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wow, didn't mean to start such a heated debate over bernoulli!
@voretaq7 -- what happened to the PAPI's at KMTP?
@Shalvenay are they still NOTAM'd out of service?
There was a bit of a flood - the electrical vaults got kinda... wet
@erich Never ask how planes fly unless you're willing to accept the answer "ITS FUCKING MAGIC OKAY?!" :-)
@voretaq7 -- the OOS note's in the A/FD now, although somehow the RWY 24 PAPI is NOTAMed back into service until April 10
@Shalvenay Hmm...really? I'll have to fly out that way and see if they're on or not :)
also -- the IAPs are NOTAMed for night approaches N/A
!MTP 10/003 MTP RWY 24 PAPI RETURN TO SERVICE 1410101415-1504102200EST
The airport installed those as part of the AIP grant work, but it's not a well-moneyed field so when stuff breaks it may not get fixed quickly.
(part of the danger of AIP work)
@voretaq7 i didn't, but that's good advice regardless
@erich Well you asked about planes that fly without relying on Bernoulli's principles which is almost as bad. :)
guilty as charged
5 hours later…
Questions about where fecal matter goes on aircraft are really popular it seems...
For the moderators here, @voretaq7 @egid: When I try to create the synonym for , I get a message that a score of 5 is required to do that. Does this mean I have to have answered 5 questions with the special-vfr score myself or there has to be 5 questions in total having been answered in that category? I am puzzled...
@SentryRaven you need to have 5 upvotes total on answers with that tag
if you don't you can ask in meta
I created a meta request, thanks @ratchetfreak!
Q: Synonym request [tag:svfr] for [tag:special-vfr]

SentryRavenI am missing the required 5 upvotes, so if a moderator could kindly create the synonym svfr for special-vfr, this would be appreciated. Related: Is there a way to automatically link tags, i.e. If a question is marked with specials-vfr, the tag visual-flight-rules is automatically added?

3 hours later…
I created a solar eclipse gif with sat24's images: i.imgur.com/HnYGY6g.gif
On this answer
A: How can the pilot tell the center engine failed on a three-piston-engine aircraft?

user16230If the engine quits you will lose some thrust which will effect the planes handling, you may even begin to descend slowly which the pilot will notice. Most importantly you have engine instruments which will tell you, quite quickly the engine has quit. If you have one, your manifold pressure wil...

How did he create the clickable link that takes you the source?
of the image, that is
@FreeMan Do you know how to create links in general?
[TEXT][# of URL] or [TEXT](URL HERE)
either < img src=""> or with the image button (I haven't totally figured out markdown, yet
ah, yes, the []().
So with either of these two, he enclosed the entire image to become a clickable link
You do not use <img> HTML here that often, you use the built in functionality to embed pictured.... they are uploaded to imgur and referenced in markup language
![enter image description here][# of URL] or ![image description blah](URL to image)
[markdown for the image ](URL.of.image)
Yes, that would work as well...
remember to place an exclamation mark infront of the first rectangular bracket
@SentryRaven "enter image description here" would be replaced with... what? the URL for the image?
No, that is just an alternative text to be displayed. It can be left as is...
The URL for the image either added behind in round brackets or as a numbered reference, e.g. [2]
Somewhere at the bottom of your answer you would then have [2]: http://link.to.my.image.here
so using the markdown automagically makes the image a hot-link to the source?
Yes and no... it's a bit of clever markup use and automagic...
and, of course, it doesn't work in chat, so I can't try it out here.
stupid chat.
What was done there is adding the image with ![BLAH DESC][1]. Then someone clever used a little trick to add the disclaimer underneath with <br><sup>(Image Source: Source)</sup>
The entire block was then encapsulated into a link markup, those can span entire blocks. I could make an entire paragraph appear as a link...
@SentryRaven Ah! so it was [<all the image link stuff>](<sup>(image source</sup>)
that GIF is really irritating. What idiot posted that?
thx for the help. I'll have to make a note of it and try it in the near future.
Watch for multiple edits coming to one of my posts soon!
Eventuelly, it looks like this:

