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@RobM Not too bad - spent the last week unloading and unpacking boxes on a building site. An interesting change of pace, but I'm glad to be back in the office!
@Jacob our's aren't any more though, they're about $14k/pa
@Chopper3 pa?
per-annum, per year
@Jacob Per annum (Grr)
I'm in about 20K/Yr
@Chopper3 Come Friday (payday) I'll be pre-ordering BF4.
I'm going to an out of state school
and amazon will be shipping me ALL THE THINGS
BF4 looks very cool, but i've not decided what next-gen route to take. PC, XBox or PlayStation. I've near enough rules out XBox because, despite the u-turn, they showed themselves to be idiots regarding DRM
@tombull89 I did the day it was announced :) you know what a BF3-whore I am
The only reason I want a Xbone is for Halo 5. And that's not enought to warrant me getting one.
@dan why were you on a building site? part of a new build
@Dan I don't want the Kinect - I hate PS3 SO much due to the software but the PS4 physically would fit in nicer than the mammoth XBO - so I'm kinda-loyal to MS but can imagine a PS4 in my house more easily - that said there's not next-gen-specific games I'm especially excited about
@Chopper3 has he got a few interesting unis picked out then?
@RobM ox, camb, durham, manc, harvard and dartmouth
@RobM Yeah, new academy. They had their kit delivered and I, somehow, got roped into it! Oh well, I'll call back the favour on my project later on!
Actually I'm not sold on either next-gen console. The games I'm really excited about will also be coming out on PC... Watch_dogs and, though its not been announced for PC yet as far as I know, we all know GTA 5 will be there.
@Chopper3 that's a good mix
Jun 12 at 8:04, by tombull89
The games I'm most looking forward to is Mirror's Edge 2, Star Wars Battlefront, Battlefield 4, Destiny, Halo 5, and Watch Dogs.
I'm hoping Watch Dogs is on PC...
@Chopper3 I have no idea how cancer must be mentally/physically, but the one thing we do share is daily reminders. Do you have my email?
speaking of Uni, accommodations I got for my disability are pretty useful
@tombull89 watchdogs is coming to PC - I've got it preordered
@RobM It's weird, MS backtracked on all the things with X-BONE
@Jacob I think they were truly shocked at the feedback they were getting - not just what people said but how angry people were.
@RobM They talked about cheaper games, but I don't see it
@RobM The fact that they were shocked says it all to me
I know a lot of people who are not convinced by the xbox one in the UK because the announcement was pitched at it being a living room device for the US market... nothing wrong with that as such, but I think a lot of big companies sometimes forget that they're on a worldwide stage these days
@Jacob they did and they didn't - the whole DRM/secondary-market thing was something that MS and Sony had agree, in private, they'd both do - it only works if both do - but Sony dropped it all that very last minute, leaving MS high-and-dry - neither party wants a second-hand market, not for them but for their developers, who were pissed off by Sony quite a bit
@RobM I also don't want my XBox to be my one device does all
I already have a Tivo box (I hate that, too) which isn't going anywhere because that's how I get my TV. So, I just want my XBox to be a brilliant games console
@Dan I have literally no idea what MS are doing with the HDMI-in port, makes no sense to me at all
@Chopper3 Yeah, I can see how that works. Though the consumer level 'net isn't ready for game downloads
@Chopper3 Nor me, I just want a fucking games console
I mean I have fiber, but I don't want to wait 30 hours for a game @Uni
I don't mind the movie streaming, I guess that works okay, but I've only used it twice.
@dan I like the "one box does everything" idea if it does all the things I want and it does them well. I don't want "one box does nearly everything badly" - I'd rather it was just a honest to goodness games console if thats the alternative
The peeping camera doesn't sound too awesome either
@RobM Yeah, to be fair, I'm kind of assuming it won't do "all the things well" because they never asked me what I wanted it to do. Perhaps they'll surprise me - but unless I can hook up a portable hard drive and watch nearly any video format, like XBMC, then they've already lost
@dan exactly - I have a mac mini under my tv with plex on it, and I seriously doubt it will be a better media centre than that, in which case its wasting my time by being any kind of media centre at all
Mind you, I am getting more and more annoyed by the fact that they hate us doing what we want with games once they're purchased. To be honest, it just makes me want to pirate stuff
I'd have sold Sim City by now, if I could, because I never really play it
@Jacob I think a lot of the talk about the camera spying on you is hyperbole but to me, Kinect sucks anyway. I don't want to spend money on one. The idea of talking to my TV or waving my arms around in the air doesn't appeal to me. I already have a device that allows me to control my TV by motion... it's called a TV remote and it only requires me to move one finger.
@RobM I got Kinect because it was brand new when I finally got an XBox and I've, genuinely, never ever used it since the first month
I do sometimes speak to it, and that works okay, but none of the rest seems useful.
@dan Mine's still plugged in because I can't be asked to unwire it round the back of my TV unit but its disabled.
@RobM Do I think that they're going to spy on people? No. Do I avoid cameras anyway? Yes. Notice my Gravatar is 6 years old
@RobM Clever tech, but far too gimmicky
And my living room isn't really big enough unless I start moving coffee tables
And being an anti-social sysadmin stereotype, I'm not interested in "social" gameplay. I don't mind the odd blast on World of Tanks or suchlike but by and large I play games to get away from having to deal with people.

