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1 hour later…
It's so precious when they post spam thinking I won't bang on the "DESTROY USER" button...
@voretaq7 I'm waiting for our first spammer on EarthScience so I can practice using that button myself
@Lnafziger I didn't realize they asked you to report it, I thought it was self reporting, and I didn't see a need to self report something that had been resolved. Clearly the FAA things differently. Pardon, it was just some naivety on my part.
@Lnafziger I removed my comment, btw. You might move yours as well, or, honestly, you may re-address it to Terry who said essentially the same thing it seems.
@JayCarr No worries, just letting you know. :) Terry brought up the "old school" way of thinking (things did indeed work like that more in the past when medical records were harder for the FAA to stumble across).
He also mentioned that it was controversial, so at least he wasn't recommending it carte blanche, lol.
@Lnafziger Right, but they don't anymore, do they? If it's truly bad advice today...
Mmm, mkay. I don't really know enough on this one to have an opinion to be honest.
Well, I actually upvoted his comment because he was very clear. "Back in my day", "controversial", etc... He was just sharing his experience, and as he said, it doesn't answer the question.
His comment also has some really good points. "once you report it you're stuck with it" and "find a really good AME because there are big differences between them". Both are really good advice.
I didn't take it as him recommending someone to lie on their application though....
Whatever you say @Lnafziger, no need to justify. Like I said, I don't know enough about that particular topic to have an opinion.
@JayCarr Well, not trying to justify it, just explaining my thought process. :-)
Ah, fair enough.
@JayCarr How have you been? I've only been making quick stops in lately to check on things because I've been really busy.
@Lnafziger lol, ah, mostly I've been roaming the stacks trying to figure out how aircraft design works. Not an easy task for a History Major turned computer programmer ;). Not sure it's something that one can pick up as a hobby... Yourself?
Doing good. Moving this weekend and just got a promotion at work so I've been very busy!
Hey, that's cool! What do you do for a living anyway?
The entire 3rd class medical is a crock IMHO :-/
@JayCarr I'm the chief pilot for a charter company.
Can you see? Can you tell Red from Green? Can you hear? Is your blood pressure below 200/100? Is your urine not sugar water?
Congratulations, you passed. See ya in 5 years.
Everything else is the screening form they make you fill out - and frankly a lot of pilots lie through their teeth.
@Lnafziger Really!? That's so cool! (In my, "when am I finally going to save enough money to get a PPL" mind). What kind of planes do you fly?
@voretaq7 Ah. Yeah, I'm a bit annoyed that treated PTSD would be considered a problem. It's a minor problem for most people to begin with... They seem to be making a big issues out of nothing.
Is that going to affect me if I have been diagnosed for anything I wonder?
@JayCarr It's a minor problem for a lot of people. It's a major "zomg flashback fly my plane into a building" problem for a tiny fraction of a percent of people, and that's wha they're worried about.
@voretaq7 I understand, but you don't need a battery of tests to know the difference...I think that's what I'm getting at. If the person they saw said it was so minor they didn't even need meds... There's really no need for further investigation.
@JayCarr medxpress.faa.gov you can sign up look at the form. If you can answer "No" to all the questions the 3rd class medical is basically what I wrote above
it's a bit more complicated if you wear glasses (at least for me, because the AMEs here all use the stupid prism machine for the eye test, and the backlights play merry hell with my vision)
Mmm, signing up, might as well take a look. Once I get all my nickels and dimes in one place I'll need to get it done for real.
@voretaq7 What form am I looking for again?
Oh, maybe the only one on here I suppose.
And it looks like section 18 is the big QA section.
@JayCarr yup, 8500-8
Hmm, if I'm being honest I'd need to answer yes on two of them. Hayfever and "mental disorders". Does this mean I have the same question as the one we were commenting on?
@JayCarr It means you need to add "comments" on the form explaining the "yes", and in the case of "mental disorders" you probably want to get your paperwork straight before you apply :)
What are they going to want to see? I've never really kept track of the paperwork...
I guess I'd have to call around or something. What exactly does the FAA want to know?
(in the case of hayfever, if you don't have a diagnosis of "allergic rhinitis" you don't technically have hayfever - nudge nudge wink wink you can't fly if you're taking Benadryl.)
@JayCarr that you'd have to get together with an AME to figure out - it depends on what you were diagnosed with.
