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Q: New "Definition" tag

FreeManOn this question, I added definition. Is that a tag we should have? The summary would be something like: Definitions of common aviation terms for reference by those new to the industry Or something to that effect

Hi guys!
Just been reviewing some questions.
@casey - And thanks for clearing up the helicopter bit, forgot to say that yesterday.
@Farhan - Ahhh the internet age... If it can't be said in 144 characters or less, it's not worth saying.
5 hours later…
Q: What's the logic behind revising a post many times?

anshabhiIf you have 2000 or more rep, you can see the most edited posts. Some of the posts have been edited upto 20 times, by the OP only. What's the logic behind doing this? I don't have any problem with it. Just curious to know!

Q: Should we have easily searchable questions here?

anshabhiArea 51 metrics suggest that we should have over 90% traffic from search engines. Now, suppose that you are a user, who is not associated with Aviation.SE in anyway. You search for something like "How is an aircraft tracked in sky?" Since Aviation.SE has one of the best SEO ratings, our results ...

Q: Should we broaden our scope to include questions related to artillery used in defense aviation as well?

anshabhiThis question got me thinking this. As there are passengers to commercial aviation, the same is the relation of bombs to bombers. So, should we consider such questions about the artillery on-topic as well? Artillery is very much why defense-aviation and bomber prosper!

Wow, I didn't expect that altimeter thing to be so popular :-)
@voretaq7 Whachutalkinbout, Willis? I ask good questions!!!
and you give good answers!
@FreeMan I'm surprised nobody'd asked it before. I had to talk to 2 instructors and a mechanic to get to the point where I figured I understood the differences "well enough" so I was happy to write it down for the next curious soul :)
what question are we talking about?
it's not the "does the altitude change if you don't touch the altimeter" one, is it?
(the mechanic was the one who pointed out that there are "non-sensitive" altimeters with Kollsman windows so you can't always rely on that. "Three pointers and a Kollsman window" seems to be a good indicator though)
Q: What is the difference between "sensitive" and "non-sensitive" altimeters?

FreeManIn this answer reference was made to "sensitive" and "non-sensitive" altimeters. What is the definition of each, what are the differences, and why would one be used in preference to the other? And why isn't it called an "insensitive" altimeter?