And I work in a college. If I want to hear lots of teenagers shout abuse at me, I'll just go to work.
@RobM I play WoW but since I'm a guild leader I am able to keep the guild reasonably free of irritating people
@jacob totally agree. I got a kinect because it sounded cool but I would never use it as a camera. I don't use skype so thats not a selling point for me either
Haha, I like my online Battlefield but I never get "involved" with anything or anyone
@Dan I like playing as a semi-efficent squad, but I've never got into the whole voice-comms and co-ordernation stuff. Which is kinda annoying when you get steamrolled by a couple of squads that are.
I've got nothing against the online games like battlefield and wow, they're just not for me. I tried that star wars one and just got fed up with it in the end. I wanted to kill everyone who talked to my character after a while
@tombull89 When I first got BF3, I thought about joining a clan as I used to be quite "involved" with soem Counter-Strike stuff (God, I fucking loved that game. Nothing has come close since, IMHO) but they all seemed to be really mental, and take the whole thing far too seriously. Doesn't really go well with someone who'll turn on the XBox every second Wednesday and play for a couple of hours
user image
Anyone whose played GTA will get that one
how Russian :P
too bloody true. Roman and his bowling.
Hey! Cousin! Let's Go Bowling!
You'll be in a massive firefight and all of a sudden... RING RING RING " HEY NIKO YOU WANT A GO PLAY SOME DARTS?
@Jacob LOL ahhhhhhhhhhhhh got it.
@tombull89 You forgot MPEG-2
The bonus points on a 10K purchase are going to be awesome
1 hour later…
A: DNS wildcard entry from *.domain.com to www.domain.com

MKzeroIf you want to redirect all subdomains to your www subdomain, you can set the A-Record for the wildcard(and the @ record, if you want the domain without any subdomain redirected, too). But keep in mind you have to do the redirect on the server!

Perhaps my answer wasn't clear enough :(
@Dan I feel your pain
A: Configure selinux to allow snmpd to read to a custom location

dawudFirst of all, you probably don't need to write a custom module at all. I would place the script in one of the places SELinux expects to find executables, to start with, and only if that is not possible, using the output of audit2allow (and not audit2why, which gives a human friendly message, but...

