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Dammit I just realized I'm up for about 10 shots again
@ScottPack later this week, part of a long set of them
with @WesleyDavid
@Jacob Heck yeah you do. Don't let that go. and it's in washington DC this year, so easy-peasy to get to
@Chopper3 Here's hoping for the best.
@LucasKauffman Theft (which always costs the victim more than the perpetrator gains) most commonly. Or they'll figure out some way of scamming money out of some other system. These are the people who genuinely put more effort into not contributing to society than if they just got a job and baked only half the day (or every other day)
@Chopper3 That's got to be an interesting sensation.
@MattSimmons It's a 6 hour drive, and a thousand dollar hotel room... easy-peasy?
@MattSimmons had it before, not three in one go though
The inside of my nose smells funny
@ChrisS forced labor in jail :p? (if caught) but you're right in that sense it is expensive
@Jacob 6 hour drive is okay, the 1k room ... motel :p?
@Cole About running the sysadmin network?
I forgot :(
@Jacob let me spam that for you.
I'd sell it, but email addresses go for so little these days.
@LucasKauffman I was more worried about it hittng the index than spam
@MattSimmons I'm auctioning that HDD @LOPSA-EAST'14
@Jacob You've posted it to other chat rooms as well :)
@jscott ok thanks
@Jacob Auctioning a HDD?
That's hilarious
@MattSimmons People are going to want those shared libraries...
@tombull89 It's kindof an inside joke from a conference presentation. Maybe Matt can explain it
There's no way I'm explaining anything. Do your own dirty work ;-)
@MattSimmons Too much typing
@MattSimmons Yes sir.
ok, fine. Short story.
YAY!! Story Time with Matt!
I taught a class on SSDs at LOPSA-East. I explained how spinning disks worked, and brought examples.
Why did you add this non-answer to an already answered year old question? — Dan 7 secs ago
Everyone gather around! Story time!
I obviously didn't want to take partially disassembled drives home with me, so I gave them away. @Jac
@Jacob got one
Dude, you forgot all the good bits...
"Don't touch the platters I need to recover data off then"
Sometimes it looks like the world is moving forwards, one step at a time
As I handed out the bare disks, I told people to be careful, because I had to bring them back to work to restore from them ;-)
@MattSimmons "If you want to breakout a electron microscope have fun with some shared libraries."
@MattSimmons Oh hey, just twigged who you are. I can't remember what it was, but your blog helped me the other week so thanks!
Oh, awesome :-) I'm glad!
Thanks for letting me know
No worries - I enjoy the cut of your jib
Yesterday a mate invited me up to London to see a private screening of "The End of the World" with some of the stars - obviously it was a bit of a faff so I left it - my mate only went and ended up having dinner with James Franco and Seth Rogan! now I'm kicking myself!
Anyhow, I'll be back later. Gotta run to the bank to sign some paperwork

KFC actually (half arsed) replied to me. I think it's a miracle
@Chopper3 Dang!
@Dan exactly
@Dan Well, yours was a half-arsed complaint, very light on specifics. I would have closed it as "unclear what you're asking" :)
@tombull89 Scary as hell man
@MichaelHampton It was a moan, not a complaint :D
anyone here using GoDaddy?
@LucasKauffman Jail costs about $45k USD per prisoner. The average cost of welfare is $31k per recipient. As a tax payer, which would you rather pay?
@LucasKauffman The devil!
@ChrisS true
@Dan I know I'm wondering if they are still charging for subdomains
otherwise I just add it to my other DNS account
No clue, I wouldn't touch their hosting with a pole
@MichaelHampton:Move Website To another server ?? why?? — Jeson Park 4 mins ago
Q: test huji servers on awayto

HEMANTtest r today? In the future? What level of interoperability is available between Rockwell Automation EtherNet/IP products and other third-party EtherNet/IP products? What is the cost comparison of an EtherNet/IP installation to that of other Fieldbus installations? How can I get ad...

