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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

also my ears look dumbo status in this picture:
naw, not that bad
Abby was like "your head looks really fucking round"
thanks -_-
The bearded fellow is my best friend.
I can't tell how many noserings the fake blond has ._.
Septum is flipped up there
and yes, she is really hot
We've made out a few times. She's how I met Abby >.>
NSFW of the pretty girl: vimeo.com/18109180
sigh I hate cabling
/me needs to work out how to run his sound setup off his laptop as well
@JourneymanGeek what are you trying to do?
@Cole: I have a rather ... complicated audio setup. Trying to work out best to switch my external sound card between systems ;p
Why so complicated?
@Cole: external sound card, connected to a amp
/me has super simple/shitty Dell speakers
MUCH better sound quality
I bet if I actually invested some $$ into my setup I'd be like "how the hell did I list to it on these before?!"
dosen't need to be particularly expensive ;p
I think the pair of headphones that got me started were 30 quid at maplins ;p
(british equivilent of pre-suckitude radio shack)
and well, its my other expensiveish hobby
Yeah I have these:
even if I probably spent less than a seriously nice video card on my whole kit
All the good hobbies are expensive.
Holy hell lol
fed by this
Nice rack lol
cost me 4 bucks ;p
its actually 2 cheap shoe-holders
I need some shelves, but I can't put anything on the wall
(besides, audiophiles LOVE nice racks)
Sorry, bad habit I picked up in the C# room of starring stuff that's immature and purile, rather than that which is insightful
I have one of those cheap logitech speakers
@TomW you will fit in well here then.
my speakers suck
it has a subwoofer with it though so it's actually decent
been meaning to change them, but my cash keeps getting sucked into other things
but the cable's all messed up. If it's not in an exact way I only get one speaker :(
Most of the things I've said that have been starred are about boobs and genitals.
/me needs a new hard drive next month
@NathanC: if you're handy with a soldering iron, its not a hard fix
it's just the cable leading to the volume switch. it's one of those round things with the mic/headphone jack
I've also never used a soldering iron...:p
I have one with a broken volume switch
@NathanC: most people haven't :/
its a suprisingly useful skill
this thiny
*thingy lol
yeah, I have the creative equivilent
the old model sucked
The new model is smexy
that cable's the one that's screwy...every set of speakers i've had does it
i have to wiggle it just right to get both speakers
I want to get an additional sound card JUST for one of those :/
well, this set's also been through packing/unpacking over four years of college and vacations
my current speakers are a set of third hand, budget altec lansings I can beat someone to death with ;p
i use headphones most of the time anyway
my little fuzzy roomie hates anything but indian classical, so never really been inclined to replace them
although i pulled them out of my ear by accident and it broke one of the earbuds -.-
headphones for music, off the contents of my nice rack ;p
my current earbuds cost 2 dollars
I call em the redshirts ;p
yeah, i need a new set lol
the old model sounded ok, these sound bad, but meh, going to use them for listening to radio mostly
i should really get bluetooth/wireless ones since i keep breaking the cables
but they're so expensive :(
which part of the cable?
the part that leads into the earbuds/speakers
take a look at these ;p
usually because either a) i forget i have them on and try to leave my desk with them on, or b) i get it caught in my chair
been following them since the kickstarter days
aww sold out post kickstarter
Those were like...made for me
Their website is...not a whole lot of effort put in :P
How can they be sold out it they're selling the replacement parts
you can just buy the two parts and have a set lol
maybe they are sold out on those too ;p
oh nvm, the site's under construction ...and the kickstarter was in 2011. I think uh...
beats me, I almost forgot about em ;p
looks like they went poof after the kickstarter :/
looks like they've fallen victim to outsourcing production...