that one
maybe I am lucky: I have only ever used one with a hundreds hand and a pressure adjustment, and I didn't know there was any other kind
And if anyone knows what TSO (if any) covers "non-sensitive" altimeters I'd love to know. (It might be in C10b but I'm not spending 15 bucks for a copy of the TSO to find out. I'm a cheap bastard. :P)
@voretaq7 well, thanks for sharing!
I had pictured a "sensitive" altimeter quietly sobbing in the corner of the hanger after a rough landing because it wasn't accurate enough...
@DanHulme I've seen non-sensitive ones in "classic" planes (like cubs) around here, but even those usually when the altimeter dies they pop in a sensitive one because the shops have those on the shelf.
I've never seen one like the white-faced one I found the picture of (where the face of the instrument turns with the knob) in person - THAT would freak me out.
@FreeMan The sensitive altimeter tells you it's OK, everyone makes bad landings every now and then, you'll do better next time.
The non-sensitive altimeter calls you an asshole and tells all the other instruments what a lousy pilot you are :)
if you are looking at the alti during the landing you are probably doing it wrong
unless you have a radar alti, and probably even then?
@DanHulme maybe in a zero-visibility Cat III approach, but if you can see out the window that's generally where you should be looking :)
@voretaq7 window? what's that? :-p
@DanHulme What I don't want to look out of right now because it's overcast and depressing.
does your altimeter actually read 0 if you set the QFE? the ones on the tigers usually read somewhere either -50 ft or +50 ft
Not a pilot, @DanHulme, not a pilot, @voretaq7, just making a joke about the sensitive altimeter....
@DanHulme it should read field elevation (plus or minus "reasonable")
QFE, not QNH
@DanHulme oh yeah, then it should read zero (height) instead of field elevation (altitude)
. . . "but why would you want to do that?" :-P
(Cambridge is only 47 ft amsl anyway, so the difference between QNH and QFE is like 1 hPa)
@voretaq7 You make the non-sensitive altimeter sound like a real tool... .... snicker...okay, I'll shut up now.
1 hour later…
Hey all, if you have opinions on site graduation, please read and give input on this MSE post. This likely affects aviation.
@BretCopeland Upvoted it (and the top answer), and I'm 100% behind that plan. Very sensible compromise all around.
@BretCopeland I think we should take a semester off to bum around Europe, maybe date a nice French model and do regretable things while drunk off our collective ass on wine.... What, it's not like college graduation?!
@JayCarr Might want to express what you agree with via a comment somewhere. The only part which seems to be controversial is when privilege levels should be raised.
@BretCopeland There, added a comment :).
I wish there were some way to make that a "super featured" post on the main page...maybe with flashing lights and such so people would be sure to see it ;)
@BretCopeland the privilege level thing is tricky. I think it may need to be finer-grained than a "Beta / Graduated" switch. Definitely should be independent of design though.
I agree that it's tricky. I don't honestly have that strong of an opinion, but I want people who do to comment/answer.
@voretaq7 I'd actually agree with that sentiment. But I figure if they push it back to "when you have a site design" we can always talk more about making things finer grained.
Hence the "throwing all possible support behind the proposed solution"
I like the idea of giving people a heads up "privilege levels are going up in 30 days" gives people the ability who are on the verge of losing something they want to scramble for more rep before it disappears.
Yeah, I'm not even all that worried about getting a design (because "Default Beta Blue" isn't a bad color for an Aviation site).
@BretCopeland Yeah, or making it a knob rather than a switch and ramping it up over time to keep the same proportion of "high rep" privileged users
we've got a good page full of 3K+ users which is the really big hurdle
Unfortunately, that would require code changes.
switch is easier to flip
currently there are 3 levels of rep thresholds
private beta, public beta and graduated
@BretCopeland easier to flip, harder to modify (knob could be a simple multiplier for "fully graduated" numbers - but yeah it would require a code change to put in a knob so probably not happening any time soon :)
I don't see a problem with adding a mature level between public beta and graduated
though depends on how the limits are implemented
@ratchetfreak One where Trusted User caps out at say 10k (50% of "fully graduated") would make sense
Yeah, that's sensible.
It'd give me something to reach for anyway...
You can make the argument on that meta post if you want.
Mostly I just want to have someone who is familiar with the site and it's needs controlling the "knob". I'm not a fan of just moving privledge requirements around because some other arbitrary goal has been achieved. I think the mods should just crank them up when it feels like the right time.
All of our rep requirements are settings named like:
@BretCopeland I don't want to confused the issue at the moment... Maybe someone can be brave and post the idea on Meta after the discussion on this has died down.
Technically they can be changed on a per-site basis, but it's unusual for most privileges.
See, I'd argue that should actually be the norm (if it's not stupid from a technical standpoint anyway...)
Each site is different, after all.
The goal is generally to reduce the amount of manual work.
Yeah I hear you on that...
Also, having consistency across the network is nice. You don't have to always lookup how much rep something requires on any given site.
Also, some rep requirements scale up with graduation, and some don't.
Yeah, but... Counterpoint: I don't think usability should be simply sacrificed for better usability.
Or maybe I need to learn more before yapping anymore...
and having something scale with the amount of high rep users automatically would be strange
yeah, it would be weird.
@ratchetfreak That's why I'd argue for a SE employeed moderator to be the arbiter on that.
One who has been around and knows the needs here.
@ratchetfreak Yeah I don't think it could be "automatic" in any meaningful sense
(And probably has asked around a bit...mebbe...)
@JayCarr that would require every site to have a SE employee moderator - there are lots where there just aren't many employees interested in the field.