How in the FUCK did this get three reopen votes?
@MichaelHampton indeed
@MichaelHampton sock puppets?
@LucasKauffman 3k+ rep sock puppets? Ain't nobody got time for that!
@MikeyB So does marijuana distribution
@MikeyB Also, saw Mitch McConnell on TV yesterday defending pollution as creating jobs.
@ChrisS they should just legalize it and allow commercial exploitation
@ChrisS Wow.... wow.
@ChrisS One could rephrase the argument: "Crime creates jerbs!"
the hippies will be bumped out of the market before you can say dude I'm high
@MichaelHampton They reposted it as well
@MichaelHampton On sec.se we have an 85k user with a 25k puppet.
@ScottPack Almost seems appropriate there.
@Cole Well that's gay :)
^- I made a pun!
@LucasKauffman Can you say "sin tax"?! Think of the revenue!
@Travis lulz. Although I can legally get married (heterosexual marriage) I'm still happy to see that DOMA was ruled unconstitutional.
@Cole Yep. Doesn't make too much difference to me. Let folks be just as miserable married as the rest of them :)
He's a black bear from Canada, quite nice unless you take away his salmon. Never touch the salmon.
I have a sock, but he has almost no rep ;p
Am I the only one around here who doesn't have a sock?
I should make a sock, a llama called Roberto
@LucasKauffman Let's share our sock!
Twice the rep.
@WesleyDavid You have a sock. They just haven't been knitted yet because of all the lube on them...
Well, I had a question I was not comfortable using my real online identity with ;p
@Travis: barrels of it?
@JourneymanGeek Yeahhh... sex.se was fun while it lasted.
@WesleyDavid we could do that
@JourneymanGeek Yep
@WesleyDavid: next best thing, security.se ;p
what avatar should we take?
@WesleyDavid One day I'm going to order that to my house and just deny it. But then, obviously, since we have all that it'll just be a waste unless we get a swimming pool and a bunch of girls round
@WesleyDavid This excite you?
@Dan One day we should make an office pool to buy a pool of lube.
@WesleyDavid The "Why does anal sex hurt like buggery? Because it is buggery" comment has stuck with me all this time.
@MattSimmons congratulations on your election
Okay I did not intend things to gravitate towards bestiality.
Can't we just talk about lube like normal people?
We're not normal people.
Apr 9 at 17:49, by tombull89
We do realize that all Amazon links posted in chat have an affiliate code for StackOverflow? So if someone at SE ever looked up what's been linked through their code, well, that's a lot of lube and a couple of dildos to start with.
Glad no one has looked into my cube "Cole is looking at a tub of lube...and a sheep...I always knew he was weird."
@WesleyDavid you could deduct taxes then as it would be an office expense
@tombull89 And horse masks.
@LucasKauffman Yeah my CPA would love to hear me explain that.
@Cole If they looked at mine, it'd just be "Meh, Dan's bulk buying lube again"
@WesleyDavid It's for pulling cables.
"I bought 55 gallons of water based sex lube because... ermm... I was having problems with the laser printer?"
@LucasKauffman Is that a double entendre? =)
@WesleyDavid Office slip-and-slide!
Random request, but anyone got a https site with a self signed cert that I can borrow
(Just want to test how my application handles it)
@Dan Hmmm...
@tombull89 Never noticed that! (the link code)
I just need to invoke a browser "DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN" message
@Travis :D
@Dan ah wait
Gotta make $$$ some how!
Amazon affiliate sucks though
@Travis You know it's user unique, too?
@Dan Righttttt
$1200 for that barrel of lube? That's what my car cost...
@tombull89: thats a LOT of lube
@tombull89 I'd trust a $1200 barel of lube with my life on a highway way more than a $1200 car.
Thanks all :)
it's not self signed just not valid for that domain
Ah, wait, no it's not, I'm getting my $/£ mixed up.
My car cost $2600
@LucasKauffman Yeah, that'll do
@tombull89 well nothing is safer than two barels of lube
@tombull89 My first car was £400 :D
Without googling..is there a way to get a non-domain computer to be trusted by the domain for purposes of accessing fileshares?
so it dosen't ask for domain authentication
Um, join the domain?
non-domain computer
@Travis What is this "without googling" mentality?
@Travis Not a specific computer, no
@LucasKauffman I was too lazy to google it so I asked instead
You could enable anonymous shares, but, well, no, don't do that
@Dan yep...no :)
So, given that without Domain Authentication the File Server has no way of authentication what / who the machine is..... ;)
For some reason when I add it to the domain it is adding GPO's to it that it shouldn't
@Travis Well, you should fix that :D
@Dan Right. I figured I could do something with some sort of a trusted computer
@Iain Thanks!
Is the machine in a specific OU, or is it adding it to the normal computers container
@Dan I know it!
@Dan we once compromised a complete domain because somebody had set up an anonymous share full of debug data containg user logins
sigh moved to a new office room with the 3 other sysadmins here and it's already a mess
@LucasKauffman Hope they got fired
sure we need 7 cupboards and 6 tables for only 4 people
@Dan It is in a specific OU and the user account is in the "Exempted" OU for users. There are no GPOs assigned to those OUs (don't inherit any either)
in The Bridge, 1 min ago, by fredley
Warning: clicking the above will result in your Amazon recommendations being affected
in The Bridge, 29 secs ago, by Shotgun Ninja
@fredley Thanks for warning me AFTER I clicked.
heh. heh. heh.
because once per year someone comes and needs a mouse, so lets keep all that crap in our office -- RAGE!!1
@tombull89 It took my account weeks to get rid of those "recommendations"
Keeps complaining that it is logging in with a temporary profile when I use the domain user account
@Travis So is it getting spurious computer GPO's or user GPO's. Do you use loopback processing?
@Travis THat normally means the profile field in the user is filled, but doesn't work for whatever reason
I don't think I use loopback...let me run a gpresult
Bah! I just read a developers blog who said "This side project isn't much. It barely covers cost of living in SanFrancisco." My thought: "So you're making $100k a year on it?"
@Dan Narrowed it down. Has something to do with the user I guess. My login works fine and creates a profile
@WesleyDavid Hey, did you see my blog post today, by chance?
Wait. What's this now?
@MattSimmons I did not, yet.
Q: Understanding where an amazon ec2 instance run?

