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Same, I don't think I've ever used them for anything else.
@tombull89 So I understand the language is awfully quaint and happy, but does that reason still set the closed flag in the database?
These new close reasons are like the "no child left behind" thing. Just because there's one stupid kid - it holds the whole class back.
@ScottPack It works the same, and gets changed to closed after [x] days
I cannot shift all the users to the OU or add them to another group. So I am choosing WMI filtering. Please provide me the syntax for doing it — user2010392 1 min ago
How about no.
What the fuckery
@ScottPack No, It's like 0 = open, 0.5= on hold and 1= closed. If a question is "on hold" for a week, it gets closed.
@Dan I can deal with it then.
@Chopper3 just one more delete vote and it'll be pink and fluffy gone
Pink and fluffy and dead.
@tombull89 That guy is an idiot who doesn't do AD
Anyone heard of Globalscape?
At least my boss is letting me look at ownCloud.
Globalscape came back with a $19500 price for 5,000 users.
Holy shit ownCloud is $6 per MONTH per user.
We have 5K users, so $30K a month
What are you pricing out?
An internally hosted Dropbox like solution
Fucking christ my fingers aren't working today.
oh god ownCloud, the phpMyAdmin of cloud :D
@faker Where I work - things need to be as simple as point and click.
For the admins, that is.
The users are worse :P
@Cole I'm more referring to their security track record
@Cole May Cthulu have mercy upon your soul...
@faker oh really? Good to know.
I mean not that it really matters. We don't do Windows Updates and still run 13+ years old server OS' :P
@Cole You should engage a few pentesters, so your colleagues can ignore their dire warnings of doom!
Our "security group" is one person
@Cole is his job to create and remove AD groups? :P
@Cole Private cloud? What about uh ...simple file shares? lol
@FalconMomot nope, I do that haha. He manages...the firewall, and AV
@NathanC we have 6000 people around the world.
@Cole oh, great, all your eggs in 2 baskets then.
Plus tons of external customers
(seriously... continuing to run windows NT or 2000 should be considered professional negligence)
@faker ownButt
@FalconMomot we have 5 sys admins, 1 security guy, 2 network guys, 4 desktop and 5 help desk (just operators really)
@TomO'Connor I'll own your butt.
I was thinking DFS to replicate copies of files to geographically different servers, then just have users VPN in or something
but that seems overly complicated
@NathanC Everything comes back to here, the HQ.
@Cole that is massively lean for a 6000 user company.
We don't have IT staff really anywhere else.
@FalconMomot yeah. I know.
why wouldn't file shares work then?
too much traffic?
@NathanC External customers
@FalconMomot and I'm the only JOAT.
Everyone else does 1-2 things.
JOAT, hey?
eh, my brain's mush right now. Trying to figure out a solution to this project I've been working on
ever considered joining the dark side (also known as red team)?
the dark side?
@NathanC Basically we have 80 offices worldwide, plus the need to easily share with external customers for support.
pen testing, auditing, exploit dev...
@FalconMomot maybe someday, I've only been in IT for 5 1/2 years.
It definitely interests me
@Cole External FTP server?
@tombull89 Not secure enough.
@Cole I just got out of school about a year ago, give or take a few months, and I'm making bank doing that.
SFTP server?
If it's world wide it needs to be on 443, anyway. Loads of places block 21 etc
@Cole it's about the mindset, not the experience :)
or uh...*cough* webdav?
@FalconMomot yeah I suppose. I only got into computers...6 years ago...so there's that.
@FalconMomot Sorry to say, but I think you may be unpleasantly surprised
On hold doesn't stop deletion - cool
@Dan I have yet to be...
We're getting to be too big of a company to deal with FTP/SFTP - private cloud is where we're going. We're going to be having labs uploading TB's of data, etc
Oh look, it's raining. And guess what? I didn't bring a coat.
@FalconMomot Fair enough :) Though I suppose it depends on your definition of bank.
This is handy...
@FalconMomot also, I did the college thing for like ~9 months - so the no degree thing isn't helping.
I'd say roll your own with amazon S3 or something, but that's not really a turnkey project
I mean, I think I make great money.
@NathanC that's the problem. Kinda need something easy to setup since I'll be the one doing it.
But compared to @ewwhite I make pennies.
@Dan more than my high school friends who are chemical and electrical engineers, whatever that happens to be at the moment.
