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@ymb1 open the csv in notepad++ and then operate a search & replace? :P
4 hours later…
@Federico I tested a screenshot from excel, looks cleaner (subjectively)
a blatant copy & paste from Wikipedia for the tag info is acceptable, right?
@ymb1 I've also heard it called QFE (although that is a misnomer, since QFE is technically the altimeter setting to get it to show height above field elevation)
@ymb1 if you give me the data & link to the relevant post I can give it a try (screenshots are not really search-friendly)
@Federico - DL kindly already had done it, it was his table to begin with (relevant revision)
it won't affect the indexing
subjectively, I like the bottom one, the screenshot one
@ymb1 definitely more readable
2 hours later…
Q: Image upload does not accept many of commons.wikimedia.org URL's

ymb1 Image upload does not accept many of commons.wikimedia.org URL's Example: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7a/Gehling_PLZ106AR_Kruk_OTT_2013_D7N9017_009.jpg/640px-Gehling_PLZ106AR_Kruk_OTT_2013_D7N9017_009.jpg I understand it's powered by imgur, can we ask them to accomm...

Q: 2 synonyms request for crop dusting (aerial-application)

ymb1We have questions about crop dusting, yet no tags, and I can't think of one tag without the need for a synonym. crop-dusting aerial-application (the currently used term according to Wikipedia) agricultural-aircraft 61 hits for search?q=crop 14 hits for search?q=agricultural 2 hits for searc...

never mind sorry, thought I caught a pattern @TomMcW nonetheless, how's it going?
long time no see
@ymb1 I'm good. You?
Where is the setting to get notifications sooner? I know I've seen that somewhere
@TomMcW all good
here you go:
Q: How to get chat notifications quicker?

ymb1How to get the chat notifications quicker and without the 15-minute delay after tagging?

