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where do I find the definition of "old unanswered question"? I've been searching the main meta, but I miserably fail.
3 hours later…
@Federico Would that be "tumbleweed"?
@SMSvonderTann no, that requires also low views and no votes
4 hours later…
posted on April 08, 2016

UCAP Daily from Sun 'n Fun 2016. After a take-one recorder failure we return later in the day to hear about her ride with the AeroShell Team and other highlights of the fly-in. On the Uncontrolled Airspace General Aviation Podcast. Recorded April 7, 2016.

3 hours later…

Proposed Q&A site for hobbyist drone first-person view racing and hobbyist drone builders

Currently in definition.

If that starts up we can send all the drone-people over there.
we don't get that many do we
@aeroalias Are the other answers on the dihedral question wrong? It seems that I've seen that explanation suffer the wrath of Peter Kampf before. I'm sure yours is correct but I'll be darned if I can actually understand it. Once I see formulas my eyes glaze over and my brain turns to pudding
1 hour later…
@ratchetfreak Not really, and I would argue that the questions belong either here (regulatory stuff) or on a more generic "RC Models" stack exchange site
god-damn chat alert sound
@ratchetfreak BONK
2 hours later…
@voretaq7 HA I turned it off, jokes on you

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