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@MichaelHampton write a canonical Q&A
go go ownCloud install!
@Iain I meant in the bloody comments!
@MDMarra I suppose so
money on the table!!!
Good. I'm too busy trying to figure out how 4 SCOTUS judges could dissent on the DOMA ruling to do work for you
JUST KIDDING. I'm too busy with other things to do it right before then
@MDMarra I feel you
@MDMarra Because the queers are going to cause the planet to implode. Obviously.
@voretaq7 Is that insensitive? I hear that word being used these days.
sounds like I'm missing current events!
@ScottPack The most fabulous planetary implosion ever!
2 hours ago, by Scott Pack
user image
@freiheit That'll be one fabulously hot body.
Yes, that's what I'm doing. I know it's not the proper way to shut down the machine but I don't need a clean shutdown. :) — user1049697 6 mins ago
And with that...I'm done with that Q
@ewwhite The supreme court just ruled a large part of the Defense Of Marriage Act (the one that hates gay people) unconstitutional. They also said that the people bringing the case for reversing a California court's striking down of Prop 8 had no legal standing to sue, so California can essentially have gay marriage again.
Both were 5-4 decisions
People can say what they want about presidential elections, but the real prize is supreme court appointments. Those bitches are for life.
@MDMarra I thought the court refused to hear the Prop8 appeal because it was improperly brought to the SCOTUS?
@Cole You did an internet!
@MDMarra the client I'm seeing was a Prop8 victim..
Who cares what a president does during his 4 years, if a justice is about to die/retire, you'd better vote democrat unless you want gay marriage to die and "show your papers to prove you're here legally" to live
@MDMarra too bad most of them get appointed at 92 years old.
(prior to that, I had no idea he was gay)
@ScottPack that was Prop 8
@TheCleaner truth
They said the appeal about the prop 8 overturning shouldn't be heard (effectively killing prop 8)
@MDMarra That's what I meant. Words are hard.
@user1049697 Yes, you need a clean shutdown. — WesleyDavid 11 secs ago
@TheCleaner That is insane.
@WesleyDavid Your face needs a clean shutdown.
@ScottPack I know. =(
@ScottPack Prop 8 was overturned in 2010 by a California appeals court. Then people sued and brought it to the supreme court saying that it shouldn't have been overturned. The SCOTUS basically said "bzzzt wrong, go away and live with what your court told you" which effectively killed prop8 (by upholding the California court's decision)
Q: Updating a script currently being ran by Task Scheduler on Windows

orangechickenI have a scheduled task that runs a script on a ahem schedule ahem that updates a local git repo. This script is a file in this local git repo. Currently, what I'm seeing is that the script is ran, git complains that permissions are denied to write to file which actually results in the script b...

"I'm doing the wrong thing and bad things are happening, how can I continue to do the wrong thing but make good things happen?" --EVERYONE ON SERVERFAULT EVER
Did the OP type out his coughing around the word schedule? lol...no idea why that is even included in the Q.
@WesleyDavid A clean shutdown is of course vastly preferred and the best solution, but it is not the one I need. — user1049697 1 min ago
sysadmin tear
Why do we try, @TheCleaner. Why.
Oh lord... Chicago Magazine caught up with me again... @Iain @WesleyDavid @freiheit
@MDMarra That sounds much ballsier than I was understanding.
Overheard: "They recently suffered an outage when a user accidentally got their F5-key (refresh) stuck, causing a denial of service."
@WesleyDavid I can write sloppy code that eventually produces the right output in 6 different programming languages! -DevOp
@ScottPack No, you were right. They didn't say California was right they just said "We're not saying either way, since you shouldn't even be talking with us" which essentially means the 2010 California court's ruling stands
@MDMarra smooth
@WesleyDavid that's why I gave up...didn't see it getting any better...altough EVERYONE should up vote r.tanner.f's answer there...lol
But by them saying that, it made the cali court's ruling from 2010 "kick in" if you will, since it was no longer under appeal
@MDMarra California State or Feds in California?
