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that's why you don't use antivirus besides what's built into the OS :P
It's much easier to prevent going to pages that might be a threat than it is to prevent a threat on your PC
6 hours later…
@Luciano Some things you can look out for when editing: graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/posts/74915/revisions
Let me know if you have questions
2 hours later…
good one! I'll be more careful with the edits
Hello @Room, welcome to GDSE and thanks for your question.
hey there @Room
2 hours later…
@Cai, Yes I did. Corrected
Thought so :)
need more caffeine
3 hours later…
@cai please mark this as the accepted answer: meta.graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/2926/…
Attention: @CAI thanks for writing the style identification guidelines and @ZachSaucier for mentioning them in another meta post. We've now updated the close reason for Font / Critique to include Style ID
@Ryan yippie!!
and good morning you all..
@ZachSaucier how is the wether your way? we are getting 90-100 degree temps here
Ah you, too, @Darth? The heat has set in here as well
and it's humid.
thinking about asking on home improvement how I can take the water from my dehumidifier and return it to a tank so I could build a greenhouse and then grow vegetables
as the dehumidifier has a pump and a connection for the hose
homegrown veggies == nom!
saving on water bill, WIN
heh, water here is so dirt cheap (pun intended) that it would take ages to break that even
@Darth_Vader Done
The heat is really getting to me today
Shouldn't the "critique requests" in the close reason be singular, not plural?
Also the style-id should link to this answer.
The style-id does link to that answer :\
oh wait, why do we have 2 sets of guidelines both by you
I blame @ZachSaucier :P he provided the link
ill edit it later or another mod can. Its kinda a pain to fix so don't want to do it right now
There's no actual edit button we have to start from scratch to make any changes
@Darth_Vader I'm in Seattle, so it's pretty great, haha. High of 80 or so most days, though still humid
@ZachSaucier nice
err.. my day so far, wp home.php shows all one author but when actually clicked and go into single.php it shows the correct author.. wonderful start to the day.
strange questions this morning
I'm not a web guy but this answer seems wrong to me graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/a/74967/2611
@Ryan because it is wrong
@PieBie seems so. I'm no web guy but your answer seems at least a little better to me
I'm investigating and then might leave my own answer. Or maybe Ill ask your permission to edit yours depending on what I find
I'm pretty sure your answer says what I'm thinking
@Ryan new reason added
Why is it wrong?
not questioning you, just trying to learn lol
Won't it render bold anyway as Cai mentioned or are there compatibility problems with particular browsers?
I think "faux bold" in @PieBie answer is the key
rgthree's answer seems to ignore that
@johnp (1) his reason for 'reducing file size' is pretty silly, he'll save a few bytes of a website that hundreds of MB, (2) 'the way the browser does it' is rendering faux bolds, so that's not the right argument
faux bold makes me sad ;( but perhaps it's a necessary evil on the web?
The top one imports the italic style of Raleway, the bottom one doesn't. As a result the bottom is just a "faux italic" ignoring that a properly designed font has differences between a regular a bold a super bold an italic etc
hehe yeah the file size thing seemed silly, I just thought there was a way of avoiding the faux bold
@PieBie if you're okay with it could we add the above image I made to your answer, might help explain to people that faux and real are not the same
his code will render faux bolds, mine will only render faux bolds if the Font cannot be loaded (and at that point, your design is screwed anyway)
@Ryan go right ahead
ah ok
if you dont like my wording feel free to change it more
@Ryan looking great, thanks
this song reminds me of those mindless design projects lol
"I'll do my scientific best...to command your fate" >:)
Gradients are back...!?
lol I kinda noticed that too @Vincent Our lecturers hurt us for thinking about gradients
though I think they can be nice in certain circumstances
akin to dimming the lights on a date for atmospheric effect...They can look well or go horribly wrong
lol @ that parallel
@Ryan @PieBie that answer isn't wrong at all it's completely correct and how it should be done. It's exactly how Google Fonts loads it's fonts
check a google fonts stylesheet
How does "Raleway" alone get the proper italics?
