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"Read the full legal yada yada at the bottom of this page about this feature." - Gotta love when companies have a sense of humor
Thank god:
No freehand circles, How are we supposed to know what to look at?
Shut down from the start button!
Is that with the new update?
@Dan Windows 2012 R2 - and 8.1 is getting it too.
@Cole 8.1?
@Cole that's tomorrow isn't it? or is it out now?
@Chopper3 tomorrow.
Will be installing it. (Hope is doesn't blow up my laptop)
ah - bum, got the second beta of iOS 7 yesterday, so was rather hoping that would have been today, oh well, I can wait
How's iOS7
I'm currently debating with myself about whether to reformat my work laptop and put Win 8.1 on it
Just want to make sure I can still do all my work without being joined to the corporate domain :)
Exchange and Lync are fine
VPN is good
@Cole Is that an actual Start Menu button?
@MathiasR.Jessen just launches the dashboard
Right clicking it gives you that list.
I wonder what all those "pay for start menu" companies are going to do now
@Cole Still way better than before
@GhostToast "shit"
@Cole actually if that blue thing is what happens when you click on start menu, i might stick with my hack-start menu =/
@Cole Mind that you can't upgrade the preview to the final version. So you'll be stuck there until you reinstall
@GhostToast: most of them still offer you the old school startmenus, which some people still want
@GhostToast Get used to the Start Screen - The Start Menu always ends up the same way on every computer I've seen:
That's an unusable mess - and you degrade to using the Search function to finding programs (which works rather well, and still so in Win8)
@ChrisS Just playing around with it. No production going on here. Curious about the file server stuff really.
@ChrisS THat's just too many programs.
Also - thoughts on Fiat's?
@Cole The car? Small and uninspired.
yea i use that piko one or whatever it's called. and just search 99% of the time if i haven't favorited(*) it
@ChrisS yeah, lady friend wants one.
@Cole Whatever turns her crank.... I don't get why some car companies are still around or have any customers at all - but I've got a better sense of style than most I suppose.
Drives a 2008 Hyundai Accent now and the tranny is going (lulz not me but in the car)
@Cole Ugh, she's really got no sense of style at all
@ChrisS t'was cheap on a college kid's $14K salary
Quite like the 500s, but that's the only Fiat I really known
ugh. trying to get exchange server to ignore fact that i'm using multi domain SSL - no common name. anyone ever encounter this?
@tombull89 she's looking at the 500 Pop's
@Cole Cheap doesn't make up for "ugly death trap" in my book - but again, I'm not most people
She has $3000 to put down.
The Fiat 500's are lovely, but they aren't cheap
@ChrisS Hey, I'm not a fan of them. I'd rather her get some practical
@Dan can get a Fiat 500 Pop for $19K
I have no idea what that is in terms of other cars
@Cole She's thinking about buying a new car without having cash to buy it outright? She likes being in debt and wasting money?
@ChrisS my car is financed.
I don't know anyone, who's bought their car outright.
Not saying that's good, but my car had 130K miles on it and was on it's last leg.
I'd never buy a brand new car, but no, over here people don't buy brand new cars with cash. Ironically, finance is often a way to get a reasonable deal
Mine's used.
I told her to go used.
@Dan 19K is somewhat cheap for a new car - but buying a new car is nearly stupid, more of a status symbol than practical.
@ChrisS I've never had my start menu looking like that.
@Cole I've never financed a car. Never.
@ChrisS I kind of agree, but let's face it, do any of us need half the things we buy
Wish I could afford to just buy a car outright.
@ChrisS A brand new car, though?
But I made a lot of stupid mistakes.
@JennyD You've never really been a true Windoze Zuper User, have you?
I've never bought a new car
I'm paying for them now, but at least I'm learning from them now.
@Dan Heck no - Don't get me wrong, if you want a status symbol go for it. But don't whine about how broke you are then finance your life until you're a slave to your loan payments.
@MathiasR.Jessen Probably not. But whenever my start menu grows more than one panel, I start using sub folders
I told her to just get the transmission fixed on the Accent.
Just like buying the newest iPhone or iPad
I'm going to talk to her step-dad and mom, try to get them to urge her to do the same.
@ChrisS True true - Jane and I will be 100% debt free before we take out a mortgage
@Cole Can't be more than $1000 give or take...
@Cole I bought my first car outright. It was the cheapest one at the dealer that wasn't too crappy to be allowed on the road.
@ChrisS especially if she has $3000 to put down.
Just put the $1K towards the tranny.
Again, the car not me
:P but if she wants to give me $1K - that's cool too.
