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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Damn. The only Quizno's here has shut down... So.. no sub shops except Subway (which is horrid).
4 hours later…
So it seems everyone posting there pics as avatars..
who else did?
Noticed a weird avatar clicked on it then realized it was ryan
weird face.
the image for my vote on the election page still shows his old image while the nomination shows his new one
I think the election will come down to two members...
it has to come down to 1 ;)
@Matt can you please look at my profile and look at the "top .70% this year" and tell me if the 7 is a different height?
Screenshot what you see
I do notice the icons below your profile are off
which icons are cut off?
Looks fine to me
I think the election is pretty cool
You're going to have to ask someone to look at it that's isn't an overlord
Joojaa you play with grep
so nobody liked my blending anim... well i guess my color choice was bad beyter change the anim more "conservative"
@Matt sure, why
Trying to find how to set a file name pattern as a variable besides using find
Are we getting more members because the top year precentage moves so fast?
Wanna say it's -l but can't remember... So theFile=$(grep -l foobar[0-9].jpg) doesn't seem right
I think we are getting steady traffic and its nice seeing other members close off topic questions instead of a mod doing it
So your doing this in bash, tcsh, zsh? In other words what shell?
more exams tomorrow... g'night
@Zach exam in 3 hours, im the one who keeps the exam tough
Give someone a break tomorrow, @joojaa :P
good to see you around
Bash... Through Mac terminal
Ah.. Just might be easier to use find -name foobar[0-9].jpg
Oh... No it's -regex..
Ok that means brain fried.. Good night
5 hours later…
@Ryan Feels weird to say it, but I guess that's a good thing. makes things easier, I suppose. Give it some time.
2 hours later…
@Vincent huh?
about your diagnosis
all patients of similar things I know have always felt putting a name to it was a relief in the long run
@matt and @ZachSaucier I had been meaning to change my picture for a while. I had put that one up actually to use with the holiday hats and then never changed it
so I wanted to say that I'm happy for you about the diag, although that feel weird to say :)
@Vincent ah got ya
well just got a ping as I was waking up, getting off so I can eat and get to work. Gotta go do a photo shoot this morning too before heading in. See ya little later @Vincent
ah good luck shootin'! See ya!
1 hour later…
got online today and saw +160 rep. What a lovely surprise :D I don't think that's happened for me before
@Zach nice! got a bounty?
hey Matt
what's up?
playing catch up
feeling better?
ya but my body just hurts and it will be a couple of days till I can fully recoupe from all that
its a week killer
hows your week coming?
ok-ish. no more sheer stress, at least :)
@Vincent I suppose I've seen it with bounties before. All the rep today was from my image question
now I'm just trying to educate a marketing employee of one of my customers. she has the annoying habit of suggesting lots of very bad things for my designs instead of a general direction
@Zach that IS is a great Q
@Vincent class... everyone is a fucking critic
@Benteh Yeah, but you can educate them into not suggesting the things you learned not to do in Design 101
it's hard, but possible
one thing i have wondered about, is a stage between wireframes and design suggestions: grayscale
literally grayscale?
it is hard not to get "arrogant", saying "i know what i am doing"
yes: basically, people tend to get hung up on colours "that blue must be blue but yellow"
@Benteh very hard
someone once said that tell your clients "you do not hang over the shoulder of your accountant, driver, engineer: let the designer do his job"
I know of a lot of my customers who wouldn't be able to 'see through' a b&w design
there is that...
hm, that might be a good one
but at least you do not get stuck on "blue must be blue but yellow"
i find people get stuck on colours, "move this one millimeter"
yeah, micromanagement
yes, hate that
I hate it when they do that, makes me feel like the photoshop monkey
you are of course familiar with oatmeal and the webdesigner hell..
but perhaps putting it into a perspective of other services they may hire might help
errr no?
I know of Oatmeal, but that's all
oh yeah, that one. Didn't know it was oatmeal's
"you are now a mouse cursor inside a graphics program that the customer can control by email, messaging, phonecalls"
I think I'll write a post for large background videos when I get free time (maybe next week?). There are some additional points to include that are video specific
@ZachSaucier you mean a question or an answer? or blog?
@Benteh seriously, is there a way to handle clients like these except for firing them?
@Benteh question/answer like the image one I made yesterday
Got rep capped for today already :(
when did everyone start flagging for not an answer?
@ZachSaucier hheheeh, i am not really paying attention to what goes on in Q&A these days - will take a look
@Vincent no idea; but at some point you might have to stand on the barricade
and say "NO, not gonna happen"
@Matt i do not know; i skip some of them, some of them lack a little wriggle-room
@Dom Thanks!