@Cole Meh.
Nobody knows what I make :)
I don't think I make terrible money for 26, living/working in the suburbs.
I'm trying to figure out how to make this ancient software work with me. The limited number of LPT ports (9) makes it more difficult :(
You need some cloud @Cole ?
@ewwhite I heard you make so much that Obama wants you to bail the banks next time
@ewwhite Premium Brazzers membership is part of the deal though?
@ewwhite internal/private cloud
@Cole Call us!
@ewwhite has to be hosted here.
I'll make sure it doesn't end up on Supermicro.
Surely an internal cloud is, y'know, a file server?
@Cole We can do hybrid cloud...
@tombull89 yeah. I really dislike the term.
@FalconMomot I have no idea what that field makes - I was just saying that, rightly or wrongly, a lot of employers want to see experience over almost anything else
Must be 100% self hosted.
so you have your VMware and such onsite... but can extend the things that need to be offsite to our infra
@Dan that really, really, really depends on the employer.
Remember, we have a lot of healthcare.
@FalconMomot "a lot of"
and I find I don't really want much to do with the ones that value experience over all else.
@ewwhite sadly, we do not do anything off site for "security reasons"
"cloud", to me, as much as I hate the term, means "on the interweb" so "internal cloud" sounds...odd.
All of our DR is tape - no off site replication, no D2D
@FalconMomot I'll make the quite serious point that, to be fair, experience is generally a good indicator. Not the only indicator, but education rarely ever truly sets you up for the workplace
@Cole D2D2T FTW
@Dan yeah, a lot, I believe... and there are also a lot of companies where all my coworkers think IT is made of voodoo magic and are afraid of things like UPN.
We're a pretty secure building too - all 3 buildings (the office is 3/4 mile long) you have to have a badge to get in, security officers at each front desks, badges to get to most areas, etc
@Dan yeah we do a lot to the VTL > Tape
anyway, I didn't get anywhere just by going to school, that's for sure
@Cole then you'll get an INTERNAL cloud...
@FalconMomot I don't think looking for experience is inherently wrong, is all. It's generally a good indicator of ability if the rest adds up
@FalconMomot I didn't bother at all
@Dan it depends so much on what you're looking for. If you're wanting hackers, general IT experience counts for surprisingly little.
beyond like... basic competency around things like AD and stuff.
@FalconMomot But surely pentesting experience counts for a lot
@Dan yes and no. I'd say the thing that counts most is your record in your first couple months at whoever you're working with at the moment.
aww yiss.
Somedays I think I know too much and others way too little.
@FalconMomot Fair enough, maybe it is very different
@Cole that's normal
@ewwhite too much for my own good here, at least.
@Dan some things different; some things the same.
Being the everything guy gets exhausting.
Indeed, it does.
High availability is a system design approach and associated service implementation that ensures a prearranged level of operational performance will be met during a contractual measurement period. Users want their systems, for example hospitals, computers, and the electrical grid to be ready to serve them at all times. Availability refers to the ability of the user community to obtain a service or good, access the system, whether to submit new work, update or alter existing work, or collect the results of previous work. If a user cannot access the system, it is said to be unavailable. G...
yawn O brain of mine, may I sleep now?
I'm going to be 27 in a few months. Groan
Already did that the other week
Sleep or turn 27?
youngsters :/
@ewwhite I'm getting 3 site replication this year for storage HA.
I'll be 24 in a month.
24 next month for me as well.
@Basil oh gosh
is that overkill?
@Basil !!!
@Dan happy belated!
@ewwhite no, I don't think so. We budgeted for it in this RFP. We want the ability to withstand a catastrophic hardware failure without needing to call a DR
oh, replication at the same location?
They're afraid that if we actually do a real disaster recovery from our recovery site, we'd be stuck there
plus offsite...
I've just been planning the new network we're building, and how much rack space it'll take up.
I wish I were smart enough to think about hardcore resiliency like that.
@TomO'Connor I do love a bit of rack measuring
Network hardware only, we're up to 32U
@ewwhite it's not smart- it's just expensive.