Just look at how Google declares it: fonts.googleapis.com/…
so basically one font-family but different source for each
yes exactly that
my answer here explains more: graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/a/73655/52050
think about how you would declare a system font. You never use "Helvetica Bold, Arial Bold"... you use "Helvetica, Arial; font-weight: bold;"
those fonts dont have variations between them though
What do you mean dont have variations? Helvetica and Arial both have bold and italics
Arial italic and Arial faux italic are identical
They may look the same but not really. Arial Italic is an actual font, "Arial faux italic" isn't, it's just how a browser fakes the italic and will be different in different browsers, there is no single "Arial faux italic".
right but some fonts do have differences. Raleway for example has well thought out differences
RGThree's top portion wouldn't get those at all
The bottom portion and your answer i think would get that but if the argument is to conserve memory - those are both longer
html {
font-family: Raleway;
.bold {
font-weight: 700;
.italic {
font-style: italic;
that code would be a fake italic unless you include the source for the italic somewhere
I don't see how having to include:
@font-face {
font-family: 'Raleway';
font-style: italic;
font-weight: 500;
src: url(https://...Raleway-MediumItalic.woff2) format('woff2');
is less memory than <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:500,500italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Thats not what the answer says
That font-face declaration is exactly what is in that link
....and how is that less memory and cleaner than "<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:500,500italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>"
Thats not what the answer says
@ZachSaucier back me up here
In bold text
"It reduces CSS complexity an, ultimately, file size"
thats refering to only needing to declare the weight and not the family each time in the css (i.e. the first part of code you just posted). nothing to do with the @font-face declaration
That whole first section is assuming you're using google fonts or declaring @font-face using one family-name and only talks about code in your css, not the @font-face declaration itself.
@Vincent could you join us in the renderfarm chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/1240/the-ink-spot
someone mentioned you
don't tell them I told you :P
@Cai but the top part wouldn't produce raleway bold
it would produce a fake version of it
no, It will if your using google fonts or declaring your @font-face using a single family name
no it wont!
of course it will
try it, that's what the screenshot in Piebie's is
it uses one family name
I'm getting frustrated trying to explain this and/or understand this
If I add this to my header
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:500' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
just that. nothing else.
then if I do italic raleway it will not be italic raleway
of course it wont
because your not loading the italic font
so what in the world are you talking about
if you load <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:500,500italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> then it will be italic
yes correct
now I'm confused
if you can do the above then why not do that
why do all of this @font-face stuff
it sure isn't reducing the code as rgthree says
thats what that link is
look at the file
im not sure what your saying
the reducing code comment is nothing to do with the @font-face declaration or the linked file its all about using font-family/font-weight in your stylesheet
I don't understand and so far you haven't explained. You just keep linking the same file over and over frustrating me more
I should've never tried to get involved in a web question. I'll go back to my photoshop safety zone :)
that explains it better than I could
anyway the point is that answer is only explaining exactly how Google fonts and every other web-font provider does things
Okay wait I think I know what you're trying to explain
the font-face stuff. I don't add that to my CSS. That's something Google is doing on its end somewhere far far away from me
they can't hurt you anymore @Ryan
I just want to go back to photoshop :'( I should've never tried to understand this question
I think I get it all now. Sorry I'm slow @CAi
@GiantCowFilms not at my desk atm and im the middle of buying amd preparing food. Sorry and thanks for the heads up. Ill check 2morrow
@Vincent its not important
I just thought it would be funny if you suddenly showed up
@Ryan well yes.. but you can add it instead of using google fonts if you host the font files yourself, but for the purposes of that question yes, assume its all done by Google
and no need to be sorry :)
they just mentioned you because they were looking for moderators with names same as the folks on our chat
one guy used to go around as vincent (now he is called A Radish)
@GiantCowFilms you linked Inkspot just FYI
2 hours later…
Okay im actually a developer and im looking for inspiration for showing images for blog posts in a creative way
A lozenge (â—Š), often referred to as a diamond, is a form of rhombus. The definition of lozenge is not strictly fixed, and it is sometimes used simply as a synonym (from the French losange) for rhombus. Most often, though, lozenge refers to a thin rhombus—a rhombus with acute angles of less than 45°. The lozenge shape is often used in parquetry and as decoration on ceramics, silverware and textiles. It also features in heraldry and playing cards. == Symbolism == The lozenge motif dates as far back as the Neolithic and Paleolithic period in Eastern Europe and represents a sown field and fe...
