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@hyper-neutrino Just sayng, i love to program.
With a passion.
Whom i see here are similarly inclined. And, to be honest, no one is as efficient as i.. So hate me.
When i program for others i comment as if there were no limit.
When i program for fun is a different story.
As already mentioned, i write languages.
I'll write a language for you.
With permission and instructions.
And with humo(u)r.
Best language to date: "Recurve."
It's for making recursive pictures. In a good way.
Nobody has heard of it because i publish others' works.
Silly as i appear, when i take to others' works results occur.
. . . .'
Yes, not only careers. Lives.
So please don't dump me. I've programmed and edited in the shadows too long.
(More bona fides: Taught a sibling a thing or two. Now a star at Go ogle, but i'm working on a cure.)
. . . .
u(v) = f(x)
Silly as ever. Who doesn't get the joke is one who will.
By the way: ;
. . . .
trying to be funny:
Public: nuisance:
That's enough flags guys
I don't think there's any reason to flag every single one of those messages, spam though they may be
You try coming up with computer homor.
They ain't spam.
There doesn't seem to be much point to them, and they're taking up a lot of space
please don't flag everything
Please, don't make me say again, i love prorgramming, to a fault.
32 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte

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