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Ugh. So I have a Site-to-Site VPN from the sonicwall here to an ASA 5510. I can't access the ASA remotely via its IP address. Is this because of the VPN?
Our new replacement for Womble, ladies and cats:
Yes, I gathered that, Captain Obvious. But what's the end game? Does it need to be scripted? How do you need the data? what are you planning on doing with it? You can do Resultant Set of Policy on a DC or End Device. Or, you may be able to use Group Policy Modelling on a DC. — Dan 6 hours ago
Also, could "put on hold as unclear what you're asking" be any more of a cumbersome ay of terming that?
@TheCleaner Sounds like a small office, rather than a home user.
@WesleyDavid I like "unclear question" better
@LucasKauffman Made my day. =D
@WesleyDavid I hate the new close texts.... So much worse than what we had before
@ChrisS No kidding. =/
@ChrisS Ask a developer a question, get a silly response code.
On the bright side, we get to come up with a few of our own close reasons now...
@ChrisS Eh? I mostly like them better, though "unclear what you're asking" does sound a little weird in that context.
@ChrisS "OP needs to put his computers back in their boxes, and return them to Best Buy."
maybe I spoke too soon... "put on hold as unclear..." is no longer in my list.
@ward @Iain @freiheit @ewwhite Might be my new bike...
Now says "Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking."
@WesleyDavid How do you make it go? Roll your feet back and forth on the pegs?
@WesleyDavid Hope you're riding on some smooth roads
@jscott Looks electric
I'm not drinking at all right now but someone bought me a bottle of 'Noah's Mill' bourbon - just had a tiny sip - blew my head off :)
How odd. Try to get to our firewall via HTTP and it returns a RST packet
Just got a support ticket for windows... The UI is set to Chinese... I don't even...
I'd vtc as maybe opinion based?
@LucasKauffman I VTC'd opinion based.
I'm navigating around based on memory
@WesleyDavid Even the product description on JRuiter's website describes it as "sketchy"...
@MathiasR.Jessen Oh wait, you thought I was actually considering buying a bike? HAW HAW HAW
@TheCleaner Holy shit I did not know that
Have a user logging into Windows 8 (on View) and IE10 hangs and she has to reset IE Settings to get it to launch
@WesleyDavid When I saw it had a 1000w motor block I actually did, yes :P
@voretaq7 Two days later, from 8% battery life to 7%. Warning messages: "Your mouse will die a complicated and dishonorable death in the immediate future if you do not change batteries!!!" Yeahhhh, I think I'll wait.
@WesleyDavid: sounds like my dads wireless mice
he got this specific prolink model that kept dying.
@JourneymanGeek This is just an Apple Magic Mouse. I dun like it, but I keep it anyway. =/
I'm seeing IPX transmissions in wireshark...O.o
I have normal sized hands, and this this is too small. I have no idea how anyone over 6 feet uses it.
@WesleyDavid: I like my mice chunky ;p
@JourneymanGeek I'm thinking of getting a trackball.
@WesleyDavid ew
logitech.com/en-us/product/wireless-mouse-m310 I have a older more sensibly coloured (IE, dosen't look like a 3 year old drew on it) model ;p
@WesleyDavid I sometimes use the little clitoris on my Thinkpad, but I don't really like it. Don't get why they put it on there in the first place
@LucasKauffman: the clit is awesome IF you are used to it
@LucasKauffman And if it goes bad... mobo replacement!
its the main thing that keeps me on thinkpads
@JourneymanGeek the main thing for me is that it's sturdy
I'm still looking to get one myself (current one is corporate), but I haven't found a shop yet that sells them off from leasing contracts
@LucasKauffman: eh, I have one which had a broken USB connector, replaced the mobo... and it broke again :/
when I get a proper job, there's a distinct chance I will spring for a razer blade ;p
@JourneymanGeek we had that on 3 thinkpads with the network connector, they broke with 3 people within a 6 day period
@JourneymanGeek nah, if I could afford a razer blade I'd get an XPS or a MBP
@WesleyDavid Hooray Audit!