I think what annoys me about the whole situation is what always annoys me about these situations. I decided to get help so I could get back to functioning normally, and ever since it feels like I'm being punished. I can't help but wonder why I didn't just refuse to get helped so nobody would ever ask me if I had problems and filling out forms like this would be simple. ><
And I know there are plenty of people out there who followed that exact train of logic, and they aren't being bugged. I did the right thing and now I get to pay for it. It's just annoying.
Welcome to "perverse disincentives" :-)
and "The third class medical is a crock of shit."
lol, so true.
So, bottom line, talk to an AME before filling that sucker out.
also so many ways to skirt the crap they ask. "Admission to hospital" - getting stitched up in the ER isn't an "admit" according to hospital administration (but they try to get you there with "seen any healthcare professionals lately?")
lol, oh great, so my visit to the ER is going to require another yes is what you're saying?
Frankly I always inadvertently lie on the stupid form. I don't keep meticulous track of every time I see my doctor or my optometrist - I fill in a rough date for my physical and my eye exam and anything major I can think of.
My insurance company sure doesn't seem to think I was admitted, I don't know why the FAA would :/
@JayCarr I don't know if they do or don't, but it's definitely "seeing a healthcare professional"
sigh Well, I'll just ask around to see if we have any good AMEs in the area and go from there.
I got really used to talking to people sitting on that couch, see? So really having problems has prepared me for this as well :D
I need to (a) move my records to my new GP, and (b) harass him into filling out the forms to become an AME so I don't have to see two doctors when my medical comes up :P
@JayCarr "Listen, I can only talk to you if I'm lying down staring at the ceiling. No it's not a psychiatric thing, dealing with bureaucrats makes me want to punch people, and if I can't see you I'm less likely to hit you!"
@voretaq7 Look, dude, my medical records are supposed to be sealed, and I don't know where you pulled up my transcripts, but you should really just burn your copy if you could please :p
@JayCarr no way, I might need to blackmail you someday! :D
Oh my absolute favorite question on that form: "Ever been denied health/life insurance?"
lol, trust me, my "fortune" isn't worth the jail time. Though I'd like to think it will be one day... You know what, you hold onto that blackmail material. Someone has to keep me on my toes.
Yeah, that's an odd one.
Especially these days.
"YES you fuckers, because I have a goddamn pilot's license and they don't want to write a life policy!"
They're looking for "We denied you life insurance because you had cancer, and that would be bad.
You should put that on there, those exact words actually.
lol, is the FAA just generally invasive like this?
Only medically
and the other shit they ask about on the medical form like DUIs
Oh and you have to take the color vision test every time you take the medical
I still love that
I didn't know a criminal record might affect your ability to get a license. Fortunately that doesn't affect me (because crimes against good taste and fashion don't count.)
lol, considering the amount of color grading I do with photography...might be fun to get pedantic with them on that one...you know, just for kicks.
a vanishingly small (less than one tenth of a percent) portion of the male population MAY develop red/green color blindness later in life. You have to find the number in the dot field every 5 years.
I've taken to having my eye exam within 30 days of my medical and just having my optometrist preemptively fill out the "report of eye test" form in case I need it.
Huh, how often does Red/Green color blindness become a problem when flying?
Wing lights?
"Oh, I failed the stupid prism box test because the backlight makes everything blurry? OK, here's the form saying I could read a paper chart 20 feet away."
@JayCarr wing lights and light gun signals
So if you are Red/Green color blind are you automatically out, or do they just expect you to show it won't affect you somehow?
@JayCarr there's a SODA (Statement Of Demonstrated Ability) procedure you can do if your colorblindness is such that you fail the medical test but can still distinguish red and green (they take you out by a tower and shine the light gun at you).
If you're unable to do that I think they issue you a restricted medical ("not valid for night flying or color signal control" is the magic phrase IIRC)
there's a way around damn near every medical "thing" the FAA can put in your way - very few conditions are actually disqualifying.
(and if you're worried there may not be a way around it, there's always the sport pilot certificate)
@JayCarr yeah, that's one. But if it's treatable blindness (cataracts or other major issue with the lens) you can get it fixed and pass the medical :)
I've also heard a lot of hoopla about Sleep Apnea, not sure what that's all about. I mean, I know what sleep Apnea is, just not sure why it matters.
How does that work?
@JayCarr oh god that's another festive crock of shit.
Deafness is okay but Sleep Apnea isn't?
@JayCarr you're basically not allowed into airspace where radio communication would be required (B/C/D)
Ahhhh, that makes some sense.