@MDMarra I mean to say, I understood the decision to be, "You forgot to initial line 15 on page 65 of the Request to Be Heard" form so we can't chat.
if ( !fail)
echo "success!"
@TheCleaner For you. ^
@ScottPack Oh. That's not what I was reading.
scotusblog.com has a good breakdown
@MDMarra The photo in the corner of that blog looks like the guy just shit his drawers and is running to a honey bucket.
Well of course they're going to play it up to be less of a pusswillow move.
@MDMarra "Oh damn, oh damn, oh damn...."
Did you attempt to hit F12 in Chrome, use the Firefox Web Developer extension, YSlow, Google Page Speed, or anything at all before coming here? — Michael Hampton 2 mins ago
OK, I'm a little annoyed...someone stop me before I kill this guy.
@MichaelHampton No. Kill.
@MichaelHampton Kill him dead.
@ScottPack is what insensitive?
(and do you really want to rely on MY judgment?)
Just saw this ad on SF:
I can't quite tell if the spelling mistake was intentional or not.
@voretaq7 Oh honey. If I can't depend on you who can I depend on?
I prefer the old school:

10 PRINT "Do you need help making your code work correctly?"
30 IF A="Y" or A="Yes" or A="YES" THEN GOTO 40 ELSE GOTO 60
40 PRINT "Good for you, admitting it is the first step in recovery."
60 PRINT "Of course you don't, why don't you head over to SF and bother them with your nonsense? They have nothing better to do."
70 GOTO 60
@NathanOsman It's all @ChrisS' fault apparently :-)
@ScottPack @WesleyDavid? :-)
@ScottPack Personally I think I'm queer for entirely different reasons than being gay :-)
Now that is depressing.
that still amuses me. You'd think we don't like the auto-promotion ad or something
Why does the wildcard not work? http://serverfault.com/q/518638?atw=1 #dns
Windows to Go is not for people that wear tinfoil hats. It's not meant to solve the problem that you're describing. — MDMarra 18 secs ago
@voretaq7 - I guess with ad block plus I don't see these...I went there just to see what that is even about. So the idea is to vote for which ads you like seeing on the site? Why can't the ads be for light beer then?
@TheCleaner Because NOBODY LIKES LIGHT BEER? :-)
@TheCleaner also at your rep level there's no point to adblocking on SF :-)
@voretaq7 Looks like the auto-tweet thing has improved a lot since the last time I looked. None of the questions it linked to are actually closed.
@freiheit the algorithm hasn't changed much but our voting habits are better
also I think it excludes closed questions now
Ninja edit:
Windows to Go is not for people that wear tinfoil hats. It's not meant to solve the problem that you're describing. — MDMarra 2 mins ago
Wtf. Chat isn't fetching the latest edit on it
Windows To Go sounds like an awful chinese takeout place
> Windows to Go is not for people that wear tinfoil hats. It's not meant to solve the problem that you're describing. Perhaps you should rig a self-destruct switch that's tied in to the lanyard as well so that your laptop becomes a bomb when stolen. – MDMarra 2 mins ago edit
@MDMarra Chat aggressively caches...
@MDMarra Too much cache on hand?
@voretaq7 I adblock everything. I'd use Lynx browser if it would actually render a site halfway decent. ;)
@NathanOsman Why can a mistake go months without anyone noticing, and then multiple people find it in the same day??
Speaking of Ninja Edits (that aren't cached ; @MichaelHampton) -->
I am really not okay with this new VTC behavior.
@TheCleaner there's an 80column version of SE :-)
@WesleyDavid Learn to embrace your kinder gentler side
bites @freiheit
@WesleyDavid We'll propose some new custom reasons soonwise
@voretaq7 Who what?
(i.e. as soon as one of us mods gets unlazy about it)
@voretaq7 "Closing because I'm angry and want to hurt your feelings."
I had a pretty yummy beer on Friday
@voretaq7 I think he means the general look and feel of the dialog - which I don't care for either.
