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@KennSebesta I originally did not expect that to be closed, but reading the comment that is there now, I can see why.
9 hours later…
@Federico @Federico, could you give some guidance? The comment links to a wonderful website which details the spec. If it had been an answer, I would have accepted it.
@KennSebesta but it is a link, we can't accept it as an answer, and (as the comment says) the whole content linked is too much for this site
you could try to rephrase your question so that the introduction you saw would be enough
@Federico Thanks for the thoughts. I think it's best to leave it as is because the question is well-answered, in the sense that someone who was looking at SE.Aviation for an authoritative answer immediately finds it.
It's a bit of a sticky wicket because rewording the question won't improve the quality of the answer.
@KennSebesta be aware though that in its current state it will be deleted by the housekeeping script in 6 months
4 hours later…
@Federico That's sad! Thanks for the heads up.
If you want to reopen the question, I believe I can answer it. I somewhat disagree with the commenter that it's too complex for SE. I see a happy medium between a simple link and a full bitwise explanation of the protocol.
Then if that answer still doesn't pass SE.Aviation muster, it'll close a second time. But at least we'll have tried.

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