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Q: Will Aviation.SE ever become authoritative?

erichOne of SE goals for a mature site has always been to have 90% of traffic come from search queries. That being the case, I have found relatively few questions devoted to the basics of flight in simple terms. That said, if there isn't already a very good answer on a particular subject (kind of ...

6 hours later…
good morning
Dan, how far did you get with getting access to the Aviation Blog here?
@SentryRaven It took about a week before someone with admin noticed I was waiting. I wrote a post, but instead of it getting published it stayed in state "submitted" for another fortnight. After that I deleted the post and put it on my own blog instead.
People's review comments were helpful, but ultimately a write-only blog is not what I'm looking for.
I can understand the desire to set up a pipeline of content before launching the blog, but I think the result of that has been that only people who don't care that much about having a blog are involved in it. It's been sitting in the same state for more than a year, and SE has now deprecated site blogs, so I wouldn't put money on it ever being launched.
I see... Thanks for the info!
4 hours later…
@Federico Why don't they just have the aircraft take-off/land on a gigantic treadmill on a lazy Susan that can be turned to point into the wind.
2 hours later…
@FreeMan People keep saying the treadmill is a stupid idea, but seriously
think of all the rubber you'll save by not spinning up the tires
or something... :p
@DanHulme people who don't care that much about having a blog are involved Ooch, that hurts.
@falstro My point!!!
@StackExchange He's put his question on the site, and provided the start of an answer.
I think that's a good idea, but people are flagging it as a dup.
Someone's edited the title to include (Wiki) in the hopes of avoiding more dupe flags.
We could deal with it by just voting to leave it open...
@FreeMan it's still a dupe
should the other question be tagged to the Wiki, then? or do we ignore the meta suggestion?
ignore the meta request
what meta request?
1 hour later…
This URL shows your upcoming badges and progress to achieve them.
It does, but it's not all that readable. at least not from that particular link... :(

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