I've done my own research and applied some logic that may help others take a better approach or view on several related matters. I find that many are not very careful when they read the Bible. They often conclude things before they have made sure they actually understand what they have read. Having studied the whole Bible, some parts many times, I can say with absolute certainty that the Genesis Creation account is an accurate historical account but the YEC view is incorrect for the following reasons:
I've done my own research and applied some logic that may help others take a better approach or view on several related matters. I find that many are not very careful when they read the Bible. They often conclude things before they have made sure they actually understand what they have read. Having studied the whole Bible, some parts many times, I can say with absolute certainty that the Genesis Creation account is an accurate historical account but the YEC view is incorrect for the following reasons:
1. Plants were created on the 3rd day before the sun, moon and stars. How did they survive? In the Bible it states that God made light on the 1st day so there was light for His plants. He had a purpose for doing this which is a little complicated but I may go into this later if I have some time. In other words, God's Creation order is not as man thinks, coming from his POV.
2. YEC literalists state that Creation was accomplished in 6 literal days. However, 2 verses indicate that Creation did not take place in 6 literal days.
A. Gen 1:14-19 is regarding creation of the sun, moon and stars. This means that a 24 hour day "as measured on earth" was not available until the 4th day.
A. Gen 1:14-19 is regarding creation of the sun, moon and stars. This means that a 24 hour day "as measured on earth" was not available until the 4th day.
B. God rested regarding Creation on the 7th day. For sure God did not rest for only 24 hours. Therefore, it is evident that the 6 days for Creation are in fact periods of tme. In other words, God, whom lives outside of time, could have taken any amount of time He so chose, anywhere from near zero to many billions of years to accomlish each day's period of time. Therefore, the Bible does not give the age of the earth. It doesn't matter how long it took for God to create all that He did.
Therefore, it is useless and futile to argue over whether earth is young or old but it is older than YEC believe it is.
Because Evolution is in fact false, this does not mean that God used Evolution (it would be diminishing God's true power and abilities) to create nor advance life on earth or anywhere else for that matter. The problem is that many thought Evolution was a viable theory. They accumulated things true, seemed true and/or things assumed true then claimed Evolution was indisputable, which it isn't.
Because Evolution is in fact false, this does not mean that God used Evolution (it would be diminishing God's true power and abilities) to create nor advance life on earth or anywhere else for that matter. The problem is that many thought Evolution was a viable theory. They accumulated things true, seemed true and/or things assumed true then claimed Evolution was indisputable, which it isn't.
Oops! Correction: The last paragraph should start with: Evolution is in fact false and God did not use Evolution...
When one splits Evolution into various subcategories they are most often addressed under narrow-focus frames of reference. Its like looking through many small windows. You only see what is within each window's POV. We need to pull back to a much larger "big picture" POV.
Fact must be separated from speculation. W/o uncut film that starts from before the 1st signs of life to today, 1 species' parts that have appearance of being in another are just more species. The scientific-method can't prove the Big Bang, Evolution or the Abiogenesis theories.
Fact must be separated from speculation. W/o uncut film that starts from before the 1st signs of life to today, 1 species' parts that have appearance of being in another are just more species. The scientific-method can't prove the Big Bang, Evolution or the Abiogenesis theories.
They are billions of years old COLD cases and we DIDN'T SEE it done. Therefore, Evolution claims are mostly speculation. Rather than try to pick apart many of the Evolution specific "scientific" claims I think its better to step back and look at some basic points that I believe disprove Evolution in its entirety:
*1. We have 2 lungs, kidneys, ears, arms and legs. Each has NEAR PERFECT 3D MIRROR-IMAGE companion organs or limbs (NOT A COPY). IT CAN'T BE EXPLAINED AWAY. To make mirror-image organs takes FULL REVERSE ENGINEERING, knowledge of the companion's functions and purpose or it can't be created to perfection found in nature (i.e. theres house on 1 side of the street and you want to put a mirror image house across the street.
It can not be done w/o 1st knowing all about the other house, including how all its systems work along with knowledge of all the materials needed and what to do with them or you can't create the house) =2 WITNESSES in nature. This KILLS Evolution and therefore Abiogenesis claims.
2. Our bodies are highly symmetrical 1 side to the other. It is impossible to accomplish w/o an outside overview POV so you can have full knowledge of the whole life-form so you can be sure things are located where they should be or even to make changes.
2. Our bodies are highly symmetrical 1 side to the other. It is impossible to accomplish w/o an outside overview POV so you can have full knowledge of the whole life-form so you can be sure things are located where they should be or even to make changes.
3. Cells and organisms are just copies of their parents and they pretty much only copy their parents and live as all their ancestors did. You won't find a bird building a better nest than their parents and their chicks then build even better nests. Furthermore, some birds build nests ("external" objects -so these birds had to have something coded within them so that they could build an "external" object they have not seen before) w/o being taught to do so by their parants.