(though it would be nice if Stack could afford to hire an employee to basically be their representative on each site :)
Fair enough
isn't that what CMs are for?
That does make it difficult, I don't think I'd trust someone who is only here as an enthusiast to be unbiased...
There are not really any SE-employed moderators.
they are not site specific but I don't believe a single site has that much workload
There are some moderators who are SE employees, but it's certainly not what we're paid to do.
Oh? You just like it here I guess? (I honestly had thought you were assigned here or something, and were just lucky because you like airplanes...)
I'm not even on the community team. I'm just a pilot who happens to work as a developer here.
It must feel really weird to ask a question on SO when you work for SE.... </random aside>
I've never done it.
Looked up answers on SO?
made 48 answers though ;)
Oh, and answered on SO, apparently :)
@JayCarr nah, we have SO blocked on the internal network.
how do you push to production then?
It's a prudent move, that place is just ridiculous and uninformative. Whoever thought a bunch of volunteers could answer code questions well was deluding themselves ;)
We outsource production to India. We prefer to concentrate our efforts on the April 1st and winter-bash features.
I still approve, I just figured it would be better to just star the comment... Anyway, out of curiosity, are all devs at SE giving moderator privileges?
I don't think so
All devs are given mod on MSE, but not necessarily other sites.
only if they win the election or wine enough
Ah darn, I was gonna say, that's almost enough incentive to apply for a job at SE.
There are some implicit privileges employees get though, such as mod-like powers on any meta site (even without a diamond), and being able to see deleted stuff even if you don't meet the rep requirements.
@ratchetfreak Pf, if they aren't making me a super mod, I'm not interested anymore.
In terms of users basically goes Regular -> Employee -> Mod -> Developer
@BretCopeland -> DBA
They should also give you extra rep so you can look super fancy.
Nobody challenges them what has SA rights on the SQL Server clusterfuck.
No such thing as a DBA account on the SE Network.
No need?
@JayCarr exactly. DBA's don't NEED accounts :)
They're a bit like Chuck Norris it seems.
they give themselves all the upvotes from community user
Heck, they could probably spawn a 1000 copies of community user to upvote their answers if they wanted to.
Difference between an application account and an active directory account.
Developer is the highest privilege level for a SE Network account.
Active Directory controls access to things like... servers.
The two are completely unrelated.
I assume you keep the application persistence data on the servers though, right? So...in theory they could go nuts and rewrite everything.
Which'd be a pain but...is theoretically doable.
@JayCarr you know how often I use my mod powers on a site other than aviation? Almost never.
:( Just ruining all my little fantasies Bret, RUINING THEM!
But yeah, I'm guessing most people who work at SE have better things to do with their time than site around and cheat at the points game.
especially because they already won the points game
@JayCarr . . . and this is why all the foreign keys are ON DELETE RESTRICT instead of ON DELETE CASCADE - to make it painful :-)
Currently there is 1 flag on Aviation, 10 on Ask Ubuntu, and 1596 on Stack Overflow. Moderating isn't particularly glamorous.
diamond trumps points
lol, I look at that and my first thought is, "hey Aviation.SE is doing pretty well!" But I'm guessing Ask Ubuntu has more users... I know SO does.
only 1.6k flags on SO?
@voretaq7 making the job harder to make gaming the system harder...weee!
@JayCarr Flags are more a measure of how much crap is generated by the community (and how slackerish the mods are feeling)
So we are nothing but quality people with quality mods! Right!?
aka come September that will spike
@ratchetfreak it's typically between 1-2k
I think we should be bumped to the front of the design line for that (though not the privledges line, that can wait.)
It's like the review queues on SF: I could clean them out but that's such a soul-crushing task there's only so long you can do it before you want to just bludgeon people with a wrench while shouting "HAVE YOU READ THE GODDAMN MANUAL?!" :)
and then your wrench is all dirty and you have to go buy a new one.
There was an internal proposal about having the review queue be able to clear more mod flags. I don't remember the exact proposal.
I'm on the fence on when the aviation threshold increase I'm already where I'd want to be when it graduates (over 10k is fine for me)
@BretCopeland I know Shog was talking about exposing more stuff in the review queues a while back, it's an interesting idea on big sites like SO
I think most people are getting pretty close on this site to being in good position for a rep level bump.
Do you mean to the full thing or to the hypothetical "halfway" between here and full rep requirements.
full thing
Man, I don't know where I'd dig up another 15k points.
SE's point structure is not very friendly to people who are curious as opposed to people who know the answers....
Which I guess makes sense, but isn't very helpful to me :)
I'm not saying people wouldn't lose anything, but the most important privilege for making the site work is probably close votes, and that only goes up to 3k.
I just like being able to help clear the queue... And I don't think I'd be up to that level yet.
Ideally we'd have more users over 20k before making the switch, but we'll see how things play out with the MSE post.
@JayCarr that's 10k
I guess I only need around 4k for that. Going is just getting slower these days, I'm kind of out of questions.
Which is funny, because you'd think I'd now know all the answers but...rather I just sit around and read answers to questions from people much smarter (or at least more esoteric) than myself.
Currently 5 users over 20k, 14 over 10k.
wait you can review close votes at 3k
Wow, Peter broke 40k. He's just cruising.
Jeez. How many is a good number?
I have no idea.
@ratchetfreak Oh, I can review the queue at 3k?
Depends largely on how active those users are in moderating.
Huh, do you have statistics on who is active in moderating?
5 active reviewer beats a hundred that don't even know it's there
Wow, that certainly gives a new perspective on things.

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