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@voretaq7 so I assume you've heard SE's SRE plans for next week? All the hardware upgrades.
Luckily we're also doing a product launch next week.
2 hours later…
@BretCopeland You mean breaking shit? :-)
("Hardware Upgrade" is sysadmin speak for "I'mma break ALL THE THINGS")
I hope so
I asked if we were going to be running out of Oregon while they were upgrading the web tier, but nope.
Seems like it would have been a good opportunity to test failover to Oregon, but I guess no one cares about that DC.
eh, you guys have decent redundancy, you can split the load balancer, upgrade half of NY, dump the load onto the upgraded boxes & then do the rest.
yeah, I think they're doing 3 servers at a time, or something like that.
I have SO MUCH SOFTWARE to deploy next month.... seriously thinking about quitting :P
(I hate major deployments)
yep, going to be 2/4/6, 1/3/5, 8/10, and 9/11

Site Reliability Engineer, Generalist

Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange is growing fast, and our infrastructure needs just keep getting bigger.  We’re looking for a…

Posted on Careers 2.0 on December 10, 2014

@BretCopeland Windows Environment :-P
eh, it's both. There's a surprising amount of Linux in our DC.
y'all need to rewrite everything in Ruby and I'll help deploy a nice BSD/Passenger backend :)
And we even have one OSX server for iOS builds.
@BretCopeland It actually is surprising how much Linux you guys have
(mostly that it's Linux - I would have thought the Linux community's propensity for instability and chasing the newest shiny would have driven you guys away by now!)
Basically, web tier and SQL is Windows. Most other things are Linux.
@voretaq7 no thank you. Though we use puppet for all of the SRE automation, which is ruby.
Bleh. SQL server. Tastes like Sybase.
@voretaq7 gee, I wonder why
@BretCopeland Nope nope totally not sybase nope not at all nope nope nope.... ok maybe a tiny bit.
but we bastardized it and superglued a GUI to its sensitive bits!
@Shalvenay BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh that's so getting pinned.
6 hours later…
if you know Cyanide&Happiness, I laughed my ass off starting at 6:33 XD youtube.com/watch?v=4KRFPvcB9O0&t=6m33s
2 hours later…
Many new users coming in over the last 2-3 days...
4 hours later…
Q: Is it possible to implement an Acronym/Jargon buster?

Jon StoryThere are several questions on this meta regarding acronyms in tags and questions, and it's undoubtedly a tricky issue when it comes to Aviation... there are multitudes of acronyms involved in both direct Aviation (ATC, VOR, VMC, ILS) and the areas surrounding it eg bookings (GDS, PNR, TTL, ADM)....