Though I'd worry about them wondering in a temporary zone accidentally...
(and there are ways around that too)
Like that guy up in Seattle a couple weeks back...
@JayCarr well you should have been notified about any TFRs when you reviewed your briefing (and one would assume deaf pilots are adept at reading the text briefings)
Can you just have a designated radio operator or something with you?
@voretaq7 What's the old saying, never over-estimate the users? ;)
But I'd assume a deaf person would be far more vigalent about that, for sure.
@JayCarr There are procedures for no-radio operations (like if you're flying a J3 cub with no electrical system somewhere), I would assume a deaf pilot could coordinate the same sort of exceptions if needed.
Fair enough.
in most of the country it's pretty easy to avoid airspace where you need to talk on the radio though - plenty of non-towered fields out there :)
you just need to watch out for all the pilots whose eyes are under their headphones (so used to listening to the radio for traffic they don't actually LOOK OUT THE BLOODY WINDOW when they're maneuvering their way into the pattern).
@voretaq7 just file IFR to your destination and squawk 7600 after takeoff
@casey "Expect clearance via the route filed" or some such is in the book isn't it? :-)
@voretaq7 i believe it is. If you have a handheld though you could do it "legal" on the ground, get a real clearance and then go NORDO
I should really brush up on my IFR lost-comm procedures. I mean the ones other than "Curse loudly and fish the handheld out of the flight bag on the back seat. Curse loudly and fish the batteries out of the flight bag. Curse prolifically at the batteries flying around the cabin while trying to change the fucking things..."
@JayCarr NO RaDiO
Ah, internet speak, eh?
(one of those pilot abbreviations that makes zero sense until someone tells you what it stands for, and then it still doesn't make sense but you just go with it)
@voretaq7 just fly your cleared route, climb to your expected altitude and just fly like they expect you to.
@JayCarr NORDO is standard phraseology, not internet speak
those big yellow turboprops that fly at 50' AGL often operate that way
@casey You forgot "Chuckle every time you cross a sector boundary imagining the handoff call" -- "The fuck you mean no comms? I don't want that shit!"
@casey Sorry, just a poorly worded joke. Reminds me of "l337 sPeAk" just a bit.
@JayCarr :)
@voretaq7 I'd love to be listening to those calls :)
@casey they're recorded. FOIA them :-)
Reason for request: "My own damn amusement. To better understand the center operations and procedures in lost-comm situations."
especially between facilities. especially N90 to newark tower.
@voretaq7 :)
@casey Still petitioning to have the identifier changed to "EWW"
to make it more fun, hit ident every 5 minutes to keep the controller on his toes
Because Jersey
@casey hmmm, I wonder if the fancy new radars let them turn off the blinker on 7600 targets?
@voretaq7 but that would keep all of the non-newark crews from making the exact same joke every time you fly with them "sEWRk haha get it!"....
also that would really fuck them up if they're giving you calls with "If receiving acknowledge by ident"
@casey You out chasing storms at this point? We've had a lot of powerful, but oddly short storms out here this last month...
I made an emergency landing in a C150 with a CFI when i was in training. We were talking to center and she squawked 7700. center was unhappy.
I told you guys about the trainer from hell with the radio that simply would not work on any NY Approach frequency from certain locations - I don't remember how many flights I had to transit Islip's class C and everything was "Acknowledge by ident" if I didn't have my handheld.
"could you please go back to your assigned code so the alarms stop?"
Worked fine to get into the airspace, then just.... Boom. No more transmit. 10 miles later - magically healed!
@casey Yeah I would imagine that pisses them off just a little
@voretaq7 pirate radio in east jersey blasting a little too much power? :)
That Plane Had Issues.
Same radio is the one that had a 45-degree arc west-southwest to south-southwest of Republic tower where you couldn't hear them and they couldn't hear you.
nothing electrical surprises me. We had one plane fresh from the factory that would go full cold on the A/C if you turned windshield heat on.
those systems do not even interface with one another
and it would occasionally try to sing the Addams Family theme song on initial climbout (about 200 feet up - two loud SNAPS from the tail. Mechanics never figured out what it ones.)
though the buttons and knobs are in the same general area of the overhead panel
@JayCarr I fly a Falcon 50EX (the last one ever made, in fact).
@voretaq7 sounds like a lovely plane
@casey Aircon system borrowed from GM (my mom's malibu - hard acceleration causes the AC blower to redirect from wherever it's sent to "full defrost".