Anyone can do it if they're willing to pay for 4 copies of all their data
@TomO'Connor Bless, is that it ;)
Storage is 35U
Aw, don't think I can beat that by itself
@Basil well, there are some people who say that big VMware clusters should be split across multiple racks, and that storage arrays should be done the same way...
and I just can't think like that :)
If your database is running on one of my disks, you have your primary storage that you do your IO on. That is replicated synchronously to an identical disk on another identical array in the same datacenter. It's also replicated asynchronously to our DR site, where we keep a second asynchronous copy of it for DR testing.
@Basil So I heard you like copies
@NathanC Love em to bits.
Literally bits!
I have to say, it's the little things in life.
@NathanC literally literally
My new deodorant smells amazing, and it makes me happy.
Of course, we don't run everything that way. Some 80% of our storage isn't replicated at all
It's staging copies of prod, or dev systems, or prod that isn't important enough to need in the first few days of a disaster
Hmm, the suggested edit audit questions are kind of silly.
it's fairly obvious when you add random syntactically invalid text to the middle of code blocks.
If anyone is in the market for a new deodorant I suggest Dove for Men's Cool Silver.
You will smell delicious. Bitches love men who smell delicious. This is fact.
@ewwhite I'm one of those people btw, split everything as much as I can
It's true... the ladies always compliment me
@FalconMomot only if you're looking
@Chopper3 Right, so I don't know how much of that thought has been given to our larger clusters.
@Iain is it really only designed to stop people who press random buttons? does anyone do that?
@ewwhite see! I'm big on smelling good - I have a lot of nice colognes too.
I was up building my demo environment out for this demo today until like 1am. If this customer doesn't end up using us, I'm going to cry
@FalconMomot They had massive issues on SO. People just mashing "valid" on everything.
@ewwhite I made a comment on that R5 question about them being cheapo-disk-scumbags before I read your, excellent, post - deleted it now though
Not really, but sort of
@Cole get yourself a Birchbox.
@FalconMomot on SO it was/is a major problem. I don't think it ever got particularly bad here but like everything else what's good for SO is great (not!) for everywhere else
/pats @MDMarra on the head, there there. No use crying over an unused environment.
I got way deep into orchestrator though
@ewwhite ohhh! sweet thanks.
that this is awesome
@Chopper3 well, I hate seeing things like that... Putting some laptop drives into a server takes effort. Buying the genuine or counterfeit HP drive caddies, purchasing the laptop 2.5" SATA disks, screwing them into the carriers... It's such a deliberate action... It's hard to not think you're doing something wrong.
I may be wearing T-Rex dress socks today.
@Cole I'm a subscriberâ„¢!!
@ewwhite I believe I will be too, this is awesome. Thanks for the link!
Bought an extra large polo at Target - I keep forgetting I lost a ton of weight.
Way too big
@ewwhite you wouldn't do it with your car would you? why do people do it, it makes no sense unless you're leaving a place, even then...
@Chopper3 I've done it... well, for very specific needs (mainly SSD options). But I've tested the shit out of it.
@Chopper3 some people do it with their cars, and even their airplanes.
and then they go and fly around in them and crash.
I've just committed the heinious crime of farting in a lift :(
hmm, I wonder if I can meaningfully link to these
aha, I can!
(it's an accident report about an airplane repaired with the wrong parts which had its nose gear collapse during landing)
@tombull89 love it when you fart in an empty lift just as you're getting out, less so when you do that a moment too soon and have to ride a floor or two with someone who got in post-trump
Q: Upgrading VMware templates monthly. Automating this process

Resfap SeragI am a programmer on my school's internship. At my company, at the end of each month, we have this VMware product which lets you make virtual machines. You can deploy these virtual machines using templates you can make. At the end of each month, someone usually has to "convert each template" into...

@ewwhite Points for effort I suppose... blech.
I don't know how people do it.
So I try to avoid templates
@ewwhite I'm pretty sure they either do what that kid was describing, or don't do it at all.
I love templates
I don't really maintain them, though as I keep them pretty basic. I just run Windows Update when it's deployed
So, I have an interesting client request... A customer has multiple internet connections linked through an Elfiq load balancer unit. They want me to segregate one connection, an ADSL link, just for the use of the owners. The reasoning is that he doesn't want the owners to experience any internet contention - EVER!!!
Is this a strange request?
@ewwhite Seems a bit dickish.
@tombull89 The client gets called by the owner any time the boss goes to the web and it's "slow".
@ewwhite if the client has an SLA and isn't underprovisioned, probably it's a downgrade.