<sup>Source Disclaimer</sup>
](URL to make it clickable link)
@SentryRaven you can skip the <br> tags by ending the line with two spaces. markdown will force a line break in that case
@FreeMan See? You learn something new every day here... Thanks @casey!
@FreeMan I hope I didn't come across bad in that comment. You had a legitimate comment, it would just need to be postpended to every faa-regulations question :)
@casey Nah, not at all. I was just being snarky. I need to reserve that for chat, not comments.
Thanks for the reminder, I deleted my comment.
@Farhan I have a pet peeve here with the title. IFR rules is technically a pleonasm, since IFR already contains the word Rules. This is similar to saying HIV Virus or VMC conditions. How do you see that, as someone who edits lots of grammar stuff here on Aviation.SE?
@SentryRaven Oops, I missed that.
The attached question then would be... do we want questions like this with abbreviations in the title? If you trim it down, it would be: Can I fly IFR in VMC, if my IR is not current?
Not very user friendly, even if the correct aviations abbreviations are used...
@SentryRaven the audience that cares about that question should understand those acronyms. I might expand IR, but not IFR or VMC
if you are concerned about currency, you are already rated
How about: Can I fly IFR in VMC, if my instrument rating is not current?
@Farhan I like that one
plus it fits with my A "No, you cannot."
@casey True. IR isn't very obvious.
@Farhan The part with IR was taking it to a extreme. But we accept IFR and VMC to be understandable?
@SentryRaven @casey Edit is done.
Ohhh, with credits. Thanks. :D
@SentryRaven I agree. It is like a coworker asked me in November, what are you planning to buy on BF? I was like "what's BF?" ----> Black Friday. Oh com'on
It gets funnier with multi-language environments...
@SentryRaven No, thank you. I'm learning something new: Pleonasm
We have a department calendar across all our sites, including our US sites, EU sites, APAC sites...
When people put days off in, they will say how... PTO = paid time off, CD = Comp Day (compensation time for weekend work)..
So my colleague from Germany put in "<Name> VD"
which he meant to designate him taking a "vacation day"
In USA, PTO = Paid Time Off
He received several emails asking what type of venereal disease he got...
@Farhan Thanks!
@SentryRaven A friend of mine had to take Vitamin D medicine on certain days of the month. So he wrote VD on the calendar in his home. I asked him, dude do you know what other meanings this term has?
See? Neither me nor my colleague had any idea.... :D
@SentryRaven It's quite amusing to us Americans with juvenile minds! :)
@casey "cares" about the question, yes, that audience probably understands. But the audience that's "interested" (like myself), may not. I'm sure I'm not the only non-pilot/non-ATC who is interested, fascinated, and learning, but not yet knowledgeable. Too much jargin with a "they should know" attitude makes the place seem elitist and unfriendly.
There <strike>hasn't been much</strike> has been almost none of that, though. Y'all have been very accommodating of my ignorance.
@FreeMan We aim to please. :) VFR and IFR, as well as VMC and IMC are easy to find out however, so I would agree with @Farhan and @casey here that some abbreviations are acceptable...
@SentryRaven right on target! :) Indeed some are. I found the comment about IR not being as obvious very on-point - my first thought was infra-red.
@FreeMan ---<strike>--- change to <strike>
That why I said it was pushing it to the extreme. The line is very fine and easily crossed..
I knew <strike> didn't work, but it made the point. Thanks for the tip
stupid chat...
10 minutes between the posting and the closing, we have quite a nice response time (the post did not even enter review queue)
Why are we still in Beta again? :P
@SentryRaven it takes a while for the artist to get to making a skin for the site
@ratchetfreak I really hope this is not the sole reason...
I thought review queue is real time
@SentryRaven Once Beta phase is over, many people will loose a lot of privileges.
@Farhan Oh Noes!!!!!!
I was wondering what it takes to move out of Beta. Is there a link on Area51 somewhere?
@FreeMan According to what I know, it is entirely up to SE's staff. The reason @ratchetfreak mentioned can be a big part of it too.
I can whip up something real quick in MS Paint. What's the email address to submit it? ;)'
@Federico This is really cool.
Regarding this question, I'm not sure what should be the correct title. This is what I've thought to be closest to the true intent of OP: What design aspects are required for an aircraft to use reverse thrusters? But this is not accurate either.
@FreeMan You can send it to @BretCopeland.
@Farhan the MS Paint indicated I was kidding. Though that befits my mad artistic skillz
@Farhan I'm not entirely sure what he is asking...
@Farhan I believe the OP is mainly asking why power pushback is still in use?
i.e. why is it not completely faded out
@kevin I read it as "IS powerback still in use?"
Yes, but then he talks about engines being on wings vs fuselage.
This is turning the question into a design-related discussion.
Hmmm...perhaps he means are they still in use in newer aircrafts? If not, is their design a contributing factor?
Should we gasp! ask him to clarify? Or might that just open a whole new can 'o worms?
yup I agree. Ask him to clarify.
The 2nd comment on the OP
Q: Why do helicopter flights not appear in online flight trackers?

FreeManCurrently in Indianapolis, IN (19 Mar 2015, ~08:00 EDT -4GMT), there is some sort of big kerfuffle downtown, and I can see 3 helicopters hovering over the near west-side of the downtown area. However, FlightRadar24 for the area doesn't seem to show them at all. It's dim enough that I couldn't m...