kenzo450DI am currently using the aws api from my local desktop. I can successfully take backups of my amazon volumes, and even create an ami from it. Now when i wanted to run the instance to be built from this ami, where does the instance run? In their Elastic Cloud or the computer from which the command...

Someone put that asshole Wesley in charge of something?
Does...does this person understand cloud?
@MattSimmons Also, the hyperlink to the network is a bit busted.
@NathanC Doesn't seem like it
@ScottPack orly? lemme check it
Ugh - LTC pool I'm in "lost" the pool's wallet during upgrades - apparently they don't believe in backups.... I was thinking about starting my own pool before this, but the amazing levels of incompetency continue to escalate...
got it. Thanks
cache refreshes ahoy
@MattSimmons No problem.
@ScottPack And no, @IThedgehog is in charge. Will and I are second bananas.
Feeling the burn... maybe I should have used LVM...
@MattSimmons And thanks for posting that! I've let my blog lapse over the last six weeks or so... =/
@WesleyDavid When why did you get top billing and Dan's the bottom?
Fffff I want Windows 8.1
@ScottPack Dan likes being on the bottom?
@WesleyDavid why do you think he needs so much lube?
@ChrisS I look at their web site. If it's a really nice looking web site, it's probably all developers who have no clue and will eventually fuck something up big time. If it's a crappy looking web site, it's probably somebody who knows what they're doing.
This is not a difficult concept to grasp, @ScottPack.
SU question?
Q: Duplication of Windows 7 Backup

Steven PicklesI use the built in backup utility for Windows 7 because it's automated and flexible enough to allow me to schedule a daily shadow copy backup of particular files and folders directly to a separate internal RAID 0 array (2 x 1TB). It's also lightweight and stays out of the way. For off-site backu...