Politically, the owner's son is the culprit, often syncing his own iTunes library over an SSH tunnel to his house...
How many people would be using this one connection, and how fast it it?
well, when it's your business, it's yours to drive into the ground.
the DSL is just a 7MB connection
also, on the bright side, if the use is frivolous, it might even be better for security to do this :)
depending on the rest of the architecture.
the other connections are 1.5Mb and a 3Mb
I'm getting a 15Mb MPLS in there in a couple of weeks.
I once had a formal complaint made because I was less than political in explaining that the BBC News website being slow wasn't my problem and that I wasn't going to spend a second of my time investigating it
I have no regrets, fuck these people
Someone made a formal complaint about one of my team because youtube deleted a random video, nothing to do with us other than this guy wanted to use it in their course lectures, from their site and we couldn't restore it from backup here.
They got told to fuck off as soon as someone who had seen a computer in their life actually read the complaint, but still...
@RobM that's hilarious
the person who the complaint was made against didn't find it funny at the time. She was seriously fucked off
I guess my question is whether there's a method to prioritize one user's web traffic?
Or is that stooopid?
@RobM jesus.
@ewwhite: dumb question, but... why not just give the guy his own actual connection?
it would be a lot simpler
I think its do-able @ewwhite - you can get proxies and firewalls that allow different users a different level of service I think
@ewwhite I guess you could use some sort of quality-of-service setting and give them (or his IP) majority of bandwidth?
@JourneymanGeek that's exactly what they want. We're going to give them a separate 7Mb connection
(as opposed to running it through a load balancer)
mornin' gents
@ewwhite: politically not really. Technically... yeah, I guess.
The architecture is client ->Procurve L3 switch -> Barracuda Web Filter -> ASA firewall -> Elfiq Load Balancer.
(and god, this is why having a management major warps your mind broadens your horizons.)
the load balancer stays because I use it for inbound/outbound link resiliency. It has its own algorithms for balancing connections, and does a great job
all pretty and shit
A: Multi-WAN bonding across different media

ewwhiteI think I understand what you're asking for. I've been very happy with the Elfiq line of multi-WAN load balancers. In my current application, I'm balancing MPLS, fixed-wireless, T1, DSL and 3G USB at one location. The 3G support is good and well-documented. This setup handle inbound and outbound ...

@JourneymanGeek I have a degree in Business Management and Accounting. >=|
@ChrisS: computer forensics and information security management as one major, management as a second. ;p
not saying its a bad thing, just needs a different sorta thinking than my IT stuff ;p
So for our private butt
(which is 90% working out patterns, and the easiest way to do something)
your butt is entirely private.
/me sips tea from a dean's list mug
I need at a minimum: HTTPS support, the ability to have segregated customer areas/zones/folders whatever you want to call it and auditing. (See if a customer has accessed a file) Any ideas (aside from ownCloud)?
I'm such a noob...hate asking questions that I feel I already know the outcome on, but I keep thinking someone has a nugget of wisdom out there for me...
Q: Windows 2008 R2 file share - any way to "lock it down" outside of a 3rd party app?

TheCleanerI have a 3rd party app that "makes a call" to write files to a file share on our network using the currently logged in credentials of the Windows domain user. Meaning the 3rd party app doesn't pass the apps credentials but simply issues a behind the scenes copy command to take a source file spec...

@Cole We use ShareFile, not sure if it quite fits your requirements, but should be close at least.
@Cole dare I say it... Sharepoint?
@ChrisS I'll take a look, thanks. @WesleyDavid also mentioned CrushFTP
@faker yeah no.
We have no one on staff to deal with Sharepoint
I'm not going to deal with creating all the custom content/setting up permission/etc.
SharePoint is an unwieldy mess... Even people who know it inside and out don't like it.
@Cole yeah it's a beast
@faker we're already having enough of a headache with IBM Connections.
@Cole Woop woop.
We're looking for more of a "turn-key" style solution.
@faker I went a similar route with a client. They didn't adopt it like I wanted, but it would have been good if they had I think.
This is 5000 users, worldwide
@Cole Yeah, you need simplicity.
CrushFTP is dope crunk, yo.
And no, don't be scared by the "FTP" part of the name.
Is there a limit to users on a single instance?
It's a legacy name that might need to be changed
@Cole Not that I'm aware of. It's all unlimited concurrent connections, you only pay for support levels.