((i.e. maybe tonight if I feel like writing novels on Meta))
@voretaq7 Make some Venn Digrams.
@ChrisS yeah I'm not too thrilled with that myself - it's a rev.0 product though
@WesleyDavid BITE
Ties @WesleyDavid up in a pillowcase and drowns him in the creek
@voretaq7 Same reason holding me back... time * energy > interest
@freiheit Sweet! Now I can haunt your house for eternity!
@ChrisS We've got the basis of a few of them on Meta, it's just cleanup (sigh EFFORT!) & posting the Q/As
@WesleyDavid You're a ginger and a cat. You have no soul, twice.
@freiheit and a sysadmin. 3x
@freiheit You forgot the "sysadmin" part.
@voretaq7 So nice, you damned me thrice!
@voretaq7 I thought sysadmins had damned souls
BTW - audit over. 0 non-conformances ; 6 remarks.
@freiheit well we put our users' souls in jars...
@voretaq7 Oh, I would have noticed eventually.
@voretaq7 Were the remarks snarky?
@voretaq7 soul.jar
(and a few "WTF" moments from me wondering how we haven't streamlined these procedures -- all the stuff I don't personally deal with is absolutely byzantine.
"And here's where we'd put our splunk server IF WE HAD ONE."
@84104 no. Oracle bought Sun.
@WesleyDavid no, our auditor likes us :-)
If you have the type of "adversary" that would break into your living area, steal your laptop, and then be fierce enough to spend that 1 minute reading your screen while holding you off physically instead of running, then you have bigger issues than how to shut windows down faster. Get some help, man. — MDMarra 41 secs ago
I love this thread
What a pleasant diversion from work
I think we get a new auditor next year though - this guy is transitioning to the "Notified Body" portion of the company
@MDMarra Yeah, the batscat is strong with this one.
@MDMarra I'mma lock that for OT comments in a minute if it doesn't stop on its own.
@voretaq7 do tell...
@voretaq7 Hey everybody, look at the diamond on this guy!
@84104 I don't hate any users enough to java-ify their souls... That's too much damnation.
@MDMarra polishes badge
Sorry daaaaaad
@MDMarra "I'm doing illegal things where the cops could break down my door at any moment"
@MDMarra I can imagine one or two professional use cases where this does describe the adversary. But if he can't, then he almost certainly doesn't have such a use case.
@MDMarra Well, @voretaq7 does admit to having zero fashion sense so I bet he really does wear dad jeans and running shoes.
@voretaq7 You keep the diamond in your pants? No wonder it smells funny...
@MDMarra - i like the self-destruct lanyard idea. That could NEVER go wrong. :) If oou worked in an IT department of more than 1, prepare to be blown up while your coworker(s) laugh their asses off after yanking the laptop from you.
@WesleyDavid I've been rocking some dad swag lately, but it's all jcrew
@WesleyDavid Dad jeans, white running shoes, and an overcoat.
@84104 How... how did you get your laptop to levitate...
@WesleyDavid At the moment I'm wearing 501s, do those count as dad jeans?
@WesleyDavid Wireless
@84104 ... "IBM"... clearly that laptop was old enough to need replacement, anyways...
@WesleyDavid i.imgur.com/i9W9S0Q.jpg <-- Thinking cat is smarter than you.
@voretaq7 Yes.
@voretaq7 I'm also wearing 501s, I dont' think they're dadpants
@ChrisS D'awww.
@TheCleaner I forget who linked to it in here but there's a conversion thingy that makes sites 80-column friendly.
or 25 column friendly
@JoelESalas Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
@voretaq7 well you can use lynx or an online lynx "proxy" but I thought you meant there was something built in.
Who else is celebrating the gay thing tonight
@JoelESalas I call them my "Field Sobriety Test" jeans. (If you're too drunk to work the buttons it's probably time to stop drinking!
short of rendering a site in a console.
@TheCleaner there's a thing that makes CSS and such look nice
I might have it bookmarked at home
@JoelESalas Are you going to explore your boundaries?
