@hyper-neutrino Just sayng, i love to program.
Whom i see here are similarly inclined. And, to be honest, no one is as efficient as i.. So hate me.
When i program for others i comment as if there were no limit.
When i program for fun is a different story.
As already mentioned, i write languages.
I'll write a language for you.
With permission and instructions.
Best language to date: "Recurve."
It's for making recursive pictures. In a good way.
Nobody has heard of it because i publish others' works.
Silly as i appear, when i take to others' works results occur.
Yes, not only careers. Lives.
So please don't dump me. I've programmed and edited in the shadows too long.
(More bona fides: Taught a sibling a thing or two. Now a star at Go ogle, but i'm working on a cure.)
Silly as ever. Who doesn't get the joke is one who will.