@casey "Right rudder in a left turn at cruise RPM." kind of lovely
@voretaq7 our windshield heat was electrical!
@Lnafziger That's a quick plane there. With you being a charter pilot, does that mean you get to fly it to all sorts of weird airports too?
(but you learn to step on the ball, because the damn ball is NOT where it's supposed to be!)
perhaps the cable is anchored to the throttle body :)
As best I could figure out taking it all to bits there's something in the air conditioning circuit that's tied to engine vacuum (I think it's supposed to be the compressor clutch cut-out), and that's what causes the problem because it's tied to the two fans (yes, two fans - why GM - why?), and it cuts the "passenger" one out and turns the "defog" one on.
@casey . . I wouldn't put it past them actually....
ahh, one of the many many tubes coming out of the intake manifold causing issues all over the place
"For additional acceleration turn vent diverter to footwell position. Throttle cable travel will be increased by 1/8-inch"
@casey seriously, my old BMW had fewer hoses and tubes tied into the intake vacuum
and that thing had a negative-pressure crankcase system!
I should go count on my miata, I don't think there are many
There were 4 on the BMW - air filter/main induction, cold-start injector (atomized fuel into the intake air - because German), charcoal canister/fuel tank, and crankcase
but my old lumina.... I changed the lower intake manifold gasket once on that thing... which involved taking off all of the cam pushrods because the gasket is also the "pushrod guide"
but all my gearhead american friends would lose money to me. "I bet you I can pull my dipstick out and not get sprayed with oil!" -- because 3 seconds after you do that the engine's gonna quit because it's sucking air through the hole you just made.
@casey . . . . . Why GM? Why?
@casey That engine did not tolerate air leaks. The fuel distributor is seeing a specific volume of air through the little plate-lifting sensor, and if that's not what's making it to the cylinders you're going to have a bad time.
@voretaq7 of course, this was after "put the engine in neutral, de-pressurize fuel system and disconnect fuel rails (hope you haven't disconnected the battery like we told you yet), remove engine mounts; rotate about transaxle" step
Yeah, I refuse to work on my VW's fuel system
that was definitely a "read all 10 sets of instructions thoroughly because you will be screwed halfway through this job if you dont" jobs
@voretaq7 fun
"Direct injection? 15k PSI? The shop can do it."
thankfully it was just a "disconnect fuel pump; ignition to start; let engine die" type of step
@casey Fun because when they'd develop it's because some molded hose under the block worked its way off a fitting. Oh the part is $300. Don't even THINK about fabricating it yourself 'cuz the engine will collapse that shit.
though if you followed directions blindly, you've already taken out the battery removed the spark plugs!
@casey If you followed the BMW directions blindly changing a headlight lamp involved "Remove and Install Hood."
@voretaq7 awesome!
If you were smart it involved "Get boyfriend to hold the hood at a 45 degree angle while you pop the lamp out and install the new one. Constantly remind him not to move the hood lest you lose a hand."
@casey the old-style front-opening hood is still superior to the "Trust this little metal clip to hold the hood down if the release pops" ones
@voretaq7 i believe it
especially now that you just change a little bulb and don't have to remove the whole headlight housing :)
Also can I just say BMW makes SHITTY cars now
@voretaq7 my miata (1997) has those great whole headlight lamps. no little bulbs for me.
like seriously, I test-drove one and it was fat, sloppy, and couldn't get out of its own way.
I wish I fit in a Miata
@voretaq7 thats what I like about my miata. its the poor-mans roadster, it doesnt accelerate too quickly but it is nimble
it's comical - like trying to cram myself into a 152.
@voretaq7 If I had another 2 inches height in the torso, I wouldnt
I could handle a few more in the legs though and still fit
I sit 2 notches of seat adjustment from full aft and my head brushes the top when I sit up straight
@casey E21 320i, with a limited slip differential, oversized rear swaybars, lower the springs by about 2", and put a brace between the rear shock towers. The car was unhappy above about 70mph, but I can corner at 70mph which is more than any of the American cars that tried to race me could say.
sadly, the rust is starting to get the better of that car :(
(and actually the car was perfectly happy above 70mph - you could go all the way to about 110 if you wanted, but it was loud as fuck revving up above 4k)
@voretaq7 sounds familiar. I'm just above 4k @ 80 mph in 5th
and its loud above 65 mph
80 in the 320 was about 4.5k, 110 was just touching the single redline.