So in other news, my car needs a new engine :(
@WesleyDavid You're welcome. I figured I hadn't mentioned it in a while...like a few years... :)
@NathanC oh no :(
@Travis Not obviously a home user, where "off site backups" are exceedingly rare.
@Travis: would depend on scale. For a single system, yes, for many systems....
I'm surprised it hasn't blown up already, but the seals and rings are all toast and it leaks oil into the internals of the engine (and it burns off). Plus I have a hole in the muffler. AND the fuel filter.
I'm cursed I say.
@WesleyDavid It does make sense for Dan to be a bottom.
@MichaelHampton I don't think like that I guess :)
@Travis Just because I have offsite backups for my home computers...
@MichaelHampton: I would if I could ;p
@JourneymanGeek crashplan.com/carboniteswitcher Enter in email. Get free CrashPlan for a year.
@MDMarra Want to put an RDS plan together?
@MichaelHampton That switcher is funny.
valid in us only :/
@NathanC The funny part is you don't have to be a Carbonite user.
My previous job was actually at Carbonite...
I'll try through a vpn in the morning ;p
I was technical support for them :P
I still actually have a "free" account since they didn't kill my beta account
@MichaelHampton what's crashplan?
@LucasKauffman Offsite backup for home and small business
@LucasKauffman: pretty nice little offsite backup service, encrypted backups and you can use your own (or a friend's) systems or their servers
@Dan Looks like it's a 1530 Event ID maybe causing the login issue with temp profile...winlogin.exe has opened a key and caused a registery handle leak it says
@JourneymanGeek moar stars for you here if you repost that delightful little ditty.
@JourneymanGeek oooh want to have that
@Travis Nuke the user's folder under C:\Users and it should be able to login again as a domain user
I had an issue like that last week
@NathanC There isn't one
I would not, could not, in my bed
I would not, could not, on some bread
I can't afford that tub of lube
I can't even afford a town bike inner tube
^ that one? ;p
oh weird...
I'm not sure you can star all of that at once tho ;p
ahh, so you can ;p
It's using an the damn 2003 DC to authenticate though! I hate that friggin server
crappy HP blades don't want to talk to any switch
@NathanC Remember the reg key if you're post WinXP
feel like killing an HP engineer...
@DennisKaarsemaker whyso?
@DennisKaarsemaker What's the network connectivty?
@Dan effectively none :)
need to turn this into a question, just feel like ranting now
@DennisKaarsemaker Yeah, but what's in the back of the chassis
what's the issue?
I have some bl460c g1 and some bl460c g5 in a c7000 chassis with 1gig ethernet passthrough. the g1's are happy, the g5's not: lights on switch and passthrough module go on, but linux doesn't see link and switch doesn't see mac addresses
@Dan Oh yes...
@MichaelHampton Probably a very good point.... This one has a somewhat nice website, though it the same open source website that almost everyone uses.
@ChrisS Starts with a W and ends with ordPress?
Probably Joomla :)\
@DennisKaarsemaker Okay. I've had that setup before... on a C3000....
I never liked wordpress...
with G1's and G5's...
tried a procurve (2824, old), cisco (3750, medium old) and juniper (forgot model, brand new)
5300 and 5400 Intel CPUs.
you know what I'm going to say @DennisKaarsemaker
Ugh. work.
@ewwhite Who you gonna call? MDMARRA!
@NathanC I use it quite a bit now. No more hand coding for me
@MichaelHampton Nope, mmcfg
or Ghostbusters, but Mark might a better choice.
The last website I did I used a template (since I can't design to save my life) but coded everything by hand
Firmware on the G5's first... then what are you seeing in lspci -v and dmesg | grep eth?
in PHP ...but yeah. No frameworks either
@ChrisS I do not recommend using this for a live setup as of yet. Wait for the later Release Candidate if you wish to run your pool with it. Testing pools are much appreciated though!
and of course @DennisKaarsemaker, did this ever work?
@ewwhite yes, they used to serve secure.booking.com
though likely in a different chassis
and connected to some humongous ciscos
@DennisKaarsemaker same setup, though? passthrough?
I don't think your upstream switch is the issue.
Q: Shared Hosting folder access to Hosting provider

hungrycoderI've website running on a shared hosting account and I allow users to upload Images and I store them on the server in a folder that I've access to. My concern is whether that folder containing image files is accessible to the Hosting Provider or not? If accessible how can I disallow hosting pro...

