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@Bakabaka will do just that :) thanks!
sup @DA. I see you asked a question on wood finishing on DIY stack
@Gramps yup. I did. :)
im trying to build a top without having to use a planer.. =/
Table top?
Without the planer, I think you're stuck with 60grit belt sander.
ya.. for a desk.. think Im just going to use an orbital sander
That can work too. If you have a belt sander, that will make quicker work of it, though.
I was told not to use a belt sander
Huh. Why is that?
told it puts too much of a cut in the wood
and that you will see the marks from the sander
Yea, you won't use it to finish sand. I'd use the orbital for that.
Are you stripping an existing finish?
Orbital will work for sure. Just might take a bit longer.
no I cant find any butcher block in my area so I thought about making my own and I cant find anyone that has a planer
hmm...I'm not an expert on planers. I wonder if it'd have tough time with the end grain anyways.
found some wood that appears to be for shelving at lowes that I can clamp then sand and place over MDF and paint
you're painting the butcher block?
with a poly
something like this and but pipe clamp it together: lowes.com/…
are you going to use it as a butcher block (cutting)? If so, you may want to consider an oil finish (they make 'butcher block oil' for this)
no its just going to be for a computer desk
so, this is funny.
I used that exact same wood for my 'desk' I made a few weeks ago.
how it turn out?
It's not technically a desk, but a wall-mounted stand-up desk.
Yea, that stuff is pretty smooth already. Orbital is all you need.
I went for a fake weathered look using a Steel wool + vinegar 'stain'.
clamp it together and roll?? At lowes it appear to be all plastic wrapped
Then oil poly.
ya I saw you did that.. I was going for industrial design and Im going to clean the galvanized pipe coating off and paint it
Well, they have different grades .The stuff in plastic is stain grade (no knots).
I went with the cheap stuff full of knots and holes (was actually the look I was going for).
were you able to fill it with enough poly to get it even?
thats what Im worried about
I built a table out of it too.
Let me find the photo
My wife hated it. But, whatever. I like it. :)
why she hate it?
She doesn't like the black pipe look.
Which is fine. It's more of a 'guy' look.
Im aiming for something like this:
minus the 2 grand for it
well, that's some pretty nice wood right there. :)
ya I hope I can get that effect with the wood I found at Lowes
might be tough to get the grain to 'pop' that well.
That looks like maple in the photo? Can't quite tell for sure.
I think Im going to add some siding and around it because Im butting two 3/4" pieces together
I asked about it on DIY and I was told to just buy it, lol
the desk or the board?
how to make butcher block wood
technically, that's not butcher block wood.
Butcher block wood is end-grain exposed.
so I just learned something new. what is it called?
Those from lowes are called 'edge glued planks'
but those edge glued planks do they have to be jointed?
ya know what, I stand corrected. A quick Google search seems to indicate that a lot of people call the edge-glued stuff 'butcher block' as well. So I guess it's an ambiguous term.
I always considered this butcher block:
FYI, I think Ikea sells countertop material like this. So that might be an option as well if you are in Ikea range.
they do but the freight is very high for me
no IKEA =(
so...we better spin this so it's GD related, eh? ;)
erm.. ya, lol
SO... you work at a printer's?
oh if I never told ya good job on the printer q & a
I went to school for Graphic Design but we also had a Graphic Arts program there as well, so I got to understand the printing side of things. Ironically, I mostly ended up doing web work. I do miss print jobs, but they are infrequent.
I also spent some time at a letterpress shop and got my hands dirty with wood type.
always wanted to do some letterpress
Come to think of it, I don't even recall when my last commercial print job was done. Must be going back at least 7 years or so now.
I don't touch it much anymore, but I am doing some interactive work for the Hamilton Type Museum, so that's fun. Kinda of keeps my hands dirty with the history.
I think I fried most of my brain off of all that vinyl and paint from an old school sign shop
ha! Yes.
I have memories of spray mount overdoses.
ever have new people come in and ask.... whats that smell... what are you talking about?? I dont smell it.. OH you mean the vinyl, lol
well I am out of here.. later DA
2 hours later…
Q: When is it ok to add two separate answers?

joojaaWhen, if ever, is it ok to add more than one answer? I was acrually thinking about how to add clarity to this question by splitting my answer in two parts. the use EPS part other methods part is that ok? Or maybe i just went totally overboard? And should trim the ansver just to the eps part. ...

5 hours later…
Hi all
Q: Is the *oblique* effect a bit too slanted

joojaaWhen type *text* it will become oblique (or italicized, tough i think its oblique because it has no compressive quality). However I noticed that the oblique slant is quite heavy. In fact so heavy that if you do this for a acronym like: some *PDF* file -> some PDF file Atleast on my browser this...