@Matt i have not been hanging around much lately, but it seems to me the quality of questions are pretty dire
or, rather, that there are more bad ones
@Benteh hear hear hear
see here the main reason for my election goal: more 10k+ users
10k+ users are involved
involved users ask good questions and give good answers
here is a bias i have, regarding new users; if someone has bothered to upload an avatar or even a pic of oneself, i give a little more leeway. perhaps stupidly
@Vincent true
involved users moderate and weed out the bad Qs
@Benteh There are good reasons behind doing so
though i started master, there is a possibility that since i lost some tools when we got out of beta might have been a part of it
the more 10k+ users, the better the site
@ZachSaucier good to hear - i am happy to accept some idiocy if there seems to be some interest in participating
@Vincent true indeed
just saw your q @ZachSaucier
thanks! Wait until tomorrow to upvote ;) kidding
and as for background video: i find that unbelievably annoying
rep capped for today
morning everyone
hi @cockypup
Hey @pup
does ^^ ping you?
anyone experienced with keeping track of academic stuff like articles connected to notes, screenshots etc? right now I am trying to get Zotero and Evernote to play nice :S
not that easy...
@ZachSaucier :D
bear in mind i need the referencing automatic
@ZachSaucier no, pinging only works when the start stays intact
like I can ping you with @Zach
@Vincent Try @Saucier
but the only way to ping 'pup is, i'm afraid, @cock
@Saucier yello?
nope :(
I think 3 letters are required. Am I correct @Vi ?
yes, bad choice of a moniker... or is it?
two doesn't work, three does
nice, I'm correct then
@ZachSaucier nope
@cockypup bad monikers force people to look beyond the book's cover
I just got awesome news
ah, do tell?!
wait, i can ping with @(three letters)
my Chinese oral exam (teacher asks me questions in Chinese I answer in Chinese) was cancelled! Instead I get to record me reading a story :D That means I can get a 100% whereas I'd likely get a C on the oral exam
Makes me sooo happy
Class, @ZachSaucier!
ooh, nice!
@Benteh 对
@ZachSaucier nice. I did not know you were learning Chinese. So cool!
indeed impressive
my Chinese is nonexistent, so I am in awe :)
my family lived in China for 7 years, I was there for 3
an increasingly useful language skill
so my parents both speak it and a couple of my siblings can still beat me at it (I'm pretty bad)
ah, that explains a bit
i have a friend who takes various language courses for fun..
i think she is up to six fluent and working on mandarin
blows my mind
that's a lot
I used to follow six languages in highschool, but I dropped quite a lot of them
..met a dutch guy in indonesia who spoke nine...
of course, it is a matter of defining "fluent"
hm, yeah. I do get by in French and German, but I'm by no means fluent
same goes for Japanese
i can make myself understood (ish) in german
not discussing politics or philosophy..
but think my german is pretty much gone
I even used to speak a smidgen of Danish
but i live in a stupid country with technically four official languages, two of which is so similar to each other, hardly any can keep track of it. other than getting red lines in your school notebooks
my parents took me there on holiday some six years straight. you tend to pick up some words then
makes sense
danish is simple enough for me
ah, Nynorsk and Bokmal?
stupid beyond measure
(don't have the a circle on my keyboard)
politics suck
even though I'm in an election, I refuse to perform politics
a massive nationalistic, romantic, political rubbish-heap of history, Nynorsk
you know what THHGTTG says about that
"anyone who wants to be president is the one you definitely do not want in power"
I had to study Russian at school. 3 years. But I remember only one phrase, and it useless.
nice, @cockypup - where are you from/living?
@Benteh inversely, a country's ideal leaders should be the people who do not want the job
I am from Cuba. Now I live in Canada.
what's the phrase?
makes sense, then
russian was a language available here in primary school
in some schools; you could choose between french, german, spanish, russian
"kakaia profesia ti prijatel?"
something "professional"? :D
yup, "what profession do you like?"
that one stuck, for some reason
i have a french one stuck
bataille boule de neige
for some reason i find it hilarious
an old friend of mine used to 'collect' a single phrase is as many languages he could
@Bente snowball fight! :D
you have heard of the silly dictionary?
Documentary addict - Over 5,000 documentaries
when I last spoke him, he was able to say 'my shoes are wet' in about twenty different languages
@Vincent yes, but the funny part is the direct translation "battle with balls of snow" - even funnier in norwegian
from QI, a guy can say "i have spilled coffee on my anteater" in danish
A: kakaia profesia ti prijatel?
B: bataille boule de neige!
