system commands from web interface?

user181932I'm looking for a clean and secure way to run specific Linux system commands from a web interface. Let's say I would like to sudo -u differentuser ping The IP address is supplied by user in a HTTP request and I'd like to print the result on a web page. What would be the best way to do t...

Has provided some answers, but the bio...well...seems spammy.
Pacific Business Capital Corporation (PBCC) can turn your accounts receivable into immediate cash within 24 hours! If your company is newly formed or your balance sheet is inadequate, a bank may say "no" to your borrowing needs.
two fairly crappy answers, both in the last 30 minutes
hmm, can you flag a user profile?
heh, he's also on money.SE :)
@DennisKaarsemaker people are free to put pretty much anything in their profile
@MichaelHampton I suspect that you'll see a bump in close votes when the EU and US work day starts
@DennisKaarsemaker That would explain the profile. Handle the crappy answers like any other crappy answers.
Oh, you mean mod_php. It is a DSO, not the only DSO. And it might be a fairly simple problem, but if you want a solution, you will have to tell us what the problem is. — Michael Hampton 2 mins ago

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