Just came across this glyph in a typeface and thought I'd share
@IPAddress what
brb moving to Memphis @Darth rentcafe.com/blog/apartment-search-2/…
@JohnB looks like im paying about austin prices
its hard to say though and not that useful since it doesn't say how many rooms and ammenities
a 1 bedroom studio vs a 3 bedroom with washer and dryer for example
very true
my place has washer/dryer included not just the hookups, a dishwasher, central AC of course in Florida, and relatively new appliances
my rent is very inexpensive but I'm not sure what square footage I have, if I had to guess it is probably very close to $1/square foot. No washer/dryer/dishwasher though
I'm paying a fortune because I have a 1 bedroom and live in a fairly wealthy suburb but its where my office is. the only options are either wealthy parts or literally cross the train tracks and live in a very bad part
once you hit two bedroom around here the price per square foot jumps quite a bit though. That layout for Memphis is mind blowing to me
Really? usually 1 bedroom is way more expensive. I think you might be mistaken on that
1 bedroom has to be more because bathroom, kitchen, ac/heat, etc
not in my experience
hmm actually you might be right. im not thinking price per square foot, I was thinking price per occupant
splitting a 2bedroom is way less expensive than a 1 bedroom
yeah that definitely makes a difference
I searched for a long time for a two bedroom that was within my means so I could use it as an office/spare room but the price jump was just too much for me to justify
I could pay less for a 2 bedroom if I go to a less desireable part of town and/or an older building which is what I might do
better for me to just save up money to put towards a downpayment anyway
There's usually 2 bedrooms around for like $800/mo while I'm paying $1000/mo for a 1 bedroom. But I live upstairs in a shopping center right now which is a premium I was willing to pay for
@Ryan my question was worried wrong nvm
I don't blame you, I live on the outskirts of the main drag of my town and it's so nice to be within walking distance of everything
@JohnB ya almost all property is like that here, well except nashville, nashville is getting more expensive then NY
you're closer to Nashville right?
yes indeed. I've debated moving to NC as prices for a 4k sq.ft. rang around 200k
I went to a wedding in north central PA, way out in the middle of nowhere. I think it was close to $150 per night for the Comfort Inn, I was pretty unhappy about that
that would be probably $100 per night near where I live not in the middle of nowhere
hehe after reading bout ur rent i thought id google a city centre apartment in dublin for a laugh
rent has spiked here recently though i think this one is a little extreme....700 per week lol.
rent.ie/houses-to-let/… doesn't look great either...
slightly posh area I guess
my old student apartment was 300 per month xD
winning site for the day: wookietranslator.com
2 hours later…
Seapunk Vaporware
another tutorial getting uploaded now
(60 second on IG not to website, going to start that one tonight)
very good
just posted a link above for Seapunk...remember that in the 90s? lol I think it has returned in a weird tumblr fashion
eh not a fancy tutorial but keeps things moving along
may find a palette in there somewhere for "rave"/"electric" though a lot of the colours seem washed out
i know that style well but never heard a name for it
good to know
haha yeah there's a lot of psychedelic stuff there
photoshop does regular themes on Instagram and features people. One of the ones last week was PS_NEON
actually its probably better to just scroll their feed at some of the featured ones: instagram.com/photoshop
cool thanks
impressive...it's funny how far techniques have been pushed since my old magazine collecting days!
I used to buy advanced photoshop and computer arts all the time back in my teens
a friend of mine from college was featured in one of those magazines. Can't remember which
I helped him learn Photoshop but he could already draw really well so he's gone pretty far with it. Doesn't do much social media though so I haven't kept up with where he's at now
hehe very playful illustrations
instagram.com/p/BBQJpRBKely I like the colours in this
the only thing is that Bronze ( or whatever that colour is ) can look like turd if one isn't careful lol
sigh, again giving me issues posting the tutorial
last time it didn't want to go through until like 10pm so I ended up waiting until the next morning
I need to learn to copy/paste whatever description I type into a notepad so if this happens I don't lose the text portion
Do you upload via your phone?
yahoo answers says : it happens to me every time i try and upload a video. What I have been doing is turning my phone on airplane mode and than turning it off and its been working.
sounds crappy but worth a try? answer is 3 years old...there are reports of a problem since a recent iphone update
yeah you can't post to IG from computer unless you get a phone emulator
I'm on Droid not iPhone
I tried turning Wifi off/on last time. I'll give airplane mode a shot
I've ended up on the weird part of the internet again :/
sigh, just tried again and again it failed. At least this time I copied all the text before trying to submit
there is another suggestion but i dunno if im allowed post here
it's a link to previous instagram versions
well, i guess it isn't a paid app instagram.en.uptodown.com/android/old
just tried again and its going through finally
nice one just watched
can definitely see the benefits of LAB in these videos
In my mind LAB > RGB > CMYK
I always link colourspaces to output so Lab kind of threw me that way
it depends a bit on what you're doing though. Not all features and filters work in LAB so it can be a bit of push and pull between LAB and RGB but I find LAB simpler to understand than RGB after very little effort
once i knew what colours the A and B worked between, it seemed much more clear to me
or is that right lol
I have yet to get back to photo editing
yeah that's kinda it though I think of it more Green/Red Yellow/Blue
ah ok Red
er well those should be switched
Red/Green Yellow/Blue if you want them in the same order
wait no im wrong
Green/Yellow are same side and Magenta/Blue are the same side

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