2 hours later…
good morning / afternoon / and evening..
hi @Gramps
how's life?
HI Vincent
Good day
has anyone messed with the new features of CC 2014?
hey @Ryan
h'lo @Anuj
and suddenly, the place is bustling :)
who's cheering who in the world cup?
forgot to make coffee when I got to work and the administrative person is running late so now there's no coffee >:(
Its brewing, but it needs to be done
dial a coffee!
i once drank coffee, i didn't sleep for 3 days. i was 18 then.
red bull...
i pledged that day, no more coffee.
I can't afford red bull every morning @Gramps
I made me a palace
please kindly kill my work
is it deliberately up a hill?
(lot of work remaining on it, i know :))
i tried to make a hill, went on for a mountain plain instead.
yeah @Gramps, I need comments.
i need to learn it
what better place than from you guys!
make it a question on GD.
it would be closed, marked useless, and demotivated
it will be a broad question
so no problem if i put it in the critique room?
yeah. I am sorry about it. I was mean.
my bad.
I used to come here earlier, and chat with people. Yes, many times I asked about the work, but I just wanted to ask for suggestions on improving it.
people here are awesome, Yisela was a great support.
they critiqued the few things that i made.
@Ryan or @Bakabaka my apologies but Im off for awhile.. If you need a mod attention please feel free to let me know in chat..
@Gramps take it easy, Matt :)
we'll hold the fort. I hope
Gramps = Matt 2.0?
I dunno. I don't know any Matt 1.0
@AnujKaithwas yes I am Matt_2.0... we had an election awhile ago and I was asked to be GD's moderator.
oh great!
hi man
sup the aged wine
hey @JohnB
it's Tuesday, that's about all I can offer right now
@JohnB hi
I haven't been following the CC stuff, I need to find a summary article of things worth knowing about
hey @Anuj
been partying :)
nice dance moves
you like to move it move it eh!
of course
hehe... only a few more days of hard working, I suppose?
hoping to get my e-mail count back down to the single digits today
that sounds like heaven
haven't been there in ages
oooh they added the rubberband feature into Ai for the Pen Tool
bout time!
"Please close Adobe Illustrator to finish updating to Photoshop CC 2014"
heh... saved your work?
yeah I didn't have anything important open, just found it funny
I stopped trying to get the logic in installation procedures back when I was swapping 5 1/4" floppies.
I'm already not a fan of this new CC system :\
so 2014 is completely separate?
I have no clue. I'm still on CS6
and liking that more and more
Guessing I can uninstall the two non-2014 programs and everything will be fine
fingers crossed
I thought it was just an update but it looks like they're treating 2014 as a whole new program, kinda like switching from CS5 to CS6
@johnb CC-2014, per mac, will install a separate folder of adobe software so if you have CC it will create an app called software CC 2014
3 hours later…
@JohnB you think that's bad, check out my start menu on Windows 7
i hate the yellow lines
think they go away once I open those applications. Haven't used them since updating
but i mean if you update something it gets annoying espeically in win 2007 as they push into the menu even if they should not
@ryan the pep talk about woting seems to have panned off
@joojaa what?
+9 on GD.SE never hapened to me
you know the complain that we dont upwote enough
i think we've had an influx of new users the last couple of weeks as well which helps
but congrats on your biggest upvote!
yeah but we finally had some variation in questions aswell
A: Is there a way to create gradations between two given weights of a particular font?

joojaaTechnically it is possible to interpolate an existing font. Image 1: Interpolation of letter K of Arial regular to 2.2 times Arial black. Quite many fonts lend to simple interpolation Arial was chosen for simplicity, and clarity of explaining the interpolation. In this case the vertex numberi...

I'm still debating between your answer and Will Adams answer on that question
Tried asking Gramps for his opinion. Yours gives a working solution, he was the first to give a term and has the most upvotes. Plus he has less rep so might encourage him to participate more :\
Im still a bit bafled on why these topics that are intereting get so low votes
Its sad I'm the only one that upvoted your answer on that. I tried it out and it works
I think its cause people come here for simple "How do I achieve this effect?" "Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Profit" type of stuff for the most part
When I have free time I'm always reading stuff I find on Google Scholar and other sites about topics I like, then try to ask a question about it. But right now the topic I'm reading up on is investing
Well I can kind of get that as I'm not really a graphic designer so my worldview dont mesh with you guys always so well. Like i said its been done it works but graphics designers aren't so eager to see manual work displaced,
yeah ive noticed that you actually invest in your answers and questions.
I'm barely a graphic designer at this point. Certainly not as more and more seem to think graphic design and web design are synonymous
they are not. Everybody who thinks thisway is as misguided as the 3d printing is going to save us crowd
being popular does not mean right
anyway im impressed that you tried the interpolation trick. Its pretty standard stuff in animation, tahts how faces and some muscle bulges are made
Not sure if you like nonfiction literature but one of my favorite novels is called A Confederacy of Dunces. Its very much about the conflict between the individual and the masses in trying to figure out if popular opinion is the correct opinion.
I didn't know Python could talk with inkscape. That sounds interesting. Now that I've learned more if I could afford Rhino3D I'd love to do more python scripting in there. Maybe I'll look into Python scripting in inkscape instead
Anyway, if your into economics i suggest reading: Undercover economist and crisis economics. They will explain some pretty good facts. Undercover economist made me look at stores entirely differently.
it can talk to illustrator too
I don't have illustrator at home anymore
ah ok
doesent your work licence cover your home?
I'll look into it. Right now I'm reading up on understanding financial reports and balance sheets. Birthday's coming up and all I really want to get myself is investments. Ever since I was little I was interested in investing but never felt secure enough
lol. Rule number one invest early. Rule number 2 lift money when you really need it no second toughts
@joojaa hmm it might but I don't think so. I'd have to check but I believe we have an individual license
my work licence covers nearly every application known to man
anyway happy birthday mine is still 20 days in the future
I dont know how many days in the future mine is :\
happy birthday to you too though
8 days from mine
so you do know
opened a calendar :)
i noticed. anyway to get you started with python and inkscape
I'm just debating between investing in more mutual funds or individual stocks. Also want to get Rolling CDs going since even though its very minimal its still better then sitting the bank
individual stock is better depending on how you deal of holding works. However you need to distribute manually
but now i got to go happy scripting/investing
the concern i have is more taxes and fees if I go individual since it would mean more, lower value trades then if I just dumped into say 3 mutual funds
scripting is also investing as long as you file the script well. It ivests in your capirtal
later joojaa
@Ryan yuck, any reason to keep the old ones around?
@JohnB if I knew I could answer that. No idea what Adobe is doing
No issues for me so far since removing the old versions of CC Illustrator
Did you remove from the Programs or Programs(x86) folder?
I uninstalled both the 32bit and 64bit from the control panel
so now all I have is Photoshop CC 2014
this laptop only has a small-ish SSD, I can't afford the storage to have all those redundant program versions
@Bakabaka this was for you
A: How do I create a 'inner glow ring' in Photoshop CS5?