I should probably go to bed now
@Dan Or perhaps someone is trying to get their rep up by basically repeating the same answer and hoping to get upvotes.
@JennyD Most likely!
@Dan I spent a whole rep point downvoting him... evil
Having multiple answers say the same (or similar things) isn't a problem
my server is broken, plz halp!
@Olipro remove CPanel
one does not simply remove cPanel
/me throws a concrete life preserver at @Olipro
cPanel is like herpes - once you've got it, it's with you for life
@Olipro have you tried turning it off and back on again?
@Olipro who mentioned it being simple
@tombull89 people get upset when you do that to core routers
@Olipro your core router runs CPanel ?
tries to think of wacky new direction to take this joke
@Olipro wow that's wacky
I don't think fire is good enough, looks like Thermite is your best bet.
you know there's probably someone out there with a box running cPanel and quagga operating as a shared webserver and core router for the rest of their equipment
Cheaper Than Cisco!(TM)
@Olipro the probability of that happening cannot be less than 1
@Olipro: quagga? (I looked it up, I get what it is, I'm obviously missing the true horror of what this is)
it's a horribly inappropriate usage/combination
ahh right
I hope nobody ever asks you to design a network :P
oh, totally not my current speciality anyway
well, if I had one ;p
that's an actual flag of a place in russia
first I lolled, then I wutted even harder
Zheleznogorsk () is a closed town in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, with a developed nuclear industry. It was formerly known as Krasnoyarsk-26 (). Population: History The town was established in 1950 for the production of weapons-grade plutonium. The history of the town and the associated defense complex are intertwined. In 1959, the Government created there under M.F. Reshetnev supervision the Eastern office of OKB-1 (further NPO PM - the satellite manufacturer). Defense plants included nuclear facilities built within caverns excavated in the granite mountain on the norther edge of the ci...
It's a Russian Eureka
(as in, the place in the TV series of the same name)
gee, quiet Monday
...let's all be thankful
@DennisKaarsemaker Looks like a pokemon.
@DennisKaarsemaker See here.
Took my GoPro out with the motorbike over the weekend - very happy with the quality
A bit of an expensive toy, but y'know
holy crap good morning you buncha freakin' smart peeps!
posted on June 24, 2013 by Matt Simmons

I've returned to Boston from what was a pretty eventful vacation in South Carolina. While I was gone, a ton of toys arrived and are just waiting for me to play with them. My core switch is kind of sad. It's an antiquated 6509, which is End of Life'd. Also, I've got 21 racks and [...]

@Dan I use them on my race car. Found a different one that I may like better
@Dan It's called the ION
@Travis Oh, how come?
Looks simpler and has good night quality
No more press and hold to turn on or off. Just has a slider. Either's in "record" or "stop"
FML! A user called and asked if I was messing with their screen. No? Well the mouse is moving and typing things in. VNC over...uhhh....this is a video. Yeah, I know see how it's moving and entering things in.....uhhh...yeah...it's a video... I let it put orders in for 3 weeks now and they never show up....uhhh..yeah...it's a video. What? It is a video!
Ah, I can see that. I like the extra features on the Go Pro with time lapse, etc and the mounting options
@Travis 0.o Whoa.
I saw the ION one on some dirt track cars on TV. They used to use GoPro but they switched over.
It was an online tutorial from Ricoh showing you how to properly order from their new website...she couldn't tell.... even though it had video controls and she couldn't click anything
@Luka That's the worst thing I've ever seen and exposes you straight back to huge security vulnerabilities. — Dan 12 secs ago
Why do people insist on hurting themselves
Let them call a lawyer. That's like suing chevrolet because they no longer make the impala.... Oh..but you used to and I want a 2015 impala!...uhh..it's not even 2015 yet...I don't care! I'm calling my lawyer
@Luka My advice: Dump the client. It's obvious they don't care about security and allowing this behavior exposes you to huge risk. — Nathan C 14 secs ago
@NathanC I was gonna say sack the client too
Like telling a bank they need to keep the vault open 24 hours and you don't care if it's guarded or not, you want access to your money any time
actually, ^ that
There's nothing wrong with sacking the client. The hassle some people generate is not worth the bit of money they pay.
@RobM Agreed
And it literally doesn't exist in the latest versions
He did say he hasn't upgraded to the latest so it is an available function..but i still say let them sue
What a weekend. Marilyn Manson, shooting range, swimming and Iron Man 3.
@Cole sounds like lots of time for activities! heh
It was great.
@Travis Yeah, but I mean at best he's just buying a little time
Yesterday I vegetated in front of the computer all day, then went to bed early because of a migraine (probably from said computer)
Abby gave me my ring back she had given me - and started wearing hers again. So there's that.
I rode a couple of hundred miles in the rain, but it was fun
@Dan when did you say you were coming to NY?
@Cole August 20th
@Dan If you still want to meet up, let me know. I can take a few days vaca.
@Cole Cool, will let you know closer
Friday evening was a slob-out - parents had gone to a evening wedding do so after I dropped them out I got a pizza and had a couple of rounds of Battlefield.
Saturday evening went out for a friends birthday - her girlfriend is spanish so we all went for tapas which I've not had before and quite enjoyed.
I love Tapas
My old roommate's brother owns a Tapas restaurant.
They're Portuguese, so good.
Whenever you guys want to enjoy tapas, come to Madrid to spend a week. I'll show you around.
I don't even know what a tapas is
Coworker comes over "DAMN!"
I don't know who it is. Should I?
I don't either
but, DAT ASS
Would you rather eat a ton of Jelly babies or a Matter baby?
Q: How do I set up DNS for an intranet web site?

