@BretCopeland it's only the Daily Mail; no one takes that seriously
@rbp wow, if you click through to their website: "Had a major crash of everything! The IBA website is being rebuilt under this new address. Should be back up and running by Feb. 2013"
@Farhan That was my point. Linux is a kernel, Unix is a family of OSes, Ubuntu is a distro based on the GNU OS and the Linux kernel, and FreeBSD is its own OS based on BSD. So they're all in different categories and not really comparable ;) But that's just the nerd perfectionist in me talking, ignore me. :)
but I doubt you'll find a real geeky nerd running windows 7 (unless its against his will, like being forced to at work or something) :)
@voretaq7 Yeah, I don't do much because it requires reboot to Windows... and then Windows is angry because it hasn't run for however long... ain't nobody got time for that. Good thing X-Plane runs on Linux.
@Farhan I use a gamepad. I would like to get a yoke, throttle quadrant and pedals. Can't help but feel they're all over priced though, so I haven't gotten around to it yet.
The first (only so far) comment makes an interesting point. Could what happened to the Concorde happen to other aircraft? Or are the wings (and therefore the fuel tanks) generally too far forward for that?
Even if the tires are further aft, I think stuff could get thrown forward. Stuff is reinforced there but I don't know if they consider metal fragments.