Also, you won't see bears passing a better life to their cubs. Therefore, nearly blind cells must have 2 LIVES, 1 copying their parents and 1 SECRET life, working on changes or the Creator of all life is God.
(even adding billions of years beyond the beginning of the universe can't solve the probem). If this is not true millions more misfits with mistakes, having only 1 or 3 eyes in odd places, 1 leg growing out of a head, where a fin, arm, wing should be, etc. would exist instead of the perfection we observe in nature.
4. The fossil record doesn't have millions of trial and error phyla that should exist if Natural Selection and/or the fittest survivor, etc. is the mechanism for a Creation source. The odds are so great against near perfection taking place for many millions of greatly diverse species that such precision can't happen w/o someone 1st having full knowledge for what to do
5. Picture yourself boxed (and having near 0 intelligence) within a nearly blind microscopic cell (a lot smaller than a text period) and you have no way to sense much beyond your cell, trying to create a 3D organism that you can't see, examine nor check to see what you are doing. These are real limits, so how could you invent millions of such diverse species to the perfection we find in nature? Most imortant: NO OTHER ORGANISMS EXISTED BEFORE.
Therefore, either Darwin's cell geniuses are more intelligent than all mankind or Evolution is a complete lie.
6. Cells need DNA to function. DNA is useless w/o a cell so which came 1st a cell or DNA? DNA is very complex (especially for higher life-forms) so the odds against figuring out and using DNA (in correct sequences and related processes) is many magnitudes higher than for very complex pc program code.
6. Cells need DNA to function. DNA is useless w/o a cell so which came 1st a cell or DNA? DNA is very complex (especially for higher life-forms) so the odds against figuring out and using DNA (in correct sequences and related processes) is many magnitudes higher than for very complex pc program code.
It is useless w/o an Intelligent Designer to identify and assign its proper order. Give an ape a book. They can't learn from whats written because they do not have the necessary intelligence. DNA is COMMON to ALL LIFE (they are the same building blocks for ALL life). Therefore, an organism having 98% of another species' DNA doesn't prove that Evovlution is the responsible mechanism.
7. No one has observed one species becoming a different species "type". Fruit flies, mice and finches don't become moths, rabbits or bats. Species splitting into 2 same body type species is not proof of Evolution. Its simply a species' adaptation to environmental conditions.
8. Look at the intelligent design, knowledge, time and energy that was needed to create and improve airplanes (also, note the many mistakes that were made). If people didn't "learn" what to do we'd still be grounded.
8. Look at the intelligent design, knowledge, time and energy that was needed to create and improve airplanes (also, note the many mistakes that were made). If people didn't "learn" what to do we'd still be grounded.
9. Creation is astronomically more complex than airplanes. The more complex an organism is it multiplies the intelligent design and knowledge needed to create it. Therefore, the Creation source is God or it couldn't exist let alone evolve (God, knowing the various environments and changes that would take place within them, built in limited adaptation abilities [its not "micro"-evolution nor "Macro"-Evolution] so that organisms could survive).
10. On top of all this, Earth has the best orbit, gravity, axis, spin, atmosphere, magnetic field and amount of water. The moon is the right size and has the best orbit for tidal cycles. Many foods taste good for life. Just 1 or 2 small differences for orbits and environments and most likely life would be very different. Higher life-forms would die off in short time if they survived at all.
The Laws of Probability against all of these things taking place (taken collectively) by chance or by accident would produce a number so astronomical against it all being able to take place, you would have a better chance of winning the highest stake lottery jackpot every day for your entire life.
In conclusion: The claimed Evolution Creation process is akin to a blind man building a car he has never heard of, seen, touched, heard or rode in. He couldn't accomplish such a feat w/o 1st being taught all the car's functions and how to assembly all its parts for it to function . Cells have the same limits. Therefore, w/o an Intelligent Designer we would not exist.
A world-wide flood took place, the exact timing may never be known nor exactly what events where involved. 1st, Pangea existed (Gen 1:9). Only super water pressure below and between (Gen 7:11) the "current" continents can separate continents such great distances (with all moving in a direction away from a central point, not 1 turning another direction(s) and/or against some other continent
A world-wide flood took place, the exact timing may never be known nor exactly what events where involved. 1st, Pangea existed (Gen 1:9). Only super water pressure below and between (Gen 7:11) the "current" continents can separate continents such great distances (with all moving in a direction away from a central point, not 1 turning another direction(s) and/or against some other continent
[it would still require God to cause it to happen]). *Water is the best medium in abundance on earth, having the best fluid dynamics to accomplish such a feat, providing a large enough and necessary cushion against the effects of friction, which would have caused much greater tearing and splitting of the continents.
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