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@voretaq7 Spriggans. Need I say more?
2 hours later…
@Farhan Is there something offensive about the word "dupe" I'm not aware of?
5 hours later…
@JayCarr not really, but as well as a contraction of duplicate, it's also a verb meaning to con or mislead, and "a dupe" is a gullible person, the victim of a con
6 hours later…
@DanHulme @DanHulme Do you think its ambiguous?
@DanHulme Multiple meanings for the same word... Seriously, what country originated this crazy language, because they really should be stopped ;).
@rbp not in context, no
@JayCarr well, "dupe" for duplicate is mainly an SE thing, it's not mainstream English
even Slashdot always used "dup"
@DanHulme This is where I point out that you must not live where I do, because we use dupe all the time in my area to mean duplicate.
in what contexts?
"Have we seen any dupes today?" In reference to any time we may see duplicates in a process.
"Yeah, this one is a dupe right here" Same context.
what kind of process though?
office paperwork? manufacturing?
@DanHulme Usually when records are being generated by one of our programming processes. At least that's the time I usually hear it. I have heard it used in the context of paperwork as well.
That's why I was keeping it so general.
Just about any process that might involve duplicates, you can use "dupe" as described above.
At least here in Springfield Missouri, I can't speak for the rest of the US.
maybe because dup and dupe have similar pronunciation
@ratchetfreak See, when I read "dup" I hear "duh-p" and when I see "dupe" I hear "dew-p"
Maybe we're just spelling the same thing differently?
Like color and colour?
I see "dew-p" for both
Huh. I have to admit, if I saw it in context I'd probably hear "dew-p" as well. It's probably only coming up "duh-p" because I'm looking at them next to each other.
@ratchetfreak where are you from again?
belgium learned most of my english from subbed TV
we use 'dupe' all the time in the computer business.
6 hours later…
I give you the conspiracy nut of the day:
A: How often does fuel dumping actually occur?

MarioSo why is it then that we see so much fuel dumping just sitting around and looking up at the sky? There are two types of trails coming from the back of jets. One is a contrail. That is a visible trail that comes from the aircraft moving through the atmosphere. With the contrail the trail disappe...

@Federico Man, I never have patience for that sort of nonsense. I left a reply asking that he provide evidence that actually backs up his claims or he may risk being considered "not an answer".
So he's on notice.
lol, and apparently I was the last vote to delete it as well. Eh...
@voretaq7 Are people who have answers deleted able to edit them and nominate them for undeletion?
Or restoration, or whatever you would call that.
I don't think there's a way to nominate something for undeletion (there's no un-delete queue), so if a mod nukes a post or the system deletes it because of flags I expect people would just make a new post.
How can I undelete one of my posts?
Self-deleted posts can be viewed and undeleted by their original authors. However, self-deleted questions cannot be edited by their authors unless undeleted first. Self-deleted answers can be edited by the author without undeleting. Normally, if your deleted post is not self-deleted, you can't undelete it yourself (though you may be able to vote to undelete). An exception: if an answer is deleted from Low Quality review queue by "Recommend Deletion" votes, without three trusted users voting to delete, then it can be undeleted by the author.
From the link
My only problem is: By "post" do they mean question, answer, or both?
I assume they use "post" because it applies to both.
@JayCarr Both, unless otherwise specified :)
@fooot Mkay
@voretaq7 Mkay, part II
I'm just hoping the guy could, in theory, come in and edit his answer. Not holding my breath, but I hope the options is there..
i love his answer.
for the sheer nuttiness of it
"What is really unnerving is that I've noticed the price of fuel goes up consistently with the incident of fuel dumping"
@rbp Reminds me of my favorite answer I ever got on a quesiton...
A: Why do jet engines get better fuel efficiency at high altitudes?

ErokhaneI'm not even close to an expert. But here it goes. Air like water is thick. Submarines are slower than boats. Jets are faster than boats. Automobiles are faster than boats. Space has no friction because there is no matter. But I think jets still work in space. Of course they need oxygen. Just l...

I'm glad it never got outright deleted, it's good to have a sense of humor on occasion. Besides, I think the down votes were a good enough indication that it is a bad answer...
i miss slack's emoticons :)
@JayCarr Now I'm thinking how come Flash can make sharp turns without seriously damaging the floor?
I mean like ... running at that speed is possible, but ... uh ... turning at that speed and not causing any damage? IMPOSSIBLE!
Hey check it out! New mods! I just wanted to say congrats to all of you peeps! :D (and to the old mods as well!)

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