@voretaq7 what are they auditing?
@LucasKauffman: not a dan of dell or apple ;p
and its one of those "i'll budget for it, then end up with something more sensible" things ;p
@WesleyDavid Buy an actual, real bike. Not a design student's insane idea of what a bike could be, but an actual real bike. Something that thousands of rolled off a production line somewhere and actually pays attention to what we've learned over 150 years about bike design.
@WesleyDavid Also, buy a fucking bike already.
@LucasKauffman ISO-13485
Our auditor is an awesome guy - I actually enjoy working with him.
@voretaq7 you build medical devices?
I'm thinking of doing my ISO27001 lead auditor certification this year
@voretaq7 the trick about auditing is that most of the time, the people that dislike an auditor end up hiding or producing the largest piles of shit imaginable.
for me that was always an indicator to start poking deeper
@LucasKauffman yup
@LucasKauffman The trick about auditing is that if your system meets the requirements, and you actually follow your procedures it's REALLY easy
@voretaq7 yea, plus people who implemented all of the controls WANT you to see what an awesome job they did
@voretaq7 I thought procedures were for the information security officer to write and everybody else to ignore?
@voretaq7 Well, if you meet the requirements and follow the procedures of whatever framework they're auditing you against, yes!
@freiheit Also policies.
@ScottPack It's REALLY hard to be a responsible medical device company and not comply with ISO-13485
they're really not asking you to do anything you wouldn't do normally
(unlike the FDA, who FUCKING SUCK)
That you wouldn't do normally. :)
@ScottPack that a responsible medical device company wouldn't do normally :)
@ScottPack We have policies, standards and procedures. The ISO can't write policies, only the other two.
Strictly speaking, I really like working with the auditors as well.
@freiheit ISO doesn't really dictate procedures either
they dictate a standard. Your company is responsible for having a policy ("We will do it") and a procedure ("This is how we will do it")
@voretaq7 Well, dictate that procedures be in place
@freiheit Ah. For us policies are written by the sponsor, then they have to be approved by the stakeholders, faculty senate, administrative senate, governance committee (if there is one), the executive policy review board, and signed by the president.
@freiheit I think that's right.
@MathiasR.Jessen right. The standard says "You must accomplish these objectives, and have a procedure for doing so (repeatably)"
@ScottPack for a moment there I thought Obama signed your policies
the only sucky part we have is that we aren't on the market in the EU yet, so we've got a bunch of (really good) procedures we don't get to exercise.
@ScottPack Yeah, that sounds about right for our campus policies. Except there's also policies at the system-wide level that go through the chancellor and board of directors.
@voretaq7 like what?
@LucasKauffman Yes. In order to have our policy regarding "Alarm Installation" become finalized and recognized as official university policy the POTUS must sign off on it. The process is kind of long.
@voretaq7 If you want I can ask to send an auditor over if you really want to have that checked, just in case ;)
@MathiasR.Jessen postmarket vigilance & reporting mostly (which we do use for the FDA, but it's different)
@freiheit I presume, once we have a fully implemented system, that will be the case. As it stands even the Board of Trustees don't get involved in policies. However, they can issue resolutions that trump policy.
@LucasKauffman it's OK, it got reviewed anyway - it's just sad because we can't show any actual registration and marketing in the EU.
@freiheit Except they're only ever documented in meeting minutes. >_<
There are procedures, and blank forms, but nothing filled out. Sad Unicode Panda Goes Here.
@voretaq7 what do you build anyway?
@ScottPack o_O
@ScottPack policies need to be published
@LucasKauffman Fancy ECG machines that have a better-than-50% chance of telling you if you're going to have a heart attack
@freiheit Policies are published. Trustees resolutions are also published (in the meeting minutes).