kinda unfortunate
its a SERIOUSLY cool idea
(and those cables would be awesome for people building/modding their own phones)
it seems like the idea is solid but the execution failed horribly
they should've just did production work in the US
well, very few companies manage that
There's not that many places that still do that
I can think of schitt, but they had some issues with their earlier models, and they do a lot themselves
(one of my favourite audio companies ever, even if I don't own any of their stuff yet. They're hillarious)
haha, clever name
their product pages are priceless
granted, I think that my headphone guarentee card is funny too
so my college is looking for a network administrator
I'm tempted...but I probably won't get it since I have 0 Server 2012 experience
ahh, got everything set up on the laptop <3
i took some elmer's glue to the broken earbud...maybe it'll work lol
the speaker still works...just got separated from the plastic
@NathanC TBH - if you look up the changes, DL the trial of 2012 and play with it in a VM - and are able to say "well I don't have production experience with 2012 but I understand the changes and I've done lab work with it" you'd probably have a good shot
I think the interesting part would be references. In the past I've used people at the college ...including the person hiring for this one. O.o
who is the CIO
If I knew you better sir, I'd certainly give you a reference. I give sexellent references.
Mmm few things make me happier than seeing no warnings and no errors on my new PKI configuration
I totally fixed my earbuds with elmer's glue...:p
What do you do when Elmer want his glue back?
Run. Run far away.
Elmer's comin' for you:
I'm not going to ask what happened here.
@Cole Probably for the best.
@Iain @ewwhite @WesleyDavid (buy a bike already) app.strava.com/activities/62359392
@freiheit do you think I could get a decent bike for $500?
Or am I going to need to drop $1000+
@mdmarra is gettin' salty!!
A: How to easily read IPMI data from a HP ML110 G4 server?

MDMarraA quick glance at the documentation, or a web search would have lead you to HP Systems Insight Manager, which is what you want to use for this.

Hmm, i read that as a question posted by "linux fetish" (not linuxthefish)
@Cole You can get an ok flat-bar street bike for around $500 at a local bike shop. Or a fairly basic front-suspension mountain bike.
@ewwhite Those hills are so.... tiny...
@freiheit It's Chicago. Chicago's present natural geography is a result of the large glaciers of the Ice Age...
So it's extra-flat.
@ewwhite Get a chance to look at the thin clients'?
@ewwhite N00bz!
N00bz everywhere!
@MDMarra It was a valid question... Mr. "I-don't-know-ancient-HP-as-well-as-I-should" Marra.
blah blah blah. Older versions of SIM will work on that box, right?
Nope. It was a shit product line. There were no health agents for them.
Only if you had a Smart Array controller inside (then you'd get disk alerts)
but there's an ILO/IPMI. That provides some info.
oh well
but the premise is stupid.
Nope, no Lights Out Card. Ideally I would be getting another server, but the rack mounted HP's take up so much space! It's running in a room without aircon, and I was a tad worried about the temp. It would also be nice to have access to the built in monitoring. — linuxthefish 55 mins ago
"so much space"
get a rack, n00b!
am I weird for not caring about server temperatures?
at all?
The server will tell me if any components are overheating.
And ambient temperature is controlled.
@ewwhite No, because you use a professional environment where it is handled for you. Plus server gear will run fine at high temp.
@ewwhite right, that counts as caring about temp
I wouldn't monitor or graph temp.
i would for a datacenter/server room
not for individual servers
but i'd def monitor for temp alerts from those servers
I've had a dozen bad temperature incidents... the worst being fan explosions and a datacenter facility aircon failure.
but I know what temp I can safely push a ProLiant for hours... so at the produce sites, I don't go out of my way to create temp-controlled environments.
Switching gears, what's the point of a traditional savings account any more?
But for the OP, he's trying to get temperature alerts out of his $700 Pentium 4 server.
I got 64 cents of interest on 16k in that account
@MDMarra Safe place to hold money
@MDMarra ask bank about their money market accounts or better options for the pocket change you have invested with them.
no safer than a checking account though
I have money in other investment accounts
I know you do.
Much better than me.
I'm just saying, it seems pointless to have a traditional saving account any more
pretty much
might as well just have it all in your checking and save transfers and all that jazz
@MDMarra My account comes with one. @BBT it's a saving checking combo and at PNC I get 3 accounts with virtual wallet
unless you're looking to limit what fraudulent debit purchases can touch, but i don't use my debit card anywhere, so no one has the number on file
(ungrateful SF users.)