That engine would go all the way to 8k though ask me how I know :-/
:) I've breached the 7k redline a few times....
for the record the cost of over-revving an E21 series engine is sheared valve lifters - surprisingly only one.
My new car won't let me.
Stupid self-protection power cutout program
this one will hit a wall at 7.2k or so and cut power
"Yeahhhhh 6550 RPM is enough. I'm turning off the fuel now until you quit this shit."
as I learned mashing the throttle to get on the highway "oops, thought I was in 3rd"
I prefer my vehicles to do whatever I tell them to and trust that I will repair any damage after I'm done making sure I'll survive whatever's going on.
@voretaq7 yea, I get frustrated going back to a shitty automatic and tend to always floor the accelerator to coax a downshit out of it
I refuse to drive automatics
the car tries to move when you're standing on the brake. That's an inherent design flaw.
I would, but my wife isn't such a fan, so we have a CVT in her car
@voretaq7 brake pad industry probably had a hand in inventing the torque converter
and it was hard ordering the CVT because that car actually comes standard in a manual
I learned to drive in a J-body Cavalier (5-speed, mechanical clutch). I had to take Driver's Ed to get my license at 17, and I was seriously displeased about the automatic transmission.
Car tries to move all the time? No engine breaking? I can't drive this thing.
@JayCarr Yeah, we fly all over the place. Last week I went to Columbia (South America) twice, Ecuador, Aruba, and then back home to Fort Lauderdale.
Virginia, Toronto, NY, Aspen, Chicago, etc, etc....
@falstro that's correct ("was"? am I dead? :P )
1 hour later…
@voretaq7 I had that little clip fail on me on the highway once. WOMPF and all of a sudden everything was dark, took what felt like an eternity (probably like 2 seconds) to figure out what had just happened. It was a fitting end though (sold it after that), that thing had problems. Was a 2005 Renault Clio. Also, on that car, Renault suggests removing the bumper to change the left headlight bulb. Safe to say, I never did that. Cut my hand once or twice doing it the 'improper' way though.
6 hours later…
3 hours later…
@falstro Back-opening hoods are bad design :)
@voretaq7 Well, it's easier to get to those headlights that you may replace once you've removed the front bumper...
@voretaq7 The canopy of the Katana always scares me a little, if you forget to latch it, it'll nom-nom-nom the prop-wash and then probably proceed to elegantly take the T-tail clean off.
@Federico you're in Stuttgart right? close to any of the airfields?
@falstro yeah why does the Katana canopy open that way?!
They could have done a nice sliding canopy like the Grummans.
@falstro I guess that depends on your definition of "close". I am a PhD at the university, if that is what you wanted to ask.
I wanted to answer this for a long time. Finally got time for it. :)
Q: What is the ferry range of an A380?

HughThe wikipedia entry for the A380 gives the maximum range at design load as 15,700 km. The equivalent entry for a Boeing 747-400 gives around 14,000 km but distances of 18,000 km have been performed in demonstrations. So I infer the ferry range for the A380 would be even higher. Is it specified an...

@Federico I'd call "close" an hour or less driving time :)
e.g. I'm "close" to FRG (20-30 minutes depending on traffic), I'm almost close to ISP (45-60 minutes), I'm far from HWV (just over an hour - further than I'm willing to drive for a hangar :)
I would say that I am close to both EDDS (16min drive) and EDST (30)
I do not have a car though :P
@Federico No car? Inconceivable! :-)
(It's really comical actually - I'm over 2 hours from all 3 of those airports by bus or train. I can get to JFK in 30 minutes though! Think they'd mind if I based a Cherokee there?)
hmmm.... I wonder if the Port Authority waives landing fees for based aircraft :-D
@voretaq7 Everything is possible when you take Ben Franklin with you.
@Farhan yeahhh I'd need twin Bens and a Grant for the basic landing fee during peak hours :)
(but hey it's only a Jackson and a Lincoln off-peak!)
@voretaq7 it's even worse: no driving licence!!! :D
The next time one of the clubs does a JFK fly-in I'mma have to actually make the time and do it. Seeing as how after this "taking the airplane to bits" project I don't have any more major work lined up for at least 2 years I've got no excuses left...
@Federico that doesn't happen here :)
well, actually I know a couple of guys who use passports for ID everywhere
but usually in New York you get your license and then just never drive again.