(as opposed to the less-than-50% chance the traditional ones have)
Maybe I should actually read the policies, standards and procedures that I need to follow...
@freiheit Just fake it. Everyone else does.
@voretaq7 I already ignore some bits...
> The hard drive will be purged of all data either by degaussing the hard drive or by a three pass format of the drive.
@freiheit ... where's the "Or beat to bits with an approved hammer" clause?!
@voretaq7 We had a funky Catch-22 situation with our recent ISO27001 certification. In order to obtain certification we needed to secure a customer who was willing to act as a first-mover in our two new DC's ... who wants to sign a contract for ISO27001-compliant hosting services with a company that doesn't have the certification yet?
People ignoring security policies do make pentests more fun :p, especially when they have the "Oh that's what that is for" look on their face
Needless to say, it delayed the certification a bit
@MathiasR.Jessen 27001 is ISMS right? Physical and electronic security?
@voretaq7 The individual bits might have readable bytes on them...
@voretaq7 exactly
Is that as big a mess as 13485/14971?
@freiheit yes, but you'd have to reassemble the dust in the correct order :-)
@MathiasR.Jessen why would they need you to have a customer for that? That's pretty BS
@voretaq7 And still not do meaningfully better than dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/cciss/c0d0p0
@LucasKauffman It's impossible to demonstrate full compliance with ISO-13485 without two things:
1) Customers (because you need to show a functional feedback system)
2) Product defects/complaints (because you need to show a functional complaint/adverse-event handling mechanism)
Actually, my biggest complaint with that particular bit of procedure I quoted is that "format" is an ambiguous term
@voretaq7 Bah. That deleted message never made it into my inbox.
IOW "In order to show that your quality system is functional, you must show that it has failed"
@freiheit three times changing the filesystem on the drive won't do a lot
@ScottPack It has to do with the FDA and their neverending fountain of suck
@voretaq7 Not sure if I would call it a mess... More of a monster, it was brutal, took >2 years to implement. From what I hear (my uncle has a 13485 certified factory), they're equally time-consuming
@voretaq7 Oh, like tubgirl.
Basically I had to write procedures the FDA never asked for, because the FDA didn't know that they needed them
(and ISO wouldn't require the procedures, except that we need a procedure to comply with individual country regulations, and the FDA has such a regulation in 21CFR11)
@ScottPack 21CFR11 is the FDA's tubgirl.
@LucasKauffman One thing is to have the procedures and policies in place - another is to actually exercise them in day-to-day operations. They needed a real-life case to audit
@MathiasR.Jessen @LucasKauffman the audit is supposed to verify you're following your procedures
IOW not just that the procedures comply with the standard, but that the company complies with the procedures.
@LucasKauffman I actually follow our "Unix Server Security Standards", and reference them in the puppet manifest that implements most of them.
@freiheit #4 seems hard.
@freiheit I actually wrote our security standards. I don't remember what they say :-P
@voretaq7 yea, we always take random samples to verify these things
@ScottPack I regularly whine to my manager about the few exceptions, to help ensure it's not my fault we're violating that one. And I weekly report that reminds me about the servers that we haven't patched in over 180 days (which happens to include all the unsupported OSes)
@LucasKauffman that's how I do our internal audit prep
I look at the audit plan & say "Gimmie X, Y, and Z"
if they're fine I move on. If I see a problem I make them pull the whole history
@LucasKauffman Well, as you might figure, it's not too interesting taking random samples from a history of 0 customers :P
@MathiasR.Jessen true
@ScottPack Also, we totally violate the letter of #5, while following the spirit of it quite well. PXE-boot installs make the phrasing funny.
woah, flagging dupes now auto-posts comments
@NathanC has for a while now
"Possible duplicate of..."
Oh. I've never noticed it until now. Usually I end up doing it manually.
@freiheit We adapted our hardening guide from 800-123. We then have a form that requires lots of signatures, and expires after a year, for someone to request exceptions.
