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12:01 AM
@ewwhite My wife bought two retro handsets for her cell phone, but they plug in, not Bluetooth. The old-old-old-old-old form factor is way more comfortable than a cell.
@Ward how's the sound?
@ewwhite Way better than the cell phone itself, the big earpiece blocks some ambient and of course your mouth is right next to the mic.
@RyanRies Congrats you're getting auto-spam-flagged for posting duplicate answers ;)
@MarkHenderson well shit :(
Its OK I dismissed them
12:15 AM
@MarkHenderson Sorry - I will refrain from doing that in the future - just got a little too excited
Haha don't apologise to me
Apologise to @@-1@serverfault.com
Ok so you can't global-ping community ;)
This guy:
Nope it won't even onebox him/her/it
@MarkHenderson I'd onebox that.
Lol, looks like Amazon DevOPSed themselves again...
12:30 AM
@HopelessN00b Link?
@JoelESalas Electric razors, now as low as $2.10 an ounce.
At least I'm getting my money's worth, pound for pound
@HopelessN00b That's a nearly 2 pound trimmer. Sounds heavy.
@ScottPack Shipping weight
@JoelESalas Not if you're a Prime member.
12:32 AM
@ScottPack Well, that's 2 pounds of pre-cooked weight, keep in mind. It probably loses some weight once you cook it.
@JoelESalas so you are saying the weight changes based on your prime membership?
@HopelessN00b You eat an electric razor? Man, even Koreans have limits on what they'll eat.
@ScottPack No, but what else is measured in price/weight? Things you eat, drink, snort, inject or smoke.
@HopelessN00b I have rather fond memories of using electronics that actually had heft. Like the Gateway P-75 full tower. That thing was fully reinforced steel. I dropped it on the pavement getting it out of the car and all that happened was some scratched paint and a chunk of asphalt.
@HopelessN00b Try doing that to your garden variety Dell these days.
I think price per pound is a very novel concept for electronics.
> I just bought this new Optiplex with a 3GHz i5 and 16GB of ram for $800 ($10/lbs).
Yeah, I know the feeling. MY desktop has a ton of heft to it. But that might be on account of the 80 pounds of hard drive in it... not sure.
12:44 AM
So that's what...3-4 ST279Rs?
Naw, just 14 "normal" spinning disks.
1:23 AM
@ewwhite Holy hell man, I am in love.
There's this guy who used to work here before I came and I'm responsible for his code. I think of him as the king of DevOps. He knocked out a lot of functional code, but it's a bit "fun" to wade through.
# This resources dictionary seems to be growing out of hand <-- that caused me to grab a beer.
1:45 AM
@MDMarra So, where was it. Now I'm insanely curious. :)
@JeffFerland #WARNING! I was drunk when I wrote this and don't understand how it works.
It's for university, I don't think you would understand what I'm studying and why I need that book. — Ramy Al Zuhouri 4 hours ago
Probably not. I dropped out of college because they weren't teaching anything useful.
You wouldn't understand.
Of course not. I only read RFCs, not textbooks.
I'm going to blame the gin for vocalizing, but it really pisses me off when people act like that.
@ScottPack Which web server did you write?
1:54 AM
@Goatmale hmm,?
@MichaelHampton Nothing you would have heard of. It was the wind down project for a networking class.
@ScottPack Oh, so NCSA httpd, then? :)
@MichaelHampton We had spent the quarter writing a software emulator for a network, starting with ARP/RARP and going up to IP routing and such.
@MichaelHampton So the final project was a web server. It was nice and refreshing. Hella easy after the other stuff.
That might be an interesting class.
The prof probably has a lot of the materials, handouts and syllabus at least, online. Let me go look.
1:56 AM
I once thought about doing an IP stack for the Commodore 64, just to see if I could, but then I discovered somebody already had.
@ewwhite The new job is awesome!
@Goatmale O rly?
@MichaelHampton Well, this is pretty shitty because it's an archive of the course from a few years ago, but it's what I've found so far. oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu/~osterman/class/cs444.archive
how so? @Goatmale
@ScottPack not anywhere good. Under the recliner
1:59 AM
@ScottPack They wrote a news server that semester?