@JoelESalas not "celebrating", but I think the majority opinions in both cases are correct
(I also, per usual, want to strangle certain justices because of their dissents)
@JoelESalas Gay thing?
@WesleyDavid what are boundaries?
@voretaq7 Sooo meta.
its George Micheal's birthday?
@voretaq7 Antonin "1950s" Scalia?
@MattBear SCOTUS decisions in Hollingsworth and Windsor
@MDMarra that'd be the justice, yes.
Although shockingly I agree with him more often than I disagree
@MattBear Gay people can vote or some shit, all I know is I'M GETTIN DRUNK
@WesleyDavid Always
I just don't like his interpretation of the breadth and scope of judicial review
No matter what you think of Obama's terms, if Romney had won, the SCOTUS might look totally different for the next 20 years
<- believes the court has the power (and obligation) to strike down laws that violate equal protection, even when they're "duly passed" by Congress.
You know what we need
@WesleyDavid Are you looking for guys to explore boundaries with?
Is a no-president option
If Congress wants a law that badly they can get 2/3 of their ass together and amend the constitution to remove equal protection.
Don't like either candidate? Vote against both
and we just don't have one this time out
@JoelESalas Ficus P. Lant
or you could vote for my third party candidate
@voretaq7 Is it your lizard
@freiheit Want to spoon hairy backs?
@JoelESalas So, you're essentially voting for the speaker of the house at that point
@JoelESalas oh... Eh don't really care
@JoelESalas Tonight I'm getting drunk. Next week I might have to show up at the courthouse for some friends to get bonded
@Bsilverstrim77 A MEERKAT! FUCK YEAH!!!! http://t.co/1CaevoAf
^ Him.
@WesleyDavid I'm not sure you understand how spooning works...
@freiheit That's awesome!
I'm glad things work in favor of equality sometimes
@MDMarra Well... that's not a very good option either. Call me when we're voting for Secretary of Agriculture
@freiheit It's reverse triple action spooning. Better limber up first.
@WesleyDavid Don't make me link it
@JoelESalas I think he means "bonded" as in "post bond for"
You do realize that now gay is no longer the correct term....
(or perhaps my friends are just more likely to do things that require a bail bondsman)
@voretaq7 I don't know who he parties with
@MattBear What's the correct term
now that you can get married, your as miserable as the rest of us...
ok, back to getting owned by System Center Orchestrator 2012. Byebye
@MattBear As some of my friends have put it: "Welcome to Straight People Problems"
Gay = happy, married = unhappy
@MattBear I don't cate what you want to call @WesleyDavid's sexual preference, but he won't stop hitting on me, we're both dudes, and that seems sorta gay...
OK, audit successfully closed out, I'm going home early
gay + married != gay
@freiheit kittysexual?
@MattBear So they were only gay BECAUSE they weren't able to marry??
@JoelESalas exactly
@MattBear Secret Good Guy Government: Keeping gay relationships spicy by not letting them marry
@voretaq7 I'm pretty sure you made up some letters, but I'm really not sure..
@MattBear more like gay ∪ married = {}
@freiheit Give them time.
Every time I look they've added another damn letter
@ChrisS On the money
@voretaq7 I don't want to think about unions and sets right now. Why did you do that?
@freiheit I'm awkwardsexual. I'm really not anything but the most plain person you'll ever meet, but I just like to make everyone awkward.
@84104 because MATH
@voretaq7 I know. I know. Doesn't help that we each live near an epicenter of letter adding.
@voretaq7 Math is hard.
@voretaq7 I see your math, and raise you boobs!
@MattBear math ∩ boobs = {physics}
@voretaq7 hypnotizingly beautiful jiggly physics
@freiheit physics ∩ graphics = {video games, CFD models, ...}
(and you cant say you don't like boobs, everyone likes boobs, even straight chicks will check out boobs, you might not like what's at the crotch but a great chest is universal)
@voretaq7 I'm totally lost, but feel like evolutionary psychology or something like that should be in there somewhere...
askdjghaskjghksdjfghksdjfgh Expensive bills landing on the same day and within hours of eachother. Dagnabbit.
cats get bills?