@WesleyDavid interesting. We're probably looking at a budget of $20K-$30K for the software and maybe a $3K-$5K/annual maintenance.
@WesleyDavid we used to have SharePoint here but we migrated to Confluence, then again we mostly used it as a Wiki and not a file share
@Cole C-FTP should fit that well.
@faker I use Confluence for my business. It's pretty okay. I use it as a wiki and not file sharing too, though.
Apparently I should be in the file hosting business.. I'm pretty sure I could create what you're looking for in less than 80 hours work.
I got told I can't take my mandated 10 minute break up in the front lobby talking to the phone receptionist.... Told me to go outside with the smokers if I want a place to sit....or sit somewhere else...
10 minute break? It's 15 here. =]
@ChrisS I wish I knew how to code, my boss said he'd pay me to write it if I knew how lol
May be 15... I don't follow it because I hardly take one
But then again, I'd rather pay someone else to fix it when it breaks
@Cole Learn C. If you can get that down C++, Java, Perl, and several others aren't terribly different (though efficient coding methodologies differ quite a bit, you can at least hack through the process if you know the basics)
also, C is slightly painful and force you to code properly ;p
@ChrisS I've been told to learn C and go from there.
Yes, C gives you a gun, points it at your foot, and dares you to pull the trigger.
Lately more and more I've been interested in that kind of stuff.
@ChrisS C++ is the one that blows your leg off, right?
@ChrisS I think the "Learn C" advice is a bit meh for someone who just wants programming as a useful tool
IMO, he should be looking straight into Java, Perl or Python or something
@Dan Did you really just suggest Java to someone? Bend over...
@ChrisS haha this is awesome.
@WesleyDavid I'd have suggested C#, but I knew I'd get laughed out the room :(
Mind you, I cut my teeth on Delphi, VB and then PHP so, uh, yeah
@Dan C# isn't bad at all if .NET is your playground.
I can't even say Java without vomiting my mouth a little bit.
@Dan AppleScript and TurtleBasic, reporting for duty.
@Dan I've seen that advice from a number of reputable sources - I'm just not wholely convinced thought... I think part of it is that I learned several languages before C, but was never really good with anything until I learned C....
@TheCleaner thanks!
@ChrisS I completely agree with the logic, it's just adding a lot of steps and obstacles for someone who just wants to do "Stuff". But I guess it all depends on why you're learning and what for. Like you, C is a great syntax to learn and is definitely a place to get an idea
I don't think it's even that I want to be a "programmer" (I hate that term tbh) - I just want to be able to be like "Well no one else has a solution for my problem - so I'll just do it myself."
Personally, I never got past vbscript stuff (unless you count Fortran and Turbo Pascal classes in college). I'm ok with admin'ing.
@Dan It should also depend on the person's "mindset". If you're naturally a procedural person who takes quickly to programming, then jumping into the particular syntax of the language at hand might be the best way to get stuff done... I certainly don't claim to have a "one size fits all" solution. =]
@TheCleaner in a manufacturing environment - sometimes you gotta get creative.
My title is "Systems Administrator" but as of late it's been "The guy who comes up with solutions for odd problems/requirements we have"
@Cole python/perl would be the next (logical?) step to shell scripting, I'd start there (because you already do shell scripting)
@ChrisS Yep, and I must admit C# is the language that has taught me (or forced me to learn) the most. Even though I could create very functional sites in PHP (And, at the time (Early 00's), they were genuinely pro quality) PHP allows you to be incredibly lazy. Although I'd done a little VB and Delphi before, moving back to proper OOP was a big leap in mindset and I had to spend a lot of time reading
@dawud That's probably where I'll end up going and some PHP.
I had a similar experience. Tried to doodle with various languages. A mutation of Basic on an Apple III, AppleScript, HyperTalk, THINK Pascal, even tried to crunch through Symantec's C Compiler book (ha!).

Nothing made sense until someone gave me [this book](http://www.valorebooks.com/textbooks/learn-c-on-the-macintosh/9780201484069#default=buyhttp://www.valorebooks.com/affiliate/url/siteID=x0f6M7?url=http://www.valorebooks.com/textbooks/learn-c-on-the-macintosh/9780201484069%23default=buy&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Froogle&utm_source=Froogle&date=06/27/13) and I sat down to learn th
@Cole I worked in mfg for 8 1/2 years, I get you. Especially when dealing with EE's (or worse ones with PhD's) that think you can't possibly know anything if you aren't one of them. Setting up MES stuff and interop with ERP systems, mfg, etc. almost always requires some in-house programming.