Btw there isn't in my book. — Ramy Al Zuhouri 8 hours ago
They do a really good job of making you feel welcome. The "culture" is really great and everyone seems to be super helpful and knowledgeable.
@MichaelHampton One of the more insightful comments about his book I'm sure.
@MichaelHampton Mebbe, looks like they also did some kind of ssh reimplemtation.
@ChrisS His book probably needs to be burned, not read.
2:00 AM
Seems like there isn't a lot of bs politics and it seems like they will really be able to guide you to succeed if you put in the work.
@Goatmale Just wait until fight club thursday.
I can't wait!
@ewwhite What's all this about talking about it?
@ScottPack @ewwhite got me a new job.
And it freaking ownz
2:01 AM
@MichaelHampton Oh bless. He stores his projects on Dropbox.
@Goatmale What do you do now
@MichaelHampton If I was teaching a class on some Internet standard like HTTP I'd toss any books and just have the students read the RFCs. Nothing like reference material that's been peer-reviewed by a million geeks.
@ScottPack Dropbox is real now. Didn't you hear, they hired Guido.
Only training so far, but I will be a 2nd shift consultant on the managed services team.
@Goatmale Oh, you see, that's a joke. You see, Fight Club has a number of rules. The first several of which are, "We do not talk about Fight Club."
2:02 AM
@ChrisS The class that @ScottPack linked to includes several RFCs in the notes...
@Goatmale $$$?
It's more :)
Everyone is so organized, too.
@MichaelHampton Yeah, RFCs were pretty much required reading for that class. The book did a good job of explaining things, but in order to actually code up the projects we had to code to spec.
2:03 AM
yep... good company
@Goatmale I take it $lastJob hasn't gotten around to file the paperwork to block you yet?
If I wasn't f-ed up... or if I knew Windows... I'd work there.
I just think that you don't know my situation. — Ramy Al Zuhouri 36 secs ago
@Goatmale if you were in LA, I'd have a job for you lickety-split
@MichaelHampton So that's a cross-list of a senior/graduate course. The next one (a graduate only) is effectively a reading group. Twice per week we read an RFC or similar and would discuss it.
2:05 AM
@HopelessN00b I think you won the award for comment that got flagged fastest today. =]
@MDMarra I'm sure they will be calling me asking me asking me why my new job hasn't called them, but i'm not sure they have any moves left to play.
@ChrisS What was it?
@ChrisS Really? That was mild as hell. I went out of my way not to flame the little retard to a crisp.
@MDMarra Oh, that's lame. I feel led on.
I handed them my non-disclosure, they said oh okay, this looks pretty standard. End of story.
2:06 AM
@HopelessN00b I thought it was funny. =]
Me too.
@ScottPack "RamyAlZuhouri University, really? You think that's gonna impress anyone here? The only thing you doing this for university shows is how trivial and remedial so-called "higher education" is these days. Seriously, learn how to use a search engine before trying to condescend to anyone, or "show off" your intellectual prowess. Funny, though."
You seem to have a way with people... Channeling your inner MDMarra
@ScottPack Ya, sorry dude
I think we should link him to The US Situation
Cat must have knocked it under there
2:07 AM
@HopelessN00b Kids these days.
@ChrisS That's terrible.
New company gave me a freaking sweet backpack and polo... and they keep coffee, cream, and coke zero on deck, so i'll probably be here for a while.
@ScottPack No kidding. Your comment made me spray a little beer on the laptop, though. Loved it.
/me bookmarks that picture for the next time someone leaves their computer unlocked
@HopelessN00b I aim to pleasure.
@Goatmale yeah yeah.. keep it going.
@ChrisS Yeah, and this is me going out of my way to be nice and gentle.
2:09 AM
@Goatmale What kind of computer did you get?
HP Probook
@HopelessN00b At undergrad I had a teacher who was one of those, "I have a Ph.D. therefore I'm smarter than you." guys. It was a night class, boring as hell, and one night I had had one too many beers at dinner.
lemme grab the model
Do they have a Macbook option?