@DennisKaarsemaker vet bill, kitty litter bill, milk bill, fish bill, pussy bill....
@DennisKaarsemaker Yeah. =(
New appliance I ordered, plus colocation fees.
@freiheit maybe
@WesleyDavid A bike would help you outrun the bills
@freiheit or just be another bill...
@MattBear steels @freiheit's LHT
@WesleyDavid it's already steel
You know what? At this point I don't even care.
I'm so done with Wednesday.
I'm one more email away from taking hostages.
GIS help...I'm trying to find a pic of "engineering levels". Something sarcastic that ranks engineers by "importance/intellect". I remember it had Civil Engineering at the bottom and then worked its way up through various mechanical, electrical, etc. Anyone?
what part of "I will let you know when it's done" don't people understand...
@MattBear If I come bug you, you might get the idea and finish faster
@JoelESalas bugging me means that 1. while your bugging me and asking questions I'm not working so its going to take longer, and 2. im gonna go on serverfault and bitch about it, so its gonna take even longer!
and 3. if you bug me too much, your username is going to be used to drop some key databases....
Writing one of those "It can't be done because XYZ and you're a bad person for even asking for it" emails.
ok... sharepoint is now officially pissing me off
Q: "unclear what you're asking" hold reason looks awkward

David RobinsonFor the "unclear what you're asking" hold reason, the lack of quotation marks makes the phrasing in the "on hold" box confusing and awkward: put on hold as unclear what you're asking by definitely made me read twice (I expect that for people new to the site, and not used to seeing close reason...

@MDMarra - some cool features: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/dn140266

Workplace Join

A Windows 8 PC was either domain joined or not. If it was a member of the domain, the user could access corporate resources (if permissioned) and IT could control the PC through group policy and other mechanisms. This feature allows a middle ground between all or nothing access, allowing a user to work on the device of their choice and still have access to corporate resources With Workplace Join, IT administrators now have the ability to offer finer-grained control to corporate resources.
Ok sirs, I need an honest opinion
@MichaelHampton I fixed my SNMP issue!!
@JoelESalas Samba is smarter than I am.
@ewwhite We'll make a sysadmin out of you yet!
I need to add a new troubleshooting step to everything I do at work... <run updates>
@84104 rofl
@ewwhite Is it shitty to come into a place and be like "This is like 60% correct, here's the other 40%"
Linux effin'-db2 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5 #1 SMP Fri Oct 29 14:21:16 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
A: ip6tables TPROXY not working

Michael HamptonIPv6 TPROXY support was added in RHEL 6.1. You are running 6.0 for some reason (and shouldn't be). To resolve the issue, register your system and then fully update it. yum --obsoletes update

The problem I was having was an SNMP bug that was fixed on all of MY EL5 systems (because I run updates), but none of the systems at work...
Devices that used certain file systems were not reported in the "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageTable" table. As a result, the snmpd daemon did not recognize devices using tmpfs, ReiserFS, and Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2) file systems. This update recognizes these devices and reports them in the "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageTable" table. (BZ#754652, BZ#755958, BZ#822061)
@JoelESalas I feel cheap.
@ewwhite Why's that
@JoelESalas Oh, thought you were referring to me on the 60%/40%
@ewwhite No I seriously have that problem right now! I try to stay out of what's not my business, but right now I need something to fucking work and it's not done right
@JoelESalas 'sup?
can I fix it for you?
I'll be landing soon
@ewwhite It's really easy, it's just a VMware environment that's chopped into a bunch of small pieces and it really doesn't need to be that complicated.
WHy is it so split up?
@ewwhite Someone is of the opinion that Linux and Windows VMs should not be on the same clusters/datastores
Which might make sense if we had more than 10 of each.
@JoelESalas wut?