@cockypup class! i did not see that coming!
reminds me of "The Bald Soprano" hehe
we should do that ant-eater thing
i remember someone coming with examples from frase books; apart from the "where is the loo" etc, one had "so how come you got to loose your other leg"
very useful
very useful
you remind me of this My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels thing
if you are a cockroach
haha, I did not know that trope
@ZachSaucier I made that kid very happy : )
there is an interesting thing about speaking foreign languages badly, or just getting phrases out of a phrasebook
@Cocky unfortunately, I have to admit that I have lost many a useful hour to wiki walks on tvtropes...
you get the phrase right, "where is the train station", but you have rarely a chance to understand the answer
yes, but it lets you practice both speaking and listening, and one day you will :)
@Vincent I think tropes are fascinating. My BF loves B horror movies and we make up "tropes" when watching them, like the "kitty fake" (when they go to the basement looking for the murderer and the kitty jumps out of the shadows). Mind you, that one might exist already with that name, but I Googled it and did not find it, so I am giving my BF the authorship : )
hehe, they have a special forum for things like that, 'That Thing Where...', where you can propose new tropes
@Benteh That happened to me in Italy. I noticed if I talked Spanish with a fake Italian accent they 90% of the time understood what I was trying to say. But then, when they answered back in perfect Italian...
I am having a hard time deciding which answer to chose from my web design question : S
@cockypup that's a good thing :)
(you should totally pick me)
@ZachSaucier (tomorrow)
accepts aren't included, so today works! :)
votes are capped at 200, bounties and accepts are still given in addition to that
ah, I see
why are news sites so ugly and annoying?
I should make an extension to make all news sites be formatted in the same, attractive way
+1 to the "ideas/to do" list
aah to crunch a marmoset! i found it! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_As_She_Is_Spoke
what happens if you do not speak english, translate from italian to french to english: One eyed was laied
against a man which had
good eyes that he saw better
than him. The party was
accepted. I had gain, over
said the one eyed; why I
see you two eyes and you
not look me who one.
The stone as roll not heap
up not foam
my rant on Dreamweaver is over, lol
hehe, I'll still use it though :)
but the last time I actually used the interface is... in the stone age
I did a lot of preaching on BBEdit but I love it, it has really increased my productivity
will have to give it a go one of these days
I bet if I showed you what you could do when building a WP theme you'd switch, lol
@Benteh HA! this is amazing. I love "I have mind to vomit."
sounds like my own attempt to write a blog in English (now gone for good).
@Matt I was going to answer but you heroically represented all the things I stand for with your answer. +10 at least : )
dreamweaver = countless hours spent trying to figure out why when I dragged that one column to make it wider the whole thing went nuts
@cockypup Im going to add more later but I thought Scott's answer was good but it just had no arguments.
^^ I was surprised it got so many votes
I think it was for the graphics
@Zach gotta thank you. I tried making my own off-screen nav instead of copying one somewhere, and it turned out nice and rather easy. Your css help has had at least some influence on that achievement, so: thanks! :D
yay! Good work
I'm all for reusing code, but there's a lot of crappy code that's not worth copying out there
I always end up having to analyse the code and tailor-make it to my case, so I decided to skip a step here :)
@DA. What do the letters stand for? Initials?
we can give explicit write access for users in chat? Cool
yeah, helpful for new users that don't have enough rep for chat
@cockypup lol - pretty much my experience
@cocky @bente that's shy I quit using the point'nçlick and just use the thing as a glorified code editor
i have not looked at it in donkeys years, perhaps it is a rolls royce now. but i am happy with my little editor
@Matt could not resist. I hate WYSIWYG with a passion. It almost got me fired once.
WYSIWYG will be the future. It's not the now though
@Vincent @Benteh Same here. I use Visual Studio. It has a visual editor but I code all the HTML manually. If I click the visual editor by mistake I panic. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH NOOOOOOOOOO it will add extra tables NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
visual editor is safely tucked away in my Dw workspace
it be a miracle to get get more rep than our overlord, lol
...never to be seen again
@ZachSaucier when computers rule the earth and we just sit on floating lawn chairs getting obesse, maybe
i use Coda
which is not technically all that "little"
@cockypup isnt that how Terminator started?
that sounds like such an afterthought :P
@Matt yup, it all started with somebody using a WYSIWYG editor
@cockypup what will happen in the recreational and art world once we have less work to do will be interesting
can put a ton of thought into the subject
I added some other text editors as to not appear so biased for BBEdit
WYSIWYG was supposed to be the now in Y2K... it failed horribly. all it takes is for one iteration of browser updates with one extra thing from the HTML/CSS wish list added to them for WYSIWYG editors to get stale
@cockypup Y... 2... K?
