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Can anyone tell me what these two planes are in the USAF boneyard at Davis? google.com/maps/place/…
The Martin/General Dynamics RB-57F Canberra is a specialized strategic reconnaissance aircraft developed in the 1960s for the United States Air Force by General Dynamics from the Martin B-57 Canberra tactical bomber, which itself was a license-built version of the English Electric Canberra. It was operationally assigned to the Air Weather Service for weather reconnaissance involving high-altitude atmospheric sampling and radiation detection in support of nuclear test monitoring, but four of the 21 modified aircraft performed solely as strategic reconnaissance platforms in Japan and Germany. Three...
No 100% sure but it looks to have all the right shapes.
@fooot Yeah, I'd say that's probably it.
Never seen it before, kind of curious what it's mission was. Good thing I have a wikipedia article to read ;)
2 hours later…
posted on October 05, 2016 by SMS von der Tann

Should we make a close reason for a question that the answer can be easily found on Wikipedia? The reason for this is to keep the non-researched questions that can be found just with a basic Google or Wikipedia search from continually coming up in here. And from experience, History.SE does have this exact reason for question closure.

Q: How to treat young users?

SimonWe've recently acquired a new user who is clearly quite young. This user is asking quite a few low quality questions and is attracting a lot of down votes and votes to close. I am torn as to how to approach this. On the one hand, I understand that part of growing and learning in complex fields...

Howdy Korvin, it's been kind of quite in here lately (I blame @voretaq7), but it's good to see you dropping in ;)
Of course, I could pull a Judge Smails move (Caddyshack) and roar "You'll get nothing and like it" but Smails was the bad guy.
@KorvinStarmast lol, story of my life.
@JayCarr I blame work :P
It took me a while to stop getting annoyed at the other SE site with what I saw as latent hostility -- so it took a little research to find out the origins of SE, and I was relieved to find that it did include the following philosophy: yes, there is such a thing as a stupid question. For that alone I stuck around SE.
@voretaq7 Speak of the Devil! Quite your job then! We need you here, you're the life of the party!!!
I say that because I am so tired of the "there's no such thing as a stupid question" nonsense that gets fed to people. Bill Ingvall with his "here's your sign" comedy routing has made money due to there being stupid questions in plentitude.
@KorvinStarmast You should see the pushback I get (on 5-year-old Server Fault answers) because of my "Sometimes the answer is 'DON'T DO THAT!'" policy over there.
@JayCarr then the party needs rye.
@voretaq7 Is virtual rye good enough?
But that doesn't make a noob question stupid: uninformed and uneducated isn't the same as stupid.
@JayCarr NO.
My current favorite rye is Bullett, in that Prohibition era looking bottle.
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, I'd agree with that.
@voretaq7 DAMN
@KorvinStarmast btw, you can use the little return arrow at the end of a comment in here to reply to a particular comment. It's useful because it pings the person you are responding to.
Especially useful when its @voretaq7 who's decided his job is more important than keeping me entertained during the random times I'm on here.
@KorvinStarmast I have a bottle of Michter's Rye which is.... interesting.
@JayCarr Oh, yeah, I forgot. Rarely use chat. And I'm old, so I forget stuff. Really, it's not the Rye that's to blame.
I've only had one glass of it, I'm powering through a bottle of Pine Barrens whisky which is also interesting (a whisky with hops, what am I drinking?!) but I'm also back on my diet so that reduces the number of glasses of booze I drink in a week
@voretaq7 From 50 to 49?
@KorvinStarmast Curios, did I read right and you were on RPG.SE before this?
And is that RPG as in the programming language for as400 RPG?
Q: How does the vote counter work?

ymb1I accidentally downvoted an answer recently, and only realized from the rep tab, and had to do a silly edit to correct it. Then I looked at my vote counter: Then the downvote list, the actual downvotes are way less than what the counter shows. I Googled the main meta site but I couldn't find...