@ewwhite keeps trying to sell me on this place
@HopelessN00b We spent about 15 minutes with me trying to explain, in terms an electrician such as himself, could understand that a hub is not the same as a switch.
2:10 AM
@Goatmale "They said they weren't going to call because they never signed anything, and legal thinks the NDA I showed them is a laugh riot." =D
@MDMarra I'm sure @ewwhite can hook you up :D
I love California. Non-compete agreements are unenforceable
I do enjoy working in a place that's ONLY HP.
warms the cackles of my heart.
I enjoy working in a place that sees the value in buying quality equipment, and getting the vast majority of it from a single vendor so you only have one support number to call when there's problems.
@Goatmale Cockles. Unless your heart is especially giggly.
2:13 AM
@ChrisS I wouldn't work anywhere that's not single vendor
@MDMarra Pussy.
Well, I mean the server vendor can be different than the desktop vendor, but still you get my point
Non-Compete agreements are very questionable under most state's laws... Some have laws that specifically allow/enforce them. MI has laws that make them very, very questionable at best.
@MichaelHampton I hated when kids like him took my classes. They were the ones who tried to, under the guise of tutoring, weasel the work out of me and also complained the loudest when their shitty projects got low marks.
The biggest question is something along the lines of "how much is the ex-employer willing to dump into lawyers to stop you from being employed for a while... and how much tolerance does new employer have for having to jump through hoops while the court takes (potentially) months to rule against the agreement"
@ScottPack I had one of them last year... She even complained to my boss, the department chair. Loud whining and mediocre effort.
2:22 AM
@ChrisS I only ever had one kid, that I know of, go past me to the instructor of record. He, admirably, told the guy that it was my call.
@ChrisS There was one class I did, this really disappointed me. It was about 75% grad students, 25% seniors. Projects were 50% of the final grade. Out of the 16 enrollment 5 of them never turned in a single project. What startled me was that they accounted for 100% of the Indian students. I think they were all 1st years. That one class could have gotten them kicked out of the program.
Yeah, this person was told the same thing. What I was asking was well within the time commitment typical for a 3 credit class... Some students took minutes per week to do the work, others (like this one, at least as she claimed) took the full 6 hours each week to complete the work. I never assigned more than I could complete in <30 minutes myself, though I've obviously got an "unfair" advantage in that regard.
@ChrisS Lab based, I assume?
@ScottPack No, a 8 week class... But also 1/2 of their capstone for the program, which was fulfilled by a project. The project is what took a good chunk of time. Also 25% of their grade.
@MichaelHampton Isn't that awesome? Gilles saw it too, but he didn't do anything with it apparently.
2:27 AM
Scott Pack has approved 20 edit suggestions and rejected 2 edit suggestions
@MichaelHampton 9% isn't bad. Check out the Porn man.
Yeah, i saw that. Of course I haven't reviewed any edits on security.SE since I only have 208 reputation...
@MichaelHampton I feel annoyed that mine is so low as well. For months I've been spending almost all of my SE time on /review.
Well I got most of my rep on security.SE from a single question.
I've never had an edit suggestion approved on SF.
2:31 AM
I thought my question was completely on topic but it was closed. What stackexhange would my question apply? serverfault.com/q/464159/55470
@ChrisS Lamer.
@MECU You are leasing shared hosting for your website?
@MichaelHampton Yes.
@MECU Typically in that case, webmasters.SE. Be sure to search and check their FAQ first.
2:34 AM
If you can edit your crontab then Unix and Linux. If not then Webmasters
U&L would close that question as is, too.
@MichaelHampton Sometimes the very fine grain of distinction is too much for people new to the site. It would have also been nice if it was just migrated there, instead of just downvoted and closed with no help. But thank you for the help.
@MichaelHampton U&L?
We could migrate the question, but I don't think you'd want that as it'd keep the -4 score... Also, to anyone who downvoted: comments <-- if there isn't one please leave one.
I dunno, I rarely downvote questions.
@MECU The no comments stuff is something we're working on... But it's hard to herd chickens.
2:36 AM
@MichaelHampton Save all yours for answers?
@MECU Yeah, the distinction isn't too obvious at first. But generally SF is for the server administrators, rather than the hosting clients. Hopefully that's a bit more clear.