There's something to be said for fixing an old car rather than taking a gamble on another, but that argument does fall down a little when the alternative is brand new
@Cole I think it's regional but you'd be a "Trany" here and the car has a "Tranny"
@JennyD Whenever my Start Menu grows... well, I don't even notice, I don't use it :D
It's called a gearbox.
@MathiasR.Jessen Work uses Windows...
@Dan It's called a Transaxle in most FWD cars.
My old car, 2006 Cobalt LT - I had put $2K into it already and need another $3K+ of work.
Oh, I work Windows all the time too, but (almost) everything can be done from either a browser, powershell or the good old "Run" prompt
I was commuting 80 miles a day, so decided to get a reliable car.
@ChrisS Doesn't the shortening of tranny come from transmission, though, rather than transaxle?
My car is a 2002 Chevy Malibu that I stole from my wife when my 2000 Pontiac Grand AM's tranny dropped out the bottom and she got a 2009 Torrent
I have to say, she's very lucky. I got her a job making $37K right out of college.
@Dan Yes - Transaxle is itself a portmanteau of Transmission and Axle.
@ChrisS Just checking, it's not really something we'd say over here. RWD cars can have transaxles, too, though!
@Dan Yeah, if the engine is mounted transversely then it's probably got a transaxle. Mid and Rear engine cars are crazy rare in the colonies through.
scratches drapes
@ChrisS Yeah
Someone get the spray bottle. @WesleyDavid is here.
gives @WesleyDavid catnip
@Cole Nooooooo!! @voretaq7 spikes it with bleach. =(
Trying to figure out how to view my paystubs.
Anyway, @Cole, what's wrong with the gearbox/transmission/transaxle/differential?
@Dan no idea, she just said the replaced the cylinders and they said the transmission is going to need work
Then again she's a woman, so I don't know how accurate that is.
(Kidding, she's just a woman that has hit everything but the lottery with her car.)
@Cole That's properly vague! It's not the clutch, is it? :D
@Dan I'm going to ask her step-dad
@Cole Replaced cylinders?? That sound less than fully accurate...
@ChrisS I have no idea.
I was like "...wat?"
@Cole Is it a stick???
No clutch then
She's a terrible driver - she'd never be able to drive stick.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting you guys are scared of real cars
She fully admits that she a.) sucks at driving b.) that's too much work.
@Dan :(
@Dan I just don't want to have to shift in miles of traffic in Boston.
@Cole Oh, if you ever visit the UK you'll rapidly find being a shit driver is no issue when it comes to driving a manual
Hence going auto instead of stick.
@Dan Never mind that, what about not being allowed to pump your own fuel in some states? That's the weirdest to me.
@Dan I can drive a stick - but the cars I want to drive don't come with manual transmissions... so no choice.
@ChrisS What decent car doesn't come with manual?
Or at least DSG, that I can get in on
I refuse to let my lack of a manual transmission make me feel like less of a man!
@Dan 99% of cars here
@Dan that disease is spreading. I'm looking for a used Q5 and almost all of them are automatic :(
@ChrisS Oh.
@ChrisS What cars do you like?
@Dan I'm generally a fan of GM vehicles...
My family has owned a lot of Pontiacs over the years
Ah, yeah, domestics I guess. We just don't see them over here
Poor Old Nooblet Thinks It's A Cadillac
I'm just looking at the Vauxhalls, they're strange looking...
I thought it would be cool with Chevrolet started pushing out here, but frankly, they'r e beyond shit
@ewwhite Plus, all your bikes have a manual transmission, so you make up for it.
@ChrisS Vauxall as in UK Vauxhall?
@Dan Every Chevy I've driven has been a bucket of bolts. Poorly machined bolts at that. =/
"Opel" everywhere else
@Dan Yes... Like GM made in UK.
@ChrisS My sister's Pontiac Vibe (RIP now) and G6 have had zero issues.
Opel. Wir leben autos.
My Cobalt started having serious issues around 80K
@DennisKaarsemaker Opel, GM made in Germany....
@ChrisS Yeah, Opel is owned by Gm
@Dan Do you know if they put the little silver GM badges on the sides of Vauxhall vehicles?
@ChrisS Haha, most definitely not
I doubt most people even know they're owned by GM, after Opel
Opel are left much to their own devices. I'm not really sure how Vauxhall quite fits in, from what I gather they're 99% the same as what Opel engineers with different badges and sometimes styling
Funny, several of the Vauxhall and Opel vehicles are the same frames that are used in Chevy vehicles, but others I've never seen before.
But in the UK, you'd never know that without researching
Our Fords are quite different to yours, too, I believe
@Dan From what I gather about half the vehicles are rebadged US GM vehicles, and the other half are homegrown. Seems to be about the same with Holden (Australia)
@ChrisS Holden just uses Opel
I'm not sure on the GM stuff, though
How this Q got upvoted?
Q: Zabbix on amazon ec2. Installation

