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@voretaq7 Just looking through the Joseph T. Nall Report you linked too, regarding the instructor who walked into the propeller. The prop caught the headset cord, pulling her in. That sent a chill down my spine.
5 hours later…
@ratchetfreak I agree. I couldn't understand at first what the OP wanted to know. It looked like: How brakes work in Boeing vs Airbus?
3 hours later…
@falstro And we've all learned an important lesson (take your headset OFF if you're hot-loading for kittens sake!)
@voretaq7 For sure. Haven't been in an aircraft yet where hot loading is even feasible though.
Although probably possible in the TB10, I don't think I'd ever want to attempt it
I wonder if anyone's ever tried it in the Katana though. That'd be quite a show. :)
@falstro IIRC the ATR could hot load. The prop opposite the loading door had "hotel mode" so they could keep that engine running without spinning the prop. Not quite true hot loading since the other engine is stopped and prop secured, but close
Our EMB-145 were approved to keep #2 spinning for turns with no ground power / huffer carts when our APU was deferred.
@casey well, ok, I've never piloted an aircraft where hot loading passengers was feasible :)
you could probably open/close the "cargo" door on the Tb10 with the prop spinning, if someone just wants to throw something in or take something out.
that's the TB10 cargo door :)
You can climb in and out of the Cherokee with the prop turning, but I won't let anyone do it.
it would be pretty hard to fall into the prop with the door open, but my luck someone would manage it!
@voretaq7 in what directions do the doors(door?) open on the cherokee?
@falstro looking at google, pax door is back to front over the wing
1 hour later…
posted on August 23, 2014 by John Ewing

A few weeks ago, I had a discussion about flying an aircraft over gross weight and the person I was talking to seemed to be saying "It ain't no thang ..." I begged to differ since there are serious hazards associated with flying an aircraft over maximum takeoff weight or out of the CG envelope. And so I was pleased to see the addition of Weight and Balance calculations to ForeFlight, though

1 hour later…
@ratchetfreak @falstro Yeah it opens forward (so it's between you and the propeller) - there's only one door :)
@StackExchange I like Foreflight's new W&B feature but it does have some warts (it kept grousing at me about "CG OUT OF RANGE" because I entered 50 gallons for fuel - it limits you to 48-point-something and assumes the unusable fuel is in the tanks - it's not in my model year...)
@voretaq7 it should allow you to customize the model...
@ratchetfreak it does, quite extensively
I just changed their 48-point-something gallon limit to 50
They also don't have variable oil quantity (you have to work out the weight in pounds) which I've groused at them about.
different oils different densities maybe?
@ratchetfreak not that different - it's about 1.9lbs/qt
it's standard enough that an E6B does the conversion :)

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