@voretaq7 that's one of the reasons I could not live around there :P
@Federico Do you've to pay around €450?
@Federico As much as I hate living around here (why is everything so kerspensive?!) I really couldn't live anywhere else.
@Farhan uh? I think I do not uderstand the question
@Federico the cost for obtaining a driver's license in Germany :)
@voretaq7 I guess is a matter of tastes/habits :P
@voretaq7 Peak = $250 vs off-peak = $25. Now I see whey NY isn't making money.
I know it's pretty expensive over there (versus here where we just give them out like candy) - IIRC in Germany you have to take mandatory driver training?
oh, I tried to inform myself, but I simply cannot even think about driving.
But I would say is more in the 1000 range
@voretaq7 yep, give me a second and I can copy the mandatory list
@Farhan that money goes to the Port Authority. Also that's just the "base" landing fee - there's a whole schedule of fees and charges on top of that :)
@Federico that sounds more like what I've heard :)
On the bright side since the license is hideously expensive people over there who get it can actually drive! :)
(getting a driver's license should be harder than getting a pilot certificate dammit!)
@Federico I heard that it takes a lot of money to get a driver's license in Europe, unlike here in the US, you can get one in $25-30. That's why we have a lot of people on roads you will hate at first sight.
4x drives in the highway; 5x "crosscountry" (outside city, no highway); 3x by night. By the list I have here, among drives and fees, it is 945 minimum (no extra drives needed, you pass the exams at the first try)
Plus, you need to have done a first help course.
My country sucks :(
@Farhan Depends on the country. Italy is around 4-500. Netherlands is also chep w.r.t. Germany
I think there should be 3 separate licenses:
1) "Side Street" license - you can drive on roads where the most complicated traffic control device is a stop sign.
2) "Main Street" license - You're allowed on roads that have traffic lights.
3) Highway License - You're allowed on limited-access highways, parkways, and expressways.
You should also be required to get special endorsements for driving in NYC, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, LA, SF, and probably a few other cities because my god I hate tourists!
@voretaq7 In Italy we say "if you claim to have been in Naples and your car does not have scratches, you're a liar"
@Federico In New York we say "just tap it a little bit with your bumper"
though that's increasingly bad advice - the "5MPH bumper" that could actually take a few taps parking is largely a thing of the past
@voretaq7 I realized that and moved to NJ and then to DE. Now still considering some place else ;)
@voretaq7 Which one comes with free license to play with phone while cutting in front of other people?
@Farhan That comes with the endorsement that allows you to turn the radio on (because seriously, some of these people can't drive with music!)
So basically, US should follow Europe in having:
1) more license fee
2) more vacation time
3) more health benefits
4) less polarized politics
@Federico figured i might pay you a visit, but I'm not flying into edds unless someone else pays the landing fee (like 150€) :) what's edst?
@falstro Kirchheim under Teck. A colleague of mine flies gliders from there
Ah, grass strip i assume? Know the dimensions by any chance (im on mobile right now so can't check easily)?
Probably a glider-only field, right?
@falstro 2 runways: 7/25 500m and 13/31 600m
@falstro guess so :/
yep, gmaps shows grass rwy
Actually it's "Hahnweide" (have an old paper chart here), and it's not glider only
I know it by the name of the small town next to it, sorry.
600m grass is plenty for the katana too
1 hour later…
@Federico Where's the money go? :)
@voretaq7 what's money? :P
@Federico The thing we all had before getting involved in aviation :)
change of subject
bah, if this happens, it will be the day i'll stop using YT: bbc.com/news/technology-27891883
"YouTube to block indie labels as subscription service launches

YouTube will remove music videos by artists such as Adele, Arctic Monkeys and Radiohead, because the independent labels to which they belong have refused to agree terms with the site."
@voretaq7 new spammer!
@Federico ahem.... "Fuck YouTube"
change of subject Look what everyone's favorite aviation publication (USA Today) has been up to: usatoday.com/longform/news/nation/2014/06/12/…
Does towing happen in aviation (other than a propellor plane towing a glider)?
@GlenTheUdderboat like one aircraft towing another aloft by a cable? Gliders are the only case I can think of
Banner tow is sorta common
@falstro I meant one plane towing another one.
Towing anything which isn't meant to fly without an engine seems... precarious
there were mothership configurations (like for the X-1 and similar), but that's not "towing" so much as "carrying"
For what purpose? Like repositioning you mean?