I guess that .64 is better than the -$134 that my retirement fund has done since 4/1
But it was chugging along until that big market drop on thursday
@MDMarra Investment funds meh
How are you planning on saving for retirement?
@MDMarra Direct investment
Actually, I need to get around to finishing a program for momentum trading
You need to do pretty damn well at that to beat the taxes you'll pay over a 401k/403b
not only will you have to outperform those standard retirement funds, you'll have to outperform them and beat the taxes you'll pay on top to come out ahead
I'm banking on being able to make a lot of $ quickly to catch up due to my disjoint 401k situations.
I've been maxing it out at this job, though.
what situation is that?
5 jobs in 5 years.
@MDMarra Oh and frankly, inheritance
you dont roll them all together?
some of which didn't have 401k
Especially the trading firms.
I have three 403bs that I'm being lazy about and not rolling together
and there were so many rules about which investments I COULD hold... and having to report everything to the compliance offer.
(e.g. can't trade ahead of the firm... limiting insider knowledge, etc.)
one guy was fired for trading gold in his spare time.
sounds crazy
so yeah, I got fscked on that.
You can roll in old accounts with no penalty and it doesnt count toward the yearly limit
and if you didnt max the year before, you can usually do that as well in the current year
@freiheit nice looking ride - is that 100km ?
Lucky... 62 miles here would rip my ass up!
I'm on 1900+ miles for the year alredy
@Iain damn... I'm like at... 100.
@ewwhite get off your (getting fatter) ass ...
@Iain I lost 9 pounds (.6 stone) on today's ride!
@ewwhite that's a lot
humid, hot... and I ride faster than you.
People were yelling "nice bike" at me today on the road.
@ewwhite today was cool 14C and windy not humid. I rode 55miles and lost about 4lb
Celsius - does not compute
@ewwhite 57f
You people in the UK... pounds, miles, stone, Celsius, horsepower... confusing.
'merkins use most of those
@TomW we dont mix and match outside of science!
at least we pick a (wrong) side and stick to it!
Not in cycling... I shaved 260 grams off of my 14-pound road bike to gear up and ride 32 miles. I inflated tires to 120psi (8.2 bars) and headed out.
Good point
drugs too
We're in no mans land - we have metric and imperial
Alan Turing's statue.
( would be his 101st birthday )
@freiheit @ward I'm kinda back on the Surly LHT kick now...
But also, CX.
@Cole Thanks for the link. I think I might know who it is.
@ewwhite Did you miss me?
@WesleyDavid No, not Bungie. Small startup. Pretty good team and I really enjoyed playing the games too.
3 Days + 800 Miles = One Kickass Weekend
@WesleyDavid LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA! I Can't Hear You!
@NathanC As someone who's spent something like 15% of their life in the US the only one of these that really bothers me is the date thing, it would be like if you bought something and put the cents in front of the dollars, it makes no sense. That said I will 100% give them the whole "Lieutenant", there's no 'f'/'ph' in there.
@MichaelHampton Naw.
@MichaelHampton yes, but his aim is improving
Fucking veeam, left a snapshot on our biggest database VM that's now 3 months old
No wonder it's been taking 14 minutes to remove the snapshots at the end of each backup
There's gotta be a way to report on all snapshots that are >$x days old
There is. Time the backups. :)
/me starts running towards the hills
@Hennes Well this has only come to a head now because the SQL Server VM is going offline for just long enough during snapshot removal for apps to start dropping connections
I never used snapshots. They seem so very useful, but somehow I never used them.
So I have no idea how to see which ones are present and old.
@Hennes I was more thinking out loud. With the PS snapins for vsphere it shouldn't be too hard to find snapshots with ages
Hi all
Ji Jacob
@Hennes I can't tell if that is a mistake or a joke?
If I make a typo where the two keys are next to eachother, it probably is a typo
@Ward Well I want a CX for the leanness and ability to go offroad, but I'd like the LHT for being able to take longer day trips and pack stuff.