BradyKellyI have a web site running on our local server, 'OBAMA'. In my hosts file on that server, I map engenxt.local to, so typing engenxt.local on that machine itself brings up the website. I would like other machines to access the site via domain name 'engenxt'. On a Windows Server 2008 R2 S...

@tombull89 wat.
I have a web site running on our local server, 'OBAMA'.
@TheCleaner LOL
o_O...border line NSFW so open carefully noboysallowed.03sbgt.com/2013/06/21/…
@Cole the correct response is "what's a matter baby", to the reply is "nothing, honey, I'm fine. How are you?"
I bet the intranet homepage requires you to set up auto-draft on your paycheck just to sign in.
Another perfect question for MDMarra if he were here
I don't believe in answering questions for users whose gravatar is a shirtless man.
@TheCleaner he looks stoned
Based on his location, I'm guessing drunk and watching soccer.
@DennisKaarsemaker Pripyat?
Is there a way to allow only a certain group of users to save a blocked file type on a Windows file share?
I have to wonder why you have blocked file types
Because people were saving tons of .exe's to the community drive
like upwards of 50GB
Same reason we block *.exe files to students' work areas. Students can't write to any other areas apart from their work area.
and people try to save Lab Data (huge files) to this drive - which can be 100-200GB a pop.
Wonder who will see "Minecraft" and hit the close button - serverfault.com/questions/518085/…
So I want the sys admin group to at least be allowed to save .exe's
I thought Minecraft: PE was peer-to-peer.
@ChrisS I blocked zip files on a file share. It was where all of our email attachments were going and I started to block them all because of the viruses that were coming through
Don't know...never even played Minecraft.
@Travis that's a reason we blocked them too.
When you have upwards of 4000 people saving to a common share - we had to do something.
@tombull89 Students and anyone you can't fire for being an idiot are special cases...
@Cole You can do exceptions for a folder, but not exceptions based on groups
Saving 50GB of program files to a share is something I'd bring up with the person's manager
@Dan well poop.
@ChrisS and we have, but it's coming from everywhere. Trying to track down all these managers is impossible with 80+ sites and thousands of people.
To be fair, the functionality is there for a reason.
@tombull89 No, it's client/server
You can run a multiplayer server locally, but you'd use twice the resources.
@Cole, what are you using for the block? FSRM or 3rd party? May seem like a PITA, but if it is FSRM what about simply changing it to passive when you have to place an EXE out there and then back to active?
I must admit, I only bought PE because it was 10p on the Android store. Didn't play it much after the first week.
Hostess Twinkies "comeback" is the headline just before Nelson Mandela being in 'critical' condition. I hate this world, where do I get off the ride?
@ChrisS yup - political problem rather than techical one... at least in a corporate environment.
I've seen the craze, but I never bothered, same with the whole candy crush thing. The only game I really ever play on my phone is Samurai vs Zombies
I don't have any games on my phone - stock "phone" stuff and a bunch of technical tools
Speaking of politics...love this guy's gravatar and profile...serverfault.com/questions/518088/…
@TheCleaner Yeah FSRM. I guess I could always just change the extension and then once saved - back to .exe
Or simply create a new share without the restrictions but locked down to admins. We did something similar at my last place with "Software$".
@TheCleaner yeah probably what I'll do.
@TheCleaner File restrictions aren't on shares, they're on the file system
yeah, I know...figured he wanted to do this in order to reach some install from the user's desktop. He can create a folder on a new drive or wherever and share it out. Or host them on Amazon Glacier :)
My dark matter mouse has apparently stopped detecting dark matter as it refuses to move the cursor properly
@Dan @TheCleaner luckily the community share is on it's own drive.
Since it didn't get starred...and for the late comers I figured I'd re-share this wonderful tidbit of life moments
FML! A user called and asked if I was messing with their screen. No? Well the mouse is moving and typing things in. VNC over...uhhh....this is a video. Yeah, I know see how it's moving and entering things in.....uhhh...yeah...it's a video... I let it put orders in for 3 weeks now and they never show up....uhhh..yeah...it's a video. What? It is a video!
? The user was watching a tutorial or something and thought it was someone controlling their screen?
Q: How to maintain servers without disconnecting clients?

