Dave, Jeb and Jack are visited by a parade of good friends at the 2016 edition of the Sun 'n Fun Fly-in from Lakeland Florida. Recorded live from the deck of Sun 'n Fun Radio. Uncontrolled Airspace General Aviation Podcast. Recorded April 5, 2016.
This question, What are winglet and endplate? And how is their functioning?, asks regarding both winglets and endplates. Neither of the supposed duplicates address endplates whatsoever.
I understand that the question may not be particularly incisive and might benefit from some clean up work. The...
in a sequence he: - put the quotes in the question - copied them in the comments - deleted them from the question after I edited the layout - reinstated them in the question after I said in the comments that is better to have information in the body of the question (but reinstated them with the original horrible layout) [at which point I posted here] - Jonathan edited a bit - I rolled back and finished the edit
UCAP Daily from Sun 'n Fun 2016. Adam Smith of the Commemorative Air Force talks about their ongoing projects, and their presence here at SNF16. On the Uncontrolled Airspace General Aviation Podcast. Recorded April 6, 2016.
@Federico I don't see how the edits make it not a duplicate. They're both asking about how the fuel system works... if the newer question is requesting more detail, then it would make sense that the new information would answer the old question too.