330xiI've read about mikoomi. And I it is not suitable for me. I do not have access to secret key. I want to install and use zabbix server and agent itself on instances. Is it good idea? And here is the problem: during: yum install zabbix-server-pgsql zabbix-web-pgsql zabbix-agent I got: Error:...

WTF GM, Why does Holden have a better looking Malibu than Chevy?!
Hrm, apparently Chevy has a couple new vehicles I haven't seen before, look like the Opel/Vauxhall/Holden vehicles I was just looking at.
Also, most GM vehicles in the UK are available with diesel engines, you can't even special order those here. Some of the trucks you can get with a diesel, but that's it.
A: Zabbix on amazon ec2. Installation

Michael HamptonYou installed Apache 2.4 from a third party repository. These packages conflict with the default Apache packages provided with CentOS (which indicates poor design on the part of the repository maintainer, but that's an issue for another day). To resolve the issue, remove the offending packages. ...

@ChrisS EU/UK/AUS has a healthy biodiesel industry. Ours is virtually nonexistent
@ChrisS Yeah, diesel has become hugely popular over here. That said, some commentators see a big future for small 1400 - 1600cc turbo petrol engines
I drive one, in fact
@Dan I see a bigger future for diesel personally. An engine designed to run on effectively any fuel
Stupid Americans have a problem with them though
@voretaq7 I wouldn't go that far, modern diesel engines are complex, fussy, expensive to buy and fix
I'm actually quite picky on where I get my fuel from
I see Electric-Hybrid (note that's different from the gas-hybrid systems in current cars) as the future. The petrol/diesel engine would probably be a very small turbo Atkinson or Wankel.
@voretaq7 The diesel here stinks - it has sulfur and isn't biodiesel.
@ChrisS all US diesel is low-sulfur now
Anyone using an appliance (like Infoblox) for DNS/DHCP installed of Windows Server?
@voretaq7 low isn't "no"
@Cole Madness - This is Madness!
@ChrisS what they have in the EU/UK isn't "no" either (neither is gasoline)
@ChrisS madness?
@voretaq7 Whatever they have in Europe I've been told it doesn't stink... What's at the gas stations around here stinks.
properly maintained diesel engines burning US spec highway diesel don't smell. or smoke. or exhibit any of the unsavory characteristics except the "WAIT" light in the northeast
@tombull89 Having a Windows network and not using Windows DHCP & DNS.
@voretaq7 Wait light can be overcome by plugging it in... minor inconvenience. And if you're running electric-hybrid you wouldn't care anyway.
I don't care for the scent of any exhaust, diesel or petrol. But it's not a problem either way with a properly running engine.
I'm only talking about the scent of the fuel itself.
@ChrisS what we're selling now has 15ppm sulfur maximum ; EU I think specifies <=10
I can usually smell the diesel pump just standing 25' from it at the local stations.
@ChrisS not sure why we went with Infoblox - and no one can tell me.
What's this WAIT light?
@ChrisS ah - that's because our refining process is different (and our diesel is usually 100% petroleum derived, not B80 or B100)
@Dan Engine too cold and gloplugs haven't warmed yet
I think to avoid putting actual servers out at sites? Now I need to figure out how to standardize DHCP/DNS for sites with servers who want local DNS/DHCP
@Dan Diesel engines use glow plugs to start up. In winter around here they take a while to get to temperature (like 3-5 minutes on old diesel engines)
@ChrisS Never seen that on a modern diesel. Only takes 30 seconds on an ancient diesel
modern diesel engines will be hot much faster - usually you don't even see the light
@voretaq7 Yeah, I know how a diesel works - I hadn't factored you were talking about temp
@Dan I think our winters are a bit colder than yours.
You can run old diesel engines off SVO ;p
@ChrisS Just a bit, yes! Like I say, didn't realise that was the point.
@Dan yeah, when you want to start your car at 15 degrees (F - so around -10 for you freakish Metric people) and it's covered in snow it's probably not going to be happy
diesels are just more vocal about it.
Our "Average" January morning is -8ºC
Going to the far end of the state, the average is -15ºC
Hmm, I think I've done -5
it's still usually less than a minute in modern diesels
But they are cold snaps, rather than average. But yeah, no issue in new TDCI
@voretaq7 I don't think I've waited longer than 30 seconds even in a truck from the 80s.
@Chopper3 Burn-in? Your thoughts.
But when I was driving that (work) I'd plug it in every night (when I remembered)
@ChrisS the worst I had was a couple of minutes
and it was literally in a snowbank
@voretaq7 Was this before starting?
@Dan yeah
I'd give it 10 seconds max and then try
it probably would have started sooner - we were waiting for the stupid light to go out (and eventually gave up on that)
@Dan It tends to take more than 10 seconds when the engine block is -20ºC
@ChrisS I didn't say it'd go out, I'd just try and start it!
modern turbo diesel engines will start pretty well on anything but B100
THe problem with modern diesels is the common rail injection and fuel pump
I don't think this is a private cloud...
Q: What is the best private cloud storage setup