@Dan Oh gaud... You know PHP! >=O
We have all of our servers in a excel spreadsheet now (name, function, service tag, support info, owner, etc) Ideally I'd like to make a web based solution for us and then you could just search for it easily.
Markdown... bite it.
@TheCleaner Indeed. My company has tons of PhD's
@ChrisS "Knew" is more accurate, it's a very different beast now. And when ASP is your biggest alternative.....
Waters Corporation is a publicly traded laboratory analytical instrument and software company headquartered in Milford, Massachusetts. The company employs more than 5,000 people, with manufacturing facilities located in Milford, Taunton, Massachusetts; Wexford, Ireland; Manchester, England; and contract manufacturing in Singapore. Waters markets to the laboratory-dependent organization in these market areas: liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, supercritical fluid chromatography, laboratory informatics, rheometry and microcalorimetry. History The business was started by James (J...
What we do is actually pretty awesome.
Now with 50% of the company retiring in the next 5-10 years - I think things are really going to shift towards more technology focused. We're already seeing it.
Our customers are asking for it.
@Cole I used to do some of that stuff (cromatography, spectrometry, ...) while at the Uni studying Biology
@dawud pretty cool stuff!
@ChrisS I like.
@Cole - sign up for a free online C course or similar and use stickK to keep you motivated. Nothing worse than your money going to a charity you hate because you didn't follow through.
I'm looking into learning some functional programming. Erlang or Haskell.
Q: Windows To Go - Reduce shutdown timer when removing memory stick

user1049697Is it possible to reduce the amount of time it takes before Windows To Go shuts down after removing the memory stick that it runs from? Currently it takes 60 seconds after the memory stick is removed before the system shuts down, but I would like to decrease this time.

had to read over that one again today...too funny
@TheCleaner haha good idea.
@Cole Business Strategy: Old people die out, technology comes in?
@TheCleaner That was such a train wreck from the word go.
@WesleyDavid exactly
What the shit Solarwinds? I can't easily have you only alert if CPU utilization hits 99% for 5+ minutes?
@WesleyDavid puns!
I need Andersen or Marra to swoop in and answer my question. #hatewaiting
@dawud I really lke Erlang. Get the book by Armstrong, not the other one, though.
Thanks for the great response! Yes, I am using laptop hard drives. I hadn't installed the HP health agents/utility bundle, but I will do so this time. I am convinced I just have to re-install ESXi and restore my backups. My investigations into RAID 5 show that if you lose more than 1 drive at a time (no matter how many drives in the RAID) you won't be able to automatically recover. I do have backups, so all is not lost. It will just take me a day of working in the noisy datacenter to recover. :( The firmware is completely up to date. — user127875 42 mins ago
@Chopper3 Hiss!!!
@MichaelHampton I don't understand your comment about bigger clubs ?
@Iain @sysadmin1138 said, in part: "FAQs are broken and don't serve their originally intended purpose, so best to integrate them into a much larger 'how does this community work' document. Instead of a carefully honed topicality club to whack LazyNetters with, we're left with an encyclopedia-sized club to whack 'em with instead."
My point is, expanding the help is useful, but only up to a certain point.
^-- @WesleyDavid
And I suspect we're either at, or just past that point.
@MichaelHampton expanding the help has pretty much made it useless
@ewwhite - sir, I'm going to need you to step away from the critical infrastructure hardware...sir....sir...now sir...
@DennisKaarsemaker Yerp, that's me. FLEXES
@JennyD you mean the LearnYouSomeErlangForGreatGood book?
@dawud "Learn Erlang for Displeasure and Debt!"
@WesleyDavid U no like it?
So I think my wife blew her car's engine up.
"multi-cylinder misfiring and the engine is consuming oil"
@dawud I haven't checked that one out. The books I had when I started aren't in print anymore, which is to the good since the language has changed a bit since. But a while ago I checked out the O'Reilly book, the one by Cesarini, and didn't find it very good at all. But that might just be a matter of learning style.
Still, Joe Armstrong is one of the main persons behind the language, and he's good at writing, so I'd recommend his books first.

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