@ScottPack Do the exceptions automatically revert?
To change the topic entirely, I'm off to manage the on-site ERP system at Roskilde Festival these coming 2 weeks... anyone else got some interesting plans for the summer? :-)
@MathiasR.Jessen Replacing a qmail environment with something that has a substantially lower Suck Quotient
which is perhaps the least exciting thing ever, but it gets qmail out of my environment so it's like an orgy in my datacenter!
@voretaq7 That doesn't really sound "interesting" - more like "necessary"
@MathiasR.Jessen no, we could continue to grossly violate RFC 2822 and common decency forever...
@freiheit Y U SO PICKY?! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
@MathiasR.Jessen various bike riding and beer drinking... Maybe a trip to visit family in Hawaii in September...
@WesleyDavid Y U NO BUY BIKE?
@freiheit I need better paying clients. =(
@WesleyDavid Stab client. Sell kidney.
I haven't even had lunch yet rage
@freiheit Nice! That sounds almost like RF ... except for the Hawaii part
@Cole Eat a snack, then kill annoying users
@Cole Eat a snickers. You're not you when you're hungry.
I'm tired of hearing about people with server budget problems!! Either you need the gear and can justify it, or you can't...
@ewwhite ding ding ding
@ewwhite Bro, do you even know what it's like to not make millions of dollars? =P
@ewwhite Oh, we've justified the servers because we have no redundancy ...and no budget. :(
@ewwhite Do you know what a FlexPod is?
@JoelESalas Cisco stuff.. no clue about it.
@WesleyDavid I work in some fucked up environments...
no more skimping...
@ewwhite Rofl. It's a UCS chassis, a couple of Nexus blades, and a NetApp
for like 100% markup
@JoelESalas I laughed pretty hard when it was pitched to me.
If a business can't afford a $5k server, for instance... A server that will become critical to that business, there's an issue.
@ewwhite We can totally save money if we put the servers in the giant produce fridge... it's perfect, since both servers and lettuce love having 50F ambient temp.
@freiheit Instead, they put the copiers in there.
@ewwhite What if we can't spend $3K on a switch, but all the VPs drive a Mercedes/BMW/Jaguar? Gotta get mine, son!
@ewwhite Now that's ridiculous. Human people have to stand in front of copiers, so they need to be in a location at regular room temperature.
@freiheit I'm pretty sure produce fridges aren't designed to handle heat-producing things. :P
I asked how well integrated the support was to justify the extra price. They said that it's still separate support contracts and that they wouldn't get the vendors to work together.
@freiheit Google has proven that servers don't care so much.
@freiheit Maybe you could place all equipment, lettuce AND people in the same fridge for optimum utilization
@JoelESalas I assume someone high enough up that they don't understand that technology isn't like fast food purchased those?
@MathiasR.Jessen If you lock the door from the outside it'll really cut down on your support costs, too!
@freiheit um... they keep it at 30 degrees F... and people wear coats.
@Basil It's so bad. We've actually effected a NO MORE FLEXPODS rule
in favor of, you know, actually thinking about requirements and only buying what we need
@ewwhite I'm Californian. I don't understand 30F or "coats". What is this strange new language you are using? ;)
@JoelESalas Flexpod -- "less than the sum of its parts" ™
@freiheit It's that huge thing you have to wear around your body when you go skiing.
So...off-topic posts are "on hold" now instead of just being closed?
Put the $60k copier in the cooler behind the forklift barricades...
Q: Closing changes: [on hold], unclear, too broad, opinion-based, off-topic reasons, bye-bye to Too Localized

JaydlesAfter a ton of discussion, work and input from the community, we're rolling out the remainder of major closing changes that you've helped us design, as discussed in these prior posts. They're live, network-wide RIGHT NOW!!! See also: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2013/06/the-war-of-the-closes/ ...