vdrmrtI need to create a private cloud and I'm searching for the best setup. These are my 2 most important requirements 1. Disk and system redundant 2. Price / GB as low as possible The system is going to be used as backup setup which will receive data 24/7 over SFTP and rsync. High throughput is not ...

Michigan's record low is –46ºC, not sure you could get a diesel to start at that temperature.
Fantastically efficient and effective, but prone to catastrophic failure
What temperature does gas freeze at? (Found it, about -72ºC)
@ChrisS I wouldn't fancy any of my vehicle's chances at that temp!
@Dan so...the exact same problem with modern petrol engines? :-)
Your junior admin has to start learning how to be a sysadmin sometime. Why not now? — Michael Hampton 6 secs ago
@voretaq7 I'm going to say no - petrol fuel injection is simpler due to the lower pressure
@Dan Don't need to worry about it, diesel "freezes" at -45ºC.
@Dan Both petrol and diesel are slowing switching to direct injection at compression level pressure. Petrol is still lower obviously, but the technology is the same.
@Dan All the VW engines since the MkV have been DCI
complete with the solenoid rattle
In my experience, TDCI's are far more prone to expensive failures than petrol injection
And diesel injectors tend to be far fussier and more expensive, and break more often
@Dan I think that's more to do with crap in the diesel fuel
though some of the crap we put in our petrol over here can't be good for the system either (cough*ethanol*cough)
@voretaq7 Potentially, which does go back to the point about modern diesels being fussy I suppose
there are also "engine cleaner" products you can use on petrol engines that would wreck a diesel - there's a whole separate BG line for diesels
@ChrisS Petrol is a lot lower, though. Diesel injection is insanely high, and dangerous
@voretaq7 It's due to the self lubricating properties of diesel, and why it's so easy to fuck a diesel pump up
@Dan apparently we have a problem with older diesel pumps in the US because the new fuels are "dry"
(by which I have to assume they mean "shitty lubricants", not "free of water")
Haha, yes
I'd quite to try a petrol on LPG
But again, modern petrols make the whole thing far more risky (In terms of reliability) and complex
@Dan Not a fan.
@voretaq7 Nor me, but it's cheap
The alternative would be get a pre-common rail diesel and give cooking oil a shot
(I'll probably do none of these things, because I need my car to work!)
@Dan you can catalyze biodiesel and run it on modern common-rail engines
@voretaq7 Yeah, I won't be trusting that
Plus, we have limits and legislation on fuel storage
 Dear Hennes

Thank you for taking the time to interview at Fab for the position of IT Specialist (m/f). After careful consideration, we are unable to extend an employment offer at this time.

As you might imagine, there is a lot of competition for the position, and in this case we've found that there are other applicants whose background and experience is stronger in one or more aspects of the key criteria we’ve evaluated.