what are you seeing in lspci -v and dmesg | grep eth?
@WesleyDavid So now that you're in charge of the sysadmin-network when is it going to support openid?
@ewwhite given that 3 brands failed: I agree.
You know how I am about HP firmware.
@MichaelHampton Yes yes... I'm just tired of crap that doesn't work right, and oddball payout schemes, and crooked pool admins...
@ScottPack That would be a Dan thing. He's going all asp.net up in this mother.
Don't see anything in lspci. Not in the DC. Was just ranting, 'cause this isn't a place for live support :)
@WesleyDavid To let him know my displeasure.
@DennisKaarsemaker Telnet to your onboard administrator.
show me the output of ...
show update
@DennisKaarsemaker The Comms Room is Live Support for @ewwhite, we're just his help desk.
@WesleyDavid hehe
@ewwhite Yeah, that firmware update fixed my server's tendency to burn in a ball of fire.
@Dan Waiting a bit (after deleting the SID out of registry in profilelist) caused it to authenticate to my 2008 DC....now it works
@MichaelHampton Someone purporting to be employed by DynDNS just joined SysAdmin Network. Merrimack NH
@WesleyDavid That's what passes for a suburb here, yes.
while chat.is_dead?
link_to(amazon.sex.lube(55, "gallons"))
@NathanC yeah, it's always firmware
Ugh...it feels like someone's taking a jackhammer to my head
Damn headaches >.<
@NathanC Similar plight. Probably tequila related however...
@Olipro In C++ please
the entire right side of my head is pain
@MichaelHampton Man, DynDNS is so big these days.
@MichaelHampton can you add my email to that crashplan site?
Can you create an Excel spreadsheet that grabs/links to data in a Word doc? For instance to fill a cell with the number of times the word "cloud" is in a certain doc?
@LucasKauffman Sure
@MichaelHampton thanks :)
@LucasKauffman You're all set. Just go download it and set it up in-app.
@LucasKauffman You have a site about my butt?
I pay for CrashPlan after much time spent looking at them all - seems good
@MichaelHampton thanks!
I personally use Carbonite but I'm biased...
Can't remember why I didn't like it
Why are you biased?
@WesleyDavid I do but that's nudepicturesofwesleydavidwhenheishighoncatnip.cloud101.eu
@Dan Because I worked for them previously
@NathanC Ah
They're decent at $59/year for unlimited space, but the caveat is the throttling after 200 GB has been backed up
Which I never heard the end about with customers who thought they would upload 3+ TB of data quickly..
NO love from the @Dennis :(
<-- rejected.
`while(chat->is_dead) {
this->link_to(Amazon::sex::lube<URI>(55, "gallons"));
@NathanC I've never seen any throttling after 200 GB. It was equally slow at 1 GB as at 487 GB.
ask and ye shall receive, @Dan
@Olipro :D
@MichaelHampton Hm. Yeah, it's throttled down to roughly 1 GB/day after 200 on Home plans.
Otherwise it's unthrottled ...I've seen people upload at 10 MB/s+
@Dan I still need to fix that :p
@LucasKauffman Blooming wildcards :D
@NathanC Strange, I never noticed, and I'm backing up full thick-provisioned VM images...but don't tell them that :)
@tombull89 But I don't want my hosting provider to see those photos of me molesting dogs!
@ewwhite rejected?
ow ow sexy cats
I should to tail /var/mail rather than cat ...
@LucasKauffman Dat scrolling text
there's nothing current about ipv6....
@DennisKaarsemaker www.c.booking.com has no AAAA record Nope, it's clearly future...
@DennisKaarsemaker 10 years ago I was told by a college lecturer that I should learn v6 because people would be after engineers real soon. Yeah...
I really should learn IPv6 properly now, though
@MichaelHampton yeah. Far, far away future
@DennisKaarsemaker Not as far as you think, I suspect.
that's the story I've heard for years. And yet it's always further away
@MichaelHampton You keep saying that, but none of the big infrastructure providers I work with are giving it a second thought even with brand new projects
Maybe 2025
What? I'm actually getting the hang of ASA firewalls enough to answer questions? You go me...
Q: Cisco Anyconnect: Vpn establishment capability from a remote desktop is disabled

Daniel WilliamsI need to run Cisco AnnyConnect from a VM in a data center. When I run it I get this message: Vpn establishment capability from a remote desktop is disabled Can this be turned off? I saw some posts about it, but required downloading Cisco software with an account, which I do not have. The VP...

@Dan Do they plan to be in business in five years?!
@WesleyDavid Where can I get one?
@MichaelHampton Yes.
@Dan I wouldn't be so sure... Large scale NAT is taking off some pressure, but it won't go nearly as far as NAT did.
@ChrisS Dunno, but you can nag them here: plus.google.com/100600212961472655878/posts/ikt8BTck3Hk
@MichaelHampton I think you're hugely overestimating the move. Our biggest ISP has just started giving IPV6 but isn't fully there yet. Other, huge ISPs aren't offering anything at all right now
@Dan And the UK is way behind the curve in general with IPv6 adoption. There are third world countries with better IPv6 connectivity...
@MichaelHampton Probably so
Is it just me, or did the flagging options change
But I'm happy enoough with my 120mbit IPv4
@LucasKauffman Y U REMOVE SEXEH KAT??? ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)
Hey @Cole - did you know this existed in Win8? I didn't...and I like...
@ChrisS hah, great play by the airline :-)
@TheCleaner That exists in 7 as well ..."volume shadow copies"
not the same
@WesleyDavid I shall add it once again
Wow, I'm surprised at the honesty I just got from a sales guy. I asked him about why the website had such varying success rates. From 95%, to 99% to saying it never fails (i.e. 100%). His response "Those are more marketing numbers than anything."
the close vote "choices" are confusing me now...
Q: Duplication of Windows 7 Backup

Steven PicklesI use the built in backup utility for Windows 7 because it's automated and flexible enough to allow me to schedule a daily shadow copy backup of particular files and folders directly to a separate internal RAID 0 array (2 x 1TB). It's also lightweight and stays out of the way. For off-site backu...

I would normally vote that over to SU, since it sounds like it is his laptop we are talking about and not "managing client backups"...but the close vote instructions talk exclusively about home settings...
@TheCleaner I asked the same thing but was told it's not SU
That close reason needs to be rewritten.

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