@falstro Like when one plane is out of fuel. And your refuelling plane is empty on distribution fuel. ???
@falstro take-off and launch from altitude
see also the X51, launched froma B52
Next: Is there any record of a large passenger jet (with or without passengers) doing a looping?
Does China Airlines 006 count? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Airlines_Flight_006
(not a looping, but a decent part of it)
@Federico Good enough! :)
Next: Are (some) large passenger jets capable of sustained inverted flight?
please start using the search ;)
Q: Is it possible to fly a large aircraft inverted?

blendedI am curious if the inverted plane in the movie Flight 2012 has anything to do with reality / emergency practices. And if it does, can you please explain the concept/ aerodynamics behind of it , or why someone would ever do that even as last resort?

Quickest answer for bonus points: Which other name is associated with Little Boy?
Time. No points. Next: Is there an intercontinental ballistic missile that can be launched from a plane?
@GlenTheUdderboat probably, once. :)
100 points. Next. Are there jet-propulsion helicopters? Think Airwolf.
Time. No points. Next. How long can a Harrier Jump Jet hover before running out of fuel?
How do I mark this question as wiki?
Q: Book recommendations for learning how to fly?

Jay CarrWith the success of this question, which asks about good books on aerodynamics, I thought I'd ask another general question regarding books that we can turn into a community wiki. What are good books to use to learn how to fly? And yes, I know that, in the end, you'll just need a good instructor...

@JayCarr When you are answering, you need to check the small checkbox under the large answer textbox. It says community wiki.
@JayCarr To mark a question a wiki, you need powers like @voretaq7 has.
Five Dolla!
@voretaq7 can you use your mystical powers to wikify my question?
(you can actually make questions CW when you post them, but you can't conver them after)
Weird, didn't see the option...
Now go list books @voretaq7, go forth and make my silly little quesion look useful ;)
@JayCarr I don't see that option either.
We're just not magical enough
@JayCarr Maybe we need new glasses too.
My vision has always been 20/12 so.... Man I hope not. I've got enough problems without needing glasses too.
@JayCarr That reminds me not to sit with you when you are flying. :P
lol, yeah, those hallucinations can make it pretty interesting...
there's probably a rep requirement :)
though I think you guys would have met that by now....
Time. No points. Next. Have there ever been cases of a passenger on a large passenger plane landing the plane (due to death/bad things happening to the pilots)?
@JayCarr Wish. Granted.
(It's really amazing how many people go into flight training and don't realize the FAA has literally written the book(s) on the subject of how to fly - If you walk in having most of the airplane flying handbook in your head that's about a third of your training right there.)
@voretaq7 I agree. I found FAA's CFI training manual and it is excellently written.
@Farhan That's another excellent one
(not the "instructional methods" crap they expect you to memorize though. That's.... ugh.)
Instructional Methods 101: Teaching is HARD.
Instructional Methods 102: No two people learn the same.
Everything after that is between you, your students, and a good bottle of whisky :P
@voretaq7 BTW, this article is increasing my hatred against (evil = all) corporations.
@Farhan The USA Today one? I have mixed feelings.
On the one hand stuff like the carb floats cracking and filling with gas? That's Bad JuJu (and by the by it happens with plastic floats too - they gotta start making those out of closed-cell polymer foam or something)
On the other hand stuff like the Cessna seat tracks? Cessna told you to inspect and repair the damn things as needed. Make sure your mechanic is actually looking at this shit.
That's like Piper has a service bulletin that says "Every [something] years you probably want to replace the rubber fuel lines in the wing!" - Yes, I make the shop do that because fuel lines cracking and spilling gas in the wing is a Bad Thing! I'm not required to do it, but it would be dumb to expect rubber hoses to last forever.
(for the record, as best we could tell from the logs and their condition the rubber hoses on my plane when I got it were original, so apparently some people think they do last forever…)
@voretaq7 Thank you magical wish granting aviation genie!
@voretaq7 You should write a blog about aircraft maintenance instead of abortion rights.
@Farhan I've considered it. I was planning on doing an owner-assisted annual this year except the annual is getting done while the plane is torn to bits for paint (so there's not much to assist since all the disassembly is being done by the paint guys) :-}
Then you can write a blog about "Extensive Paint Job - Before and After". :)
@Farhan hah, I'll have to see what the photos Ed's taking come out like but I may do that for our blog here.

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