@FreeMan This one:
@TylerDurden Like this?fooot 14 mins ago
Yup. Found it amusing
Now, for the 2nd lesson of the day. How do I link to the specific comment?
@FreeMan right click the timestamp
it's a direct link to the comment
like the link from the share button
@ratchetfreak Sneaky! thx
Mar 17 at 14:44, by Farhan
StackExchange got new CSS makeover.
Mar 17 at 14:44, by Farhan
user image
I was soooooooo wrong ...^
A lot of real estate is being wasted with the new design.
@Farhan It seems that efficiently using space tends to be lower on the priorities than general appearance.
I agree they could make more use of page space.
it's a trade-off between getting things on the screen and the layout feeling cramped
I don't mind cramped as long as it's organized well.
@ratchetfreak Too many people forget mobile devices when designing layouts. I'm not talking about phones, laptops have very short displays that are great for watching movies, but suck for reading
@FreeMan or just old displays in general
some people still use 800*600
@ratchetfreak ahermin-lawsaherm
honestly if it's unusable in responsive design mode in firefox then you should go back and think about what you did
@ratchetfreak In '99 I was running 1280x1024 on an 85 lb, 21" mammoth CRT. 1280 is the top end for vertical resolution on many monitors these days.
this chat page is breaks when view at less than 600 px wide
the main question page need 1030 pixels to avoid horisontal scroll
@ratchetfreak I use 1080x1920 so I guess I'm just over the limit
@fooot your screen is higher than it is wide?
@ratchetfreak Rotate(90°)
(no, not East)
That is a very simple way to reclaim screen real-estate
@ratchetfreak Yeah, most things tend to scroll down, and don't use nearly the whole width of a widescreen. Takes some getting used to.
Those super wide monitors have one advantage - you can put 2-3 application windows full height & side by side so you can reference them all at once. Like a PDF, FF/Chrome & word processor.
That way you have reference docs & the doc you're writing all available at once.
Other than that, I don't get 'em
A: Why do aircraft have an unusable amount of fuel?

PCARRI pitch in blind here, but I believe in some instances fuel is circulated for heat exchange.

any legitimacy to that? At all? first time user...
Not that I'm aware of.
There are heat exchangers on jets (because at 40,000 feet your fuel gets mighty cold, and you want to heat it up), but I doubt those contribute much to the unusable fuel on board in a system with that kind of capacity.
There's certainly no "heat exchanger" anywhere near the fuel system on a Cessna 152 (the only "heat exchanger" is the shroud around the exhaust for the cabin heat - and you might be able to make a case for calling the oil cooler a heat exchanger if you got someone drunk enough).
I wanted to ask something at lunchtime, but couldn't log into chat from work:-
Is a there a freely-reusable explanatory diagram of a circuit somewhere, preferably LH?
The only one I could find is on Wikipedia, and it's very severe
(It's to illustrate my blog.)
I'll draw one if I can't find one, but I am already late updating
@DanHulme You don't like this simple one?
@DanHulme Vote to migrate to Electronics.SE
@Farhan ooh, that's actually nice
Google Images didn't pull up that one :-(
@Farhan Oh, that kind of circuit.
/goes back to work...
maybe I should draw another one just so I can replace all the little airplanes with Tiger Moths
@DanHulme Well, I found it on Google.
ah, I was searching for {aerodrome circuit}
Search for Traffic Pattern and then click on images.
thanks, Farhan
@DanHulme You Brits... :)
@DanHulme Why can't you people speak English? :-P
still need to find/make an illustration of a Moth being blown from the airport to Addenbrokes Hospital by a 787 engine starting on the runway :-)
@voretaq7 funny, we say that about the yanks too
@DanHulme If you want your blog look pretty, use this one:
actually, on reflection, I think I wanted a RH one rather than a LH one, as the wind was going the wrong way at the weekend (not that it really makes much difference)
@voretaq7 cor, guv'nor, love a duck
wow, that's service
Two internet cookies for @Farhan!
@SentryRaven Tracking cookies.
So the ads can be even creepier.
I wonder how they ended up with a PNG file with JPEG artifacts
@DanHulme take a JPEG and convert it to PNG for smaller file size.
Artifacts and all.
@voretaq7 Yes, that's the only benefit of Microsoft Paint.
@Farhan Not true at all. How do you think the red circles get all over those Stack Overflow answers?
@voretaq7 ... and the crop functionality comes in handy at times.
All of Microsoft's tools come with crap functionalit....oh you said crop. Sorry, my mistake.
btw, as @DanHulme mentioned a blog, I remember something magical was going to happen by the end of February (hint hint @voretaq7).
@Farhan man, I've been buried for the last 6 weeks :-/ has anyone else popped in more proto-articles?
(I haven't even had a chance to scan the logbooks from the paint project much less start writing that one up)
I asked to get access 2 times then stopped asking... so no articles from me..
@voretaq7 I think @DanHulme has written several articles but he is posting those on his blog as he was frustrated disappointed not very happy with the progress.
4 hours later…
@SentryRaven it worked for me on the third attempt, but "submitting" articles for the official blog does not result in them being published ever

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