Again, your interest in Fab is greatly appreciated, and we wish you the best in your future career endeavors.
So whatever I was doing, it would have to run from the pump
@Hennes Sorry dude :(
@Dan "It's just cooking oil" until it goes through the catalyst :-)
I would have loved to have that job. Bioth as a job, and as a mental backup for tomorrows interview
@voretaq7 Heh
Most biodiesel places in the UK give a 2004-ish cut off time for use
@Dan we do B10-B20 blends here which are (supposedly) safe for any engine
Cars are silly
@Hennes "We found someone cheaper who will smile broader as he flails wildly on a keyboard, convincing us he's busy when he's really surfing porn and browsing through HR files. Thanks for applying!"
Right, laters
Cheaper is hard
@Dan Smooches.
I asked 2650 euro/month for 40h
Which is better than writing "I am cheap" because that would get starred.
€2650? That's like nine million USD isn't it?
Something like that. Not really a way to compare it
@WesleyDavid Holy crap! That's how I got this job!
But average salary for a 30 year old ING. is 3000.
(and I am 41)
Q: Port 22 is not responding

Emanuele FelizianiI'm trying to make the jump to VPS from shared hosting for better performances and greater flexibility, but am stuck with the fact that I can't access the machine via ssh. First of all, the machine is a CentOS 6.3 cPanel x64 with WHM 11.38.0. Sshd is running (it appears in the current running pr...

