I have flagged this question as off-topic
which, as you can see, was migrated to law.SE. My flag was declined; the question is obviously off-topic, or it wouldn't be migrated to another site. Why was this ...
I'm gonna stop flagging for a while - I got flagbanned again, with 4 declined flags on the last 7 days... I don't even remember flagging that much lately.
Doesn't seem like a ban, because it's just greyed out, I can't edit questions. Also the fact that it happened yesterday, then worked again. Could be the queue
In the image below I want to remove the bottom-right wall and overlay the deleted portion with the sky above. Basically I want to make a Material Design like wallpaper (I'm gonna edit it after that to complete the look). I like to make it look real like we do for small portions with Healing Brush...
ah lovely thanks @Ryan :) without looking at it just yet, what way do u sample? (as pictures are made up of so many dots etc... is it necessary to blur the image first to get a proper sample?
@joojaa HR at least in the United States is basically, "These are the requirements we have to do for legal purposes. We have to cover ourselves and prevent lawsuits."
I was also asked do i know how to use Microsoft office and i told them 0. And added that granted i probably know more than most people but it would undervalue my other skills. Basically i never use office unless asked to solve somebody elses office problem.
Global swatches are my friends. Being able to open a swatch in Illustrator, change its colour values and have my art change along is invaluable.
I know I can change a swatch to global by opening the swatch and checking the 'Global' box:
How do I do this for multiple swatches at once?
i have a problem with acrobat dc when convert to adobe pdf an email from outlook which email contains greek fonts. tangle with greek and english characters
see image file
I want to replace the whiteness in pixels with transparency in the same way as described in this question - i.e. for lighter pixels to be made proportionally as transparent. All solutions found via google are based on magic wand or other methods that do not work for my needs. I'm sure there used...