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Fuck you Windows 8. Fuck you hard. Restarting in the middle of a support call...
Why do so many people have problems with Windows 8!?
@Cole because it doesn't have a start button and every single time you accidently press the windows button WHOOOOOSH your screen disapears
@Cole It's awesome except for some exceptionally stupid shit it does.
@Jacob LOL
I like it.
I do too. Only two things piss me off: the easter egg hunt for shutdown, and the forced reboot.
@Tanner the shutdown will be fixed with 8.1
I stopped working just long enough to shake hands with the new Dell rep and bam, reboot
Cause that shit is annoying.
@Tanner I started out liking Windows 8. Then I started having to support and design with Windows 8. Then I started hating Windows 8.
it's ugly
I want to like it in all its Metro glory!
But it won't let me.
well no it's nice
for a tablet
Easy. It has no glory
@Iain 21! Blackjack!
@WesleyDavid Embrace the flat desing
Wtf Notes, I hate you.
@ITHedgeHog I'm trying. =( I like the design itself, per se, it's just the technical bits underneath that are really pissing me off. Most notably, the Windows backup control panel now.
@WesleyDavid So far I have two users with Windows 8. It's been hell. 'er, well, more than usual.
@WesleyDavid Windows 8 is awesome, I eat 1 copy for breakfast, 2 for lunch and then a proper dinner - it helps control my weight.
@ITHedgeHog Starring that because it's weird.
@Tanner Weird that because it's starred.
How is the remote assistance feature with metro?
The ITHedgeHog is weird.
do you get to swipe all the problems away?
@ITHedgeHog Horny Spikey little thing.
Yo @WesleyDavid were those dox helpful at all?
Anyone have a pre-made script that will disable remote desktop from a text/csv file?
@Cole mrr?
Group Policy
@MDMarra Still waiting to look at them. Was on the phone so much yesterday with someone that chats too much about their business dreams (he does pay me occasionally), then this morning a server went down out of the blue. Trying to scramble to pick up the pieces before a meeting at 11. sigh
crazy cat
@MDMarra Client on a VPS overused their space, server hosed.
@WesleyDavid rm -fr /
@DennisKaarsemaker Pretty much.
@MDMarra have to do it on the fly.
or just rm -fr /home/cat
and get rid of your furry kitty porn
@DennisKaarsemaker more like rm -f movie[0-999].mp4
By default RDP is disabled- we only open it when needed.
How do you work on servers?
@DennisKaarsemaker Or pipe the database to /dev/null because /dev/null is web scale
@MDMarra Dameware/VMware console
Very yuck
@Jacob cat /dev/zero > /dev/null
But the group out in Colorado has like.......15 servers that have to get enabled then disabled when they're done.
@Cole Here I was holding my breath to hear "WinRM / PowerShell" You tease!
@ewwhite we do it for 24hrs
You can install PowerShell in NT?
@DennisKaarsemaker And yes it was mp4 files that did it, but not porn. Promo videos.
@MDMarra lulz, this is 2008 boxes
@WesleyDavid isn't the idea that you restrict their usage somehow to prevent this from happening :p?
@Chopper3 For realz?
@Chopper3 Did you take lessons from Sting?
@MDMarra NT is on it's way out!
@Chopper3 Then answer this!!!
Q: Is it necessary to burn-in RAM for server-class systems?

ewwhiteConsidering server-class systems are equipped with ECC RAM, is it necessary or useful to burn-in the memory DIMMs prior to their deployment? I've encountered an environment where all server RAM is placed through a lengthy multi-day burn-in/stress-tesing process. This has delayed system deploymen...