@ChrisS If you had to comment when you downvoted Why, that would probably help most problems.
@MichaelHampton It makes sense now that you explained it to me. But guessing which 50 of the SE sites I go to is hard, until you get that experience. Jumping on the noobs isn't good practice either.
@MECU There used to be issues with people mindlessly upvoting, so they didn't want to discourage people from downvoting... It's a long, old story; and mostly a problem on Stack Overflow. Stack Overflow is as large as the rest of Stack Exchange combined, so whatever works for them is what the rest of us have to live with, even if we have different problems.
@MECU Oh, things were so much easier when it was just one site...and then three...now there are dozens.
@MECU I doubt it. It would probably cause more problems, when I'm obliged to leave a comment explaining just how retarded every post I downvoted is, and in what specific ways it sucks.
2:38 AM
The (good) problems of growth.
@HopelessN00b You Bad User, you.
@HopelessN00b Whynot flag it instead of downvoting?
@MichaelHampton What can I say, I'm naive. I was told to be honest as a kid, so now I am.
@HopelessN00b You should probably strive less for German tact and more for British tact.
should I celebrate getting a tumbleweed "award" ?
2:39 AM
@HopelessN00b Also, once someone has stated why it's bad it's not necessary for 4 other people to write their own version.
I only downvote questions that are utterly unsalvageable and desperately need to disappear, or if the user pisses me off.
@MECU Because "stupid" isn't a flaggable reason. And yes, I;ve tried.
@shouldbeq931 It's a badge... Badges are always a reason for celebration.
I'll have a gin then, thanks :-)
@shouldbeq931 That's kind of a hard one to get for some of us... :)
Days at or above 200 rep: 46 of 150. (30%)
2:41 AM
@shouldbeq931 You can't have mine.
@HopelessN00b That answer is up to 141.
@MichaelHampton Oh, that fucking shit. I downvoted an answer at 23:59 UTC today. 199 points. Fuck voting. >:/
@HopelessN00b Ooooops!
Thanks again all for your help.
@MECU Hey, good luck kiddo. You had the wherewithal, and courage, to come in here to ask. That means you're probably a keeper. :)
2:48 AM
@ScottPack Been a long time since I've been called kiddo. Thanks.
@MarkHenderson Thank you for your shit site. I never would have seen this otherwise.
Sep 13 '11 at 22:18, by voretaq7
WWW.ServerFault.com - The persecution rests ;)
I would like to migrate the school to Linux. I'd like the setup to require minimal maintenance of the endpoints, to support central authentication and file sharing, and to take advantage of the endpoint's CPU as much as possible.
@ewwhite $5 Amazon gift card to the person who convinces him to use Gentoo.
@WesleyDavid You're a terrible person.
@WesleyDavid Sorry, I won't sell my soul for $5.
3:01 AM
Besides, wouldn't it be more fun to watch it happen in Slackware?
@WesleyDavid, not slackware ?
damm, too slow
@shouldbeq931 BACK OFF BITCH!!
@shouldbeq931 Not enough cflags.
netbsd ?
/me runs and hides
3:03 AM
Why migrate the school to Linux? Does the school want Linux? — ewwhite 4 mins ago
Anything would be better than Windows 8.
I just read that guy's question and list of requirements....
NetBSD, for additional compatebility with school level hardware! :-)
> Anyone who wants to wikiedit this reply for grammar or correct any niggling detail about a particular sequence of mouse steps I forgot or put in the wrong order can do so, but you're just doing so out of spite and the fact you didn't know the answer and yo9u're parasitcailly nipping at my heels and affirming your creepy but misantrhopic stalker love for me. If those trolls were so smart, then they would've answerd this question for you now wouldnt' they. Kidz !
I think what he really needs is puppet/chef/whatever. Then do provisioning in a lab.
@MichaelHampton Is that on SF? I feel like kicking someone is the nutz for trying reverse psychology on a "professional" site.
It's not on SF anymore.
And you already kicked him in the nuts. Do it again while he's down.
Awe, he's already suspended. =[
@chriss roth versus 401k versus roth 401k
you know about that stuff?