@TomMcW i initially sent you about this comment, thought I caught a pattern, I didn't
I could never quite figure that out. They will always add up to 360, so somehow that makes them also add up to the same number
02/20 03/21 04/22 05/23 06/24 07/25
you're right, it is interesting
maybe there'll be a numberphile video on it :D
I can't find that prefs tab for anything. Maybe I have to be on a computer
whether you're on mobile or tablet, open SE in browser, no app, scroll down and switch to full (desktop) mode to get the full functionality
@TomMcW but they don't always add up to 360
Well, 36
I guess they don't.
@ymb1 I found it. Already had it checked. Why does it take so long. Seems like it takes 10-15 minutes
@TomMcW updated the meta post for chat notifications, easier to follow though now
it's usually fast here, maybe 1 or 2 minutes, today SE were having maintenance, maybe that's it
I think the only pattern is that you started by thinking of examples that are all multiples of 30 degrees. Multiples of three always add to three.
@DanHulme I was adding up the digits as the linked comment
for example 02/20 is 0+2=2+0
works for all but 01/19
@DanHulme If you take any two opposite runways and add the digits they are always the same
doesn't work for 10/28 either
@TomMcW there it goes :( lol
@ymb1 Somehow the 10 throws it off
I mean, it works sometimes because they always have the same difference between them: adding 1 to one runway direction also adds 1 to the other. That's the same for any sequence like that. Any sequence of pairs with that property will work the same way.
@DanHulme I think you've solved it
doesn't work for 11/29
If you add the digits and the result is two digits then you have to add those two digits for it to work
01/19 1+9=10 1+0=1
isn't this mostly modular math shenanigans
@ratchetfreak Since I don't know what modular math is, you're probably right
if you add all digits recursively until you have 1 digit you just got the number mod 9
a+b mod 9 = (a mod 9)+(a mod 9) mod 9
@ratchetfreak Ah... you are correct. I think you and Dan have solved the riddle
and 18 mod 9 = 0 which has a few interesting properties
@ratchetfreak Maths be over my heddd!!!!
@TomMcW just noticed this message, now it is interesting :D
ps little arrow :D
in case it was missed: a blatant copy & paste from Wikipedia for the tag info is acceptable, right?
there's a specific edit rejection reason for that
good to know, only got 2 tag infos under my belt
I'll go and fix :)
does that read well for the CRM tag: CRM (crew resource management), is a set of procedures that ensure the crew are working together without any barriers, as opposed to an authoritative pilot-in-command.
anyway fixed both
@ymb1 wikipedia articles are not public domain
@ratchetfreak copy thanks, I never plagiarize, that's why I asked
but this begs the question, regarding the Text of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, what constitutes "Attribution—You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor" for Wikipedia?
what's the manner specified by Wikipedia
@ymb1 I believe a link to the article where you copied from is enough
Have they confirmed that what the plane struck at EGLL was actually a drone?
If so it's the first one. Eventually had to happen.
@TomMcW no updates here avherald.com/h?article=4970605b
no recent hits from google news
Only other reported drone strike turned out to be a bird.
only if by "drone" you mean "multirotor"
there have been collisions between manned airplanes and remote-controlled aircraft before
@DanHulme Is there another one? Hadn't heard
@DanHulme Recently?
I read an accident report last year about a collision between a GA aircraft and a (powered) model glider
the GA pilot thought it was a bird strike at first
(I can't remember whether he found out himself or if the model operator came forward)
can they jam the drone radio freq range around airports? if it gets serious I mean
Doing some "droning" myself this afternoon. Technically, if I fly a model helicopter in my back yard I have to get ATC clearance first. My house is about 100 yards inside the class E for KMKC
@ymb1 Probably not without disrupting other communications.
e.g. anything that operates on 2.4 GHz can't be jammed without also taking out everyone's Wi-Fi
@ymb1 While studying for my drone license I've done a bunch of reading and have come to the conclusion that all the drone furor is mostly the media blowing it out of proportion.
@ymb1 The drone I fly has geofencing built in
if I'm raising homing pigeons, do I need a license?
it's a common hobby around here, they sell for a lot of cash
@ymb1 If you can raise passenger pigeons I'll be impressed :P
@TomMcW didn't this prince dude have passenger falcons :P
I saw it here in chat
@ymb1 Passenger pigeons are extinct.
@TomMcW was just googling it to get your reference :D
I want to raise a FL400 goose
The wiki page on them is interesting. They went from being possibly the most numerous warm-blooded animal on earth to being extinct in like 20 years
@ymb1 BTW, you ruined my joke by changing it to homing pigeons :P
@TomMcW didn't mean to :( but they're also called messenger right?
@ymb1 Yeah. Same difference
collectively, humans tend to have no regard to anything else but the very near future / needs
@ymb1 Very true
TIL DC-8 had slots instead of slats, like this aviation.stackexchange.com/q/32552/14897 but nearer the LE
I was like: heeey, wait a second, I came up with that hehe
can be seen opened here ^
@ymb1 Interesting.
Not very big, are they?
no, they were an afterthought to improve the slow speed perf
weren't originally planned
@ymb1 Wonder why they aren't used any more
@TomMcW my guess they weaken the wing if there were to be implemented spanwise
slats do the same thing but smarter
and of course they would reduce fuel carrying capacity
@ymb1 As long as you don't deploy them during cruise
Investigators believed that 727 pilots (in general, and this flight specifically) were setting the trailing edge flaps to two degrees during high altitude cruise, while at the same time pulling the circuit breaker for the slats so that they would not activate. This configuration was rumored to result in increased lift with no increase in drag, thus allowing more speed, higher elevation, or decreased fuel consumption
Of course he denied that's what he did
Hey Jim / yes captain? / let's circle for 30-minutes / why captain? / the CVR has me asking you to pull the CB / -.-
@ymb1 Try this one
link for wiki article about the video / cvr recording above en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_Air_Lines_Flight_1141
also a 727
If I'm reading this post right:
A: What is the function of the scissors link in helicopter flight controls?


it's spam
@ymb1 That's what I guessed too, but it wasn't blatant: there's no price, link to a website, "for sale!" stuff etc. So I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and a polite hint in my comment
@ymb1 I agree with you. It's a spam seed or a bot that doesn't know how to do links.
flagged as such and VTD
1 hour later…
the distance between MLG wheels is called track, right?
the track is very narrow on this bird, reminds me of the Wildcat
looks nice though
@ymb1 Reminds me of F-16
@TomMcW agreed
one comment though, I wouldn't call that a take off :D more like an albatross trying to fly
@ymb1 The good old gooney bird. I guess that's why they stay aloft so long. Took so much effort to get up there they don't want to land.
@ymb1 They cut off the video. Did that jet clear those trees? Looks like it was going to be pretty close
@ymb1 The picture you put in this answer might explain why I felt the rudder pedals were backwards while taxiing. Gave me a bit of trouble and gave the instructor a very brief scare
@TomMcW makes sense, as if the axis of rotation corresponds to the direction
some acft have the throttle/thr lever 'backwards' too, fwd is idle, aft is full pwr
I think they were Italian planes, can't recall the era
@ymb1 In the air it felt completely normal. I'm not sure why my brain interpreted it differently on the ground. I guess because it was nosewheel steering. If I just kept the rudder in mind I would be ok. I did scare the CFI for a brief moment on a take-off roll where I was drifting left and corrected further left.
not sure if this is a dumb question, from this answer:
A: Does taxiing time gets considered in a pilot's flying hours?