Just seeing if someone already had a script premade - since I need to create one so the help desk can just run it.
@ewwhite yep, but bear in mind that we generally get our blades installed and iLO working before the switch ports are up and running - so we use that time to memtest and load basic OS over iLO
What I hate about PowerShell/VBScript you can't really impersonate another user.
I know you can in PowerShell, since it's .NET but it's not easy.
@MDMarra I can see it now: PowerShell NT. Alias remove-item to FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S *.svn*') DO RMDIR /S /Q %%G
You can do aliases on NT?
Why are my eyes bleeding?
@Adrian NT. That's why.
@Chopper3 The specific situation I'm referencing is a 22-host vSphere cluster. Each host presently has 96GB of RAM. The client requested that each system be upgraded to 192GB RAM. We're doing it piecemeal... over the course of several weeks because the client only wants 1 or 2 hosts upgraded at a time...
@MDMarra Hmm... Okay, how about remove-item.bat
@WesleyDavid huh?
One day there won't be NT here!
@ewwhite 96GB? is this for Burkina Faso?
@ewwhite answered btw
@ewwhite ...RAM doesn't work very well after it's been burned (in, on, or around)
got a new 3D headset for gaming - been playing BF3 all afternoon - my nerves are RAGGED
@WesleyDavid sorry, only just got that
@Chopper3 it's for the future of the American healthcare system!
@ewwhite you have one?
So, yes... Burkina Faso.
ah I see
It's a healthcare insurance exchange...
@ewwhite "Don't get sick!"
@ewwhite "I'll trade you no coverage for even less coverage"
@ewwhite i.e. be rich or die not tryin'
For the next round, it's @shanemadden versus @Chopper3
been tidying up my cabling
(And that caps is deliberate, so suck on it)
@Dan wat!?
@Chopper3 Sign up for a website and then 30 seconds later you get an e-mail with your password in it :(
@Chopper3 that's almost porny.
@Dan which site?
@Chopper3 In this case, this admittedly shit one: dolphinfitness.co.uk
@Chopper3 I really need to tidy my case
@Chopper3 /tear it's beautiful
@Dan my browsers block any good health related sites
Several sites do that sadly
@Dan Drexel University does when you register to apply for their grad program
@Cole wanna see the back?
Guess who didn't complete the registration when they saw that :)
@Chopper3 :D
@MDMarra It's not good, is it?
it is not
@MDMarra The produce client is complaining that their PCs are all virused now, following your changes.
My question now is, did their script simply e-mail the password from the submitted form or is their database plain text :(
@ewwhite your clients are idiots
@Chopper3 I am an ass-man, so yes.
Dem cables.
@Cole I was thinking about adding some CCFLs (seen to the right), but they were a bit shit, maybe LEDs?
@Chopper3 NEON BARS!
@LucasKauffman these ones I got would need totally rewiring/braiding, bit of a pain in the arse
FFS my chest just decided to hurt for no reason today.
@Cole Got that on a dedicated broadband link with QoSed traffic :)
@Chopper3 then LEDs it is. You could also opt for water cooling and add an illuminating colorant to your cooling liquid
@LucasKauffman that has a water cooled CPU but all that reservoir/Mayhams-Aurora stuff is mad, needs a bigger case too
@Chopper3 that's an alien ware?
@LucasKauffman no, my old one was though, this is all hand-built
this seems fishy to me; serverfault.com/a/518452/1435
@Chopper3 back when I was a gamer, I had blacklights in my case, with UV reactive paint lining the edges of all the cards, and UV reactive cables, I never did water cooling though, I hauled it around too much
@MattBear very nice
@Chopper3 there have been several reports over different SE of people spamming with similar comments today
@LucasKauffman ah
$100k if I go with Cisco ASAs, $250k if I go with Junipers
choices, choices
@RyanRies first world problems
@Chopper3 of course now days, I would go minimal, instead of making it pretty, it would be all hardware
das schwerste gewicht
@Chopper3 yeah fishy indeed. I just killed the ranting part of it.
@DennisKaarsemaker cool
@Dan The database is plain text.
New splunk pricing schedule will be in minimum units of 250GB/day :(
@Chopper3 How much does that cost?
I know Splunk is insanely expensive
@Chopper3 that is one bad-ass machine. I wish my cables were that tidy.
Dang. I brought Splunk into a place where I used to work at 1GB/day. I wonder whether they'll even get to renew.
@LucasKauffman not supposed to say but we pay about $380/GB/day
@Chopper3 holy fuck
@tombull89 I get into BF3 way too much, buzzin'
splunk is ridiculously expensive
we've considered it until we saw the price tag
@Dan got a password reminder from Waterstones earlier. My password was sent to me in plaintext.
@RyanRies Linksys
@MilesErickson that's for our corporate agreement, but even though we buy way more than that for production sometime I want smaller licences than that for test/reference/dev etc.
@ewwhite That would be hilarious, I should draft up that quote and send it to the boss just to see his reaction
@RyanRies Checked out Palo Alto?
@MilesErickson no
Microsoft, why the fuck couldn't you have made it easy to enable RDP via command line. Damn you.
@RyanRies I'd think that they would be quite competitive in that price range, and obviously their firewalls do amazing things that nothing from Cisco or Juniper can do.
@Chopper3 I testdrove it a few times and really like it, but that's just...wow
unless you have people constantly working with it it's just not worth it
@Cole sconfig?
@LucasKauffman it's pretty much the core of our MIS, we do several TB/day - nothing like Apple though, 150TB/day they got
@RyanRies sconfig work on 2003 & 2008 SP1?
It's just VB script
I just pulled that out of my ass, I'm probably wrong
@tombull89 :S
@tombull89 I have something similar
Not pink though.
Is that like a she wee?
@Dan yes
Pretty common with festival goers and such now I believe
I'd rather just sit to pee.
Well, no, not common - but not unheard of!
Hate having to carry it with me.
@Cole Not in some places you wouln't!
@Dan well yeah, but day to day
festivals - yes.
Perhaps it's the context in which it's used - thisiswhyimbroke.com/female-urination-funnel
...or so I'd think
gents' urinals are open-air and therefore are bearably smelly
I think that's why I prefer to just use a stall. I don't particularly like urinals.
@Chopper3 Don't tell me you're losing your dirty mind!
wouldn't want to shut myself in a cubicle several times per afternoon
Wow, I @'d myself?
That's some sick stuff right there.
@WesleyDavid I was wondering that.
But then I thought "He's a fucking cat!"
@WesleyDavid Skills
@WesleyDavid nah, just a bit slow
Hi @WesleyDavid! Hi!
does that even work? @tombull89
@WesleyDavid is a special creature.
Windows 8 and @Cole. Still a better love story than Twilight.
@WesleyDavid 8.1
@WesleyDavid Have you even read Twilight??
@JoelESalas 50 shades of Twilight Hunger.
50 shades of Twilight Games?

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