does anyone still call it that? :P
I have dated myself
kinda :)
I am from the times when the <font> tag was a cool thing to use
While I do agree that DreamWeaver is useless, I don't agree with your specific points. Integration: They recently added an Extract-mode, which generates fairly clean HTML and CSS from a .psd and embeds images in proper resolutions. GREP: On CTRL+F, you can use regular expressions. Muse: Muse and Dreamveawer have overlap in functionality, but they're seperate products. Auto-completion: I don't see why it would hurt. You still write the entire code yourself, including thinking about what to write - you just type less and thus avid typos. But that's nitpicking: Good answer. — Kjeld Schmidt 4 mins ago
@ZachSaucier yep, just my initials. Holdover from the StackOverflow days.
WYSIWYG online will never work as the entire point of online media is that WYSI not what the end user will necessarily get or even want.
ooh font elements, how cutting edge :)
two of them for extra control
and tables, tables are good, many of them
@JohnB :D
And add me to the DW hater's club. It was a good product a decade ago...as were many of the Macromedia products, but they were left to rot and Adobe did little-to-nothing to refurb them and the amount of bugs in DW eventually made it unusable in the situations we needed it.
Sadly, I'm not working on a major 'replatforming' of our corporations web site and the Content Management tool business bought has WYSIWYG templating.
We're doomed.
Er, I'm NOW working...
that is why "keep it simple" is a great business motto
many time saving gimicky solutions become a drag in the future
Yea, we had already begun designing a really lean, mobile-first responsive site. Then we're told we have to design separate templates for every viewport and...UGH
So, yes, that's exactly it! Gimicky solutions are keeping us from rolling out a truly modern solution. We're stuck with crappy workarounds. THANKS WYSIWYG.
It happens in other areas too. I used to work for a company that developed solutions to communicate car dealerships with banks. My job was to code the calculations involved in a lease matching the way the specific bank calculates them. 90% of the time the employees of the bank did not know how to calculate them manually, so they could not help me. They were calculated by an old piece of code written in FORTRAN running in a mainframe in the basement of the bank.
so, control was given to the sparkling new mainframe in the 60's because it was the future. now they are stuck with it.
I love machines but they are here to help us, not the other way around.
Yep. I've worked for banks too. It's amazing what holds our economy together. Some UNIX server in a basement somewhere last rebooted in 1988.
A fun story: back when I worked for a government agency I was brought into a meeting. "We need you to kick of a project to redo the system we use for X".
My reply: "System X? We're still running that one?"
Business: Yes.
Me: You mean, the one that was run by Sandy?
Business: Yes.
Me: The one that retired a year ago?
Business: Yes.
Me: Who's running it now?
Business: No one.
They had left a system running for a year without a single person in charge of it.
sounds right
I think I need to be more biased in my answers.. I get on long rants and other members that give brief answers get more rep than I do...
I'm a fan of getting to the point. :)
Sometimes the right answer truly is a simple yes or no.
Then again, sometimes a long rant is the right answer, too.
oh snap its Thursday!
i am gonna throw something out there: i have a feeling that that "mobile first" is a bit of a buzzword...
i mean; design for mobile, yes
but how does your mental image of webdev go - from tiny screens and up?
responsive, yes, but "mobile first" sounds like so much horseshit
how is it?
mobile first causes you to mentally think of what is the main focus of content that you're trying to get across instead of a bloated desktop
The idea is that if you do the opposite, "desktop first" you end up trying to squeeze a lot of content into small screens. But if instead of squeezing you try to identify things that are superfluous and get rid of them, then it is actually very similar to "mobile first".
> mobile-first should never be thought of as mobile-most-important, which would imply that so long as we get it working on phones and tablets we’ll be okay. Instead, think of it as smaller-first, or smaller-then-larger in temporal order of consideration. - my responsive design primer
yes i get that
agreed, zach
i have no problem keeping a responsive model in my head
it is the "mobile first" that to me seems an idiotic buzzword, so people can say "i design mobile first"! yeah...wow...
i actually have no problem developing them simultaneously
yes, it's a buzzword
just like css3 and html5
it looks good, and for people who do not do webdesign it sounds like it is on the frontline, the sharp edge of "modern" dev
just a pet hate of mine
"pet hate" lol
Never heard that used but I like it
hehe - i have several pet hates
need feedback
is this image understandable (open to zoom) @ZachSaucier ?
I'd say so
the up/down arrow seems too large, wasn't sure what it was referring to at first
maybe placing it on the shaft would be better? not sure
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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