Forgive me, father, for I abused my editor privs today.
i had downvoted an answer, but it was pointed out to me that my objection was wrong, and I couldn't change the down to an up. So i edited one word, changed the vote, then rolled back the edit.
@SentryRaven seems like they all want to know about unusual attitudes in transport aircraft
@rbp hah! Clever :)
2 hours later…
@rbp seems legit :)
How about the other way around? Switching to a downvote? More abusive?
@fooot eh... slightly less legit
Downvoting penalty is removed, isn't it?
I think it was -1 or -2.
@Farhan downvoting a question costs you nothing. Downvoting an answer is -1.
It's -2 to the author in both cases, I believe.
@BretCopeland Yes, that's correct.
I never downvote others because stupidity is in abundance. But when others downvote my posts, I just wish that somehow karma and bad luck apprehend them, and have imaginations of a cattle prod and their melon-shaped empty orbs ignore.
@Farhan If it's bad, and been made clear to the author why, I sometimes downvote. Downvotes with no explanation are not helpful.
I downvote anything that's bad enough to make me frown/wince/WTF at it
(or anything that's just a really awful answer, like "Hey, go click this link and read Wikipedia")
I only downvote out of personal spite. That seems to work for me.
This is absolutely brilliant interface design work: ssh -t means something different from ssh -t -t stackoverflow.com/questions/7114990/…
@BretCopeland Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty
in case you want to use a graphical menu via an Expect script or something
(Look there's only 26 letters and 2 cases. When you have as many options as ssh you need to get creative! :P)
See Also: ls [-ABCFGHILPRSTUWZabcdfghiklmnopqrstuwxy1,] [-D format] [file ...]
Maybe something like, I don't know, --force-tty would be a little more readable and obvious.
@BretCopeland it's obviously the same as -t, just more so! ;)
ssh -t -srsly
 623     case 't':
 624       if (options.request_tty == REQUEST_TTY_YES)
 625         options.request_tty = REQUEST_TTY_FORCE;
 626       else
 627         options.request_tty = REQUEST_TTY_YES;
 628       break;
id like to see the logic in the y case to turn it on only if it has seen t,r,l once and s twice :)
@BretCopeland You GNUists and your double-dash fuckery! :P
At least it's not the windows /Argument-Name
@casey so -t -t -t == -t ?
yes, it appears so
@casey Ayup. Never let it be said Theo's monkeys write perfect code.
--- ssh.c.orig	2015-01-22 20:12:04.000000000 +0000
+++ ssh.c	2015-01-22 20:15:56.000000000 +0000
@@ -621,7 +621,9 @@
 		case 't':
-			if (options.request_tty == REQUEST_TTY_YES)
+                       if (options.request_tty == REQUEST_TTY_FORCE)
+                               fprintf(stderr, "STOP THE MADNESS!\n");
+			else if (options.request_tty == REQUEST_TTY_YES)
 				options.request_tty = REQUEST_TTY_FORCE;
 				options.request_tty = REQUEST_TTY_YES;
@voretaq7 should I submit this patch? ^^^
@voretaq7 there are certainly plenty of examples of those monkeys terrible code. Lets implement our own malloc!
@casey Those weren't Theo's monkeys.
@voretaq7 true but I bet they are good friends with them
@voretaq7 oh come on, what's wrong with OpenSSL?
@BretCopeland Nothing. :-)
That's pretty amazing.
See, I would have never thought to do that. They think outside the box.
I like being inside the box. Inside the box is a safe place. Outside the box is scary, and inhabited by predators!
@Farhan See? Predator!
We have a pointy haired boss bot in our internal chat rooms who pops up when David (VP of Engineering) says certain things.
It posts this image
@BretCopeland PHB is Leader. Wally is Idol.
btw, @voretaq7 did you get the Operation Raincheck email last night. I saw it 38 mintues after it went out and it was already full.
@BretCopeland ayup. I missed it too
what's great about the PHB triggers is that in code, they're just hashes, so you don't really know what the triggers are unless you brute force it.
And it's randomized to only trigger 10% of the time.
Bots are fun
@voretaq7 you'd think they would notice the interest and, perhaps, just maybe, either add more events, or a bigger venue.
Or at least add more -t flags.
@BretCopeland 50-60 is about the right size for those things - I do wish they'd do them more frequently though
I finally had a chance to meet Paul (the new FAAST guy in Farmingdale) this week - perhaps I'll harass him about this…
I need to find a way to get my phone to FREAK THE FUCK OUT when it receives an Operation Raincheck email.
@BretCopeland heh, I should totally build that into the bot at work. It's IRC though, so no pictures, but markov chains can be fun too :)
@BretCopeland . . . hmmmmm
The bot actually responds to the person David was responding to initially, which makes it even better.
procmail filter that scans subject lines for /RAINCHECK/ & From: header for /faa/ - automatically clicks through to any links in the email
Oh that'd be even better. Like a secretary - just notifies me that the event has been added to my calendar.
@voretaq7 doesn't sound exploitable at all :)
@casey I don't recall if the SPANS emails need you to enter your password
I think there's a token in the URLs
unf. sleep. tgif tomorrow, last 5:30 wakeup call of the week.
@falstro Bleh.
I assume the production version won't require a start cart.
@BretCopeland . . . why not?
"I'd hate to be a bother, but can you bring a huffer over to my DA-50? NO I'M NOT PLAYING A JOKE ON YOU!"
I don't know. The Concord and SR-71 required start carts, so why shouldn't a 175kt-cruise 4-seat single?
If you want to play in the big leagues, you have to act like you're in the big leagues.
@BretCopeland …begin by convincing them you burn Jet-A :)
@voretaq7 I was thinking more of embedding malicious links into emails with that subject and a spoofed From: header
not hijacking your FAAST account
@casey No skin off my nose - the script would just do an HTTP GET and discard the results...
it's not like it's actually going into a browser :)
true, I trust you'd do it right, but I can think of plenty that would find a way to do it terribly wrong (chrome extension!)
regarding the DA-50, the middle altitudes are the best place to fly, except for weather and pressurization
least traffic, fewest obstacles
climb to 17,000 press DIRECT TO anywhere in the USA
i downvote for lots of reasons, including personal spite, answers that make gag, any other answer on a question that I also have an answer
Boredom. Hunger. Wanting to be the world's fattest man.
@voretaq7 was this a status update?
@BretCopeland Sure, why not :)
(I'm reimaging a laptop that was riddled with malware - that's my status at the moment. Fuck the world, I wanna blow it all up)

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