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Excl: Police believe drone chaos at Gatwick in December was an “inside job”. Culprit thought to be a current or former disgruntled employee, who may have flown drone from inside airport rather than external spot. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/d5cee71c-3564-11e9-a129-05a1d4d7c2a2
oh yeah, I read that Dublin Airport was closed for half an hour the other day after a landing pilot reported seeing a drone
Okay, I'm trying to understand something here (which I don't think I can ask on the main site)
bbc.com/news/world-10785301 is a list of all air disasters since 1998. It includes Germanwings 9525 (the suicidal pilot), the Russian plane taken down by IS over the Sinai, the MH17 flight taken down over Ukraine, yet it doesn't include 9/11
@Nzall I don't know why either
maybe a 9/11 conspiracy nut infiltrated the BBC and didn't include it because it never happened
but more likely they just didn't think of it as an air disaster because it was a hijack? have there been other hijackings since 1998 that resulted in total loss, and if so, are they on the list?
@DanHulme Closest thing I can find is the GermanWings incident
though there actually haven't been any other hijackings since 1998 that I can find on the wiki
From what I can tell, the last hijacking that resulted in a crash was 9/11, and then Ethiopian Airlines 961 in 1996
5 hours later…
@TimNevins: I saw your comment about the ash scattering incident over SafeCo. I later trained at that school, and the story was told often. Were you associated with that school / pilots?
5 hours later…
got to love ingenious solutions: radar reflectors on masts to fool RA's into thinking the land before the runway is flat
to avoid the mess of spam not spam of last time, I don't know how to review it, but this user seems to promote a product -- @Federico @Jamiec (only taggable mods)
A Virgin Atlantic flight actually flew faster than the speed of sound at a ground speed of 801 mph. (thisisinsider.com) ... yeah right, faster than Mach 1 👏
@ymb1 Boy, that's a writer that knows nothing about aviation or physics
google speed of sound, plenty of trending stories similar to that will show <sigh>
anyway that's a GS of 696 knots, so ~200 knots tailwind, not new/record really... groundspeedrecords.com/top-3-models/…
1 hour later…
@ymb1 for the moment I see no signs of them being affiliated. but worth keeping under observation

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