@JayCarr From 2-3 to…uh… none this week so far but I didn't watch the debate last night which is why I've been able to avoid drinking.
@JayCarr I keep getting "unknown error" so not sure if replies are getting through.
Hey Jay, hi. Seems like anonymous is not around (or perhaps hasn't yet seen your kind act). In any case, I'm in UK - i.e. 10pm - in the middle of a major stress, late delivery project and smoothing out the night with a large glass of Jura Superstittion. jurawhisky.com/en/our-whiskies/superstition, I'll see if I can catch him around over the next few days
@voretaq7 LOL
@JayCarr RPG as in role playing games. Old friend got me back into D&D 30 years after I stopped. Rye whiskey is involved there as well.
@voretaq7 I'm in Kentucky, there's a 3-drink minimum just for living here :-)
@Simon Well, hopefully if a few of us stick around, one of us can help him. I know @TomMcW and @DanHulme and @Pondlife are here often and can also help him out.
Heck, even @voretaq7 can be helpful sometimes, you never know!
Oh boy, don't get me started on malt versus rye and whiskey vs whisky - I'll be here all night talking to myself since I will have bored anyone else to tears. Good night al.
@KorvinStarmast lol, I'm in a D&D 5E these days, I'm on that exchange every now and again...you'd think I would have remembered. I don't even drink and here I am forgetting the obvious.
(and if the whisky doesn't solve the problem hitting people with the empty bottle often makes them go the fuck away, which is just as good as solving the problem as far as I'm concerned.)
@voretaq7 It's literally the same thing, I'm pretty sure.
@JayCarr I like 5e. Some years ago my nephew tried to get us to play some 3.5 with him and I just didn't like all of the extra crunch. 5e is better for my taste. (Heh, my first game was in 1975, when it was 3 books and greyhawk. Old I are ...)
@voretaq7 It's a method.
@KorvinStarmast god 3.5 still hurts my head, and that's the D&D I've played the most.
@KorvinStarmast Nice, the classics! I started in on Advanced myself. I liked 3.5 just fine, but 4 was just....too much. I went to FATE for a little while and then, when 5E came out and they had apparently decided to be sane, I switched to that.
@voretaq7 Try 4.....ugh.
@JayCarr I read the rulebook and noped the fuck out of 4.
@voretaq7 I have found out that Traveller is alive and well. We tried some games when it furst came out and I loved it, but we could never get enough people to play at the same time. All campaigns fizzled.
I've run a lot of White Wolf games in the last 10 years, been trying to get a group together for 2nd edition stuff.
@voretaq7 For me it was just taking a glance at the character sheet. I was like "guys, if I wanted that much detail, I'd play a computer game so I don't have to sit a maths exam every goddamn time I play."
@JayCarr …and yet you want to fly :P
@voretaq7 I never said I was consistent.
@JayCarr yeah. For bookkeeping, use a computer.
@KorvinStarmast Nah, I like keeping my PM, DMG and MM right next to me...gives me something to hit the players with. Not gonna do it with my laptop.
(Though I do use a computer when I'm DMing, it's just easier.)
This is why all my new stories are built around White Wolf rules. "Roll a number of D10s equal to the colored dots on the paper, then count the ones above this number."
(Though I will never, ever, give up using real dice. I just...I mean, it's half the point of playing for me, okay?)
@JayCarr Computers as tools are good. Dice just feel better.
@JayCarr RNGs on computers are too streaky
@voretaq7 Have you looked into fudge dice at all? And the FATE system. That's a good system for people who hate math.
Annnnnyway. Sorry to summon and run @voretaq7, but the fiancée is sick and duty calls. Hopefully I catch you the next time you pop in here ;).
@KorvinStarmast Good to met you! Hope we see you in chat more :)
@JayCarr best wishes
@JayCarr I have, but I prefer having at least some structure to the rolls :) Also I prefer the way White Wolf does combat because you don't have the odd construct of "You just got hit by a cannonball and…uh…got right back up I guess?" situation :)
I'm in here just idling :)
@voretaq7 I wonder how many people even know what your nick is alluding to? I like it.
Checking out.
2 hours later…
hey there @voretaq7 and @KorvinStarmast
also @voretaq7 -- the one idea for a V:tM character I have rattling around my head happens to be a Toreador who is a night cargo pilot for a living

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