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Jamiec has unfrozen this room.
Q: "The Hangar" chat room has been "frozen" for inactivity-- is this supposed to happen?

quiet flyer"The Hangar" chat room has been "frozen" for inactivity-- is this supposed to happen? https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/12036 Basically I'm just trying to bring this to the mods' attention, or to the attention of whoever else might be able to unfreeze it. Thanks. If it was going to get u...

You beat me to it @Jamiec!
Thank goodness it's back! (Joke). Thanks--
@quietflyer FYI the image in your user profile appears like a broken link to me.
Ok will try to fix--
Not sure if it was on purpose. Somehow it makes you stand out :-)
@quietflyer It's literally always been like that - I always thought it was intentional :D
Yeah, I just never bothered to upload anything, didn't want to upload an actual pic, so just left it that way, but someone on SE meta also said they thought it was broken, so I should put something there so people stop noticing--
you can remove it entirely and you get a gravatar
I actually thought that the broken link image vaguely resembled the view out of a high wing airplane, there was some blue sky, and white slashing thing that looked sort of like a wing strut, thought it was just a generic image ASE gave me. I wonder where the link was supposed to go to-- should have taken a look at it before I edited just now--

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