RyanOkay here's how I might approach it: By playing with radial gradients with colors so we can see I got something like this: Now I'm going back in and changing the blue for transparent, note how I pushed everything to one side: Which gave this result: Which isn't bad but not quite there y...

uninstalling now
if it breaks, I'm not responsible!!
or we'll burn together at least
I don't think Adobe Edge Code has a 2014 version :\
hi again
@joojaa hi
Our IT is going to have a fit they finally got CC installed on general computers after 1 month of work and then 1 week later adobe does this upgrade that will kill their systems again.
when do we migrate a question to stackoverflow as too techy?
that's an extremely grey area that doesn't have very many well defined guidelines
I thought that referenced question was design-based enough to keep here
Yes me too, my answers may be over the top though. But hey you guys need a good starting point into the dark side :) Join the dark side.
anyway sending anything to SO is probably going to get buried in the sand.
hey, it works so I think it's great to help other broaden their horizon
yeah, getting buried is a concern I have for sending to SO
if it's a CSS question then I don't feel so bad because that's a very heavily watched tag. New users like to scoop those up for easy rep
Could we get some kind of comment system thet differs form SO in general. So that they dont mix the flow but allow talking in design questions. You know some kind of compromise between no commenting and chatting?
the dont talk in comments is a bit alien to many new users at first
I'm usually pretty relaxed about that. I'd just rather not see a full blown answer be typed out in a comment. That's where things get messy
if you're discussing the merits of an answer then I don't see a problem with that
ok just picking your mind on the issue. Anyway something is being done right after a long while seems like we are starting to attract good new questions.
I wasn't very active around the site for the past couple of weeks, maybe I should go away more often! ;)
LOL ;)
@Gramps did a good job scouring other SE sites and requesting questions get migrated to us
I dont think you can affect those things
oh that's a good strategy. I actually liked the PHD question even tough its way too broadly scoped.
why is it you need more points for privileges here than SO?
I thought it was the same
oh sorry i can not read
wtf why did thet one post get 599 views when other posts in same timeframe only got like 20 did it show up in sidebar somewhere.
yep there it is second on stackoverflow
ah nice
Q: How to select objects from image, that are not in another image (in PS)

TschareckI need a to do following thing in Photoshop: I have shot series of photos from a tripod, so they all have the same background. I even took a photo of background itself. Then, there were people moving around the scene. I need to be able to cut only the people from photos (there are shadows, whic...

Sounds interesting if we can get him to attach a screenshot so we know what we're dealing with
i actually have done this answer
its called difference matte and i describe it:
its called difference matte and i describe it:
A: Can image transparency be calculated automatically from multiple non-transparent samples?

joojaaThis can be 'perfectly' done. You need to align the two images as Horatio says. However I'm going to attack this mathematically. So you have 4 channels to fix. Alpha channel is easiest. Place the layers on top of each other and subtract the orange layer for the blue one (this gives better contra...

feel free to modify and post as answer cant seem to sign up at the moment
@Ryan nice catch tough
I just left it as a comment. I have no interest in gaining rep over there. Would rather try to get them over here
Most of their questions are hardware and lightroom related
Anyone even have an issue with the URL on the URL bar going blank?
what browser?
nope but im using classic bar extension
all sorts of weird stuff happening. When I open a new tab its going to AVG search. And URL just resets to "Search or enter address" making it hard to copy/paste urls on here
i gotta go again have nice summer guys
@Ryan uh? Why's that?
I am a fantasy nerd, but I don't think that's what you meant...

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