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4:11 AM
I usually avoid publishing questions from other SE sites in chats of other SE sites but this "shouts" to be published in this particular forum, I assume.

Any Linux Sys Admin well-experienced with both ArchLinux, LAMP and maybe also Ansible who would like to share her or his opinion on this matter?

Thanks in advance anyway for your help,
Q: Is ArchLinux + Ansible for an all-default LAMP generally stable?

JohnDoeaI usually establish IaaS LAMP environments with non rolling-release Linux OSs such as Debian/Ubuntu or CentOS but I consider using a fully rolling-release one like ArchLinux, instead. it might be more efficient to me (both performancelly and financially) than running a Vagrant on either say a mi...

1:16 PM
@JohnDoea such question is hard to answer, as we have no idea of what your code would execute, and how many visitor you have. Technecally, someone could answer yes it would be stable, with 1 or 2 visitor a day, on the other end, if you have 10K visitor a day good luck with the %cpu and all the hardware limitation. On SF it fall a dupe capacity planning.

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