@ewwhite Roth IRA if you're work doesn't offer 401(k) (or 403(b) for non-profit organization). Roth 401(k) if you think you're earning less than 1/2 of the maximum you'll be earning "later" in your career (or saving for a House or College). Traditional 401(k) if you think you're earning more than half you're likely "maximum" pay.
3:18 AM
new company is offering roth 401k or 401k
I currently split my contributions evenly to Trad 401(k) and Roth 401(k)... I'm approaching 1/2 of what I think I'll earn in my IT Career.
oh, you do both?
is there a max?
401(k) is $17k per year unless you're some old age, like 55.... Then it's higher
@ScottPack My pleasure :)
Also, you're not allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA in a year that you contribute to a 401(k). But this applies to each tax payer individually, even if filing jointly. My wife does a Roth IRA as her employer doesn't offer 401(k)
3:22 AM
@MarkHenderson I've actually come across several that have brought back good memories.
@ChrisS hmm, so I should do traditional 401k?
Probably.... Most people should start full Roth (age 18 to ~30). 30s are typically transition years. 40s onward are typically "Traditional"... But it depends more on income, and what you think you'll earn, than age.
@ChrisS Where are the salary lines drawn
I had no 401k for 4 years during my transition period
@JoelESalas It's not your total income; it's what you make now compared to what you think you'll make (don't adjust for inflation)
3:25 AM
@ChrisS Well I can be egotistical and hope that I'm making 2x as much in 3 years
but how do I KNOW
If you make $50,000 now; and think that you'll make $100,000 or more by the height of your career, then you should be in a Roth. If you're making $50k and you'll max out around $60-70k then you're in Traditional range.
@JoelESalas You guess.
@ChrisS I choose poorly then
@JoelESalas Turn to dust away from me please.
@JoelESalas It tough for people in the IT field, as you typically burn out after 20-30 years and go into management or something else.... So it's really hard to know if you'll be earning more/the same/less in the future.
so what should my deferral rates be?
3:28 AM
If you're an auto worker, pushing a button in a factory.... You probably make $40k and the people who have been there "forever" make $50k.... So it's easy to see where you'll be in 20 years, you'll be one of those "forever" people making only marginally more.
@ewwhite First figure out the max, $17k / $SALARY. Then figure out how much that would be out of your regular paycheck (for roth multiply the percentage by your Gross Income; for Trad multiply by your Net Income).... Reduce the percentage until the pit in your stomach goes away. =]
I just wanna max it out.
You should be able to tell your HR dept that you just want to max it out and they should be able to figure it out.... This assume a reasonable lack of "herp derp" in HR.
I mean, there's no downside to maxing it out, right?
they make us do it all online via Vanguard.
Well.... Obviously you don't get the money in your paycheck.... If you're one of the 1/2 of America that can't go ONE paycheck without "trouble" then reducing your income by that much may have adverse effects. As for retirement, no, there's no down-side to maxing out 401(k) contributions (does assume you're 401(k) funds are picked and managed well enough that they outperform stuffing money under your mattress, or other forms of "self investment")
I've been collecting under the mattress...
interesting... lots of funds to chooose from
3:41 AM
My 401(k) did 15% in 2012. "Savings" investments did 6%. Wife's Roth IRA did 9%. She's more risk adverse than me...
Hmmm, interesting
You're young; you should lean heavily toward Growth and Emerging Market funds. Steer clear of Income or Bond funds. It's good to have a mix with some Balanced funds for stability (though if you can stand large losses, or can ignore your statements consistently, then dropping Balanced funds can boost you're long term average)
not THAT young :(
Government says you have to work for longer still than you've been alive before you get to retire... Sounds young.
You're expected to live for almost twice as long as you've been alive so far too...
I have an announcement to make
3:50 AM
Make it good
Eh, the announcement about the announcement must have been the announcement.
@Cole Well, you typed everything correctly and used all caps. OBVIOUSLY NOT DRUNK ENOUGH!!
@WesleyDavid LISTEN
I don't need your judgement @WesleyDavid
3:56 AM
@Cole I JUST VEGETATED AND I THINK... my life... my life is a worthless lie. :'(
your words
@Cole You're drunk, I'm sober, and yet now I'm the one crying. I don't get it.