@WesleyDavid No, what you want is a device that has two wheels and pedals so you can convert the stored energy in your body into linear motion to the wheels via a gearbox, and some sort of swivel so you can direct the linear motion in the direction you want
I.E. A goddamn bike
Any bike will do
@MarkHenderson NOOOOOOOOO it has to be just riiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!
@WesleyDavid No, it doesn't
The cloud can't put itself on just any saddle.
@WesleyDavid It can and it will
@MarkHenderson You don't the cloud like I know the cloud!
@WesleyDavid Your cloud is a slut that takes pretty much anything that has big data connected to it. So hang some big data off the saddle and get stuck in.
@MarkHenderson My butt is a precious snowflake.
@MarkHenderson Oh and howsit bruh?
death to "the" cloud.
I'm thinking about buying another book on bikes, does that count?
wait, you have a library about bikes, but you don't have a bike?
@FalconMomot ...yes? Why is that weird? That's not weird. I'm not weird!
Also, wait, M/Monit is a paid piece of software? Derfack...
I kind of feel bad for you now
@WesleyDavid Meh its a depressing winter monday. It's cold, it's raining, and I suspect that today is going to go to shit as I just got a phone call from a client telling me that the data in their database is not reflecting the data they're seeing in their reports which means hunting down another obscure goddamn data mistmatch
@MarkHenderson Doesn't matter got paid?
But yeah, sounds dismal and brain numbing.
@WesleyDavid Don't get paid till this friday, and I don't get paid enough, and I havent had a holiday in 6 months
How cold is cold though? Let me checkyer numbahs...
@MarkHenderson =(
And I probably won't get a holiday until next year because we have someone going on maternity leave and I wil have to pick up a large part of her slack
51F and rainy. Yuck.
And she's off for 7 months starting September
@WesleyDavid Raining all week until Thursday, and then it might rain
(as opposed to "will rain")
I've been here for 2 hours and so far all I've managed to do is delete a 3-month-old snapshot that was making our SQL server go offline and order an ASA 5505
I'm thinking I might buy a 2nd hand ASA off ebay and throw a keygen on it for home (can't justify a smartnet for home use)
@WesleyDavid Would you like 90 and rainy instead?
@MichaelHampton Some rain to dampen the dust here would be nice. =/
there is a torrential downpour in calgary again
@MarkHenderson keygen?
@ewwhite Mmmmmmmyeah
for what?
ASA's up to a 5540
WHY? For what?
What are you trying to do?
@ewwhite To buy a really cheap 5505 for home but have it do vlans properly
which means security plus?
do you need vlans?
just handle at the switch?
@ewwhite Correct. It also gives you the IOS anyconnect licenses.
(not that I need that for home)
a default ASA 5505 will do anyconnect
@ewwhite Not for ios
Hmmm, yeah, I don't understand
@ewwhite That's OK. I just want to do this cheap at home
End of story really
And I'm in love with these ASAs since we got our first one about 3 months ago
I thought you were going to ask me for a copy of the keygen :P
@ewwhite I recommended ASAs for a VPN project at work, but they insisted we use Junipers because of a political thing :(
Who assigns their servers' IP addresses with DHCP?
@MichaelHampton me not
@MichaelHampton Like, DHCP reservations?
@MichaelHampton Nobody? I have multiple DMZs and production LANs that don't even have a DHCP server
Yeah I've never seen anyone doing it
@WesleyDavid Goddamn motherfuckers never applied the changes to their schemas that I asked them to apply 2 weeks ago. No fucking wonder their data doesn't match
@MarkHenderson Rip 'em a new one!
@WesleyDavid I just did
@MarkHenderson Like, made it painfully clear that they did not do what they should have and all their woe is on their head and they are stupid and dumb?
Then what do you make of this?
Q: Asterisk: Forcing a sip peer to connect via ipv6?

growseI've got an asterisk server that connects to an upstream provider over a WAN. The upstream provider supports both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity, and the asterisk server is behind a NAT. When asterisk connects to the upstream sip peer via IPv6, everything works perfectly. The issue I have is that ...

@MichaelHampton I take that as someone who doesn't fully understand how ipv6 is meant to work
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