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@Shalvenay hi there
added equation and not so gory explanation (caption), please do check if it needs corrections
11 hours later…
Please refrain from vulgar insults, some of us are multi-lingual, I'm referring to your edit notice. — ymb1 8 mins ago
voted to delete, I mean if you want help with your homework, be civil about it, sheesh
2 hours later…
@ymb1 -- looks right, I'll triple check it soon though
@ymb1 That was an odd comment. What was the vulgar insult you were referring to?
hey there @TomMcW
@Shalvenay What's up?
not a whole lot here
as for you?
@Shalvenay On vacation this week. No money to do anything constructive, so mostly just lying around
@TomMcW ah. mumbling things at the paperweight in our basement with a gas line hooked up to it :/ (aka our currently dead furnace -- apparently the gas valve failed mechanically inside, tech should bring a replacement tomorrow and whack it in)
@Shalvenay How cold is it there?
@TomMcW hovering around freezing more or less
we have some space heaters loaned in to help, but it's still quite a nuisance
@TomMcW re comment, the edit notice OP left here: aviation.stackexchange.com/posts/36249/revisions
@ymb1 I take it that's not a very pleasant thing to say
@TomMcW yeah, it's "f*** you, you sh**s" (word for word it's worse)
since you're into languages, this is what it is
@ymb1 He must have thought he was being sneaky and no one would know
well, personally I'm not uptight with cursing, not one bit, it's the rudeness of it and the sneakiness yes
@ymb1 So the "5" is a text approximation of an Arabic character?
yup, one of the sounds / letters with no equivalents in English
@Shalvenay Last time my heater died it was in the single digits F. It was just a thermocouple, but we didn't have one so we had to do an after hours service call.
@TomMcW ouch. this is the second part the thing ate in as many days pretty much, too
(control board failed first -- blew out one of the solder joints on the blower relay's contacts)
I'm a very slow on Arabic keyboards, luckily Microsoft has this, converts franco-arabic to arabic, kind of like what some English-to-Japanese software do
@Shalvenay and here I am not happy with the early summer :P
@Shalvenay One time we had a power outage due to storms. It was friggin cold, but we tried to tough it out. At 4am my wife said "enough!" and we bailed to a motel
@ymb1 It snowed here most of the morning. You'd never suspect now, though. All melted when it hit the ground
how efficient would it be to heat homes with the smallest APU?
get an ETOPS one and you'll be set
@ymb1 hrm, you'd have to do some significant combustion control mods in my case...
(don't doubt that you could get it running on NG though)
@ymb1 lol. What I've always wished is that I could get a small generator that works on natural gas. I have a gas furnace, but it still won't work in a power outage because the circulation fans won't work
@TomMcW that's a good idea :D

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