That's usually how it ends up with the women in my life @WesleyDavid
Well in the grand scheme of things our lives are pretty darn insignificant... Heck our whole galaxy is pretty insignificant....
Outer space is 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999% empty, so it doesn't count.
3:58 AM
Planets man, ain't that some shit
@Cole If some planets are big flaming orbs of gaseous emissions, at least I could get promoted to planetoid status at some point in the future.
What is 'alien' life can't be seen by the human eye, and this whole time they've been around us. How do we know what "life" should look like, since it can't be the same as what we know.
I'm not sure that made ANY sense, but it did to me
@Cole I dunno but for some reason I really want some Cinnamon Toast Crunch right now.
@WesleyDavid fuck you man, all I had was a granola bar today
With Half-and-Half for milk.
3:59 AM
you're a dickcheese sandwich
@Cole Y 4?
idk my bff @WesleyDavid
@MichaelHampton There's estimated to be 100 billion galaxies in the Universe... Our galaxy contains ~300 billion stars. Our system has one planet with life, and 7 billion people alive on that planet. Ignoring empty space is necessary if we're going to even comprehend how insignificant we are.
@ChrisS OK, so it's just going to take some time to brute force them all.
@Cole Go eat something?
I think I'm going to scavenge in the kitchen now that my fever seems to have passed for good.
Suddenly a cheese sandwich sounds awesome right now. Minus the smegma.
4:03 AM
I ate some veggies
Why can't Google do logarithms in a given base?
It can't do imaginary numbers either.
4:18 AM
Oh, it must be Patch Tuesday.
1 hour later…
5:40 AM
So I bought a pull-up bar. It's always sad when a grown man can't do a pull up
3 hours later…
8:23 AM
good morning
Today will be a stressful day.
an udates of microsoft destroyed sbs server
8:27 AM
three customers called. Even our server.
@JohannesM been there, done that.. many times..
I'm quite happy about not having to support SBS anymore
I need massive amount of Red Bull
SBS always worried me when I had to support it. A very clever product to be sure but its like a house of cards.
okay... that was an easy fix. The updater did not restart the services.
I love how this works by microsoft
8:56 AM
I love doing scrum via VoIP, dropped the connection twice in 5 minutes
@faker bad voip implementation then :)
@pauska skype...
well I work for skype, so it's kinda the only choice
voip over lines without QoS is kind of shitty.. but if you have no other choice :)
9:11 AM
if the caller has a bad connection it will just suck. It's p2p but it still depends a lot on the initial caller
9:25 AM
user image
9:48 AM
@pauska Why?
@Dan don't you see? it someone who has cut wood and laid copper across it to make a ethernet cable..
I have no idea who it is.. you know, the internetz and its pictures
@pauska Oh I see it, I just don't understand :D
that is awesome!
I'm sick of messenger bothering me to update to skype.
Email me when skype stops sucking, Microsoft, then we'll talk about an update.
10:01 AM
@RobM Unfair request - e-mail won't exist by then
good point
we can tweet you though
once e-mail is obsolete only twitter will be used - obviously!
interesting article on the register

10:18 AM
A petabyte is still a lot
Thought I'd have a play with the VMware ESXi APIs / SDKs today. It's been half an hour and I still haven't even got the sample to compile/.
I've got about 8TB useable at home. A 3TB desktop hard disk that's about 2/3 full. That gets backed up to a file server that's got 4TB useable, and my films/music also get copied to another 1TB that's plugged into my Western Digital TV (it's easier/more reliable than streaming). Plus various hard disks in machines and laptops and server...I don't think I've ever personally consumed one petabyte of data.
I can't imagine needing that kind of space. I've got pushing 8Tb of usable (not used) space myself, same as tombull, and that seems excessive to me.
not so excessive that I didn't buy it, you'll notice
10:41 AM
Morning all.
@RobM I actually have very little. Probably about 2TB in total, but across four distinct systems.
But that's mostly because I'm not a massive media/p2p hog. It's the only reason I can see for people needing multi-TB of storage on one box, these days, and that article has a point. A lot of the (legitimate) traffic is moving to streaming now.