ServerDesignerI am designing/developing new messenger service (just like Yahoo, Gtalk messengers). So, my clients will be continuously connected to the servers. I like to know how such servers can be maintained (applying fixes, upgrades etc) while clients are still connected? One traditional way is to disconn...

I feel like commenting "One guy takes care of Yahoo IM...he's very very busy...and fast."
@TheCleaner They were watching a tutorial and didn't know it...despite the "play", "foward" and "left side menu" with the chapters....and thought I was VNC'ed over and screwing with her
@Travis I don't even ...do they know how to computer?
Barely...I can't tell you how many times she calls me over and over about the same crap. It's times like this where you realize that a lot of people would be dead if breathing wasn't an automatic reflex
Hey, we had a user who we had to teach how to copy and paste stuff from a memory stick to his work area earlier. If we hadn't shown him "select all" I dare say he would have go through and copied them all manually, one-by-one.
I wish we did a basic use of a computer as part of the interview process.
just got a visit from a city official, inspecting the gas pipes
they need to be replaced, expensive crap
though not as expensive as, you know, the house burning down...
@tombull89 We did at the last factory I worked at.. Quite a few people were used to green screens and really couldn't "Windows" or "Outlook". So it became part of the 2nd Interview.
One of the guys who predated me by a long shot went long out of his way to never use a mouse in Windows. He started on mainframes and just never really needed to switch.
@tombull89 The fun part is watching someone right click, copy, paste individually into 100 cells in the same column in excel...
1. You have city officials who's sole job it to harass residents over the state of their gas pipes?
2. How ancient are your gas pipes (or what material are they made out of) that they need to be replaced?
@ChrisS 1. after a few near-miss incidents with leaks in the neighbourhood, they are checking all the houses. 2. 30 years old, naked metal. Current building regulations say only plastic-protected metal is allowed.
@ChrisS we have mosquito inspectors
1. I suppose that makes some sort of sense.
2. The 50 year old black steel pipe in my grand parent's house works just fine. Plastic coated isn't required anywhere around here that I know of... Interesting requirements.
I don't think they can actually require me to replace them until they show signs of being defective. And the guy didn't try to he merely advised me to do it. And I'd hate to see my house burn down, so I'll take the advice :)
@JourneymanGeek Curiouser and curiouser.
@ChrisS: that said, the government was also nagging my brother to get married ;p
no idea why they haven't started yet, the SDN has pretty nice nag swag
@DennisKaarsemaker The "burning" usually isn't much of a problem. The whole "natural gas explodes" thing is usually much worse.
@ChrisS fire pretty?
@JennyD: depends on your point of view
Yes, fire pretty.
@tombull89 I like the Main Benefit there.
@JennyD A house had a gas "leak" (they suspect vandals) last year in the neighborhood next to mine. I thought someone had driven a car into my house when it blew. Pink insulation rained from the sky like it was the end of the world for minutes. I saw what was left of the house, a few pipes here and there, plenty of debris all over the place, no walls or anything really recognizable.
@ChrisS Not the kind of thing you really want to experience, no.
@tombull89 Meh, I've seen it enough times to recognize it.. Also, you have to hook a natural gas line up to it.
last time an apartment caught fire here it just left a black streak on the wall they painted over a few weeks later ;p
sorry to piss on the proverbial bonfire, but "fire glass" is just glass
the source of the flames is natural gas, the fire glass just absorbs heat
(and gives it off)
@Olipro boo.
@Olipro Hope most of us knew that already, but yes, you are correct
Q: Why default Centos installation has partitions?