I've just run dig webmail.quickmediasolutions.com and received the following response:
webmail.quickmediasolutions.com. 14145 IN CNAME wmr.quickmediasolutions.com.
wmr.quickmediasolutions.com. 14145 IN   A
This is correct - the subdomain is set up as a CNAME record.
@MichaelHampton Last time I went skiing I wore insulated pants with built in suspenders and a jacket... And I wished I'd just worn a medium-weight sweater instead...
@MichaelHampton Ty.
Q: Mod_security Deprecated Bulk Mail Rules

bobby6I have a modsecurity rules to prevent bulk mail. Unfortunaltely, rules has some deprecated arguments. Can you please help me convert modsecurity 1 rules to version 2? SecFilter "bcc:" SecFilter "bcc\x3a" SecFilter "cc:" SecFilter "cc\x3a" SecFilter "bcc:|Bcc:|BCC:" chain SecFilterSelective POST...

"Do my work for me!"
@NathanOsman That looks okay to me. Am I missing something?
@ewwhite Is that some kind of copier anti-abuse strategy?
@MathiasR.Jessen it's just what's done. It's nuts.
However, running curl webmail.quickmediasolutions.com is returning the contents of webmail.quickmediasolutions.com instead of wmr.quickmediasolutions.com. Why is that?
I get about 30,000 print jobs a night on a cluster of copiers sitting in the cold part of the warehouse.
@NathanOsman vhosts
@NathanOsman because curl uses the hostname you supply for the GET resquest it sends
@NathanOsman You have to understand that DNS has almost nothing to do with how the receiving end will behave
Yes, it CNAMEs to another server
@NathanC BANG - Headshot.
@NathanOsman The http request is for webmail.quickmediasolutions.com . The webserver wmr has a configured vhost (or equivalent) for webmail and so responds accordingly.
but you didn't request wmr.quickmediasolutions.com, you requested mail
@voretaq7 m-m-m-monster kill
so whatever the DNS record for that is, doesn't matter. you get what you requested
@NathanOsman You may see more clearly what's going on if you use wget.
This is the behavior that allows shared hosting providers to exist.
$ wget --save-headers --no-check-certificate webmail.quickmediasolutions.com
--2013-06-26 13:21:49--  webmail.quickmediasolutions.com
Resolving webmail.quickmediasolutions.com (webmail.quickmediasolutions.com)...
Connecting to webmail.quickmediasolutions.com (webmail.quickmediasolutions.com)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved
Location: webmail.quickmediasolutions.com:2096 [following]
--2013-06-26 13:21:49--  webmail.quickmediasolutions.com:2096
$ nc webmail.quickmediasolutions.com 80
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: wmr.quickmediasolutions.com

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 17:23:26 GMT
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.17
Location: https://cwh13.canadianwebhosting.com:2096
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html

$ nc webmail.quickmediasolutions.com 80
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: webmail.quickmediasolutions.com

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 17:23:58 GMT
Server: cpsrvd/
Content-length: 129
Location: https://webmail.quickmediasolutions.com:2096/
@MichaelHampton why the --no-check-certificate flag on an http request?
@MathiasR.Jessen I know it's being redirected to https.
So basically, the problem is the Host: HTTP header?
@NathanOsman Not sure why that's a problem.
@NathanOsman The problem is that each one is being sent different redirects.
Well here's the problem - I don't control the content of webmail.quickmediasolutions.com.
It's redirecting to a page with a bad certificate.
However, I do control the zone file.
So I tried to work around it by changing the subdomain to a CNAME record.
@NathanOsman if you want to overwrite it and specify the other hostname:

curl -H 'Host: wmr.quickmediasolutions.com' http://webmail.quickmediasolutions.com
@NathanOsman I suppose it should be redirecting to cwh13.canadianwebhosting.com, where your webmail is. But it isn't. If you don't control this, you need to be yelling at the person who does.