@Travis You asked for nine million dollars?
What is this crap? Guy signs up for a VPS and can't connect to it, and then contacts us instead of the hosting company's tech support?
@WesleyDavid No. I smile broadly, type fast while convincing them I'm busy but really surfing porn and browsing the HR files
I get the feeling that we dislike cPanel.
It is the 'browsing the HR files' whioch makes you keep yopur job.
I got the feeling that dislike is the wrong word.
@WesleyDavid no we don't
lights up the stake
@WesleyDavid has a higher than average change of being a crappy question
@MilesErickson "So Travis I bought thew new iPhone over the weekend....how do I use it?" I don't know...I have a BlackBerry
@Iain halp when i click server to install wordpresses i get error please to be fixing.
@Travis Has anyone ever asked you how to use an iPhone?
@WesleyDavid that would be on the better side
@MichaelHampton ACK
If you aren't reselling hosting, then cPanel/WHM are just going to get in your way, and their nonstandard way of doing things will make it difficult for you to get help from anyone but cPanel themselves (and sometimes not even from them). Getting rid of it really is the best thing you can do. — Michael Hampton 36 secs ago
@MilesErickson Only the 3 people that got the 4s when they came out
@MilesErickson raises hand
@WesleyDavid put your head in the drill press.
@WesleyDavid Weird. The only iPhone question I've ever been asked in a professional context is "corporate mail on personal device, want."
@voretaq7 Instructions unclear. Got lost on shop flloor and eventually made shoe polish box.
@WesleyDavid cat was then placed inside shoe polish box and shipped to Abu Dhabi
"corporate mail on personal device. How can I nuke everything on the device if the person looses his device:"
@voretaq7 With Odie?
@MilesErickson Professional context? What's that. I get the "my home computer is slow...can you fix it..." Yep...for $50. "But the guy in town only charges $35." Ok...take it to him then
@MilesErickson I've had questions about apps, Exchange mail, POP mail, etc. etc.
@voretaq7 Whoa! I remember when Garfield had more than three characters.
@Travis: and charge him 15 bucks for the consultation anyway ;p
@JourneymanGeek They usually bring it to me. Then I take all the nude photos of their wife and upload them to an amateur website
You know, to make up the difference
lol wow
@Travis Um.
I'm less and less concerned about ServerFault being known as The Mean StackExchange. I mean, it's not like we're known as The Hostel of StackExchange, or The Serbian Film of StackExchange.
I am only kidding
I just keep them for future blackmailing opportunities
(actually I charge friends, whatever they think its worth. Which often ends up more than what I would have charged ;p)
@JourneymanGeek Sort of like the autorickshaw drivers in Colombo.
I usually fix (which is very rarely now) computers for beer
But not shit beer.
I don't drink sooo...
@JourneymanGeek Autorickshaws are so much cheaper in Sri Lanka than in Thailand or India that they pretty much always let foreigners name their own price. If you offer half what the same ride would cost in India, you might still be paying them double their normal rate.
@Travis we can get you Pepsi.
@Travis you don't drink and you're a sys admin!?
@Cole Meth is faster
Just makes chewing steak a little harder
Purée it.
@Cole Nothing like steak smoothies for dinner.
Steak shake: Eat your steak through a straw!
@WesleyDavid the serbian film just seems totally fucked in the head
So I just got a Baja avocado and bacon wrap from the cafeteria here. My mouth is on fire.
I got my first chat suspension today. It was rather interesting
@JourneymanGeek link meh
@Travis what did you do?
A Serbian Film () is a 2010 Serbian horror film and the first feature film directed, co-written and produced by Srđan Spasojević. It tells the story of a down-on-his-luck porn star who agrees to participate in an "art film", only to discover that he has been drafted into a snuff film with child rape and necrophilic themes. The film stars Serbian actors Srđan Todorović and Sergej Trifunović. Upon its debut on the art film circuit, the film received substantial attention for its graphic depictions of rape, necrophilia, and child sexual abuse. The Serbian state investigated the film for c...
@Cole You know, in the middle parts of America, there's a restaurant chain called Steak 'n Shake.
@MilesErickson I've heard it's good
@Cole I linked to a tubgirl picture that said "Don't click this" and then reported it because I couldn't delete it
Shot yourself in the foot
Someone starred it too
which was even funnier but the star got removed shortly then I got suspended
So that little annoying douchenozzle finally left us alone, eh?
That would be the reason I posed it :)
@Cole Which one? There are so many to choose from....
He said he was bored at looking at all the porn he usually does...figured I'd give him something different
@MichaelHampton Ethan I think
@MichaelHampton some 17 year old.
Oh. Long since ignored that guy.
I think most in here do....any more
I don't have him on ignore (i hate that feature) so I just ignore his commebts
@JourneymanGeek A Serbian Film is the single worst most disgusting excessive unnecessary piece of "cinema" ever.
@Cole It is not.
Friend of mine who is a CNA, a patient asked her last night if she was RoboCop.
@WesleyDavid: I did say totally fucked in the head, yes?
@WesleyDavid Good to know.
@Cole: CNA?
certified nursing assistant
@JourneymanGeek Certified Nursing Assistant aka professional butt wiper
ahh k
(our local news channel is also called that ;p)
She works on the psychiatric ward of a hospital.
@Cole Lived in Cincinnati, ate at Steak and Shakes, the food is mediocre at best.
think I'm going to run home quick
faster to drive
@WesleyDavid See, though, if they equipped each location with a Vita-Mix, then they could serve steak in shake.
@Travis Can never be sure. I've lived in plenty of places where it wouldn't have been faster to drive.
@MilesErickson "Will it blend?"
@WesleyDavid Think of the clientele: old folks with painful dentures, meth addicts, vampires with souls...
@MilesErickson That pretty much sums up the population of Cincinnati.
@MilesErickson Tis is true
Okay, second breakfast eaten, with tea. Time to get back to worky things.
@WesleyDavid That series is so awsome
any mods around?
serverfault.com/questions/518423/taking-root-ownership this can be moved to security.SE if you guys want to
@Cole We had an annoying little douchenozzle pop up this morning?
mornin' gents
ty mods :)
@LucasKauffman vas ist?
@Adrian migration
@LucasKauffman Sorry, still have no idea what you're on about.
Q: Taking root ownership

MGZeroJust gonna make this clear first, this is for class! I have an assignment that requires to 1) modify a web server written in Java to accept file uploads and to use this to deface the homepage (did that no problem). 2) Take root ownership of the machine. I'm hitting a bit of a wall with the sec...

that was migrated from here to sec.se
Will it blend? I can watch that for hours
@LucasKauffman Ah. I failed to see anything about that question or (lack of comment exchange) that rises to douchenozzle.
I've seen douchenozzle, that ain't it.
MemTest will let you know if there are any flaws in the internals of the memory. It does this by storing patterns of bytes as well as random sets of bytes in the memory in an attempt to trigger an error. The program can run a "pass" to let you know if the memory is good but I generally run multiple passes overnight just to make sure. The nice thing about MemTest is that it tells me if the memory is bad before I deploy the system. It has triggered an RMA many times and saved me a lot of headaches. Once the machine is deployed its a pain in the @ss to RMA the memory. — Atari911 48 mins ago
@Cole ^^^^

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