@freiheit YEAH
@JoelESalas hahahahahahahaha. Better separate all the 32-bit and 64-bit environments while you're at it.
@MikeyB It helps with deduplication!
@JoelESalas well, you can fix this.
@ewwhite Yes but it's the latest in a string of 10 things I see where I'm like "hooo boy that's bad"
People get defensive after a while
duh... this is my life.
@JoelESalas I feel like I can't make suggestions sometimes because I've worn-out my welcome
@ewwhite Yep. I'm like "That's on fire, but I'm not even sticking my fingers in that"
At least I've already delivered results
yeah, but it's a strange feeling...
@JoelESalas Actually, that's a different point entirely: "VMs which share a common base (32-bit, 64-bit) should be placed on the same datastore for maximum dedup effectiveness" != "Apples and Oranges should be separated."
@MikeyB Right, the claim is that datastores can only dedupe either apples OR oranges
I feel like, maybe, we're being a little slow about actually getting rid of retired servers...
@MikeyB Is that claim remotely true??
@freiheit Makes me feel better about the 3 pallets of PCs we just got rid of, along with the token ring and 802.11b gear...
@Tanner The process for getting rid of stuff is time consuming, so it tends to be put off... That stuff was all happily sitting in our storage room until a few weeks ago, but had to be moved out for a cable pull for a new building, since the cable tray for that runs through the storage room.
@freiheit Well, it looks pretty comfy under that table now. :)
Was pretty surprising how much crap is laying in weird places when I walked in there today, though.
@TheCleaner Where I went to school, Engineering Physics was for the smartest/geekiest, then EE, then Mech, then came Geological and Bio-Resource Engineering which no-one outside of the dept really understood, then Civil, then Mining... This totally ignored the fact that the mining guys generally made the most dough in the real world.
(there's also 10 new servers still in their original boxes. You can see the palette with 6 of them in the upper right corner of the pic)
@WesleyDavid will buy all that crap instead of getting a bike!
@Ward It's impossible to actually sell it to him, though. Stupid government laws.
@JoelESalas Linux has KSM(?) page merging. Which will consolidate duplicate memory structures. It works for at least KVM, maybe others. So, kinda?
@freiheit Need a shipping address?
@84104 This is for mass storage, not RAM
@JoelESalas Depends on the vdisks, but probably not then.
Disks tend to be opaque blocks.
@ScottPack If you're requesting an illegal gift of public funds, you're going to need to be clearer about how big the bribe/kickback is...
Ugh I've never done this before. How do I add a FC datastore to multiple ESXi hosts
@freiheit I will buy them!
@JoelESalas Zone and map it to all of them. Once you logically add it to one of them in the cluster, you should just need to issue a rescan for all of them to see it (if that's not automatic)
@MikeyB I did! it worked!
brb adding netapp admin to my resume
@freiheit I would never request such a thing! There's no reason I have to know their origin.
@WesleyDavid As a part of the state government of california, selling surplus equipment generally requires an auction, with enough legal requirements on such auctions that it takes years to get one put together and isn't worth the effort...
@freiheit really? I used to work for a college and a school district here... We just had annual auctions... Wasn't that much work
plus since I loaded up the pallets and what not... 3 out of 4 pallets would be crap, and one which I would buy had all the good shit :p
@MattBear I believe part of the problem is that we don't really have a warehouse for keeping all that stuff. That, and that the people that would be responsible don't give a shit about figuring out how to make the auction thing happen.
@freiheit "Recycle" it!
@freiheit ahh, yeah
@MichaelHampton I believe it does all eventually get recycled
@freiheit I mean, you call Blue Porcupine Recycling Company to come haul it all away for you.
as in, ground up, shipped to china, separated into different metal types and melted down, and shipped back to the US...
I love it when someone asks how I did something...
So I tell them, exactly lol
@freiheit Communists.
@WesleyDavid Look, there's real meaningful differences between communists and socialists...
@freiheit Fascist.
@WesleyDavid only about puppet
@freiheit I thought you were a nihilist about Puppet.

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