GdDYes, taxi time is considered as pilot hours because even though the airplane is not flying actions by the pilot are required. Basically, the US rule is in FAR 61.51 (e) Logging pilot-in-command flight time. (1) A sport, recreational, private, commercial, or airline transport pilot may ...

it reads When the pilot is the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft for which the pilot is rated
1) what about PF and PM/PNF? 2) what about A/P 3) 1 & 2 relate to jetliner flying for my curiosity
does the PNF not log time? do both not log when A/P is in control? of course not
but the wording is weird, for me at least
scratch that... title is Logging pilot-in-command flight time
ma bad
1 hour later…
this was a nightmare to edit aviation.stackexchange.com/q/37656/14897
it sucks when you have to fish the question to put it in the title
hunt for*
correct me if I'm wrong, that question I linked, the illustration (which is very good), aren't the bottom two examples identical? regardless if one set is co-axial and the other set is separated?
either way they're counter-rotating
what's the difference?
@ymb1 re: the drone thing -- I think it does get blown out of proportion as well. it'd merely be an expensive quad totaled for the quadcopter operator and an expensive unscheduled engine maintenance for the airline, most likely
@Shalvenay hey there
it was @TomMcW who said that
yeah, I just wanted to toss my point in, sorry about that :)
@Shalvenay no I meant to grab @TomMcW 's attention in case you tagged me by accident
@Shalvenay and agreed yes, like birds
@Shalvenay Yeah. They're creating a problem where there isn't one. The rules that have been in place for years - no flying above 400ft and within 5 miles of an airport - are plenty of margin. The problem is people who don't know or don't follow the rules. Making people register a 3 lb toy quad is just silly. Are they going to make every bird larger than a wren register? If you're flying something that would really do some damage I can see it, but 8 ounces?
@TomMcW don't tell anyone about the goose I'm training to break that other goose's FL400 record
@ymb1 If you fly that goose over here you have to register it. Oh, and if it's a Canada goose it must go through a TSA background check
FAA came out with a terribly misleading report with a sensational headline. A couple of people have gone through that report and it appears the only drones on it that actually caused a serious encounter were military.
@ymb1 I think geese are VFR-only
There was a story in flying magazine (I think) about that. Birds avoid IMC whenever possible
@TomMcW looks like a job-creation thing (FAA—Drone thing)
@TomMcW re IMC, makes sense
at FL400 they are flying well above the wxr though
@ymb1 There's always towing CU. Those can hit FL600
@ymb1 Not sure if it's job creation. But the upside of the FAA regulations is that it preempts local bans, etc
last two messages not clear sorry
@ymb1 Sorry. Towering cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds can hit 60,000 feet
are those's CB?
got it
one Cu, the other Cb
what do you mean by "upside of the FAA regulations is that it preempts local bans"?
@ymb1 And the FAA regulations will prohibit local ordinances about where drones can fly, etc. They can pass laws against things like harassment, etc. But they can't do things like banning drones within city limits.
@TomMcW you mean since on the federal level drones are okay but not near airports and require licenses, then by extension to that drones are okay in cities?
@ymb1 Here's the FAA opinion on the matter: faa.gov/uas/resources/uas_regulations_policy/media/…
no TLDR version? :D
@ymb1 It basically says, "we'll handle this."
what's this? :D (don't hate me)
it's 1 AM
@ymb1 They're saying drone regulation is federal territory. Local and state can butt out! LOL Go to bed! I've got to go fly a drone. (not near an airport)
@TomMcW so the upside is it will be a uniform law all around right?
downside is? over regulation?
@ymb1 Exactly. Sorry to drone on about it :D
Alitalia filing for bankruptcy, is the deregulation really hurting the big airlines (those that are not low-cost focused)?
@TomMcW :D

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