@NathanOsman You can't solve HTTP or SSL with only DNS. Doing things right requires control of all 3.
@NathanOsman Won't work. Needs to be done at the protocol rather than the resolution level. DNS and HTTP(S) don't really talk to each other.
Thanks for the explanation.
I guess I'll have to get the person controlling webmail.quickmediasolutions.com to fix it.
sorry, did I miss something - "oh hold"?? what new fuckery is this?
@Chopper3 It's a change. It'll be "on hold" unless the OP edits it in 5 days
Then it goes to "closed"
@Chopper3 When you talk back with a smart mouth you're put in time out.
@NathanC ah
@ScottPack I'm fucked then
@Chopper3 Probably.
So we're all finally allowed to get gay married
@JoelESalas great news isn't it
@tombull89 Thank you for removing the vestige of decency and bringing it up to comms room standards
@JoelESalas You're welcome.
@JoelESalas I'm not convinced. The Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of California's Prop8 being overturned on procedural grounds. They also only struck a specific section of DOMA, the one regarding spouse rights for federal services.
@JoelESalas I think I'm already pledged to @MarkHenderson
@WesleyDavid You cad!
@ewwhite Got my FBWC module plus battery unit today.
Testing the replacements out now!
@JoelESalas They didn't redefine the federal definition of marriage, nor did they require that that the individual state's DOMAs unconstitutional. So it's still up to the states to decide whether or not gays can marry and one state is not required to recognize the same-sex marriage from another state.
@ScottPack That's fine though, gay people will go to the good states where they're welcome and the shit states will continue their downward spiral into irrelevance
Say what you like about him, but that's a good one.
@ScottPack Aren't you enjoying all the new bugs?
@tombull89 I'm going to charter a flight and do exactly the same thing, then charge 2000 USD/seat for the journalists
@JoelESalas The problem being that there are over twice as many shit states as good ones by your definition.
@ScottPack I'm ok with that, I don't think it affects me
@JoelESalas It's still not clear how Pop8 will actually be handled. Is it stricken, does it require each couple to individually appeal to be married?
@MichaelHampton Meh, I've only seen the one.
@ScottPack Knowing the government it probably means everyone has to start over
@JoelESalas I think my shitty state (CA) might be redeemable...
@ScottPack I think I've found 3 now. Hell, I rep capped on mSO once already.
@MichaelHampton Feel free to migrate my question over. Even whilst posting it I figured it was probably better for mSO but I'm still passive aggressively fighting the good fight regarding mSE.
@ScottPack the thing I hate about mSO is that they have real reputation
@ScottPack Eh, I figured it needed a serious rewrite so that the developers could comprehend it, so I just posted a new question on mSO. I did borrow your image though.
@LucasKauffman It's annoying, sure, but I'm more annoyed that the entire StackExchange network is being obliquely treated as second class citizens. Kind of like the pat on the head while saying, "Here, you can just come here where the big boys work. Just don't get in the way."
@freiheit Didn't the same ruling that struck down DOMA also say that the defendants of Prop 8 didn't have standing, effectively striking it down because it was undefended?
@ScottPack maybe we should revolt against them and demand independence
@84104 I haven't had a chance to read the ruling and don't know what the appropriate CA people are doing in response to the ruling, but that sounds right.
@84104 No, the justices said that the Prop8 appeal was improperly filed with the SCOTUS so they could not hear the case.
@ScottPack Yep, ergo "start over fuckers"
@ScottPack Slow and expensive.
@84104 I'm not sure, it depends too much on how the legal system works over there.
@JoelESalas a real "HKSAR v US" all over again
@84104 press conference on that right now: oag.ca.gov/home
@84104 Technically the SCOTUS never ruled on it, they didn't even really refuse to hear the case.
@ScottPack "The law in California is that prop 8 is unconstitutional, because prop 8 was overturned in california's highest court before being appealed to the SCOTUS and that appeal got thrown out."

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