PaddingtonI installed Centos 6.3 and looking at the disk I get the output: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/vg_cp77-lv_root 50G 7.3G 40G 16% / tmpfs 1.9G 0 1.9G 0% /dev/shm /dev/sda1 485M 63M 397M 14% /boot...

@MDMarra you hire a padawan yet?
resumes still comeing in
@MDMarra Think we found a candidate...he was trying to get his intranet DNS to work....OBAMA.local
Q: How do I set up DNS for an intranet web site?

BradyKellyI have a web site running on our local server, 'OBAMA'. In my hosts file on that server, I map engenxt.local to, so typing engenxt.local on that machine itself brings up the website. I would like other machines to access the site via domain name 'engenxt'. On a Windows Server 2008 R2 S...

oh boy
@MDMarra Don't hate.
I voted for him, twice!
should I be suprised the OP's profile has a webpage that links to.... nothing?
Actually, more than twice because of the primaries
@MDMarra Still not enough... you need to profess your love!!
I don't have a whole lot any more.
The whole two-faced wiretapping stuff is a bummer
I still think he's better than what Romney of McCain would have been, but he hasn't lived up to his hype.
@MDMarra :(
@MDMarra From an outside perspective, I think he was oversold. Even from here, he was hailed as a saviour
But the others are scary, so there's that.
He was all about ending illegal Bush wiretapping
Turns out he just meant he was going to legalize it in a secret court, not do away with it
Why is this at all surprising?
@DennisKaarsemaker Excellent, this will give me at least two weeks worth of stall time to digest!
@Travis obama.mdmarra.local
@MichaelHampton it shouldn't be.
@MDMarra Dudes a shill like every other president since, what, Van Buren? James Madison?
John Tyler?
@MichaelHampton Because of how widespread it is, I think. No one expects candidates to live up to every word.
@MichaelHampton Tippecanoe and Tyler too!
First plumber came in, said €1000. Second and third tomorrow and wednesday.
But this is on a crazy scale
@MDMarra and gitmo, and pulling out of the wars and....
funny thing is, I think he's just in a situation he thought he could fix, and realised he couldn't
@DennisKaarsemaker Pay them in booking deals.
@JourneymanGeek HE saw the true Illuminati and knew it was JUST. TOO LATE!
@WesleyDavid heh, I have some leftover servers, maybe they'll trade :)
@JourneymanGeek Which is the sad part.
@WesleyDavid: more like...
math change is hard
What, you think he was actually attempting to tell the truth?
Black helicopters flown by the lizard people shape shifters did nine-one-one!
@MichaelHampton: I think he actually thought he could fix things the first term. The second term... its a cushy job ;p
I can't believe Americans in general still think Gitmo is acceptable for a supposedly democratic first world nation
@Dan: oh, probably isn't
question is really, what's the alternative?
@Dan I can't believe how many other nations allow us to do the things we do on their own soul with their own government's help.
@Dan heh, the USA isn't a democracy. Or a first world nation. It's a banana republic controlled by the army spies
@Dan I manage the servers that process produce orders for Gitmo.
@Dan Don't think the UK doesn't love having all the NSA data to look at over Uncle Sam's shoulder. =)
I can tell you that they get the good lettuce.
The right thing would be to process the bastards, throw the ones who are guilty in jail or shoot em, depending, and release the rest ASAP.
@Dan We're like two different countries. The north east and northwest are like one country and the rest is another
@WesleyDavid: the UK provides the data, the americans process it ;p

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