Ayup, I have about 3T usable spread over 3 systems and I use less than 1T
@tombull89 is it me or are 5TB single SATA drives taking their damn time to come out? I need two for home
@Chopper3 2x 5TB? Christ.
I'd be worried about having stuff stored on that...it's a lot to lose if it dies.
10:56 AM
I specifically want them for my backup NAS (time machine etc.)
Does meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/160929/… deserve an answer to the effect 'No this is a bad idea as people will with the best of intentions over use it' or similar ?
Haha, are you serious?
The comment
@Dan right - yeah I asked him about that and I think he seems to have misunderstood the proposal.
The guy with the proposal recently admitted being the last person to vote for sending something to SU just because that seems like the place to send everything now
11:07 AM
Migrations are pointless IMHO
I think I'll drop a few paragraphs on it ans try and snipe the bonus
11:30 AM
I hate the fact that I have to buy macs for some people just to stroke their damn egos.
I love the fact that I can tell people to GTFO if they want a Mac
except the CTO who forced me :(
I've got one guy asking for Windows office to run on Windows on Fusion on his fecking mac, when he already has Office for Mac (which is shit). I wouldn't mind, but the only reason he has a mac at all is "Ooh shiny"
And we have to suck his cock for him because saying "no" to people might be bad for their morale or some shit.
We have Office 2011 for Mac. I'm not going to go into it because I'll spontaniously combust but our Macs here were a tremendous waste of money.
depends what you're using them for, I don't like "ooh shiny" as a reason to buy anything for business, but our macs here are used for final cut pro video editing, for example
And I quite like Office 2011 for mac
Okay - we have 600-odd other machines to do Office work on. We didn't need it.
Both Art and Music have 25 Macbooks each. Music have used theirs a fair bit. Art? Probably four times in two years?
11:41 AM
@RobM. Oh sure. we've got quite a few Macs. We use Final Cut and we've got several reasons for needing OSX machines. I just resent being under orders to accept "ooh shiny" from certain levels of employee as one of those justifications.
Totally agree.
Especially when they then get Fusion+Win7+Office so they can "get some work done."
I hate on the "ooh shiny" brigade. You want "shiny", you buy it yourself, for home, like I do. That's not how you run a business
I'm thinking about getting a Mac for home
GF is certain to buy one in a month or so anyways.. we can might aswell use the same stuff to make it easier to help and so on
I'd like one, for sure, to learn how to use one, and add it to the dev network, but I can't justfy spending so much money on a machine just for the OS.
11:53 AM
@tombull89 I picked up a used iMac for pretty much that purpose. I haven't done much with it yet, although bouncing between it and my desktop with Synergy never gets old :)
I do love my macs at home. I love the air as a laptop and I especially love the mac mini as a media server underneath my TV - quiet, reliable and very good at connecting to all kinds of content
@RobM yeah air + appletv is what i'm aiming at
I just want stuff to work at home.. I dont care how
at work I'm hitler when it comes to what kind of devices we allow.
well that's part of it too, I had a windows media server at home and when it needed a bit of nursing, which was more often than I liked, it just felt like I was at work.
The macs usually "just work" and don't get in the way of watching a film I've stored on disk or a video stream from the web
is it possible to change the SSD on a air?
apple wants to charge a stupid amount of money for the 256GB
I'm a big fan of the Air, too. I especially love the crunchy sound it makes when you embed it in the skull of a user who just asked for a Windows license...
11:57 AM
It is, but it uses a custom form factor so you can't use any old drive
you can get 3rd party drives to fit it though
A: Add "Flag as Other" checkbox to "Vote to Close as Off-Topic" dialog

IainMigrations are meant to be for that rare gem of a question that is off topic $here and has a better home $elsewhere. In practice though it is largely used as a way of (with the best possible intentions) throwing any old question over the fence so it becomes somebody else's problem. Quality and t...

I wonder if that will keep it's head above the waterline long enough to get the bounty.
12:28 PM
anyone here using lastpass enterprise, or any similar systems you like?
12:51 PM

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