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@TomMcW Wow, that is the most terrible and hysterical aviation joke I have ever heard...
@JayCarr It's pretty wrong, that's for sure
@TomMcW speaking of FDX705 -- did the FDR ever get pulled for that?
and if so, who has the data? or did it wind up in a circular file a long time ago?
I don't know. The FBI would have done the investigation so they probably have any data. They wouldn't have thrown it away since it's evidence in a criminal trial.
@Shalvenay There's a video on YouTube that smiulates the flight path. It says it was made from FDR data. youtu.be/I6vIrkHrt1Q
@TomMcW that's FDX647 not FDX705?
@TomMcW I'd think the FBI wouldn't have thrown it away, it's just a matter of how hard it'd be to pry it from their hands with FOIA
@Shalvenay Ah, you're right. That is 647.
@Shalvenay Not sure if they used the data at trial or not. If they did that would make it public record.
@TomMcW that's a good point, the FDR data might have made the trial records
(I'm most curious as to the parameter extremes that were encountered during the split-S-ish that the FO pulled during that incident)
@JeffTeoh hey there, how're things going?
Worried, haha. how about you?
@JeffTeoh alright, relaxing with the FAA AIP :P and worried about? :o
Nothing to relate to Aviation..haha
just wanted to chat with someone/
Quick question about planes
@JeffTeoh fire away
Is it a necessity to get the passengers switch off the mobile phones and laptop?s during take off and landing? What could be the consequences?
@JeffTeoh ah, yes, that's a classic -- let me get you the link to our canonical Q&A on the topic
aviation.stackexchange.com/a/11560/3825 << that's Reirab's answer which discusses the basics of ILS operation and interference from an RF engineering standpoint. start there, then skip down to aviation.stackexchange.com/a/11617/3825 << which is Brian Towers' answer which discusses how the A310 FMS uses ground radio NAVAID signals, then finally I tie things together a bit with the effects and risks/likelihood of PED EMI in aviation.stackexchange.com/a/11751/3825
Alright, thanks heaps!
@JeffTeoh yeah -- it makes sense once you look at the RF engineering + risk management aspects, but at the same time, most people aren't aware of them either
Another question I had in mind while flying. What happens if all planes lost contact with ATC for more than 30 mins?
@JeffTeoh everyone follows NORDO procedures and/or talks to each other
Ah, got it!.
thankfully, ATC's not essential, just a friendly traffic cop of the skies -- just like you can drive down a country road without the need for a whole bunch of help, airplanes can get where they need to go without the need for ATC to tell them a whole bunch of stuff
I see.
Well, I'll scan through the links that you gave me.
9 hours later…
posted on July 20, 2016

Doc flies!... 3rd Class Medical reform passes... OSH16 Preview. Recorded July 18, 2016.

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